clean_query <- function(query) {
res <- gsub("^\\/\\/.+$", "\n", query, perl = TRUE)
res <- gsub("\n", " ", res)
res <- gsub("\"", "'", res)
#' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
to_json_neo <- function(query, include_stats, meta, type) {
statement = query,
includeStats = include_stats,
meta = meta,
resultDataContents = list(type)
auto_unbox = TRUE
#' Call Neo4J API
#' @param query The cypher query
#' @param con A NEO4JAPI connection object
#' @param type Return the result as row or as graph
#' @param output Use "json" if you want the output to be printed as JSON
#' @param include_stats tShould the stats about the transaction be included?
#' @param include_meta tShould the stats about the transaction be included?
#' @importFrom glue glue
#' @importFrom attempt stop_if_not
#' @importFrom httr POST status_code add_headers
#' @return the result from the Neo4J Call
#' @export
call_neo4j <- function(query, con,
type = c("row", "graph"),
output = c("r", "json"),
include_stats = FALSE,
include_meta = FALSE) {
# browser()
con, ~"Neo4JAPI" %in% class(.x),
"Please use a Neo4JAPI object."
# Ensure the inputs are the one we expect
output <- match.arg(output)
# format <- match.arg(format)
type <- match.arg(type)
# Clean the query to prevent weird mess up with " and stuffs
query_clean <- clean_query(query)
# Transform the query to a Neo4J JSON format
query_jsonised <- to_json_neo(query_clean, include_stats, include_meta, type)
# Unfortunately I was not able to programmatically convert everything to JSON
body <- glue('{"statements" : [ %query_jsonised% ]}', .open = "%", .close = "%")
# Calling the API
res <- POST(
url = glue("{con$url}/db/data/transaction/commit?includeStats=true"),
add_headers(.headers = c(
"Content-Type" = "application/json",
"accept" = "application/json",
# "X-Stream" = "true",
"Authorization" = paste0("Basic ", con$auth)
body = body
# Verify the status code is 200
stop_if_not(status_code(res), ~.x == 200, "API error")
# return(res)
# Return the parsed output, to json or to R
if (output == "json") {
toJSON(lapply(content(res)$results, function(x) x$data), pretty = TRUE)
} else {
res = res,
type = type, format = format,
include_stats = include_stats,
meta = include_meta
# con <- neo4j_api$new(url = "http://localhost:7474/", user = "neo4j", password = "pouetpouet")
# call_api(query = 'MATCH (n:user) RETURN COUNT (n) AS user_count;', con)
# to_json_neo('MATCH (n:user) RETURN COUNT (n) AS user_count;', TRUE, "row")
# a <- toJSON(list(statement = to_json_neo('MATCH (n:user) RETURN COUNT (n) AS user_count;', TRUE, "row")))
# cat(a)
# glue('plop {query}')
# clean_input <- function(vec){
# vec <- gsub("^\\/\\/.+$", "\n", vec, perl = TRUE)
# vec <- paste(gsub("\n", " ", vec), collapse = " ")
# vec <- gsub(";", ";%", vec)
# vec <- gsub("\"", "\'", vec)
# unlist(strsplit(vec, "%"))
# }
# # For debug only
# call_api <- function(query, con, format = c("r", "json"), meta = FALSE, with_browser = FALSE, as_one = FALSE, res_api = FALSE){
# if (with_browser){
# browser()
# }
# query <- clean_query(query)
# format <- match.arg(format)
# url <- glue("{con$url}/db/data/transaction/commit")
# res <- POST(url = url,
# add_headers(.headers = c("Content-Type"="application/json",
# "accept"="application/json",
# #"X-Stream" = "true",
# "Authorization"= paste0("Basic ", auth))),
# body = glue('{"statements" : [ { "statement" : "%query%"} ]}', .open = "%", .close = "%"))
# stop_if_not(status_code(res), ~ .x == 200, "API error")
# if (res_api){
# return(res)
# }
# if (format == "json"){
# toJSON(lapply(content(res)$results, function(x) x$data), pretty = TRUE)
# } else {
# parse_api_results(res, meta)
# }
# }
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