
Defines functions hdi.density hdi.function hdi.mcmc.list hdi.data.frame hdi.matrix hdi.default hdi

# This hdi function was written by Kruschke in the BEST package
#    https://github.com/cran/BEST/blob/master/R/hdi.R

hdi <- function(object, credMass = 0.95, ...) UseMethod("hdi")

hdi.default <- function(object, credMass = 0.95, ...) {
  if (!is.numeric(object)) {
    stop(paste("No applicable method for class", class(object)))
  if (is.na(credMass) || length(credMass) != 1 || credMass <= 0 || credMass >= 1) {
    stop("credMass must be in 0 < credMass < 1")
  if (all(is.na(object))) {
    return(c(lower = NA_real_, upper = NA_real_))
  # This is Mike's code from way back:
  x <- sort(object) # also removes NAs
  n <- length(x)
  # exclude <- ceiling(n * (1 - credMass)) # Not always the same as...
  exclude <- n - floor(n * credMass) # Number of values to exclude
  low.poss <- x[1:exclude] # Possible lower limits...
  upp.poss <- x[(n - exclude + 1):n] # ... and corresponding upper limits
  best <- which.min(upp.poss - low.poss) # Combination giving the narrowest interval
  result <- c(lower = low.poss[best], upper = upp.poss[best])

  attr(result, "credMass") <- credMass

hdi.matrix <- function(object, credMass = 0.95, ...) {
  result <- apply(object, 2, hdi.default, credMass = credMass, ...)
  attr(result, "credMass") <- credMass

hdi.data.frame <- function(object, credMass = 0.95, ...) {
  hdi.matrix(as.matrix(object), credMass = credMass, ...)

hdi.mcmc.list <- function(object, credMass = 0.95, ...) {
  hdi.matrix(as.matrix(object), credMass = credMass, ...)

# hdi.bugs <- function(object, credMass=0.95, ...)
# hdi.matrix(object$sims.matrix, credMass=credMass, ...)

# hdi.rjags <- function(object, credMass=0.95, ...)
# hdi.matrix(object$BUGSoutput$sims.matrix, credMass=credMass, ...)

hdi.function <- function(object, credMass = 0.95, tol, ...) {
  if (is.na(credMass) || length(credMass) != 1 || credMass <= 0 || credMass >= 1) {
    stop("credMass must be in 0 < credMass < 1")
  if (missing(tol)) {
    tol <- 1e-8
  if (inherits(try(object(0.5, ...), TRUE), "try-error")) {
      "Incorrect arguments for the inverse cumulative density function",
  # cf. code in Kruschke 2011 p630
  intervalWidth <- function(lowTailPr, ICDF, credMass, ...) {
    ICDF(credMass + lowTailPr, ...) - ICDF(lowTailPr, ...)
  optInfo <- optimize(intervalWidth, c(0, 1.0 - credMass),
    ICDF = object,
    credMass = credMass, tol = tol, ...
  HDIlowTailPr <- optInfo$minimum
  result <- c(
    lower = object(HDIlowTailPr, ...),
    upper = object(credMass + HDIlowTailPr, ...)
  attr(result, "credMass") <- credMass

hdi.density <- function(object, credMass = 0.95, allowSplit = FALSE, ...) {
  if (is.na(credMass) || length(credMass) != 1 || credMass <= 0 || credMass >= 1) {
    stop("credMass must be in 0 < credMass < 1")
  sorted <- sort(object$y, decreasing = TRUE)
  heightIdx <- min(which(cumsum(sorted) >= sum(object$y) * credMass))
  height <- sorted[heightIdx]
  indices <- which(object$y >= height)
  # HDImass = sum( object$y[indices] ) / sum(object$y)
  gaps <- which(diff(indices) > 1)
  if (length(gaps) > 0 && !allowSplit) {
    # In this case, return shortest 95% CrI
    warning("The HDI is discontinuous but allowSplit = FALSE;
            the result is a valid CrI but not HDI.")
    cumul <- cumsum(object$y) / sum(object$y)
    upp.poss <- low.poss <- which(cumul < 1 - credMass)
    for (i in low.poss) {
      upp.poss[i] <- min(which(cumul > cumul[i] + credMass))
    # all(cumul[upp.poss] - cumul[low.poss] > credMass) # check
    width <- upp.poss - low.poss
    best <- which(width == min(width)) # usually > 1 value due to ties
    result <- c(
      lower = mean(object$x[low.poss[best]]),
      upper = mean(object$x[upp.poss[best]])
  } else {
    begs <- indices[c(1, gaps + 1)]
    ends <- indices[c(gaps, length(indices))]
    result <- cbind(begin = object$x[begs], end = object$x[ends])
    if (!allowSplit) {
      names(result) <- c("lower", "upper")
  attr(result, "credMass") <- credMass
  attr(result, "height") <- height
ndphillips/yarrr documentation built on April 9, 2024, 5:16 a.m.