
Defines functions mgc.distance DistRanks DistCentering mgc.dist.xfm

Documented in DistCentering DistRanks mgc.distance mgc.dist.xfm

#' MGC Distance Transform
#' Transform the distance matrices, with column-wise ranking if needed.
#' @param X \code{[nxn]} is a distance matrix
#' @param Y \code{[nxn]} is a second distance matrix
#' @param option is a string that specifies which global correlation to build up-on. Defaults to \code{mgc}.
#' \describe{
#'    \item{\code{'mgc'}}{use the MGC global correlation.}
#'    \item{\code{'dcor'}}{use the dcor global correlation.}
#'    \item{\code{'mantel'}}{use the mantel global correlation.}
#'    \item{\code{'rank'}}{use the rank global correlation.}
#' }
#' @param optionRk is a string that specifies whether ranking within column is computed or not. If \code{option='rank'}, ranking will be performed regardless of the value specified by \code{optionRk}. Defaults to \code{TRUE}.
#' @return A list containing the following:
#' \item{\code{A}}{\code{[nxn]} the centered distance matrix for X.}
#' \item{\code{B}}{\code{[nxn]} the centered distance matrix for Y.}
#' \item{\code{RX}}{\code{[nxn]} the column-rank matrices of X.}
#' \item{\code{RY}}{\code{[nxn]} the column-rank matrices of Y.}
#' @author C. Shen
#' @examples
#' library(mgc)
#' n=200; d=2
#' data <- mgc.sims.linear(n, d)
#' Dx <- as.matrix(dist(data$X), nrow=n); Dy <- as.matrix(dist(data$Y), nrow=n)
#' dt <- mgc.dist.xfm(Dx, Dy)
#' @export
mgc.dist.xfm <- function(X, Y, option='mgc', optionRk=TRUE){
  if (option=='rank') {
    optionRk=TRUE # do ranking or not, 0 to no ranking

  # Depending on the choice of the global correlation, properly transform each distance matrix
  tA = DistCentering(X, option, optionRk)
  tB = DistCentering(Y, option, optionRk)

  result = list(A=tA$A, RX=tA$RX, B=tB$A, RY=tB$RX)

#' An auxiliary function that properly transforms the distance matrix X
#' @param X is a symmetric distance matrix
#' @param option is a string that specifies which global correlation to build up-on, including 'mgc','dcor','mantel', and 'rank'
#' @param optionRk is a string that specifies whether ranking within column is computed or not.
#' @return A list contains the following:
#' \item{\code{A}}{is the centered distance matrices}
#' \item{\code{RX}}{is the column rank matrices of X.}
#' @keywords internal
  if (optionRk!=0){
    RX=DistRanks(X) # the column ranks for X
  } else {

  if (option=='rank'){
  # Default mgc transform
  EX=t(matrix(rep(colMeans(X)*n/(n-1),n), ncol = n))

  if (option=='dcor'){ # unbiased dcor transform
    EX=t(matrix(rep(colMeans(X)*n/(n-2),n), ncol = n))+matrix(rep(rowMeans(X)*n/(n-2),n), ncol = n)-sum(X)/(n-1)/(n-2)
  if (option=='mantel'){ # mantel transform
  # if (option=='dcorDouble'){ # original double centering of dcor
  # EX=t(matrix(rep(colMeans(X),n), ncol = n))+matrix(rep(rowMeans(X),n), ncol = n)-mean(X)
  # }

  # The diagonal entries are always excluded
  for (j in (1:n)){

  result=list(A=A, RX=RX)

#' An auxiliary function that sorts the entries within each column by ascending order:
#' For ties, the minimum ranking is used,
#' e.g. if there are repeating distance entries, the order is like 1,2,3,3,4,..,n-1.
#' @param dis is a symmetric distance matrix.
#' @return \code{disRank} is the column rank matrices of \code{X}.
#' @keywords internal
DistRanks <- function(dis) {
  for (i in (1:n)){
    if (length(tu)!=max(tmp)){
      for (j in (1:length(tu))){

#' Distance
#' A function that returns a distance matrix given a collection of observations.
#' @importFrom stats dist
#' @param X \code{[n x d]} a data matrix for \code{d} samples of \code{d} variables.
#' @param method the method for computing distances. Defaults to \code{'euclidean'}. See \link[stats]{dist} for details. Also
#' includes a "ohe" option, which one-hot-encodes the matrix when computing distances.
#' @return a \code{[n x n]} distance matrix indicating the pairwise distances between all samples passed in.
#' @author Eric Bridgeford
#' @export
mgc.distance <- function(X, method='euclidean') {
  if (method == "ohe") {
    ylabs <- unique(X); K <- length(ylabs); n <- length(X)
    # one-hot-encode the y-labels for 0-1 loss under euclidian distance
    Yh <- array(0, dim=c(n, K))
    for (i in 1:K) {
      Yh[X == ylabs[i],i] <- 1

    # compute distance...
    D <- as.matrix(dist(Yh, method='binary'), nrow=n)
  } else {
    D <- as.matrix(dist(X, diag=TRUE, method=method))

neurodata/r-mgc documentation built on March 12, 2021, 9:45 a.m.