
Defines functions rftPval

Documented in rftPval

#' RFT p-values
#' Calculates p-values of a statistical field using random field theory
#' @param D image dimensions
#' @param c Threshold
#' @param k spatial extent in resels (minimum cluster size in resels)
#' @param u Number of clusters
#' @param n number of statistical field in conjunction
#' @param resels resel measurements of the search region 
#' @param df degrees of freedom expressed as df = c(degrees of interest, degrees of error)
#' @param fieldType
#' \itemize{
#' \item{T: } {T-field} 
#' \item{F: } {F-field} 
#' \item{X: } {Chi-square field'} 
#' \item{Z: } {Gaussian field}
#' }
#' @return The probability of obtaining the specified cluster
#' \itemize{
#' {Pcor: } {corrected p-value}
#' {Pu: } {uncorrected p-value}
#' {Ec: } {expected number of clusters}
#' {ek: } {expected number of resels per cluster}
#' }
#' @details 
#' This function calculates p-values of a thresholded statistical field at various levels:
#' set-level
#' rft.pval(D, c, k, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)
#' cluster-level
#' rft.pval(D, 1, k, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)
#' peak-level
#' rft.pval(D, 1, 0, u, n, resels, df, fieldType)
#' Where set-level refers to obtaining the set of clusters, cluster-level refers to a specific 
#' cluster, and peak-level refers to the maximum (or peak) of a single cluster.
#' @references 
#' Friston K.J., (1994) Assessing the Significance of Focal Activations Using Their Spatial Extent.
#' Friston K.J., (1996) Detecting Activations in PET and fMRI: Levels of Inference and Power.
#' Worlsey K.J., (1996) A Unified Statistical Approach for Determining Significant Signals in Images of Cerebral Activation.
#' @author Zachary P. Christensen
#' @seealso rftResults, resels
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # using rftPval for hypothetical 3D t-statistical image
#' # assume resels have been calculated and df = c(dfi, dfe)
#' # peak RFT p-value (peak = the maximum of a specific cluster)
#' peakP <- rftPval(3, 1, 0, peak, 1, resels, df, fieldType = "T")$Pcor 
#' # cluster RFT p-value (u = the value the statistical field was threshold at
#' # and k = the size of the cluster in resels)
#' clusterP <- rftPval(3, 1, k, u, 1, resels, df, fieldType = "T")$Pcor 
#' # set RFT p-value 
#' setP <- rftPval(3, numberOfClusters, minimumClusterSize, u, 1, resels, df,
#'                 fieldType = "T")$Pcor
#' }
#' @export rftPval
rftPval <- function(D, c, k, u, n, resels, df, fieldType) {
  if (missing(fieldType)) {
    stop("Must specify fieldType")
  } else if (missing(df)) {
    stop("Must specify df")
  } else if (missing(resels)) {
    stop("Must specify resels")
  } else if (missing(u) && missing(k) && missing(c)) {
    stop("Must atleast specify one of u, k, or c")
  G <- sqrt(pi) / gamma((1:(D + 1) / 2))
  ec <- euler(u, df, fieldType)
  ec <- pmax(ec[1:(D + 1)], .Machine$double.eps)
  P <- toeplitz(as.numeric(ec * G))
  P[lower.tri(P)] <- 0
  if (n != round(n)) {
    n <- round(n)
    warning("rounding exponent `n' to", n)
  phi <- diag(nrow = nrow(P))
  pot <- P
  while (n > 0) {
    if (n %% 2)
      phi <- phi %*% pot
    n <- n %/% 2
    pot <- pot %*% pot
  P <- phi
  P <- P[1,]
  EM <- (resels[1:(D + 1)] / G) * P # maxima in all dimensions
  Ec <- sum(EM) # number of overall expected maxima/clusters
  EN <- P[1] * resels[D + 1] # number of resels in entire image
  ek <- EN / EM[D + 1] # expected number of resels per cluster
  rfB <- (gamma(D / 2 + 1) / ek) ^ (2 / D)
  Punc <- exp( - rfB * (k ^ (2 / D))) # cumulative cluster-size distribution from which uncorrected P values are calculated
  Pcor <- 1 - ppois(c - 1, lambda = (Ec + .Machine$double.eps) * Punc)
  list(Pcor = Pcor, Punc = Punc, Ec = Ec, ek = ek)
neuroconductor-devel/ANTsR documentation built on April 1, 2021, 1:02 p.m.