# #########################################################################################
# now the main functions that calculate WP for a given decision
# punts
get_punt_wp <- function(pbp) {
# to join later
pbp <- pbp %>% mutate(punt_index = 1 : n ())
# get wp associated with punt
probs <- pbp %>%
left_join(punt_df, by = "yardline_100") %>%
flip_team() %>%
yardline_100 = 100 - yardline_after,
# deal with punt return TD (yardline_after == 100) or muff (muff == 1)
# we want punting team to be receiving a kickoff so have to flip everything back
posteam = case_when(
(yardline_after == 100 | muff == 1) & original_posteam == away_team ~ away_team,
(yardline_after == 100 | muff == 1) & original_posteam == home_team ~ home_team,
TRUE ~ posteam
# muff / return TD stuff
yardline_100 = ifelse(muff == 1, as.integer(100 - yardline_100), yardline_100),
yardline_100 = ifelse(yardline_after == 100, as.integer(75), as.integer(yardline_100)),
# muff / return TD stuff
score_differential = if_else(yardline_after == 100, as.integer(-score_differential - 7), as.integer(score_differential)),
score_differential = if_else(muff == 1, as.integer(-score_differential), as.integer(score_differential)),
ydstogo = ifelse(yardline_100 < 10, yardline_100, as.integer(ydstogo))
) %>%
flip_half() %>%
calculate_win_probability() %>%
end_game_fn() %>%
wt_wp = pct * vegas_wp
) %>%
group_by(punt_index) %>%
summarize(punt_wp = sum(wt_wp)) %>%
pbp %>%
left_join(probs, by = "punt_index") %>%
# field goals
get_fg_wp <- function(pbp) {
# probability field goal is made
fg_prob <- as.numeric(mgcv::predict.bam(fg_model, newdata = pbp, type="response")) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(fg_make_prob = value)
# probability 58 yard field goal is made in environment (indoor/ourdoor) / era (2014-2019 or 2020+)
# used to decay prob for longer kicks
fg_prob_58 <- as.numeric(mgcv::predict.bam(fg_model, newdata = pbp |> mutate(yardline_100 = 40), type="response")) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(fg_make_prob_58 = value)
dat <- bind_cols(
) %>%
# linear drop from prob at 58 yards (40 yard line) to 0 at 71 (53 yard line)
# example: kick at 44 yard line (62 yard FG) has 69% chance of what a 58 yard FG has (40 yard line)
# this is very hacky but selection bias in kicks makes long FG hard
scalar = (53 - yardline_100) / 13,
fg_make_prob = ifelse(yardline_100 > 40, scalar * fg_make_prob_58, fg_make_prob),
# don't recommend kicking when fg is over 70 yards (this is very scientific)
fg_make_prob = ifelse(yardline_100 >= 53, 0, fg_make_prob),
fg_index = 1 : n()
# win prob after receiving kickoff for touchback and other team has 3 more points
make_df <- dat %>%
# win prob after receiving kickoff for touchback and other team has 3 more points
flip_team() %>%
yardline_100 = 75,
score_differential = score_differential - 3
) %>%
# for end of 1st half stuff
flip_half() %>%
calculate_win_probability() %>%
end_game_fn() %>%
select(fg_index, make_fg_wp = vegas_wp)
# win prob after missed FG
miss_df <- dat %>%
flip_team() %>%
yardline_100 = (100 - yardline_100) - 8,
# yardline_100 can't be bigger than 80 due to some weird nfl rule
yardline_100 = if_else(yardline_100 > 80, 80, yardline_100),
yardline_100 = ifelse(yardline_100 < 1, 1, yardline_100)
) %>%
# for end of 1st half stuff
flip_half() %>%
calculate_win_probability() %>%
end_game_fn() %>%
select(fg_index, miss_fg_wp = vegas_wp)
dat %>%
left_join(make_df, by = "fg_index") %>%
left_join(miss_df, by = "fg_index") %>%
mutate(fg_wp = fg_make_prob * make_fg_wp + (1 - fg_make_prob) * miss_fg_wp) %>%
select(-fg_index) %>%
# function to get WPs for go for 1 or go for 2
# this is here because it's needed for the going for 4th down model
get_2pt_wp <- function(pbp) {
pbp <- pbp %>% mutate(index_2pt = 1 : n())
# stuff in the 2pt model
data <- pbp %>%
mutate(era2 = 0) %>%
era2, era3, era4, outdoors,
retractable, dome, posteam_spread, total_line, posteam_total
# get probability of converting 2pt attempt from model
prob_2pt <- stats::predict(
) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(prob_2pt = "value") %>%
# probability of making PAT
xp_prob <- as.numeric(mgcv::predict.bam(fg_model, newdata = pbp %>% mutate(yardline_100 = 15), type="response")) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(prob_1pt = "value") %>%
pbp <- bind_cols(
pbp, prob_2pt, xp_prob
probs <- bind_rows(
pbp %>% mutate(pts = 0, score_differential = -score_differential),
pbp %>% mutate(pts = 1, score_differential = -score_differential - 1),
pbp %>% mutate(pts = 2, score_differential = -score_differential - 2)
) %>%
# switch posteam
posteam = case_when(
home_team == posteam ~ away_team,
away_team == posteam ~ home_team
# 1st & 10 after touchback
yardline_100 = 75,
down = 1,
ydstogo = 10
) %>%
flip_half() %>%
calculate_win_probability() %>%
arrange(index_2pt, pts) %>%
select(index_2pt, pts, vegas_wp, prob_2pt, prob_1pt) %>%
group_by(index_2pt) %>%
wp_0 = dplyr::first(vegas_wp),
wp_1 = dplyr::nth(vegas_wp, 2),
wp_2 = dplyr::last(vegas_wp),
conv_2pt = dplyr::first(prob_2pt),
conv_1pt = dplyr::first(prob_1pt)
) %>%
wp_go2 = conv_2pt * wp_2 + (1 - conv_2pt) * wp_0,
wp_go1 = conv_1pt * wp_1 + (1 - conv_1pt) * wp_0,
# convenience column useful for other things
wp_td = ifelse(wp_go1 > wp_go2, wp_go1, wp_go2)
) %>%
pbp %>%
left_join(probs, by = "index_2pt") %>%
select(-index_2pt) %>%
# go for it on 4th down WP
get_go_wp <- function(pbp) {
n_plays <- nrow(pbp)
pbp <- pbp %>% mutate(go_index = 1 : n())
# stuff in the go for it model
data <- pbp %>%
down, ydstogo, yardline_100, era3, era4, outdoors,
retractable, dome, posteam_spread, total_line, posteam_total
# get model output from situation
preds_df <- stats::predict(
) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::rename(prob = "value") %>%
"gain" = rep_len(-10:65, length.out = n_plays * 76),
"go_index" = rep(pbp$go_index, times = rep_len(76, length.out = n_plays))
) %>%
dplyr::left_join(pbp, by = "go_index")
) %>%
# if predicted gain is more than possible, call it a TD
gain = ifelse(gain > yardline_100, as.integer(yardline_100), as.integer(gain))
) %>%
# this step is to combine all the TD probs into one (for gains longer than possible)
group_by(go_index, gain) %>%
mutate(prob = sum(prob)) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
# needed for the max() step later
group_by(go_index) %>%
# update situation based on play result
yardline_100 = yardline_100 - gain,
# for figuring out if it was a td later
final_yardline = yardline_100,
turnover = ifelse(gain < ydstogo, 1, 0),
down = 1,
# flip a bunch of columns on turnover on downs where other team gets ball
# # note: touchdowns are dealt with separately later
yardline_100 = ifelse(turnover == 1, 100 - yardline_100, yardline_100),
# switch posteam if turnover
posteam = case_when(
home_team == posteam & turnover == 1 ~ away_team,
away_team == posteam & turnover == 1 ~ home_team,
TRUE ~ posteam
# swap score diff if turnover on downs
score_differential = ifelse(turnover == 1, -score_differential, score_differential),
# give 6 points for the TD plays
score_differential = ifelse(yardline_100 == 0, score_differential + 6, score_differential),
# run off 6 seconds
half_seconds_remaining = half_seconds_remaining - 6,
game_seconds_remaining = game_seconds_remaining - 6,
# additional runoff after successful non-td conversion (entered from user input)
half_seconds_remaining = ifelse(turnover == 0 & yardline_100 > 0, half_seconds_remaining - runoff, half_seconds_remaining),
game_seconds_remaining = ifelse(turnover == 0 & yardline_100 > 0, game_seconds_remaining - runoff, game_seconds_remaining),
# after all that, make sure these aren't negative
half_seconds_remaining = max(half_seconds_remaining, 0),
game_seconds_remaining = max(game_seconds_remaining, 0),
# if now goal to go for either team, use yardline for yards to go, otherwise it's 1st and 10
ydstogo = ifelse(yardline_100 < 10, yardline_100, 10)
) %>%
# separate df of just the TDs to calculate WP after TD
# this step is needed to deal with the option of 1pt or 2pt choice
if (nrow(preds_df %>% filter(yardline_100 == 0)) > 0) {
tds_df <- preds_df %>%
filter(yardline_100 == 0) %>%
get_2pt_wp() %>%
select(go_index, yardline_100, wp_td)
} else {
# avoids errors when one play is fed that doesn't have TD in range
tds_df <- tibble::tibble(
"go_index" = 0,
"yardline_100" = 99999
# join TD WPs back to original df and use those WPs
preds <- preds_df %>%
left_join(tds_df, by = c("go_index", "yardline_100")) %>%
flip_half() %>%
calculate_win_probability() %>%
# get the TD probs computed separately
vegas_wp = ifelse(yardline_100 == 0, wp_td, vegas_wp),
# fill in end of game situation when team can kneel out clock after successful non-td conversion
defteam_timeouts_remaining = ifelse(posteam == home_team, away_timeouts_remaining, home_timeouts_remaining),
vegas_wp = case_when(
score_differential > 0 & turnover == 0 & yardline_100 > 0 & game_seconds_remaining < 120 & defteam_timeouts_remaining == 0 ~ 1,
score_differential > 0 & turnover == 0 & yardline_100 > 0 & game_seconds_remaining < 80 & defteam_timeouts_remaining == 1 ~ 1,
score_differential > 0 & turnover == 0 & yardline_100 > 0 & game_seconds_remaining < 40 & defteam_timeouts_remaining == 2 ~ 1,
TRUE ~ vegas_wp
# fill in end of game situation when other team can kneel out clock after failed attempt
vegas_wp = case_when(
score_differential > 0 & turnover == 1 & game_seconds_remaining < 120 & defteam_timeouts_remaining == 0 ~ 0,
score_differential > 0 & turnover == 1 & game_seconds_remaining < 80 & defteam_timeouts_remaining == 1 ~ 0,
score_differential > 0 & turnover == 1 & game_seconds_remaining < 40 & defteam_timeouts_remaining == 2 ~ 0,
TRUE ~ vegas_wp
wt_wp = prob * vegas_wp
report <- preds %>%
group_by(go_index, turnover) %>%
fd_pct = sum(prob),
new_prob = prob / fd_pct,
wt_wp = new_prob * vegas_wp
) %>%
pct = sum(prob),
wp = sum(wt_wp)
) %>%
names_from = turnover, values_from = c("pct", "wp")
) %>%
first_down_prob = pct_0,
wp_fail = wp_1,
wp_succeed = wp_0
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
dplyr::select(go_index, first_down_prob, wp_fail, wp_succeed)
wp_go_df <- preds %>%
group_by(go_index) %>%
summarize(go_wp = sum(wt_wp)) %>%
pbp %>%
left_join(report, by = "go_index") %>%
left_join(wp_go_df, by = "go_index") %>%
select(-go_index) %>%
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