Man pages for neurogenomics/HPOExplorer
Analysis and Visualisation of the Human Phenotype Ontology

add_Add functions
add_diseaseAdd diseases
disease_id_to_omopHuman Phenotype Ontology: Disease ID to OMOP
disease_mapHuman Phenotype Ontology: Disease ID to Disease Name and...
filter_Filter functions
fix_hpo_idsFix missing HPO IDs
get_Get functions
get_dataGet remote data
get_gene_listsGet gene list
get_term_definition_apiGet term definition: API
get_top_phenosGet top phenotypes
gpt_annot_checkCheck annotations from GPT
gpt_annot_classGPT annotations: add severity class
gpt_annot_codifyCheck annotations from GPT
gpt_annot_meltMelt annotations from GPT
gpt_annot_plotPlot annotations from GPT
gpt_annot_plot_branchesPlot annotations from GPT: by branch
gpt_annot_readRead annotations from GPT
hpo_apiHPO API
hpo_deathsHuman Phenotype Ontology: Age of Death
hpo_frequenciesHuman Phenotype Ontology: phenotype frequencies
hpo_id_to_omopHuman Phenotype Ontology: HPO ID to OMOP
hpo_modifiersHuman Phenotype Ontology: disease modifiers
hpo_onsetsHuman Phenotype Ontology: disease onset
hpo_tiersHuman Phenotype Ontology: disease severity tiers
hpo_tiers_autoHuman Phenotype Ontology: disease severity tiers (auto)
hpo_to_matrixHPO to matrix
list_columnsList columns
load_phenotype_to_genesLoad phenotype_to_genes
mainMain functions
make_Make functions
map_Map functions
map_diseaseMap disease
map_phenotypesHarmonise phenotypes
newlines_to_definitionAdd new lines to disease description
per_branch_plotPlot N phenotypes per branch
phenos_to_grangesPhenotypes to GenomicRanges
plot_arrowPlot arrow
plot_evidencePlot evidence
plot_top_phenosPlot top phenotypes
search_hpoSearch the Human Phenotype Ontology
unlist_colUnlist column
neurogenomics/HPOExplorer documentation built on Feb. 18, 2025, 6:41 p.m.