
Defines functions jlfProp

Documented in jlfProp

#' Propagate Joint Label Fusion (JLF) solutions through a time series
#' The JLF initialization is reused throughout a time series with an additional
#' lag argument.
#' @param targetI antsImage list to be approximated
#' @param targetIMask mask with value 1
#' @param atlasList list containing antsImages with intensity images
#' @param rad neighborhood radius, default to 2
#' @param labelList optional list containing antsImages with segmentation labels
#' @param rSearch radius of search, default is 3
#' @param lagValue number of prior images to use to fwd propagate JLF solution
#' @param ... arguments to pass to \code{\link{jointLabelFusion}}
#' @param verbose boolean
#' @return segmentation of time series
#' @author Brian B. Avants
#' @keywords fusion, template
#' @export 
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(123)
#' ref = ri( 1 ) %>% resampleImage(  4  ) %>% iMath( "Normalize" )
#' mi1 = ri( 2 )
#' mi2 = ri( 3 )
#' mi3 = ri( 4 )
#' mi4 = ri( 5 )
#' mi5 = ri( 6 )
#' refmask<-getMask( ref )
#' refmask<-iMath( refmask, "MD", 10 ) # just to speed things up
#' ilist<-list( mi1, mi2, mi3, mi4, mi5 )
#' seglist<-list()
#' for ( i in 1:length(ilist) )
#'  {
#'  ilist[[i]]<-iMath(ilist[[i]],"Normalize")
#'  mytx<-antsRegistration(fixed=ref , moving=ilist[[i]] ,
#'    typeofTransform = c("Affine"), verbose = TRUE )
#'  mywarpedimage<-antsApplyTransforms(fixed=ref,
#'  moving=ilist[[i]],
#'    transformlist=mytx$fwdtransforms)
#'  ilist[[i]]=mywarpedimage
#'  seg<-thresholdImage( ilist[[i]],"Otsu", 3)
#'  seglist[[i]]<-seg+1
#'  }
#'  tarlist = list(
#'    iMath( ref, "GD", 3),
#'    iMath( ref, "GD", 2),
#'    iMath( ref, "GD", 1),
#'    iMath( ref, "GD", 0),
#'    iMath( ref, "GE", 1),
#'    iMath( ref, "GE", 2),
#'    iMath( ref, "GE", 3) )
#'   pp = jlfProp( tarlist, refmask, ilist, rSearch=2,
#'   labelList=seglist, rad = rep( 2, length( dim( ref ) ) ) )
#' }
jlfProp <- function(
 rad = 2,
 labelList = NULL,
 rSearch = 3,
 lagValue = 3,
 verbose = FALSE,
  # #' @param constrain weights to be non-negative
  nonnegative = TRUE
  # algorithm:
  #  1. compute JLF at time point1
  newAtlas = list( )
  newLabs = list( )
  for ( k in 1:lagValue ) {
    if ( verbose ) print( paste0( "Pre: Lag ", k ) )
    jlfk = jointLabelFusion(
      targetI = targetI[[ k ]],
      targetIMask = targetIMask,
      atlasList = atlasList,
      rad = rad,
      labelList = labelList, 
      rSearch = rSearch, ..., verbose=verbose )
    newAtlas[[ k ]] = targetI[[ k ]]
    newLabs[[ k ]] = jlfk$segmentation
  #  2. compute JLF at t+k including the result from (t+k-lagValue) as atlas
  for ( k in (lagValue+1):length( targetI ) ) {
    if ( verbose ) print( paste0( "Prop: Lag ", k , " of ", length( targetI ) ) )
    jlfk = jointLabelFusion(
      targetI = targetI[[ k ]],
      targetIMask = targetIMask,
      atlasList = newAtlas[   (k-lagValue):(k-1)  ],
      rad = rad,
      labelList =  newLabs[   (k-lagValue):(k-1)  ],
      rSearch = rSearch, ...,
      verbose=verbose )
    newAtlas[[ k ]] = targetI[[ k ]]
    newLabs[[ k ]] = jlfk$segmentation
  return( newLabs )
neuroconductor/ANTsR documentation built on Oct. 11, 2020, 8:14 a.m.