
Defines functions discretize

Documented in discretize

#' @title Discretizes RIA image to a given number of bins
#' @export
#' @description  Discretizes \emph{RIA_image} into \emph{bins_in} number of bins.
#' The \emph{equal_prob} parameter is used to indicate whether to create bins containing
#' the same number of values. If FALSE then equal sized bins will be created.
#' discretized images will be saved into the \emph{$data$modif} slot of \emph{RIA_image}
#' as well as the \emph{discretized} slot of \emph{RIA_image}.
#' The name will be automatically created based on the type of dichotomization
#' (ep: equal probability; es: equal size) and the number of bins specified,
#' for example: \emph{$dicotomized$es_8} will store the discretized image after
#' equal sized dichotomization into 8 bins. This way many different discretized images using
#' different bin numbers can be saved to the same object for further analysis.
#' The \emph{RIA_log} will be updated with cut points.
#' @param RIA_data_in \emph{RIA_image}.
#' @param bins_in integer vector, number of bins specified.
#' @param equal_prob logical, indicating to cut data into bins with equal relative frequencies.
#' If FALSE, then equal interval bins will be used.
#' @param use_orig logical, indicating to use image present in \emph{RIA_data$orig}.
#' If FALSE, the modified image will be used stored in \emph{RIA_data$modif}.
#' @param write_orig logical, indicating to write cropped image  to \emph{RIA_data$orig}.
#' If FALSE, the modified image will be used stored in \emph{RIA_data$modif}.
#' @param verbose_in logical, indicating whether to print detailed information.
#' Most prints can also be suppressed using the \code{\link{suppressMessages}} function.
#' @return \emph{RIA_image} with values discretized to bin values.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' #Discretize into 8 bins, each containing equal number of elements
#' RIA_image <- discretize(RIA_image, bins_in = 8, equal_prob = TRUE,
#'  use_orig = TRUE, write_orig = FALSE)
#' #Discretize into 6 bins, each with the same width
#' RIA_image <- discretize(RIA_image, bins_in = 6, equal_prob = FALSE,
#'  use_orig = TRUE, write_orig = FALSE)
#' #Discretize into 2,4,8,16,32 bins, each containing equal number of elements
#' RIA_image <- discretize(RIA_image, bins_in = 2^(1:5), equal_prob = FALSE,
#'  use_orig = TRUE, write_orig = FALSE)
#' #D
#' }
#' @references Márton KOLOSSVÁRY et al.
#' Radiomic Features Are Superior to Conventional Quantitative Computed Tomographic
#' Metrics to Identify Coronary Plaques With Napkin-Ring Sign
#' Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging (2017).
#' DOI: 10.1161/circimaging.117.006843
#' \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29233836}
#' Márton KOLOSSVÁRY et al.
#' Cardiac Computed Tomography Radiomics: A Comprehensive Review on Radiomic Techniques.
#' Journal of Thoracic Imaging (2018).
#' DOI: 10.1097/RTI.0000000000000268
#' \url{https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28346329}
#' @encoding UTF-8

discretize <- function(RIA_data_in, bins_in=8, equal_prob = FALSE, use_orig = TRUE, write_orig = FALSE, verbose_in = TRUE)
  data_in <- check_data_in(RIA_data_in, use_type = "single", use_orig = use_orig, verbose_in = verbose_in)

  if(equal_prob) {equal_txt <- "EQUAL PROBABILITY"
  } else {equal_txt <- "EQUALLY SIZED"}

  data_NA <- as.vector(data_in)
  data_NA <- data_NA[!is.na(data_NA)]

  if(length(data_NA) == 0) {stop("WARNING: SUPPLIED RIA_image DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY DATA!!!")}

  data_out <- NULL

  for(j in 1:length(bins_in))
    data_in_mod <- data_in
  if(!equal_prob) dichot <- cut(data_NA, bins_in[j], include.lowest  = TRUE, dig.lab = 4)
  if(equal_prob)  dichot <- stats::quantile(data_NA, seq(0, 1, 1/bins_in[j]))

  log <- NULL
  shift <- -9999

  for (i in 1 : bins_in[j])
      loc_comma <- regexpr(',', base::levels(dichot)[i])
      loc_end   <- regexpr(']', base::levels(dichot)[i])
      lower <- as.numeric(substr(base::levels(dichot)[i], 2, loc_comma-1))
      upper <- as.numeric(substr(base::levels(dichot)[i], loc_comma+1, loc_end-1))
      if(i==bins_in[j]) {data_in_mod[(data_in_mod >= lower & data_in_mod <= upper)] <- shift + i
      } else {data_in_mod[(data_in_mod >= lower & data_in_mod < upper)] <- shift + i}

      lower <- dichot[i]
      upper <- dichot[i+1]
      if(i==bins_in[j]) {data_in_mod[(data_in_mod >= lower & data_in_mod <= upper)] <- shift + i
      } else {data_in_mod[(data_in_mod >= lower & data_in_mod < upper)] <- shift + i}

    if (i == 1) log <- as.numeric(upper)
    if(i < bins_in[j] & i != 1) log <- c(log, as.numeric(upper))


  data_in_mod <- data_in_mod + abs(shift)

  if(any(class(RIA_data_in) == "RIA_image") )
    if(write_orig) {RIA_data_in$data$orig <- data_in_mod
    } else {RIA_data_in$data$modif<- data_in_mod}

    if(!equal_prob) dichot_txt <- paste0("es_", bins_in[j])
    if(equal_prob)  dichot_txt <- paste0("ep_", bins_in[j])
    RIA_data_in$discretized[[dichot_txt]] <- data_in_mod

    if(!equal_prob) cuts_txt <- paste0("cuts_es_", bins_in[j])
    if(equal_prob)  cuts_txt <- paste0("cuts_ep_", bins_in[j])
    RIA_data_in$log[[cuts_txt]] <- log

    if(!equal_prob) RIA_data_in$log$events <- append(RIA_data_in$log$events, paste0("Discretized_equal_sized_", bins_in[j]))
    if(equal_prob)  RIA_data_in$log$events <- append(RIA_data_in$log$events, paste0("Discretized_equal_prob_", bins_in[j]))

  } else {
    if(!equal_prob) dichot_txt <- paste0("es_", bins_in[j])
    if(equal_prob)  dichot_txt <- paste0("ep_", bins_in[j])

    data_out[[dichot_txt]] <- data_in_mod


  if(verbose_in) {message(paste0("SUCCESSFULLY DISCRETIZED DATA INTO ", bins_in, " NUMBER OF ", equal_txt, " BINS\n"))}

  if(any(class(RIA_data_in) == "RIA_image")) return(RIA_data_in)
    else return(data_out)

neuroconductor/RIA documentation built on May 21, 2021, 6:56 a.m.