
Defines functions check_inputs

Documented in check_inputs

#' Check inputs
#' Check inputs prior to running Libra functions
#' @param input a single-cell matrix to be converted, with features (genes) in rows
#'   and cells in columns. Alternatively, a \code{Seurat}, \code{monocole3}, or
#'   or \code{SingleCellExperiment} object can be directly input.
#' @param meta the accompanying meta data whereby the rownames match the column
#'   names of \code{input}.
#' @param replicate_col the vector in \code{meta} containing the replicate
#'   information. Defaults to \code{replicate}.
#' @param cell_type_col the vector in \code{meta} containing the cell type
#'   information. Defaults to \code{cell_type}.
#' @param label_col the vector in \code{meta} containing the experimental
#'   label. Defaults to \code{label}.
#' @return a cleaned up expression matrix and meta data object
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% rename_ n_distinct mutate_at vars
#' @importFrom magrittr %<>%
#' @importFrom tester is_numeric_matrix is_numeric_dataframe
#' @importFrom methods is
check_inputs = function(input,
                        meta = meta,
                        replicate_col = 'replicate',
                        cell_type_col = 'cell_type',
                        label_col = 'label') {

  # extract cell types and label from metadata
  if ("Seurat" %in% class(input)) {
    # confirm Seurat is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("Seurat", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("install \"Seurat\" R package for Libra compatibility with ",
           "input Seurat object", call. = FALSE)
    meta = input@meta.data %>%
    if (!is.null(replicate_col))
      replicates = as.character(meta[[replicate_col]])
    if (!is.factor(meta[[label_col]])) {
      labels = meta[[label_col]]
    } else {
      labels = as.character(meta[[label_col]])
    cell_types = as.character(meta[[cell_type_col]])
    expr = Seurat::GetAssayData(input, slot = 'counts')
  } else if ("cell_data_set" %in% class(input)) {
    # confirm monocle3 is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("monocle3", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("install \"monocle3\" R package for Libra compatibility with ",
           "input monocle3 object", call. = FALSE)
    meta = monocle3::pData(input) %>%
      droplevels() %>%
    if (!is.null(replicate_col))
      replicates = as.character(meta[[replicate_col]])
    if (!is.factor(meta[[label_col]])) {
      labels = meta[[label_col]]
    } else {
      labels = as.character(meta[[label_col]])
    cell_types = as.character(meta[[cell_type_col]])
    expr = monocle3::exprs(input)
  } else if ("SingleCellExperiment" %in% class(input)){
    # confirm SingleCellExperiment is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("SingleCellExperiment", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("install \"SingleCellExperiment\" R package for Libra ",
           "compatibility with input SingleCellExperiment object",
           call. = FALSE)
    meta = SummarizedExperiment::colData(input) %>%
      droplevels() %>%
    if (!is.null(replicate_col))
      replicates = as.character(meta[[replicate_col]])
    if (!is.factor(meta[[label_col]])) {
      labels = meta[[label_col]]
    } else {
      labels = as.character(meta[[label_col]])
    cell_types = as.character(meta[[cell_type_col]])
    expr = SummarizedExperiment::assay(input)
  } else if ("Signac" %in% class(input)){
    # confirm Signac is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("Signac", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("install \"Signac\" R package for Libra compatibility with ",
           "input Signac object", call. = FALSE)
    meta = input@meta.data %>%
    if (!is.null(replicate_col))
      replicates = as.character(meta[[replicate_col]])
    if (!is.factor(meta[[label_col]])) {
      labels = meta[[label_col]]
    } else {
      labels = as.character(meta[[label_col]])
    cell_types = as.character(meta[[cell_type_col]])
    expr = Signac::GetAssayData(input, slot = 'peaks')
  } else if ("ArchR" %in% class(input)){
    # confirm ArchR is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("ArchR", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("install \"ArchR\" R package for Libra compatibility with ",
           "input ArchR object", call. = FALSE)
    meta = data.frame(getCellColData(input)) %>%
    if (!is.null(replicate_col))
      replicates = as.character(meta[[replicate_col]])
    if (!is.factor(meta[[label_col]])) {
      labels = meta[[label_col]]
    } else {
      labels = as.character(meta[[label_col]])
    cell_types = as.character(meta[[cell_type_col]])
    expr = getMatrixFromProject(input, useMatrix='PeakMatrix')
  } else if ("snap" %in% class(input)){
    # confirm ArchR is installed
    if (!requireNamespace("SnapATAC", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("install \"SnapATAC\" R package for Libra compatibility with ",
           "input SnapATAC object", call. = FALSE)
    meta = data.frame(input@meta.data) %>%
    if (!is.null(replicate_col))
      replicates = as.character(meta[[replicate_col]])
    if (!is.factor(meta[[label_col]])) {
      labels = meta[[label_col]]
    } else {
      labels = as.character(meta[[label_col]])
    cell_types = as.character(meta[[cell_type_col]])
    expr = input@pmat
  } else {
    # check if input is sparse matrix or numberic matrix/df
    valid_input = is(input, 'sparseMatrix') ||
      is_numeric_matrix(input) ||
    if (!valid_input)
      stop("input must be Seurat, monocle, sparse matrix, numeric matrix, or ",
           "numeric data frame")
    if (is.null(meta))
      stop("input matrix must be accompanied by a metadata table")
    expr = input
    if (!is.null(replicate_col))
      replicates = as.character(meta[[replicate_col]])
    labels = as.character(meta[[label_col]])
    cell_types = as.character(meta[[cell_type_col]])
  # check dimensions are non-zero
  if (length(dim(expr)) != 2 || !all(dim(expr) > 0)) {
    stop("expression matrix has at least one dimension of size zero")

  # check dimensions match
  n_cells1 = nrow(meta)
  n_cells2 = ncol(expr)
  if (n_cells1 != n_cells2) {
    stop("number of cells in metadata (", n_cells1, ") does not match number ",
         "of cells in expression (", n_cells2, ")")

  # check at least two labels
  if (n_distinct(labels) == 1) {
    stop("only one label provided: ", unique(labels))
  if (n_distinct(labels) > 2) {
      stop("more than 2 labels provided: ", unique(labels))

  # check for missing labels or cell types
  if (any(is.na(labels))) {
    stop("labels contain ", sum(is.na(labels)), "missing values")
  if (any(is.na(cell_types))) {
    stop("cell types contain ", sum(is.na(cell_types)), "missing values")
  if (!is.null(replicate_col) && any(is.na(replicates))) {
    stop("replicates contain ", sum(is.na(replicates)), "missing values")

  # check for missing replicates
  if (!is.null(replicate_col) && is.null(replicates)) {
    stop("metadata does not contain replicate information")

  # remove missing values
  missing = is.na(expr)
  if (any(missing)) {
    stop("matrix contains ", sum(missing), "missing values")
  ## clean up the meta data
  if (!is.null(replicate_col)) {
    meta %<>% as.data.frame() %>%
      mutate(cell_barcode = rownames(meta),
             replicate = meta[[replicate_col]],
             cell_type = meta[[cell_type_col]],
             label = meta[[label_col]])
  } else {
    meta %<>% as.data.frame() %>%
      mutate(cell_barcode = rownames(meta),
             cell_type = meta[[cell_type_col]],
             label = meta[[label_col]])
  # keep factors if present in meta
  if (!is.factor(meta$label)) {
    meta$label = as.factor(meta$label)
  if (!is.factor(meta$replicate)) {
    meta$replicate = as.factor(meta$replicate)
  if (!is.factor(meta$cell_type)) {
    meta$cell_type = as.factor(meta$cell_type)
  # make sure meta contains row names and is a data frame
  rownames(meta) = colnames(expr)
  meta = as.data.frame(meta)
  to_return = list(
    expr = expr,
    meta = meta
neurorestore/Libra documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 8:53 p.m.