
Defines functions download_plot downloadablePlot downloadablePlotUI

Documented in downloadablePlot downloadablePlotUI

# downloadablePlot Shiny Module --

#' downloadablePlot UI
#' Creates a custom plot output that is paired with a linked downloadFile
#' button.  This module is compatible with ggplot2, grob and lattice
#' produced graphics.
#' @param id character id for the object
#' @param downloadtypes vector of values for download types
#' @param download_hovertext download button tooltip hover text
#' @param width plot width (any valid css size value)
#' @param height plot height (any valid css size value)
#' @param btn_halign horizontal position of the download button ("left", "center", "right")
#' @param btn_valign vertical position of the download button ("top", "bottom")
#' @param btn_overlap whether the button should appear on top of the bottom of
#' the plot area to save on vertical space \emph{(there is often a blank area
#' where a button can be overlayed instead of utilizing an entire horizontal
#' row for the button below the plot area)}
#' @param clickOpts NULL or an object created by the \link[shiny]{clickOpts} function
#' @param hoverOpts NULL or an object created by the \link[shiny]{hoverOpts} function
#' @param brushOpts NULL or an object created by the \link[shiny]{brushOpts} function
#' @section Example:
#' \code{downloadablePlotUI("myplotID", c("png", "csv"),
#' "Download Plot or Data", "300px")}
#' @section Notes:
#' When there is nothing to download in any of the linked downloadfxns the
#' button will be hidden as there is nothing to download.
#' This module is NOT compatible with the built-in (base) graphics \emph{(such as 
#' basic plot, etc.)} because they cannot be saved into an object and are directly 
#' output by the system at the time of creation.
#' @section Shiny Usage:
#' Call this function at the place in ui.R where the plot should be placed.
#' Paired with a call to \code{downloadablePlot(id, ...)}
#' in server.R
#' @seealso \link[periscope]{downloadablePlot}
#' @seealso \link[periscope]{downloadFileButton}
#' @seealso \link[shiny]{clickOpts}
#' @seealso \link[shiny]{hoverOpts}
#' @seealso \link[shiny]{brushOpts}
#' @examples 
#' # Inside ui_body.R or ui_sidebar.R
#' downloadablePlotUI("object_id1", 
#'                    downloadtypes = c("png", "csv"), 
#'                    download_hovertext = "Download the plot and data here!",
#'                    height = "500px", 
#'                    btn_halign = "left")
#' @export
downloadablePlotUI <- function(id,
                               downloadtypes      = c("png"),
                               download_hovertext = NULL,
                               width              = "100%",
                               height             = "400px",
                               btn_halign         = "right",
                               btn_valign         = "bottom",
                               btn_overlap        = TRUE,
                               clickOpts          = NULL,
                               hoverOpts          = NULL,
                               brushOpts          = NULL) {
    ns <- shiny::NS(id)
    styleval <- "display:none; padding: 5px"

    if (btn_halign == "left") {
        styleval <- paste(styleval, "float:left", sep = ";")
    else if (btn_halign == "center") {
        styleval <- paste(styleval, "float:none", "margin-left:45%", sep = ";")
    else if (btn_halign != "right") {
        msg <- paste(btn_halign, " is not a valid btn_halign input - using default",
                     "value. Valid values: <'left', 'center', 'right'>")
        btn_halign <- "right"

    if (!(btn_valign %in% c("top", "bottom"))) {
        msg <- paste(btn_valign, " is not a valid btn_valign input - using default",
                     "value. Valid values: <'top', 'bottom'>")
        btn_valign <- "bottom"

    if (btn_overlap) {
        styleval <- ifelse(btn_valign == "bottom",
                           paste(styleval, "top: -50px", sep = ";"),
                           paste(styleval, paste0("top: -", height), "position:relative", sep = ";"))
    else {
        styleval <- ifelse(btn_valign == "bottom",
                           paste(styleval, "top: 5px", sep = ";"),
                           paste(styleval, "top: -5px", sep = ";"))

        # paste(styleval, "top: -1050px", "position: relative", sep = ";"))

    btn_item <- shiny::span(id = ns("dplotButtonDiv"),
                            class = "periscope-downloadable-plot-button",
                            style = styleval,

    plot_item <- shiny::plotOutput(outputId = ns("dplotOutputID"),
                                   width    = width,
                                   height   = height,
                                   click    = clickOpts,
                                   hover    = hoverOpts,
                                   brush    = brushOpts)

    if (!btn_overlap && (btn_valign == "top")) {
        list(btn_item, plot_item)
    else {
        list(plot_item, btn_item)

#' downloadablePlot Module
#' Server-side function for the downloadablePlotUI.  This is a custom
#' plot output paired with a linked downloadFile button.
#' @param ... free parameters list for shiny to pass session variables based on the module call(session, input, output)
#'  variables. \emph{Note}: The first argument of this function must be the ID of the Module's UI element
#' @param logger logger to use
#' @param filenameroot the base text used for user-downloaded file - can be
#' either a character string or a reactive expression returning a character
#' string
#' @param aspectratio the downloaded chart image width:height ratio (ex:
#' 1 = square, 1.3 = 4:3, 0.5 = 1:2).  Where not applicable for a download type
#' it is ignored (e.g. data, html downloads)
#' @param downloadfxns a \strong{named} list of functions providing download
#' images or data tables as return values.  The names for the list should be
#' the same names that were used when the plot UI was created.
#' @param visibleplot function or reactive expression providing the plot to
#' display as a return value.  This function should require no input parameters.
#' @section Notes:
#' When there are no values to download in any of the linked downloadfxns the
#' button will be hidden as there is nothing to download.
#' @section Shiny Usage:
#' This function is not called directly by consumers - it is accessed in
#' server.R using the same id provided in \code{downloadablePlotUI}:
#' \strong{\code{downloadablePlot(id, logger, filenameroot,
#' downloadfxns, visibleplot)}}
#' @seealso \link[periscope]{downloadablePlotUI}
#' @examples 
#' # Inside server_local.R
#' # downloadablePlot("object_id1", 
#' #                  logger = ss_userAction.Log,
#' #                  filenameroot = "mydownload1",
#' #                  aspectratio = 1.33,
#' #                  downloadfxns = list(png = myplotfxn, tsv = mydatafxn),
#' #                  visibleplot = myplotfxn)
#' @export
downloadablePlot <- function(...,
                             aspectratio  = 1,
                             downloadfxns = list(),
                             visibleplot) {
    call <- match.call()
    params <- list(...)
    param_index <- 1
    params_length <- length(params)
    old_style_call <- call[[1]] == "module" || "periscope" %in% as.character(call[[1]])
    if (old_style_call) {
        input   <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
        output  <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
        session <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
    } else {
        id <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
    if (missing(logger) && params_length >= param_index) {
        logger <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
    if (missing(filenameroot) && params_length >= param_index) {
        filenameroot <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
    if (missing(aspectratio) && params_length >= param_index) {
        aspectratio <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
    if (missing(downloadfxns) && params_length >= param_index) {
        downloadfxns <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
    if (missing(visibleplot) && params_length >= param_index) {
        visibleplot <- params[[param_index]]
        param_index <- param_index + 1
    if (old_style_call) {
    else {
            function(input, output, session) {

download_plot <- function(input,
                          aspectratio  = 1,
                          downloadfxns = list(),
                          visibleplot) {
    downloadFile("dplotButtonID", logger, filenameroot, downloadfxns, aspectratio)
    dpInfo <- shiny::reactiveValues(visibleplot = NULL,
                                    downloadfxns = NULL)
        dpInfo$visibleplot <- visibleplot()
        output$dplotOutputID <- shiny::renderPlot({
            plot <- dpInfo$visibleplot
            if (inherits(plot, "grob")) {
                plot <- grid::grid.draw(plot)
        if (!is.null(downloadfxns) && (length(downloadfxns) > 0)) {
            dpInfo$downloadfxns <- lapply(downloadfxns, do.call, list())
            rowct <- lapply(dpInfo$downloadfxns, is.null)
                message = list(btn  = session$ns("dplotButtonDiv"),
                               rows = sum(unlist(rowct) == FALSE)) )
neuhausi/periscope documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 11:07 a.m.