
Defines functions popQuery regexEscape dropPattern dropOnly dropCache uncached buildCacheKey cacheKeys setCache getCache hitCache clearCache cacheOff cacheOn caching

Documented in buildCacheKey cacheOff cacheOn clearCache dropCache dropOnly dropPattern getCache hitCache setCache uncached

caching <- function() {
  # Default should be on, so if httpcache.on isn't set, return TRUE
  isTRUE(getOption("httpcache.on", TRUE))
#' Manage the HTTP cache
#' These functions turn the cache on and off and clear the contents of the
#' query cache.
#' @return Nothing. Functions are run for their side effects.
#' @aliases cacheOn cacheOff clearCache
#' @name cache-management
#' @export
cacheOn <- function() options(httpcache.on = TRUE)

#' @rdname cache-management
#' @export
cacheOff <- function() {
  options(httpcache.on = FALSE)

#' @rdname cache-management
#' @export
clearCache <- function() {
  logMessage("CACHE CLEAR")
  rm(list = cacheKeys(), envir = cache)

#' HTTP Cache API
#' These functions provide access to what's stored in the cache.
#' @param key character, typically a URL or similar
#' @param value For `setCache`, an R object to set in the cache for `key`.
#' @return `hitCache` returns logical whether `key` exists in the
#' cache. `getCache` returns the value stored in the cache, or `NULL`
#' if there is nothing cached. `setCache` is called for its side effects.
#' @name cache-api
#' @export
hitCache <- function(key) {
  exists(key, envir = cache)

#' @rdname cache-api
#' @export
getCache <- function(key) {
  if (hitCache(key)) {
    logMessage("CACHE HIT", key)
    return(get(key, envir = cache))
  } else {

#' @rdname cache-api
#' @export
setCache <- function(key, value) {
  logMessage("CACHE SET", key)
  assign(key, value, envir = cache)

cacheKeys <- function() ls(all.names = TRUE, envir = cache)

#' Construct a unique cache key for a request
#' This function encapsulates the logic of making a cache key, allowing other
#' code or libraries to access the HTTP cache programmatically.
#' @param url character request URL
#' @param query Optional query parameters for the request
#' @param body Optional request body
#' @param extras character Optional additional annotations to include in the
#' cache key.
#' @return Character value, starting with \code{url} and including hashed query
#' and body values if provided, to be used as the cache key for this request.
#' @export
buildCacheKey <- function(url, query = NULL, body = NULL, extras = c()) {
  if (!is.null(query)) {
    extras <- c(extras, paste0("QUERY=", digest(query)))
  if (!is.null(body)) {
    extras <- c(extras, paste0("BODY=", digest(body)))
  if (length(extras)) {
    url <- paste(url, paste0(extras, collapse = "&"), sep = "?")

#' Context manager to temporarily turn cache off if it is on
#' If you don't want to store the response of a GET request in the cache,
#' wrap it in `uncached()`. It will neither read from nor write to cache.
#' `uncached` will not invalidate cache records, if present. It only ignores
#' them.
#' @param ... Things to evaluate with caching off
#' @return Whatever ... returns.
#' @examples
#' uncached(GET("http://httpbin.org/get"))
#' @export
uncached <- function(...) {
  old <- getOption("httpcache.on")
  on.exit(options(httpcache.on = old))
  options(httpcache.on = FALSE)

#' Invalidate cache
#' These functions let you control cache invalidation. `dropOnly`
#' invalidates cache only for the specified URL. `dropPattern` uses
#' regular expression matching to invalidate cache. `dropCache` is a
#' convenience wrapper around `dropPattern` that invalidates cache for
#' any resources that start with the given URL.
#' @param x character URL or regular expression
#' @return Nothing. Functions are run for their side effects.
#' @export
dropCache <- function(x) {
  # Drop x and anything below it in the tree
  dropPattern(paste0("^", regexEscape(popQuery(x))))

#' @rdname dropCache
#' @export
dropOnly <- function(x) {
  logMessage("CACHE DROP", x)
  suppressWarnings(rm(list = x, envir = cache))

#' @rdname dropCache
#' @export
dropPattern <- function(x) {
  logMessage("CACHE DROP", x)
  rm(list = ls(envir = cache, pattern = x), envir = cache)

regexEscape <- function(x) {
  # Escape all reserved characters that are valid URL chars with \\
  for (i in unlist(strsplit(".+?*", ""))) {
    x <- gsub(paste0("(\\", i, ")"), "[\\1]", x)

popQuery <- function(x) {
  # Remove query parameters from a URL
  return(sub("\\?.*$", "", x))
nealrichardson/httpcache documentation built on April 21, 2023, 3:41 p.m.