# Author: Ben Baldwin, Sebastian Carl
# Purpose: Top-Level function made available through the package
# Code Style Guide: styler::tidyverse_style()
#' Get 4th down decision probabilities
#' @description Get various probabilities associated with each option on 4th downs (go
#' for it, kick field goal, punt).
#' @param df A data frame of decisions to be computed for.
#' @return Original data frame Data frame plus the following columns added:
#' \describe{
#' \item{go_boost}{Gain (or loss) in win prob associated with choosing to go for it (percentage points).}
#' \item{first_down_prob}{Probability of earning a first down if going for it on 4th down.}
#' \item{wp_fail}{Win probability in the event of a failed 4th down attempt.}
#' \item{wp_succeed}{Win probability in the event of a successful 4th down attempt.}
#' \item{go_wp}{Average win probability when going for it on 4th down.}
#' \item{fg_make_prob}{Probability of making field goal.}
#' \item{miss_fg_wp}{Win probability in the event of a missed field goal.}
#' \item{make_fg_wp}{Win probability in the event of a made field goal.}
#' \item{fg_wp}{Average win probability when attempting field goal.}
#' \item{punt_wp}{Average win probability when punting.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' play <-
#' tibble::tibble(
#' # things to help find the right game (use "reg" or "post")
#' home_team = "GB",
#' away_team = "TB",
#' posteam = "GB",
#' type = "post",
#' season = 2020,
#' # information about the situation
#' qtr = 4,
#' quarter_seconds_remaining = 129,
#' ydstogo = 8,
#' yardline_100 = 8,
#' score_differential = -8,
#' home_opening_kickoff = 0,
#' posteam_timeouts_remaining = 3,
#' defteam_timeouts_remaining = 3
#' )
#' probs <- nfl4th::add_4th_probs(play)
#' dplyr::glimpse(probs)
#' }
add_4th_probs <- function(df) {
original_df <- df %>% mutate(index = 1 : n())
modified_df <- original_df
if (!"type" %in% names(df)) {
# message("type not found. Assuming an nflfastR df and doing necessary cleaning . . .")
modified_df <- original_df %>%
prepare_nflfastr_data() %>%
filter(down == 4)
# message("Performing final preparation . . .")
df <- modified_df %>%
if (!"runoff" %in% names(df)) {
df$runoff <- 0L
message(glue::glue("Computing probabilities for {nrow(df)} plays. . ."))
df <- df %>%
add_probs() %>%
mutate(play_no = 1 : n()) %>%
group_by(play_no) %>%
punt_prob = if_else(is.na(punt_wp), 0, punt_wp),
max_non_go = max(fg_wp, punt_prob, na.rm = T),
go_boost = 100 * (go_wp - max_non_go)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
index, go_boost,
first_down_prob, wp_fail, wp_succeed, go_wp,
fg_make_prob, miss_fg_wp, make_fg_wp, fg_wp,
original_df %>%
left_join(df, by = c("index")) %>%
select(-index) %>%
#' Load calculated 4th down probabilities from `nflfastR` data
#' @description Load calculated 4th down probabilities from `nflfastR` data.
#' @param seasons Seasons to load. Must be 2014 and later.
#' @param fast Defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, loads pre-computed decisions from repository
#' @return `nflfastR` data on 4th downs with the `add_4th_probs()` columns added and also the following:
#' \describe{
#' \item{go}{100 if a team went for it on 4th down, 0 otherwise. It's 100 and 0 as a convenience for obtaining percent of times going for it.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' try({# Wrap in try to avoid CRAN test problems
#' probs <- load_4th_pbp(2019:2020)
#' dplyr::glimpse(probs)
#' })
#' \dontshow{
#' # Close open connections for R CMD Check
#' future::plan("sequential")
#' }
#' }
load_4th_pbp <- function(seasons, fast = FALSE) {
if (min(seasons) < 2014) {
stop("Season before 2014 supplied. Please try again with nothing before 2014.")
# season-by-season = less likely to result in crashes due to memory
if (fast) {
data <- purrr::map_df(seasons, ~{
message(glue::glue("Loading season {.x}"))
nflfastR::load_pbp(.x) %>%
left_join(readRDS(url("https://github.com/nflverse/nfl4th/releases/download/nfl4th_infrastructure/pre_computed_go_boost.rds?raw=true")), by = c("game_id", "play_id")) %>%
} else {
data <- purrr::map_df(seasons, ~{
message(glue::glue("Loading season {.x}"))
nflreadr::load_pbp(.x) %>%
nfl4th::add_4th_probs() %>%
data %>%
go = ifelse(
(rush == 1 | pass == 1) & !play_type_nfl %in% c("PUNT", "FIELD_GOAL"),
100, 0
# if it's an aborted snap in punt formation, call it a punt
go = ifelse(
aborted_play == 1 & stringr::str_detect(desc, "Punt formation"),
0, go
# if it's a run formation or pass formation and there's a dead ball penalty, set go to NA
# since we can't know the intention of the play
go = case_when(
stringr::str_detect(desc, "(Run formation)|(Pass formation)|(Shotgun)") & stringr::str_detect(desc, "(False Start)|(Neutral Zone Infraction)") ~ NA_real_,
TRUE ~ go
) %>%
#' Get 2pt decision probabilities
#' @description Get various probabilities associated with each option on PATs (go
#' for it, kick PAT).
#' @param df A data frame of decisions to be computed for.
#' @return Original data frame Data frame plus the following columns added:
#' \describe{
#' first_down_prob, wp_fail, wp_succeed, go_wp, fg_make_prob, miss_fg_wp, make_fg_wp, fg_wp, punt_wp
#' \item{wp_0}{Win probability when scoring 0 points on PAT.}
#' \item{wp_1}{Win probability when scoring 1 point on PAT.}
#' \item{wp_2}{Win probability when scoring 2 points on PAT.}
#' \item{conv_1pt}{Probability of making PAT kick.}
#' \item{conv_2pt}{Probability of converting 2-pt attempt.}
#' \item{wp_go1}{Win probability associated with going for 1.}
#' \item{wp_go2}{Win probability associated with going for 2.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' play <-
#' tibble::tibble(
#' # things to help find the right game (use "reg" or "post")
#' home_team = "GB",
#' away_team = "TB",
#' posteam = "GB",
#' type = "post",
#' season = 2020,
#' # information about the situation
#' qtr = 4,
#' quarter_seconds_remaining = 123,
#' score_differential = -2,
#' home_opening_kickoff = 0,
#' posteam_timeouts_remaining = 3,
#' defteam_timeouts_remaining = 3
#' )
#' probs <- nfl4th::add_2pt_probs(play)
#' dplyr::glimpse(probs)
#' }
add_2pt_probs <- function(df) {
original_df <- df %>% mutate(index = 1 : n())
modified_df <- original_df
if (!"type" %in% names(df)) {
message("type not found. Assuming an nflfastR df and doing necessary cleaning . . .")
modified_df <- original_df %>%
prepare_nflfastr_data() %>%
!is.na(two_point_conv_result) | !is.na(extra_point_result)
# message("Performing final preparation . . .")
df <- modified_df %>%
message(glue::glue("Computing probabilities for {nrow(df)} plays. . ."))
df <- df %>%
get_2pt_wp() %>%
wp_0, wp_1, wp_2,
conv_1pt, conv_2pt,
wp_go1, wp_go2
original_df %>%
left_join(df, by = c("index")) %>%
select(-index) %>%
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