
Getting help with fafbseg

Thanks for using fafbseg. We're sorry if you're having trouble, but don't worry, we're here to help! To get help as quickly as possible, please read the following:


The first thing is to see if anyone has had your problem before:

If that solves your problem, then great!

Known Problems

If you need more help with a known problem:

New Problems

If it looks like a new problem then:

Good Questions and Bug Reports

It will be much easier for us to help if we can run a reprex on our own machine without your data. You might want to use sample data from a nat package to help, or refer to publicly available data online. You can use the reprex package to help prepare a reprex. Read the Get help! section of the tidyverse site for more information.

Thanks for your help!

natverse/fafbseg documentation built on Nov. 11, 2024, 9:50 p.m.