
Defines functions template_z_score

Documented in template_z_score

#' SMRI Z-score compared to a Template
#' @param x List of images
#' @param mask mask to place all non-mask values to zero
#' @param template Template of the space of the mean/SD images,
#' only currently accepts Eve.
#' @param mean_imgs A vector/list of images for measures of
#' centrality - usually the mean.
#' See \code{\link{download_template_img_data}}
#' @param sd_imgs A vector/list of images for measures of
#' spread - usually the standard deviation.
#' See \code{\link{download_template_img_data}}#'
#' @param outdir Output directory
#' @param verbose print diagnostic messages
#' @param remask should \code{\link{mask_img}}
#' be applied to the output images
#' after normalization
#' @param interpolator Interpolation done, passed to
#' \code{\link{registration}}
#' @param suffix what the append to end of the output filename
#' @param lower_value Lower value to winsorize the z-score to.
#' With small standard deviations, the values can get far outside of
#' a standard range.
#' @param upper_value upper value to winsorize the z-score to.
#' With small standard deviations, the values can get far outside of
#' a standard range.
#' @param add_const Should a constant be added
#' to the T1 image; without this, the registration may
#' fail
#' @return List of images
#' @export
#' @importFrom neurobase zscore_img quantile_img window_img
#' @importFrom WhiteStripe whitestripe_norm whitestripe whitestripe_hybrid
#' @importFrom extrantsr oMath
template_z_score = function(
  mask = NULL,
  template = "Eve",
  mean_imgs = NULL,
  sd_imgs = NULL,
  outdir = tempdir(),
  verbose = TRUE,
  remask = TRUE,
  lower_value = -20,
  upper_value = 20,
  add_const = TRUE,
  interpolator = "lanczosWindowedSinc",
  suffix = "_ztemp") {

  template_fname = switch(
    Eve = EveTemplate::getEvePath(what = "Brain")
    # ,
    # MNI = MNITemplate::getMNIPath(what = "Brain", res = "1mm")

  nii_names = names(x)
  if (length(nii_names) != length(x)) {
    stop("x must be a named vector or named list")
  if (length(mean_imgs) != length(x)) {
    stop("Mean Images need to be specified and same length as x!")
  if (length(sd_imgs) != length(x)) {
    stop("SD Images need to be specified and same length as x!")

  t1 = x[["T1"]]
  if (is.null(t1)) {
    stop("T1 is not in x!")

  if (verbose > 0) {
    message("Z-score Template Normalization")
  # Bias correct the images using N4
  fnames = file.path(
  names(fnames) = nii_names

  if (verbose > 0) {
      "Registering T1 to ", template, " Template")

  if (!all_exists(fnames)) {
    t1 = check_nifti(t1)
    # if whole brain normalized, then these may have mean zero,
    # which screws up image registration
    const = 1
    if (!is.null(mask)) {
      tmp_mask = check_nifti(mask)
    } else {
      tmp_mask = t1 != 0

    vals = mask_vals(t1, mask = tmp_mask)
    if ( (sum(vals) <= 1e-5) || add_const) {
      t1 = t1 - min(vals) + const
      # t1 = oMath(t1, "Normalize")
      t1 = mask_img(t1, mask = tmp_mask)
    # don't need to readjust because just need the transformations

    t1_reg = registration(
      filename = t1,
      template.file = template_fname,
      skull_strip = FALSE,
      correct = FALSE,
      verbose = verbose > 1,
      typeofTransform = "SyN",
      remove.warp = FALSE,
      interpolator = interpolator)
    keeper = function(x) {
      x[ grep("Generic|Warp", x)]
    t1_reg$fwdtransforms = keeper(t1_reg$fwdtransforms)
    t1_reg$invtransforms = keeper(t1_reg$invtransforms)

    mean_imgs = check_nifti(mean_imgs)
    sd_imgs = check_nifti(sd_imgs)

    if (verbose > 0) {
      message("Making Z-images")

    norm = mapply(function(fname, mean.img, sd.img) {
      img = ants_apply_transforms(
        fixed = template_fname,
        moving = fname,
        transformlist = t1_reg$fwdtransforms,
        interpolator = interpolator)
      z.img = (img - mean.img) / sd.img
      z.img = finite_img(z.img)
      l = max(c(min(z.img), lower_value))
      u = min(c(max(z.img), upper_value))
      z.img = neurobase::window_img(z.img, window = c(l, u))
      res_z = ants_apply_transforms(
        fixed = t1, # reversed!
        moving = z.img,
        transformlist = t1_reg$invtransforms,
        interpolator = interpolator)
    }, x, mean_imgs, sd_imgs,

    if (remask) {
      if (!is.null(mask)) {
        if (verbose > 0) {
          message("Remasking Z-images")
        mask = check_nifti(mask)
        norm = lapply(norm, mask_img, mask = mask)

    mapply(function(img, fname){
      writenii(img, filename = fname)
    }, norm, fnames)

  norm = lapply(

neuroconductor-devel/smri.process documentation built on Sept. 5, 2019, 8:01 p.m.