
Defines functions .print class_tag deparse_to_string toString.ASTNode toString.ParameterList toString.Parameter toString.Phi toString.Branch toString.Return toString.Assignment toString.SuperAssignment toString.BlockList toString.Function toString.If toString.For toString.While toString.Label format.ASTNode format.Block

Documented in toString.ASTNode toString.Label

# Functions for string conversion and printing.

# Utility functions --------------------------------------------------

# This function uses cat() and format() to display a value.
.print = function(x, ...) cat(format(x, ...), "\n\n")

class_tag = function(x) sprintf("<%s>", class(x)[[1]])

deparse_to_string = function(expr, ...) {
  # Safely deparse() an R language object to a string.
  paste0(deparse(expr, ...), collapse = "\n")

# toString() methods ----------------------------------------

#' Convert an ASTNode to a Character String
#' These methods produce a single string that describes the code an ASTNode
#' represents.
#' @param x (ASTNode) The object to be converted.
#' @param ... Optional arguments passed to or from methods.
#' @return A character vector of length 1.
#' @examples
#' ast = quote_ast(if (x > 3) 42 else "hello")
#' toString(ast)
#' @export
toString.ASTNode =
function(x, ...) {
  deparse_to_string(as_language(x, ..., keep_ssa = TRUE))

#' @export
toString.ParameterList =
function(x, ...) {
  contents = vapply(x$contents, toString, NA_character_, parenthesize = FALSE)
  paste0("(", paste0(contents, collapse = ", "), ")")

#' @export
toString.Parameter =
function(x, ..., parenthesize = TRUE) {
  name = x$ssa_name
  default = toString(x$default)

  if (parenthesize)
    sprintf("(%s = %s)", name, default)
    sprintf("%s = %s", name, default)

#' @export
toString.Phi =
function(x, ...) {
  contents = vapply(x$contents, toString, NA_character_)
  contents = paste(x$ids, contents, sep = " => ", collapse = ", ")

  sprintf("%s = Phi(%s)", toString(x$write), contents)

#' @export
toString.Branch =
function(x, ...) {
  classname = tolower(class(x)[[1]])
  if (is.null(x$target))
    paste(classname, toString.Label(x$target, ...))

#' @export
toString.Return =
function(x, ...) {
  sprintf("return (%s)", toString(x$read, ...))

#' @export
toString.Assignment =
function(x, ..., short = TRUE) {
  write = toString(x$write, ..., short = short)
  read = toString(x$read, ..., short = short)
  sprintf("%s = %s", write, read)

#' @export
toString.SuperAssignment =
function(x, ..., short = TRUE) {
  write = toString(x$write, ..., short = short)
  read = toString(x$read, ..., short = short)
  sprintf("%s <<- %s", write, read)

#' @export
toString.BlockList =
function(x, ...) {
  # A list of blocks.
  code = vapply(x$contents, format.Block, NA_character_, ..., short = TRUE)
  paste0("[[", seq_along(code), "]]\n", code, collapse = "\n\n")

#' @export
toString.Function =
function(x, ..., short = FALSE) {
  # FIXME: Get code for function signature, but delegate body to other methods.
  if (short)
    "function #..."
  else if (is(x$body, "BlockList"))

#' @export
toString.If =
function(x, ...) {
  sprintf("if (%s) %s else %s",
    toString(x$condition, ...),
    toString(x$true, ...),
    toString(x$false, ...)

#' @export
toString.For =
function(x, ...) {
  sprintf("for (%s in %s) %s then %s",

#' @export
toString.While =
function(x, ...) {
  # NOTE: This prints `repeat` as `while (TRUE)`
  sprintf("while (%s) %s then %s",

#' @rdname toString.ASTNode
#' @param block_prefix (character) Prefix to prepend to basic block IDs.
#' @export
toString.Label =
function(x, ..., block_prefix = "%") {
  paste0(block_prefix, x$name)

# format() and print() methods ----------------------------------------
#' @export
format.ASTNode = function(x, ...) {
  members = setdiff(ls(x), c("initialize", "clone", "copy"))
  is_method = is_r6_method(members, x)

  members[is_method] = paste(members[is_method], "()", sep = "")
  members = members[order(is_method, members)]
  members = paste("$", members, sep = "", collapse = " ")

  #if (is(x, "Function") && is(x$body, "list")) {
  #  code = vapply(x$body, format, NA_character_)
  #  code = paste0("[[", seq_along(code), "]]\n", code, collapse = "\n")
  #} else
  code = toString(x, ...)

  sprintf("%s %s\n%s", class_tag(x), members, code)

#' @export
print.ASTNode = .print

#' @export
format.Block =
function(x, ..., short = TRUE) {
  len = length(x$contents)
  if (len == 0)
    return ("\n  # empty block")

  phi = vapply(x$phi, toString, NA_character_, ...)
  contents = vapply(x$contents, toString, NA_character_, ..., short = short)

  paste("\n  ", c(phi, contents), sep = "", collapse = "")

#' @export
print.Block = .print

# REMOVE ----------------------------------------

#' @export
#format.FlowGraph = function(x, tag = .format_tag(x), ...) {
#  # Format:
#  #
#  #   <CFGraph> 5 blocks
#  #
#  #   %v1:
#  #     # branch %2
#  #
#  #   %v2
#  #     if (z > 3) %3 else %4
#  msg = if (length(x) == 1) "%i block" else "%i blocks"
#  v_count = sprintf(msg, length(x))
#  fmt = vapply(x$blocks, format, NA_character_, keep_ssa = TRUE)
#  blocks = sprintf('%s: %s', names(x), fmt)
#  blocks = paste0(blocks, collapse = "\n\n")
#  sprintf("%s %s\n\n%s", tag, v_count, blocks)
##' @export
#print.FlowGraph = .print
#format.NONCONST = function(x, ...) "NONCONST"
#print.NONCONST = function(x, ...) cat(format(x, ...), "\n")
nick-ulle/ast documentation built on Oct. 18, 2019, 4:37 a.m.