  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


Experts disagree on the best method to install Python and its associated packages. For those users whose principal use of Python will be from R, we have found that following the reticulate package's default of setting up a dedicated miniconda installation is a simple and efficient way to install a Python environment for R. This provides access to the cloud-volume package that powers many of the functions required to talk to the flywire environment. Extension packages for mesh skeletonisation also install cleanly with this method.

# If you don't already have the R -> python bridge package
if(!requireNamespace('reticulate')) install.packages("reticulate")

# just the basics for python
# if you want to skeletonise meshes

Now that you have Python installed check that everything went well

# dr_fafbseg may tell you to get a flywire authorisation token (one time step)


simple_python("full", miniconda = FALSE)

and we recommend you set RETICULATE_PYTHON to point explicitly to your preferred Python. For more details see simple_python() help or consult the more extended instructions below.


We need cloudvolume and meshparty for python in order to get flywire meshes. This help article is written for those with not much experience using python. For more experienced users, see cloud-volume install and basic command info here.

If you are new to python, especially to pip, and conda, this blog post can be helpful in understanding what's what.

Bottom line is that conda can install python and non-python software to a specific environment, trying to keep that environment functional by taking different dependencies of packages into consideration, while pip installs only python packages to wherever you want, whatever you tell it to install. In general there are more packages that you can pip install (from PyPi), but you can also do this in a conda environment without a problem in most cases.

Since there are a bunch of non-python dependencies for cloud-volume and meshparty , conda looks better for what we want.

Install conda

Download miniconda and install it, this includes only conda, python, and a few very basic packages, including pip:

Make sure you know where you install it (e.g. usually here: /opt/miniconda3), and update it to the most recent version in the Terminal:

$ conda update conda

Hit 'y' to proceed if prompted.

After this the default python is /opt/miniconda3/bin/python, you can check with

$ which python

Work with a new environment

Use conda to create and activate an environment where we can install everything we need:

$ conda create --name flywire_env python=3.7
$ conda activate flywire_env
$ conda install nomkl

(To deactivate an active environment, use $ conda deactivate flywire_env)

At this point we are in our environment and we can use conda install <package_name> simply for anything that's available here, and pip should also install packages in this environment, unless your PATH variable in your bash.profile file tells it otherwise. Check which pip is default:

$ which pip

This should give you something under your miniconda folder, like /opt/miniconda3/envs/flywire_env/bin/pip.

However, you might have your system python's pip. You can comment out the PATH variable for python in your .bash.profile by running:

$ touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile

and adding a # before lines PATH="/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin:${PATH}" and export PATH. After this which pip will return the right thing, same thing applies to which python.

Alternatively you can always specify in the terminal which pip you want to use, but this is suboptimal (e.g. /opt/miniconda3/envs/flywire_env/bin/pip install cloud-volume).

Install cloudvolume

Now we can install cloud-volume with

$ pip install cloud-volume

You will need a compiler (XCode on Mac) to install everything. If you don't have XCode, you either need to update your OSX to the most recent version to download it from AppStore, or you can get any version compatible with your current system from here:

We have not tried installing on Windows, try to get the right compiler with help from Google. In the thread on FlyWire Slack you might find other useful things.

To use cloud-volume, you need to get a token for authorisation here:, and add this to a .json file that you create in this location: ~/.cloudvolume/secrets/cave-secret.json, see help for this here.

Install meshparty

Install meshparty:

$ pip install meshparty

This errored out for me with a failure to install the dependency: pykdtree clang: error: unsupported option '-fopenmp'. This is an issue with my C++ compiler version (probably), good thing we're using conda now so we can do:

$ conda install -c conda-forge pykdtree

After this pip installing meshparty worked fine with the previous command.

Now we have both meshparty and cloud-volume in this environment, but meshparty has a few more optional dependencies for skeletonisation, that we need to install:

$ conda install -c conda-forge pyembree
$ pip install caveclient

In order to use meshparty_skeletonisation I also had to install PyChunkedGraph, which has a dependency called igneous, both are from the Seung lab.

Install igneous from GitHub, and then pip install PyChunkedGraph:

$ git clone
$ cd igneous
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python develop
$ pip install PyChunkedGraph

Working with R and python

If we want to use these packages in R through reticulate with all the natverse and fafbseg functions and objects then we need to have the package reticulate in R (install.packages("reticulate")) and tell it to use this python version in our conda environment.

Run in R console:usethis::edit_r_environ() and add the line RETICULATE_PYTHON="/opt/miniconda3/envs/flywire_env/bin/python" with your path to the python under the conda environment. Be sure to leave a blank line at the end of the file.

Restart R session, load reticulate and fafbseg (if necessary install/update with remotes::install_github("jefferis/fafbseg"). Check your python version with reticulate::py_config(), it should show the same path what you gave to the RETICULATE_PYTHON variable.

It is possible that your RStudio session will crash with reticulate::py_config(). This may be because multiple copies of the OpenMP runtime have been linked into the program. That is dangerous, since it can degrade performance or cause incorrect results. To fix, try:

$ conda uninstall numpy scikit-learn
$ conda install nomkl numpy scikit-learn
$ conda remove mkl mkl-service

The natverse and flywire meshes

Let's set up R to look at the write flywire data. You need to have access to the production node of the flywire environment (i.e. passed the test).

~~Use usethis::edit_r_profile, and in your R profile add:~~ GJ: Don't do this. Just use choose_segmentation("flywire")

# Production flywire

After this you should be able to read meshes, skeletonise them, and plot both with FAFB:

# Load packages

# Points in FAFBv14 (nm) to flywire coordinates (also nm)
points = matrix(c(723086,200499,90960),ncol=3)
flywire.fafb = xform_brain(points, sample='FAFB14', ref="FlyWire")

# Get mesh
id = flywire_xyz2id(flywire.fafb)
neuron_mesh = read_cloudvolume_meshes(id)

# Skeletonise mesh
meshparty_skeletonize(id, savedir = "flywire_skeletons")
neuron_skel <- read.neuron.swc(sprintf("flywire_skeletons/%s.swc",id))

plot3d(FAFB, alpha = 0.1)
plot3d(neuron_skel*1000, WithNodes = F, col = "red", lwd = 2)
wire3d(neuron_mesh[[1]], col = "cyan", alpha = 0.2)


You may also want to install skeletor, a package from Philipp Schlegel that helps you thin and skeletonise meshes yourself. This can produce more accurate results than you get using TEASAR through meshparty, and does not depend on either. To install, do:

$ source activate flywire_env
$ conda install nomkl
$ pip3 install git+git://
$ pip3 install fastremap
$ pip3 install ncollpyde

You could test that skeletor works for flywire neurons in python using:

from cloudvolume import CloudVolume
import trimesh as tm
import skeletor as sk
vol = CloudVolume('graphene://', use_https=True)
m = vol.mesh.get(id, deduplicate_chunk_boundaries=False)[id]
m = tm.Trimesh(m.vertices, m.faces)
simp = sk.pre.simplify(m, ratio=.1)
cntr = sk.pre.contract(simp, SL=10, WH0=2, iter_lim=4, epsilon=0.05, precision=1e-6, progress=False, operator='umbrella')
swc = sk.skeletonize.by_vertex_clusters(cntr, sampling_dist=500, progress=False)
swc = = swc, mesh = simp, theta = 0.01) = swc, mesh = simp, method='knn', n=5, aggregate='mean')

# Faster, wavefront skeletonisation
m = sk.pre.fix_mesh(m, remove_disconnected=10)
swc2 = sk.skeletonize.by_wavefront(m, waves=2s)

Once you have installed skeletor and specified your python environment as described above, in R you should be able to do:

# Skeletonise
nx=xform_brain(elmr::dense_core_neurons, ref="FlyWire", sample="FAFB14")
xyz =xyzmatrix(nx)
ids = unique(flywire_xyz2id(xyz[sample(1:nrow(xyz),100),]))
neurons = skeletor(ids)

# Plot in 3D
plot3d(neurons) # note, in flywire space, slightly different to FAFBv14 space
plot3d(nx, col="black", lwd  =2) # note, in flywire space


If you run into issues, you can try wiping and re-initiating your conda environment. You can try without igneous and PyChunkedGraph. ~~You may also need to specify installing cloudvolume at version 1.20.1.~~ GJ: Don't do this as there have been important bug fixes since cloudvolume v 1.20.1 and the format of some URLs has changed

For example:

$ conda remove -n flywire_env --all
$ conda create --name flywire_env python=3.7
$ conda activate flywire_env
$ conda install nomkl
$ conda install -c conda-forge pykdtree
$ pip install --upgrade --prefer-binary meshparty cloud-volume
$ pip3 install git+git://
$ pip3 install fastremap
$ pip3 install ncollpyde

If you need to install a specific version of cloudvolume (occasionally the latest version breaks things), then try e.g.:

pip install --upgrade --prefer-binary cloud-volume~=3.8.0

natverse/fafbseg documentation built on Nov. 11, 2024, 9:50 p.m.