
Defines functions installRprofile

Documented in installRprofile

## TODO: figure out how to add to an existing .Rprofile
## ideas from here: https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/base/rw-FAQ.html#What-are-HOME-and-working-directories_003f

#' Install USDA-NRCS SPSD CCE user .Rprofile 
#' @param overwrite overwrite? Default `FALSE`
#' @param user_folder User folder name (default `NULL`; if not null used instead of `file.path('C:/Users', Sys.getenv('USERNAME'), 'Documents')`)
#' @param home_drive Custom Home Drive (default `NULL`; if not null replaces `"C:"`)
#' @return `source()` a new .Rprofile set up to redirect R library paths
installRprofile <- function(overwrite = FALSE, 
                            user_folder = NULL,
                            home_drive = NULL) {
  # information
  message(paste('HOME directory:\n ', path.expand('~'), collapse = ''))
  message(paste('Current R library paths:', paste('\n ', .libPaths(), collapse = '')))
  # location
  rp <- file.path(path.expand('~'), '.Rprofile')
  # check for existing
  if (file.exists(rp) & !overwrite)
    stop(paste0('set `overwrite=TRUE` argument to replace existing .Rprofile file:\n  ', rp), call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(user_folder)) {
    user_folder <- "file.path('C:/Users', Sys.info()['user'], 'Documents')"
    if (!is.null(home_drive)) {
      user_folder <- gsub("C:", home_drive, user_folder, fixed = TRUE)
  } else user_folder <- shQuote(user_folder)
  sysvars <- "Sys.setenv(HOME=c.my.documents, HOMEDRIVE='C:', HOMESHARE=c.my.documents, R_USER=c.my.documents, TEMP='C:/Temp/', TMP='C:/Temp/')"
  if (!is.null(home_drive)) {
    sysvars <- gsub("C:", home_drive, sysvars, fixed = TRUE)
    if (!dir.exists(file.path(home_drive, "Temp/")))
      dir.create(file.path(home_drive, "Temp/"))
  # new /HOME/.Rprofile that should direct packages to C:/
  # this should have NO indentation !!!
  # this should have no white-space on last line(s)
  Rprofile.contents <- paste0("
# First version: 2018-10-15 Customize R environment for use within USDA-NRCS network.
#  - AGB updated 2022-01-11 to support custom user folder
#  - AGB updated 2022-08-09 to use Sys.info()['user'] rather than Sys.getenv('USERNAME')

# establish path to where we would like R packages to be stored
c.my.documents <- ", user_folder, "

# determine the sub-dir for current version of R
R.ver <- paste(R.version$major, sub('\\\\..*$', '', R.version$minor), sep='.')

# full path to where we want R packages to live
R.path.personal.lib <- file.path(c.my.documents, 'R', 'win-library', R.ver)

# if this dir is missing, make it and sub dirs
if(!dir.exists(R.path.personal.lib)) {
  message(paste0('Creating personal R package library at: ', R.path.personal.lib))
  dir.create(R.path.personal.lib, recursive = TRUE)

# register environmental variable for new personal library

# change any references to network shares in env variables
", sysvars, "

# update other evn. variables
invisible(.libPaths(c(unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS'), ';')), unlist(strsplit(Sys.getenv('R_LIBS_USER'), ';')))))
# cleanup
rm(c.my.documents, R.ver, R.path.personal.lib)

# debugging
message(paste('R library paths:', paste('\n', .libPaths(), collapse='')))
  # overwrite existing .Rprofile in user's HOME directory
  cat(Rprofile.contents, file = rp)
  # source the file, so that we can install immediately
  source(rp, echo = FALSE)
ncss-tech/soilReports documentation built on Feb. 4, 2024, 11:47 p.m.