
Defines functions hist.nblastfafb plot3d.nblastfafb summary.nblastfafb getdb nblast_fafb fetchdp_fafb fetchn_fafb

Documented in fetchdp_fafb fetchn_fafb nblast_fafb

#' Fetch neurons from FAFB CATMAID server, transforming them as appropriate
#' @description \code{fetchn_fafb} is a thin wrapper around the
#'   \code{catmaid::\link[catmaid]{read.neurons.catmaid}} function with the
#'   additional convenience of automating conversion to a reference brain. Input
#'   can also be a pre-downloaded neuronlist.
#' @export
#' @inheritParams nblast_fafb
#' @inheritParams catmaid::read.neurons.catmaid
#' @param reference The reference brain to which the neurons will be
#'   transformed, either a \code{\link[nat.templatebrains]{templatebrain}}
#'   object such as \code{\link[nat.flybrains]{FCWB}} or a character vector
#'   naming such an object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{\link{xform_brain}} and
#'   \code{\link{mirror_brain}}.
#' @importFrom nat is.neuronlist
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # fetch all neurons with an annotation exactly matching "KC" and convert
#' # to JFRC2013 space
#' kcs=fetchn_fafb("annotation:^KC$", reference=JFRC2013)
#' # supplying a neuronlist, it will mirror and convert the neurons
#' # to a reference brain
#' dc_nl=fetchn_fafb(dense_core_neurons, reference=JFRC2013)
#' }
fetchn_fafb<-function(skids, mirror=TRUE, conn=NULL, pid=1,
                      reference=nat.flybrains::FCWB, ...) {
  if (is.neuronlist(skids)) {
    x = skids
    tb = regtemplate(x)
    if (inherits(tb, "templatebrain") &&
        as.character(tb) != as.character(elmr::FAFB)) {
      # give a warning if the neuronlist does have a template brain and it is not
      # the current FAFB brain
      warning("Neuronlist must be from the current FAFB templatebrain!")
  } else x=catmaid::read.neurons.catmaid(skids, conn=conn, pid=pid)
  xt <- if(isTRUE(all.equal(elmr::FAFB, reference))) x
    else xform_brain(x, sample=elmr::FAFB, reference = reference, ...)
  if(mirror) xt=mirror_brain(xt, reference, ...)

#' @export
#' @description \code{fetchdp_fafb} extends \code{fetchn_fafb} by additionally converting
#'   neurons to the \code{\link[nat]{dotprops}} representation suitable for
#'   \code{\link[nat.nblast]{nblast}}.
#' @rdname fetchn_fafb
fetchdp_fafb<-function(skids, mirror=TRUE, conn=NULL, ...) {
  xt=fetchn_fafb(skids=skids, mirror=mirror, conn=conn, ...)
  xdp=nat::dotprops(xt, resample=1, k=5)

#' NBLAST EM tracing against FlyCircuit (or other databases of) neurons
#' @details Still depends on having a \code{\link[nat]{neuronlist}} containing
#'   registered neurons (usually from \code{flycircuit.tw}). The example code
#'   downloads a set of projection neurons. The full data must be requested from
#'   Greg Jefferis.
#'   When \code{.parallel=TRUE}, \code{nblast_fafb} will parallelise the search
#'   across multiple cores if possible. You can set an option specifying a
#'   default number of cores \code{elmr.nblast.cores}. See
#'   \code{\link{elmr-package}}. Otherwise the default will either be roughly
#'   half the number of cores as determined by
#'   \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}}. If your machine does not have
#'   multiple cores (or you do not want to use them), the search will be a bit
#'   more efficient if you set the option \code{elmr.nblast.cores=1} or the
#'   argument \code{.parallel=TRUE}.
#' @param skids catmaid skeleton ids (see \code{\link[catmaid]{catmaid_skids}})
#'   or a neuronlist
#' @param db A neuronlist object containing neurons to search. Defaults to the
#'   value of \code{options('nat.default.neuronlist')}.
#' @param conn a \code{catmaid} connection object (see
#'   \code{\link[catmaid]{catmaid_connection}})
#' @param mirror whether to mirror the neuron (default \code{TRUE} since
#'   FlyCircuit neurons are on fly's left and most FAFB tracings are on fly's
#'   right.)
#' @param normalised Whether to return normalised NBLAST scores
#' @param reverse Treat the FAFB skeleton as NBLAST target rather than query
#'   (sensible if \code{db} contains partial skeletons/tracts; default
#'   \code{FALSE}).
#' @param prune_twigs Twigs smaller than this value will be removed before
#'   creating the \code{\link{dotprops}} object for NBLAST search. The default
#'   value of 2 microns is a good compromise for EM neurons. Setting
#'   \code{prune_twigs=NA} prevents any pruning.
#' @param .parallel Whether to parallelise the NBLAST search (see details and
#'   also \code{\link[nat.nblast]{nblast}} for how to use the parallel interface
#'   provided by the \code{doMC} package.)
#' @param ... Additional parameters passed to \code{\link[nat.nblast]{nblast}}
#' @inheritParams fetchn_fafb
#' @return an object of class nblastfafb for which \code{plot3d}, \code{summary}
#'   and \code{hist} methods exist.
#' @export
#' @importFrom nat.nblast nblast
#' @seealso \code{\link[nat.nblast]{nblast}},
#'   \code{\link[doParallel]{registerDoParallel}} for setting spreading load
#'   across cores.
#' @references \url{http://flycircuit.tw}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # first load neuronlist object containing registered neurons (see details)
#' allpndps=flycircuit::load_si_data('allpndps.rds')
#' # ... and set that as the default for queries and plotting
#' options(nat.default.neuronlist='allpndps')
#' # then make sure you are loged in to CATMAID server
#' # catmaid::catmaid_login(<your connection args>)
#' # NBLAST neuron 27884
#' PN27884f=nblast_fafb(27884, mirror = FALSE, .parallel=FALSE)
#' # set up parallel backend (will be used by default)
#' doMC::registerDoMC()
#' PN27884f=nblast_fafb(27884, mirror = FALSE)
#' # summary table of results
#' summary(PN27884f)
#' # plot results, just top hit
#' plot3d(PN27884f, hits=1)
#' # aggressive pruning of twigs
#' nblast_fafb(27884, mirror = FALSE, prune_twigs=5)
#' # no pruning of twigs
#' nblast_fafb(27884, mirror = FALSE, prune_twigs=NA)
#' # alternatively, you can supply an existing neuronlist
#' dc_nl = nblast_fafb(dense_core_neurons, mirror=TRUE)
#' summary(dc_nl)
#' }
nblast_fafb <- function(skids, db=NULL, conn=NULL, mirror=TRUE, normalised=TRUE,
                        reverse=FALSE, reference=nat.flybrains::FCWB,
                        prune_twigs=2, .parallel=TRUE, ...) {
  if(.parallel) {
    if(!requireNamespace("doParallel", quietly = TRUE))
      stop("Please install the doParallel package to use multiple cores with nblast!")
  n=fetchn_fafb(skids=skids, mirror=mirror, conn=conn, reference = reference)
  # store the templatebrain for later
  if(length(n)>1) n=nat::stitch_neurons_mst(n)
  else n=n[[1]]
    n=prune_twigs(n, twig_length=prune_twigs)
  xdp=nat::dotprops(n, resample=1, k=5)
  # number of reverse scores to calculate
  nrev=min(length(db), 100)
  if(reverse) {
    sc=nat.nblast::nblast(db, nat::neuronlist(xdp), normalised=normalised,
                          .parallel=.parallel, ...)
    sc=sort(sc, decreasing = T)
    scr=nblast(nat::neuronlist(xdp), db[names(sc)[1:nrev]], normalised=normalised,
               .parallel=.parallel, ...)
  } else {
    sc=nat.nblast::nblast(xdp, db, normalised=normalised, .parallel=.parallel, ...)
    sc=sort(sc, decreasing = T)
    scr=nblast(db[names(sc)[1:nrev]], nat::neuronlist(xdp), normalised=normalised,
               .parallel=.parallel, ...)
  reslist=list(sc=sc, scr=scr, n=n)

getdb <- function(db){
  if(is.null(db)) {
    defaultdb <- getOption('nat.default.neuronlist')
    if(!is.null(defaultdb) && exists(defaultdb)) {
    } else {
      stop("You must have a neuronlist containing registered neurons loaded!\n",
           "See details of nblast_fafb documentation!")

#' @export
summary.nblastfafb <- function(object, n=10, sortmu=T, db=NULL, ...) {


  available_cols=intersect(c("Driver", "Gender"), colnames(dbdf))
  df <- if(length(available_cols))
    cbind(df, dbdf[gns, available_cols])
    cbind(df, dbdf[gns, ])
  if(sortmu && !is.null(df['muscore'])){
    df=df[order(df$muscore, decreasing = T), ]

#' @export
#' @importFrom rgl plot3d
plot3d.nblastfafb <- function(x, hits=1:10, surf=TRUE, add=TRUE, db=NULL, ...){
  if(!add) rgl::open3d()
  plot3d(x$n, lwd=3, col='black', WithNodes=FALSE, ...)
      plot3d(rt, col='grey', alpha=.25)
  # Now plot the hits if requested
  if(length(hits)) {
    plot3d(names(x$sc[hits]), db=db, soma=TRUE)

#' @importFrom graphics hist
#' @export
hist.nblastfafb<-function(x, br=100, col='red', ...) {
  hist(x$sc, br=br, col=col, ...)
natverse/elmr documentation built on Sept. 2, 2023, 9:30 a.m.