
Defines functions model2Matrix model2MatrixV2 info2Matrix delInfoMatrix addInfoMatrix startDesignV1 startDesignV2 genBlkDesign updateFormulaeT Swapping updateFormulaeT3 layoutAugDesign NeighboorUpdate CoordinateExchange CompareSwappingDesign SwappingTwoPlots RandomSearch AeffRowColumnDesign

#' Develop by Nha Vo-Thanh
#' Stuttgart on 22 March 2017
#' Augmented row-column designs
#' Version 1.0

#' create a model matrix
#' @param nTreatments number of treatments
#' @param nRows number of rows
#' @param nCols number of columns
#' @return a model matrix
#' @export
model2Matrix <- function(nTreatments, nRows, nCols, A)
  trtModel  <- matrix(0, nRows * nCols, nTreatments)
  for (i in 1:nRows) {
    for (j in 1:nCols) {
      # set level for treatments in a model matrix
      for (trt in 1:nTreatments) {
        if (A[i, j] == trt) {
          trtModel[(i - 1) * nCols + j, trt] = 1
  ## a model for rows
  init   <- rep(1,nCols)
  mlist  <- rep(list(init),nRows)
  rModel <- as.matrix(bdiag(mlist))
  ## a model for columns
  initCol    <- rep(1,nCols)
  initRow    <- rep(1,nRows)
  initblock  <- diag(initCol)
  cModel     <- kronecker(initRow, initblock)

  model        <- list(trtModel,rModel,cModel)
  names(model) <- c("X","R","C")

#' create a model matrix
#' @param nTreatments number of treatments
#' @param nRows number of rows
#' @param nCols number of columns
#' @return a model matrix
#' @export

model2MatrixV2 <- function(nTreatments, nRows, nCols, A)

  trtModel  <- matrix(0, nRows * nCols, nTreatments)
  vecA      <- c(t(A))
  mylist    <- rep(list(vecA),nTreatments)
  fxn <- function(var1,var2){
  var2 <- as.list(c(1:nTreatments))
  trtModel <- mapply(fxn,mylist,var2)

  ## a model for rows
  init   <- rep(1,nCols)
  mlist  <- rep(list(init),nRows)
  rModel <- as.matrix(bdiag(mlist))
  ## a model for columns
  initCol    <- rep(1,nCols)
  initRow    <- rep(1,nRows)
  initblock  <- diag(initCol)
  cModel     <- kronecker(initRow, initblock)

  model        <- list(trtModel,rModel,cModel)
  names(model) <- c("X","R","C")


# return an information matrix
# input :
# output:
# Version 1.1

#' @param Design a given design
#' @param nTreatments the number of treatments
#' @param nRows the number of rows
#' @param nCols the number of columns
#' @param flag a flag to decide whether to include inverse matrix
#' @return information matrix
#' @export
info2Matrix <- function(Design,nTreatments, nRows, nCols, flag=0){
  # connectedFlag
  connectedFlag <- 0
  #modelA <- model2Matrix(nTreatments, nRows, nCols, Design)
  modelA <- model2MatrixV2(nTreatments, nRows, nCols, Design)
  # information for treatments
  X <- modelA$X
  # information for rows and columns
  R <- modelA$R
  C <- modelA$C
  # tranpose matrix
  tX  <- t(X)
  tR  <- t(R)
  tC  <- t(C)
  # incidence matrix  
  NR  <- tX %*% R
  NC  <- tX %*% C

  # tranpose matrix
  tNR <- t(NR)
  tNC <- t(NC)
  # creates a vector of ones
  onevec <- matrix(1, nrow = dim(tX)[2], ncol = 1)
  r      <- tX %*% onevec
  tr     <- t(r)
  rdelta <- tX %*% X
  rdeltapower <- rdelta^(1/2)
  rdeltapowerinv <- solve(rdeltapower)
  # information matrix
  A      <- rdelta - (1/nCols) * NR %*% tNR -(1/nRows)*NC %*% tNC + (1/(nRows*nCols)) * r %*% tr
  A_star <- rdeltapowerinv %*% A %*% rdeltapowerinv  
  AnBn   <- cbind(NR,NC,r)
  YY     <- NR # for the row blocking factor
  ZZ     <- NC # for the column blocking factor
	InvA     <- ginv(A)
	InvAStar <- ginv(A_star)
    InvA     <- 0
	InvAStar <- 0

	connectedFlag <- 1
  infoMat        <- list(A,A_star,AnBn,InvA,InvAStar,YY,ZZ,rdeltapowerinv,connectedFlag,r)
  names(infoMat) <- c("Cn","CnStar","AnBn","InvCn","InvAStar","YY","ZZ","rdeltapowerinv","connectedness","repli")

# return an information matrix after deleting a treatment in irow and icol
# input :
# output:
# Version 1.1
#' @param Design a given design
#' @param nTreatments the number of treatments
#' @param nRows the number of rows
#' @param nCols the number of columns
#' @param irow the element in a row will be deleted
#' @param icol the element in a column will be deleted
#' @return informatrix
#' @export
delInfoMatrix <- function(Design,nTreatments, nRows, nCols, irow, icol){
  # Cn1
  # get infomration for the orginal matrix
  infoMat <- info2Matrix(Design,nTreatments, nRows, nCols)
  Cn      <- infoMat$Cn
  AnBn    <- infoMat$AnBn
  InvCn   <- infoMat$InvCn
  # get new vectors
  a1      <- rep(0,nTreatments)
  a1[Design[irow,icol]] <- 1

  b1               <- rep(0,nRows+nCols+1)
  b1[irow]         <- 1
  b1[nRows+icol]   <- 1
  b1[nRows+nCols+1]<- 1

  Ik   <- (1/nCols) * diag(x = 1, nRows, nRows)
  Ib   <- (1/nRows) * diag(x = 1, nCols, nCols)
  InvB <- bdiag(Ik,Ib,-1/(nCols*nRows))

  xxx1 <- a1-AnBn %*% InvB %*% b1
  xxx2 <- sqrt(1-t(b1) %*% InvB %*% b1)

  c1     <- as.matrix(xxx1/xxx2[1])
  Cn1    <- Cn - c1 %*% t(c1)  
  InvCn1       <- InvCn + (InvCn %*% c1 %*% t(c1) %*% InvCn)/(1-t(c1) %*% InvCn %*% c1)[1]
  mlist        <- list(Cn,Cn1,a1,b1,InvB,InvCn1)
  names(mlist) <- c("Cn","Cn1","a1","b1","InvB","InvCn1")

# return an information matrix after adding a treatment in irow and icol
# input :
# output:
# Version 1.1
#' @param Design a given design
#' @param nTreatments the number of treatments
#' @param nRows the number of rows
#' @param nCols the number of columns
#' @param irow the element in a row will be deleted
#' @param icol the element in a column will be deleted
#' @param itrt the treatment will be deleted
#' @return informatrix
#' @export
addInfoMatrix <- function(Design,nTreatments, nRows, nCols, irow, icol, itrt){
  mlist  <- delInfoMatrix(Design,nTreatments, nRows, nCols, irow, icol)
  Cn1    <- mlist$Cn1
  a1     <- mlist$a1
  b1     <- mlist$b1
  InvB   <- as.matrix(mlist$InvB)
  InvCn1 <- mlist$InvCn1

  a2      <- rep(0,nTreatments)
  a2[itrt]<- 1

  b2               <- rep(0,nRows+nCols+1)
  b2[irow]         <- 1
  b2[nRows+icol]   <- 1
  b2[nRows+nCols+1]<- 1

  An_1Bn_1 <-  AnBn-a1%*%t(b1)
  InvB_1   <- InvB+ (InvB %*% b1 %*% t(b1) %*% InvB)/(1-t(b1) %*% InvB %*% b1)[1]

  xxx1 <- a2-An_1Bn_1 %*% InvB_1 %*% b2
  xxx2 <- sqrt(1+t(b2) %*% InvB_1 %*% b2)
  c2   <- xxx1/xxx2[1]

  Cn     <- Cn1 + c2 %*% t(c2)
  #InvCn1 <- ginv(Cn1)  
  InvCn <- InvCn1 - (InvCn1 %*% c2 %*% t(c2) %*% InvCn1)/(1+t(c2) %*% InvCn1 %*% c2)[1]
  mlist <- list(Cn,Cn1,c2,a2,b2,InvB_1,InvCn)
  names(mlist) <- c("Cn","Cn1","c2","a2","b2","InvB_1","InvCn")

# Searching optimal row-column designs using simulated annealing algorithm
# input :
# output:
# Version 1.1
# Stuttgart 11 April 2017
#' @param nTreatments the number of treatments
#' @param nCheks the number of checks
#' @param nRows the number of rows
#' @param nCols the number of columns
#' @return return an optimal design
#' @export
startDesignV1 <- function(nTreatments, nChecks, nRows, nCols, repli){
  # Construct an incidence matrix N = X' %*% R
  # Starting with a design
  startD <- matrix(0, nRows, nCols)

  # Allocate the different treatments to one block at a time
  nObs     <- nRows*nCols
  newObs   <- nObs
  N        <- matrix(0,nTreatments,nRows)
  newrepli <-repli
  listtrt  <- 1:nTreatments
  for(ib in 1:nRows){
    kn    <- nCols/newObs
    for (i in 1:nTreatments){
      N[i,ib] <- floor(newrepli[i]*kn)
    rfill         <- nCols-sum(N[,ib])
    apha          <- newrepli-N[,ib]
    ixx           <- listtrt[apha>0]
    selTrts       <- sample(ixx, rfill, replace=F)
    N[selTrts,ib] <- N[selTrts,ib]+1
    newObs        <- newObs-nCols
    newrepli      <- newrepli-N[,ib]
  ##--- Constructing a design from a given incidence matrix
  # N = t(X) %*% Z
  startD <- matrix(0, nRows, nCols)
  for (ir in 1:nRows){
    startD[ir,] <- rep(listtrt,N[,ir])
#' The function helps to generate a starting connected design
#' @param nTreatments the number of treatments
#' @param nCheks the number of checks
#' @param nRows the number of rows
#' @param nCols the number of columns
#' @return return an optimal design
#' @export
startDesignV2<- function(nTreatments, nChecks, nRows, nCols, repli, nchecks, vrepChecks, weighted=0, flag){
  # Construct an incidence matrix N = X' %*% R
  # Starting with a design
  nTrts       <- nTreatments-nChecks+1
  repliz      <- rep(1, nTrts)
  repliz[1]   <- sum(vrepChecks)
  totalchecks <- sum(vrepChecks)
  fullchecks  <- rep(c(1:nChecks),vrepChecks)
  optDesign <- 0
  checksM <- 0
	      checksM <- 0
			pDesign   <- startDesignV1(nTrts, nChecks, nRows, nCols, repliz)
			#write.xlsx(pDesign, "pDesign1.xlsx",sheetName = "Step1")
			for(i in 1:nRows){
			  indexx <- sample(1:nCols, nCols, replace = F)
			  pDesign[i,] <-pDesign[i,indexx]
			optDesign         <- aRCDesign(pDesign, nTrts, nRows, nCols, repliz, ncheck=1, flag=0, cRandom=0, reps=1,weighted)
	    #write.xlsx(pDesign, "pDesign2.xlsx",sheetName = "Step2")
		  nDesign   <- pDesign
		  nDesign[which(nDesign==1)] <- rep(-3,sum(vrepChecks))
		  nDesign <- nDesign + (nChecks-1)
		  xxxx    <- (nChecks-1) + -3
		  repchecks  <- fullchecks
		  indexx     <- sample(1:totalchecks, totalchecks, replace = F)
		  repchecks  <- repchecks[indexx]
		  nDesign[which(nDesign==xxxx)] <- repchecks
		  optDesign   <- aRCDesign(nDesign, nTreatments, nRows, nCols, repliz, ncheck=nChecks, flag=0, cRandom=0, reps=1,weighted)

		  # randomly assign checks to qseudo check
			checksM    <- checksM +1
			repchecks  <- fullchecks
			indexx     <- sample(1:totalchecks, totalchecks, replace = F)
			repchecks  <- repchecks[indexx]
			nDesign[which(nDesign==-1)] <- repchecks
			optDesign         <- aRCDesign(nDesign, nTreatments, nRows, nCols, repliz, ncheck=nChecks, flag=0, cRandom=0, reps=1,weighted)
		  #write.xlsx(nDesign, "pDesign3.xlsx",sheetName = "Step3")
  optDesign <- aRCDesign(nDesign, nTreatments, nRows, nCols, repliz, ncheck=nChecks, flag=flag, cRandom=0, reps=1,weighted)
  mlist     <- list(nDesign,optDesign)
  names(mlist) <- c("nDesign","optDesign")

#' @param nTreatments
#' @param nRows
#' @param nCols
#' @param repliz
#' @param flag type of design, CRD or row-column design, or ...
#' @return a connected design
#' @export
genBlkDesign <- function(nTreatments, nRows, nCols, nChecks, vrepChecks, flag=0){

  repliz      <- rep(1, nTreatments)
  randIndex   <- sample(1:nTreatments, nChecks, replace = F)
  repliz[randIndex] <- vrepChecks

  pDesign   <- StartDesign(nTreatments, nChecks, nRows, nCols, repliz)
  ## fixed flag for Aopt function-- can be changed
  t     <- AOpt(pDesign, nTreatments, nRows, nCols , repli, 0)
  t     <- 0
  iter  <- 0
  niter <- 100
  olditer <- 0
  # Generating a connected design
  t <- 0
  while (t == 0) {
    iter <- iter +1
    for (ii in 1:nRows) {
      indexx <- sample(1:nCols, nCols, replace = F)
      pDesign[ii, ] <-  pDesign[ii, indexx]
    t   <- AOpt(pDesign, nTreatments, nRows, nCols, repli=-1, 0)
    if((iter==niter) && (t==0)){
      repliz    <- rep(1, nTreatments)
      randIndex <- sample(1:nTreatments, nChecks, replace = F)
      repliz[randIndex] <- vrepChecks
      pDesign  <- StartDesign(nTreatments, nChecks, nRows, nCols, repliz)
      iter     <- 0
      olditer  <- niter
#' The function helps to update an inversve of an information matrix
#' @param pDesign
#' @param inforMatrix
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @export
updateFormulaeT<- function(pDesign, infoMat, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2,iCol2, flag=0){
# get information of a given matrix
	Cn1    <- infoMat$CnStar
	InvCO1 <- infoMat$InvAStar

	nRows  <- dim(pDesign)[1]
	nCols  <- dim(pDesign)[2]
	nTrts  <- length(unique(c(pDesign)))
# a design after exchanging treatments
    nDesign      <- pDesign
	nDesign[iRow1,iCol1]    <- pDesign[iRow2,iCol2]
	nDesign[iRow2,iCol2]    <- pDesign[iRow1,iCol1]

	infoMat2 <- info2Matrix(nDesign,nTrts, nRows, nCols)

	zz <- 0
		Cn2      <- infoMat2$CnStar
		deltaM0  <- infoMat$Cn - infoMat2$Cn
		deltaM1  <- Cn1-Cn2
			zz0     <- round(eigen(deltaM1)$values*10^10)/10^10
			zz      <- zz0[which(zz0!=0)]
				omega   <- diag(zz)
				omega   <- zz
			X       <- eigen(deltaM1)$vectors[,which(zz0!=0)]
			siM     <- solve(omega)- t(X) %*%InvCO1 %*% X
			invSiM  <- solve(siM)
			checkInvCO2 <- InvCO1 + InvCO1 %*% X %*% invSiM %*% t(X) %*% InvCO1

			Echeck      <- (nTrts-1)/sum(diag(checkInvCO2))
			Echeck      <- 0
			checkInvCO2 <- 0

		Echeck      <- 0
		checkInvCO2 <- 0
		Cn2         <- 0
		zz          <- 0
		deltaM0     <- 0
	mlist <- list(Echeck,checkInvCO2,Cn2,zz,deltaM0)
	names(mlist) <- c("Aopt","InvAStar","CnStar","Eigen","deltaM0")
#' The function helps to update an inversve of an information matrix
#' @param pDesign
#' @param inforMatrix
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @export
Swapping<- function(pDesign,irow1,icol1,irow2,icol2){
      copyDesign <- pDesign
	  xx <- pDesign[irow1, icol1]
	  yy <- pDesign[irow2, icol2]
	  copyDesign[irow1, icol1] <- yy
	  copyDesign[irow2, icol2] <- xx
#' The function helps to update an inversve of an information matrix
#' @param pDesign
#' @param infoMat
#' @param nTreatments
#' @param twocombn
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @param weighted = 0
#' @param flag = 0, 'u', 'c'
#' @export
updateFormulaeT3 <- function(pDesign, infoMat, nTreatments, nChecks, twoCombn, check2Combn , iRow1, iCol1, iRow2,iCol2, weighted = 0, flag=0){

  Echeck      <- 0
  checkInvCO2 <- 0
  Cn2         <- 0
  r           <- 0
  YY          <- 0
  ZZ          <- 0
  x0          <- 0
  final       <- 0

# get information of a given matrix 
	r            <- infoMat$repli
	r_a          <- sum(r)/nTreatments
    r_square     <- r_a*r_a
	Cn1    <- infoMat$Cn
	InvCO1 <- infoMat$InvCn

	nRows  <- dim(pDesign)[1]
	nCols  <- dim(pDesign)[2]
	# get two different treatments will be exchanged
	xx     <- pDesign[iRow1, iCol1]
	yy     <- pDesign[iRow2, iCol2]

	# for row-component design
	alpha1 <- matrix(0,nTreatments,nRows)
	alpha1[xx,iRow1] <- alpha1[xx,iRow1] - 1
	alpha1[xx,iRow2] <- alpha1[xx,iRow2] + 1
	alpha1[yy,iRow1] <- alpha1[yy,iRow1] + 1
	alpha1[yy,iRow2] <- alpha1[yy,iRow2] - 1
    #for column-component design
	alpha2 <- matrix(0,nTreatments,nCols)
	alpha2[xx,iCol1] <- alpha2[xx,iCol1] - 1
	alpha2[xx,iCol2] <- alpha2[xx,iCol2] + 1
	alpha2[yy,iCol1] <- alpha2[yy,iCol1] + 1
	alpha2[yy,iCol2] <- alpha2[yy,iCol2] - 1
    # calculate differences
	#I need to check here
		#rtt <- matrix(0,nTreatments,nTreatments)
		rtt <- infoMat$YY %*% t(alpha1) + alpha1 %*%t(infoMat$YY) + alpha1 %*% t(alpha1)
		#ctt <- matrix(0,nTreatments,nTreatments)
		ctt <- infoMat$ZZ %*% t(alpha2) + alpha2 %*%t(infoMat$ZZ) + alpha2 %*% t(alpha2)
	final <- (1/nCols)*rtt+(1/nRows)*ctt
	YY    <- infoMat$YY + alpha1 # for the row blocking factor
    ZZ    <- infoMat$ZZ + alpha2 # for the column blocking factor
	Cn2   <- Cn1 - final
	# check connectedness of a new design
	diffdesign <- sum(abs(final))!=0
	connected  <-  matrix.rank(Cn2)==(nTreatments-1)
		selColumn   <- setdiff(c(1:nTreatments), c(xx,yy))
		ordervec    <- c(xx,yy,selColumn)
		newdesign   <- final[,ordervec]
		newdesign   <- newdesign[ordervec,]
		newordervec <- matrix(0,1,nTreatments)

		for(iii in 1:nTreatments){
			newordervec[iii] <- c(which(ordervec==iii))
        #get elements in a differences matrix
		tz     <- newdesign[3:nTreatments,1]
		a1     <- -newdesign[1,2]
		a2     <- newdesign[1,1] + newdesign[1,2]
		tvalue <- t(tz)%*%tz
		# calculate eigen values
		lambda1 <- as.numeric(a1 + sqrt(a1*a1+a2*a2+2*tvalue))
		lambda2 <- as.numeric(a1 - sqrt(a1*a1+a2*a2+2*tvalue))
		# calculate eigen vectors
		a      <- newdesign[1,1]
		b      <- newdesign[1,2]
        # There will be two different eigen vectors, which are denoted by p1 and p2
				 x11  <- 0
				 x12  <- as.numeric((tvalue)/b)
				 x13  <- -t(tz)*x12/lambda1
				 rate1 <- (a+b-lambda1)/(a+b+lambda1)
					 x11   <- as.numeric(sqrt((1-(tvalue))/(1+rate1*rate1)))
					 x12   <- as.numeric(rate1*x11)
					 x13   <- (t(tz)*x11-t(tz)*x12)/lambda1
					 x11   <- as.numeric((tvalue)/(lambda1-a-b*rate1))
					 x12   <- as.numeric(rate1*x11)
					 x13   <- (t(tz)*x11-t(tz)*x12)/lambda1
			p1    <- c(x11,x12,x13)
			p1    <- rep(0,nTreatments)
			p1[1] <- 1
		# vector p2
				x21 <- 0
				x22 <- as.numeric((tvalue)/b)
				x23 <- -t(tz)*x22/lambda2
				rate2 <- (a+b-lambda2)/(a+b+lambda2)
					 x21   <- as.numeric(sqrt((1-(tvalue))/(1+rate2*rate2)))
					 x22   <- as.numeric(rate2*x21)
					 x23   <- (t(tz)*x21-t(tz)*x22)/lambda2
					x21   <- (tvalue)/(lambda2-a-b*rate2)
					x22   <- rate2*x21[1]
					x23   <- (t(tz)*x21[1]-t(tz)*x22[1])/lambda2

			p2    <- c(x21,x22,x23)
			p2    <- rep(0,nTreatments)
			p2[1] <- 1
		lambda      <- round(c(lambda1,lambda2)*10^10)/10^10
		ieigen      <- which(lambda!=0)
		reallambda  <- lambda[ieigen]
		ifelse(length(reallambda)==2,omega   <- diag(reallambda),omega   <- reallambda)
		# normalized vectors
		normp1 <- sqrt(1/(p1%*%p1))*p1
		normp2 <- sqrt(1/(p2%*%p2))*p2
		#get update for an inverse matrix
		InvCO1  <- infoMat$InvCn
		x0      <- cbind(matrix(normp1),matrix(normp2))
        X       <- x0[,ieigen]
		ifelse(is.null(dim(X)),X <- t(t(X)), X <- X)
		#get update for an inverse matrix
		X           <- X[newordervec,]
		siM         <- solve(omega)- t(X) %*%InvCO1 %*% X
		invSiM      <- solve(siM)
		checkInvCO2 <- InvCO1 + InvCO1 %*% X %*% invSiM %*% t(X) %*% InvCO1
		# add on 23 May 2017
		# calculate A-efficiency factor
		temp     <- 0
		#for (ii in c(1:(nTreatments-1))) {
		#  for(jj in c((ii+1):nTreatments)){
		#		#v    <- (r[ii]*r[jj]/r_square)*(checkInvCO2[ii,ii]+checkInvCO2[jj,jj])
		#		v    <- (r[ii]*r[jj]/r_square)*(checkInvCO2[ii,ii]+checkInvCO2[jj,jj]-2*checkInvCO2[ii,jj])
		#	    temp2 <- temp2 + v
		#  }
		## incorporate with flag option

		if ( weighted == 1 ) {
			if (flag=="0") {
				rarb         <- r[twocombn[,1]]*r[twocombn[,2]]
				diagElements <- diag(checkInvCO2)
				AAA          <- rarb*(diagElements[twocombn[,1]]+diagElements[twocombn[,2]])
				BBB          <- diag(as.vector(r))%*%checkInvCO2%*%diag(as.vector(r))
				CCC          <- sum(BBB)-sum(diag(BBB))
				temp         <- (sum(AAA) - CCC)/r_square
				v_bar        <- temp*2/(nTreatments*(nTreatments-1))
				Aopt         <- 2/(r_a*v_bar)
				Echeck       <- Aopt
			} else if(flag=="u") {
				nEntries     <- nTreatments - nChecks
				InvCO2Unrep  <- checkInvCO2[c((nChecks+1):nTreatments),c((nChecks+1):nTreatments)]
				temp     <- nEntries*sum(diag(InvCO2Unrep))-sum(InvCO2Unrep)
				v_bar    <- temp*2/(nEntries*(nEntries-1))
				Aopt     <- 2/v_bar
				Echeck   <- Aopt
			} else {
				InvCO2Checks <- checkInvCO2[c(1:nChecks),c(1:nChecks)]
				rCheck       <- sum(r[1:nChecks])/nChecks
				rSquareCheck <- rCheck*rCheck
				temp         <- 0
				for (ii in c(1:(nChecks-1))) {
				  for(jj in c((ii+1):nChecks)){
						v    <- (r[ii]*r[jj]/rSquareCheck)*(InvCO2Checks[ii,ii]+InvCO2Checks[jj,jj]-2*InvCO2Checks[ii,jj])
						temp <- temp + v
				v_bar    <- temp*2/(nChecks*(nChecks-1))
				Aopt     <- 2/(rCheck*v_bar)
				Echeck   <- Aopt
					save(checkInvCO2,file = "INV.r")
		} else {
			temp <- nTreatments*sum(diag(checkInvCO2))-sum(checkInvCO2)							
			v_bar    <- temp*2/(nTreatments*(nTreatments-1))
			Aopt     <- 2/(r_a*v_bar)
			Echeck   <- Aopt
	} # diffdesign
	mlist <- list(Echeck,checkInvCO2,Cn2,r,YY,ZZ,x0,final)
	names(mlist) <- c("Aopt","InvCn","Cn","repli","YY","ZZ","Eigen","final")
#' The function helps to update an inversve of an information matrix
#' @param pDesign
#' @param inforMatrix
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @export
layoutAugDesign <- function(pDesign,nTreatments,nChecks){
    layoutDesign <- pDesign
	for(i in (nChecks+1):nTreatments){
		layoutDesign[pDesign==i] <- 0
#' The function helps to update an inversve of an information matrix
#' @param pDesign
#' @param inforMatrix
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @export
NeighboorUpdate <- function(optDeg,optA, inforDesign, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2){

	check      <- updateFormulaeT3(optDeg, inforDesign, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2)
	optNew     <- check$Aopt
	ap         <- exp((optNew-optA)/temper)
	if ((ap > runif(1, 0, 1))&&(optNew>0)) {
	  optDeg       <- Swapping(optDeg, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2)
	  optA         <- optNew
	  inforDesign  <- check
	mlist <- list(optDeg,optA,inforDesign)
	names(mlist) <- c("optDeg","optA","inforDesign")
#' The function helps to update an inversve of an information matrix
#' @param pDesign
#' @param inforMatrix
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @export
CoordinateExchange<- function(pDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, nRows, nCols, infoDesign, cOpt, pos, weighted=0, flag){
	# obtain row and column positions
	irow  <- pos[1]
	icol  <- pos[2]
	tempCOpt       <- cOpt
	tempDesign     <- pDesign
	tempInfoDesign <- infoDesign

	colPos <- icol+1
	## ----> move to right middle
	while ( colPos <= nCols ) {
			result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, irow, colPos, weighted, flag)
			tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		    tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
			tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign
			colPos <- colPos + 1
## ----> move to left middle
	colPos <- icol-1
			result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, irow, colPos, weighted, flag)

			tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		    tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
			tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign

			colPos <- colPos - 1
    ## ----> move to forward
	rowPos <- irow-1
		result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, rowPos, icol, weighted, flag)

		tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
		tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign

		rowPos <- rowPos - 1

    ## -----> move to backward
	rowPos <- irow + 1
		result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, rowPos, icol, weighted, flag)

		tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
		tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign

		rowPos <- rowPos + 1
	# backward right
	rowPos <- irow+1
	colPos <- icol+1
		result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, rowPos, colPos, weighted, flag)

		tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
		tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign

		rowPos <- rowPos + 1
		colPos <- colPos + 1

	# forward left
	rowPos <- irow-1
	colPos <- icol-1
		result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, rowPos, colPos, weighted, flag)

		tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
		tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign

		rowPos <- rowPos - 1
		colPos <- colPos - 1

	#  forward right
	rowPos <- irow-1
	colPos <- icol+1
		result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, rowPos, colPos, weighted, flag)

		tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
		tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign

		rowPos <- rowPos - 1
		colPos <- colPos + 1
	# backward left
	rowPos <- irow+1
	colPos <- icol-1
		result   <- CompareSwappingDesign(pDesign, infoDesign, tempDesign, tempCOpt, tempInfoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, irow, icol, rowPos, colPos, weighted, flag)

		tempCOpt       <- result$Aopt
		tempDesign     <- result$pDesign
		tempInfoDesign <- result$infoDesign

		rowPos <- rowPos + 1
		colPos <- colPos - 1

	mlist <- list(tempDesign,tempInfoDesign,tempCOpt)
	names(mlist) <- c("pDesign","infoDesign","Aopt")

#' The function helps to update an inversve of an information matrix
#' @param pDesign
#' @param inforMatrix
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @export
CompareSwappingDesign <- function(pDesign, infoDesign, cDesign, cOpt, cInfoDesign , nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2, weighted, flag){
	iTrt1   <- pDesign[iRow1, iCol1]
	iTrt2   <- pDesign[iRow2, iCol2]
	# set variables
	tempDesign     <- cDesign
	tempCOpt       <- cOpt
	tempInfoDesign <- cInfoDesign
		uptDesign   <- updateFormulaeT3(pDesign, infoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2, weighted,flag)		#print(uptDesign$Aopt)
		if (uptDesign$Aopt> tempCOpt) {
		  tempCOpt       <- uptDesign$Aopt
		  tempDesign     <- Swapping(pDesign, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2)
		  tempInfoDesign <- uptDesign
	mlist <- list(tempDesign,tempInfoDesign,tempCOpt)
	names(mlist) <- c("pDesign","infoDesign","Aopt")

#' Swapping two different plots in a given design
#' @param pDesign
#' @param inforMatrix
#' @param iRow1
#' @param iCol1
#' @param iRow2
#' @param iCol2
#' @export
SwappingTwoPlots <- function(pDesign, infoDesign, AOpt, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2, weighted, flag){

	iTrt1   <- pDesign[iRow1, iCol1]
	iTrt2   <- pDesign[iRow2, iCol2]
	# set variables
	tempDesign     <- pDesign
	tempCOpt       <- round(AOpt*10^10)/10^10
	tempInfoDesign <- infoDesign
		uptDesign   <- updateFormulaeT3(pDesign, infoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks , twocombn, check2Combn, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2, weighted,flag)
		if (round(uptDesign$Aopt*10^10)/10^10> tempCOpt) {
		  tempCOpt       <- uptDesign$Aopt
		  tempDesign     <- Swapping(pDesign, iRow1, iCol1, iRow2, iCol2)
		  tempInfoDesign <- uptDesign
	mlist <- list(tempDesign,tempInfoDesign,tempCOpt)
	names(mlist) <- c("pDesign","infoDesign","Aopt")

RandomSearch <- function(pDesign,nTreatments, nRows, nCols, optDesign, infoDesign, twocombn, check2Combn, weighted, flag, niter){

	copyDesign <- pDesign
	iter        <- 0
	recordImp   <- rep(0,niter)
	while (iter < niter) {
		cTreatments <- as.matrix(rbind(which(pDesign==1,arr.ind=T),which(pDesign==2,arr.ind=T),which(pDesign==3,arr.ind=T),which(pDesign==4,arr.ind=T)))
		icheck      <- sample(1:lcTreatment, 1, replace = T)
		siter       <- 0
	  while (siter < 1000) {
			irow        <- c(as.double(cTreatments[icheck,1]),sample(1:nRows, 1, replace = T))
			icol        <- c(as.double(cTreatments[icheck,2]),sample(1:nCols, 1, replace = T))
			if (pDesign[irow[1], icol[1]] != pDesign[irow[2], icol[2]]) {
				check       <- updateFormulaeT3(pDesign, infoDesign, nTreatments, nChecks, twocombn, check2Combn, irow[1], icol[1], irow[2], icol[2], weighted,flag)
				if (round(check$Aopt*10^10)/10^10 > round(optDesign*10^10)/10^10) {
					#print('I am here')
					optDesign  <- check$Aopt
					# We need to swap treatments
					iPDesign   <- Swapping(pDesign, irow[1], icol[1], irow[2], icol[2])
					pDesign    <- iPDesign
					infoDesign <- check
			siter <- siter + 1
		recordImp[iter] <- optDesign
		iter <- iter + 1
	mlist        <- list(optDesign,pDesign,infoDesign,recordImp)
	names(mlist) <- c("optDesign","pDesign","infoDesign","recordImp")
#' Swapping two different plots in a given design
#' @param InvInfoMatrix
#' @param TwoCombn
#' @param Repli
#' @param Weight
#' @param Flag
#' @export
AeffRowColumnDesign <- function(InvInfoMatrix, nTreatments, nChecks, r_a, ...){
	# get variables
	arguments     <- list(...)
	TwoCombn      <- arguments$TwoCombn
	ifelse(!is.null(arguments$TwoCombn),TwoCombn <- arguments$TwoCombn,TwoCombn <- -1)
	ifelse(!is.null(arguments$Repli),Repli <- arguments$Repli, Repli <- -1)
	ifelse(!is.null(arguments$Weight),Weight <- arguments$Weight, Weight <- -1)
	ifelse(!is.null(arguments$Flag),Flag <- arguments$Flag,Flag <- -1)
	# set variables
	v_bar  <- 0
	Aopt   <- 0
	Echeck <- 0
	r_square <- r_a*r_a
if ( Weight == 1 ) {
			if (Flag=="0") {
				rarb         <- Repli[TwoCombn[,1]]*Repli[TwoCombn[,2]]
				diagElements <- diag(InvInfoMatrix)
				AAA          <- rarb*(diagElements[TwoCombn[,1]]+diagElements[TwoCombn[,2]])
				BBB          <- diag(as.vector(Repli))%*%InvInfoMatrix%*%diag(as.vector(Repli))
				CCC          <- sum(BBB)-sum(diag(BBB))
				temp         <- (sum(AAA) - CCC)/r_square
				v_bar        <- temp*2/(nTreatments*(nTreatments-1))
				Aopt         <- 2/(r_a*v_bar)
				Echeck       <- Aopt
			} else if(Flag=="u") {
				nEntries     <- nTreatments - nChecks
				InvCOUnrep   <- InvInfoMatrix[c((nChecks+1):nTreatments),c((nChecks+1):nTreatments)]
				temp         <- nEntries*sum(diag(InvCOUnrep))-sum(InvCOUnrep)
				v_bar        <- temp*2/(nEntries*(nEntries-1))
				Aopt         <- 2/v_bar
				Echeck       <- Aopt
			} else if(Flag=="c") {
				InvCO2Checks <- InvInfoMatrix[c(1:nChecks),c(1:nChecks)]
				rCheck       <- sum(r[1:nChecks])/nChecks
				rSquareCheck <- rCheck*rCheck
				temp         <- 0
				for (ii in c(1:(nChecks-1))) {
				  for(jj in c((ii+1):nChecks)){
						v    <- (r[ii]*r[jj]/rSquareCheck)*(InvCO2Checks[ii,ii]+InvCO2Checks[jj,jj]-2*InvCO2Checks[ii,jj])
						temp <- temp + v
				v_bar    <- temp*2/(nChecks*(nChecks-1))
				Aopt     <- 2/(rCheck*v_bar)
				Echeck   <- Aopt
		} else {
			temp     <- nTreatments*sum(diag(InvInfoMatrix))-sum(InvInfoMatrix)
			v_bar    <- temp*2/(nTreatments*(nTreatments-1))
			Aopt     <- 2/(r_a*v_bar)
			Echeck   <- Aopt
	#mlist        <- list(optDesign,pDesign,infoDesign,recordImp)
	#names(mlist) <- c("optDesign","pDesign","infoDesign","recordImp")
## A place to test your codes

#setwd("D:/user/vthanh/Google Drive/Project Stuttgart/R_programing/UpdateFormular")

#source("D:/user/vthanh/Google Drive/Project Stuttgart/R_programing/A_Eff_RowColumnDesign.r")

#data    <- split(read.table("./Designs/Design.txt"), gl(1, 4))
#repli   <- 3
#pDesign <- data$`1`
#modelD  <- modelMatrix(10, 4, 4, pDesign)
nhavt/Block3AugDesigns documentation built on May 7, 2019, 11:15 a.m.