
#' @title Create Graph from a Model
#' @description This function creates a graph representation for a given model.
#' @param .model    (\code{DLmodel}) Model for which to build the graph.
#' @return An \code{igraph} object.
#' @details DETAILS
#' @seealso 
#'  \code{\link[igraph]{graph.adjacency}}
#'  \code{\link[jsonlite]{fromJSON}}
#'  \code{\link[keras]{model_to_json}}
#' @export 
#' @importFrom igraph graph.adjacency
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom keras model_to_json
#' @import igraph
graph_from_model <- function(.model, mode = c("graphviz", "igraph")) {

  # Check the input class
  stopifnot(inherits(.model, "DLmodel"))
  model <- .model$get_model()
  if (mode[1] == "igraph") {
    # Check that igraph is installed
    if (!require(igraph))
      stop("Package 'igraph' not installed.")
    .search_parents <- function(node_id, inbound_nodes, layers_name, layers_type, hidden_types, mode = c("first", "all")) {
      mode <- mode[1]
      parents <- c()
      if (length(inbound_nodes[[node_id]]) > 0) {
        in_nodes <- inbound_nodes[[node_id]][[1]]
        num_parents <- length(in_nodes)
        for (j in seq(num_parents)) {
          parent_name <- in_nodes[[j]][[1]][[1]]
          parent_id <- match(parent_name, layers_name)
          if (!(layers_type[parent_id] %in% hidden_types)) {
            parents <- c(parents, parent_id)
            if (mode == "all") {
              parents <- c(parents, .search_parents(parent_id, 
                                                    mode = mode))
          } else {
            parents <- c(parents, .search_parents(parent_id, 
                                                  mode = mode))
    # Convert to JSON so we can inspect inner properties and relationships between layers
    model_structure <- model %>% 
      keras::model_to_json() %>% 
    # Layers names and types (Dense, Convolutional, Input)
    layers_name <- model_structure$config$layers$name
    layers_type <- model_structure$config$layers$class_name
    # Number of layers
    num_layers <- length(layers_name)
    # Adjacency matrix and matrix of all parent layers for each layer
    adj_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = num_layers, ncol = num_layers)
    all_parents <- matrix(0, nrow = num_layers, ncol = num_layers)
    colnames(adj_matrix) <- layers_name
    rownames(adj_matrix) <- layers_name
    # Exclude these layer types from the graph
    hidden_types <- c("BatchNormalization", "Activation", "Dropout", "Concatenate", "Flatten", "Reshape")
    # "Size" of each layer
    sizes <- model_structure$config$layers$config$units
    # Loop over all layers to find connections, skipping
    # layers with type in "hidden_types".
    # We also compute all parents for each node.
    # We explicitly include the last layer, even if it's of
    # type "Concatenate", what means that the layer is the single
    # output of the model.
    for (layer_id in seq(num_layers)) {
      if (!(layers_type[layer_id] %in% hidden_types) | layer_id == num_layers) {
        # List of nodes which are used as inputs for current layer
        inbound_nodes <- model_structure$config$layers$inbound_nodes[[layer_id]]
        if (length(inbound_nodes) > 0) {
          # Compute direct parents, bypassing layers of "hidden_type"
          parents <- layer_id %>% .search_parents(inbound_nodes = model_structure$config$layers$inbound_nodes,
                                                  layers_name = layers_name, 
                                                  layers_type = layers_type, 
                                                  hidden_types = hidden_types)
          adj_matrix[parents, layer_id] <- 1
          # Compute all parents, bypassing layers of "hidden_type"
          parents <- layer_id %>% .search_parents(inbound_nodes = model_structure$config$layers$inbound_nodes,
                                                  layers_name = layers_name, 
                                                  layers_type = layers_type, 
                                                  hidden_types = hidden_types, 
                                                  mode = "all")
          all_parents[parents, layer_id] <- 1
    # Remove from the graph those nodes which are not used (due to beeing of class in "hidden_type")
    which_to_remove <- which(colSums(adj_matrix) == 0)
    # Input layers
    input_layers <- which(layers_type == "InputLayer")
    which_to_remove <- setdiff(which_to_remove, input_layers)
    # New adjacency matrix
    adj_matrix <- adj_matrix[-which_to_remove, -which_to_remove]
    all_parents <- all_parents[-which_to_remove, -which_to_remove]
    # Type of layers
    types <- layers_type[-which_to_remove]
    # Adopt new names for some layers
    new_names <- layers_name[-which_to_remove]
    # Names for input layers (feature input and volume inputs)
    input_layer_names <- model_structure$config$input_layers[, 1]
    input_layers_order <- order(as.numeric(gsub(pattern = "input_", replacement = "", x = input_layer_names)))
    feat_layer_index <- input_layers_order[1]
    new_names[new_names == input_layer_names[feat_layer_index]] <- "Feature Input"
    types[new_names == input_layer_names[feat_layer_index]] <- "Input_Feature"
    other_inputs <- grep(new_names, pattern = "input_")
    for (i in seq_along(other_inputs)) {
      old_name <- input_layer_names[input_layers_order[i + 1]]
      new_names[new_names == old_name] <- paste0("Volume Input ", i)
      types[new_names == paste0("Volume Input ", i)] <- "Input_Volume"
    input_layers <- which(layers_type[-which_to_remove] == "InputLayer")
    num_inputs <- length(input_layers)
    relation_to_inputs <- all_parents[input_layers, ]
    # Knot where individual inputs merge
    if (num_inputs > 1) {
      first_common_layer <- which(colSums(relation_to_inputs) == num_inputs)[1]
      new_names[first_common_layer] <- "Concatenate Paths"
      types[first_common_layer] <- "Concatenate"
    # Output layer(s)
    output_layers <- model_structure$config$output_layers[, 1] 
    new_names[match(output_layers, new_names)] <- paste0("Output ", seq_along(output_layers))
    types[match(paste0("Output ", seq_along(output_layers)), new_names)] <- "Output" 
    colnames(adj_matrix) <- new_names
    rownames(adj_matrix) <- new_names
    # Sizes of each layer
    # sizes <- model_structure$config$layers$config$units[-which_to_remove]
    sizes <- model %>% model_units()
    sizes <- sizes[-which_to_remove]
    if (!.model$get_config()$multioutput) 
      sizes[length(sizes)] <- .model$get_config()$output_width ^ 3
    sizes[new_names == "Feature Input"] <- .model$get_config()$num_features
    sizes[grepl(pattern = "Volume", x = new_names)] <- .model$get_config()$width ^ 3
    # Build graph
    g <- igraph::graph.adjacency(adj_matrix, mode = "directed")
    V(g)$type <- types
    V(g)$size <- sizes
    V(g)$name <- new_names
  } else {
    g <- model %>% keras:::keras$utils$vis_utils$model_to_dot(show_shapes = TRUE)

#' @param g             (name) PARAM_DESCRIPTION
#' @param interactive   (logical) PARAM_DESCRIPTION, Default: TRUE
#' @details DETAILS
#' @seealso 
#'  \code{\link[igraph]{layout_with_sugiyama}}

#'  \code{\link[scales]{alpha}},\code{\link[scales]{hue_pal}}
#' @export 
#' @importFrom igraph layout_with_sugiyama
#' @importFrom scales alpha hue_pal
#' @import htmlwidgets
#' @import threejs
plot_graph <- function(g, interactive = FALSE) {
  if (inherits(g, "pydot.Dot")) {
    file = tempfile(fileext = ".png")  
    g$write_png(path = file)
    img <- readPNG(file)
    Y <- dim(img)[1]
    X <- dim(img)[2]
    plot(1:2, type = 'n', axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", asp = Y/X)
    rasterImage(img, 0.95, 0.95, 2.05, 2.05)
  num_types <- length(unique(V(g)$type))
  colors <- scales::alpha(colour = scales::hue_pal()(num_types), alpha = 0.85)
  V(g)$color <- colors[as.numeric(as.factor(V(g)$type))]
  V(g)$size <- V(g)$size / max(V(g)$size, na.rm = TRUE) * 25 + 3
  L <- igraph::layout_with_sugiyama(g, hgap = 30)
  coords <- L$layout
  levels <- coords[, 2]
  highest_level <- max(levels)
  knot <- highest_level - which.min(rev(table(levels))) + 1
  minx <- min(coords[, 1])
  maxx <- max(coords[, 1])
  if (highest_level > knot) {
    for (current_level in seq(highest_level, knot + 1, by = -1)) {
      coords_level <- coords[coords[, 2] == current_level, 1]
      if (length(coords_level) > 1) {
        s <- order(coords_level)
        coef <- (seq_along(coords_level) - 1) / (length(coords_level) - 1)
        new_coords <- minx + coef[s] * (maxx - minx)
        coords[coords[, 2] == current_level, 1] <- new_coords
      } else {
        break # nocov
  L$layout <- norm_coords(coords, ymin = -1, ymax = 1, xmin = -1, xmax = 1)
  if (interactive && require(htmlwidgets) && require(threejs)) {
    warning("Not implemented yet!")
    # threejs::graphjs(g, main = "Network", bg = "gray10", edge.arrow.size = .4, 
    #                  vertex.label = NA, edge.curved = 0, layout = cbind(L$layout, 0), showLabels = FALSE, 
    #                  stroke = FALSE, curvature = 0.1, attraction = 0.9, repulsion = 0.8, opacity = 0.9)
  } else {
    plot(g, edge.arrow.size = .4, vertex.label = NA, edge.curved = 0, layout = L$layout, rescale = FALSE)
neuroimaginador/dl4ni documentation built on May 3, 2019, 5:47 p.m.