

toy = quote_cfg({
  x = 3
  y = x
}, ssa = FALSE)

# Establish baseline by computing the killed and used variables in one block.

toy2 = quote_cfg({
  x = 3
  y = f(x, z)
}, ssa = FALSE)

toy3 = quote_cfg({
  x = 3
  y = 1
  z = 1
  if (x > 1) {
    y = x
  } else {
    z = x

  a = y + z
}, ssa = FALSE)

# Now that we can compute the KU sets, we need to iterate to find the live
# variables.

chaotic = function(fn) {
  cfg = fn$cfg

  # Step 1: Initialize worklist and analysis list.
  worklist = igraph::ends(cfg$graph, igraph::E(cfg$graph))
  worklist = worklist[, 2:1, drop = FALSE]

  result = vector("list", length(cfg))
  result[] = list( character(0) )
  names(result) = names(cfg$blocks)

  ku = compute_ku(fn)

  live = function(result, ku) {
    union(setdiff(result, ku$killed), ku$used)

  # Step 2: Iterate until worklist is empty.
  while (nrow(worklist) > 0) {
    b      = worklist[1, 1]
    b_next = worklist[1, 2]
    worklist = worklist[-1, , drop = FALSE]

    # Update exit set for b_next.
    old = result[[b_next]]
    result[[b_next]] = union(old, live(result[[b]], ku[[b]]))

    # Check if exit set changed.
    if (length(result[[b_next]]) != length(old)) {
      # Add edges from b_next to ancestors.
      in_edges = igraph::incident(cfg$graph, b_next, "in")
      to_bind = igraph::ends(cfg$graph, in_edges)[, 2:1, drop = FALSE]
      worklist = rbind(to_bind, worklist)

  # Step 3: Compute entry sets.

live_variables = function(fn, max_iter = 20) {
  ku = compute_ku(fn)

  # Initialize entry and exit set for each block.
  live = vector("list", length(fn$cfg))
  live[] = list( list(entry = character(0), exit = character(0)) )
  names(live) = names(fn$cfg$blocks)

  for (i in 1:max_iter) {
    old_live = live

    # Compute entry and exit set for each block.
    for (b in names(fn$cfg$blocks)) {
      live[[b]][["entry"]] =
        union(setdiff(live[[b]][["exit"]], ku[[b]]$killed), ku[[b]]$used)

      out = igraph::neighbors(fn$cfg$graph, b, "out")
      combine = character(0)
      for (x in names(out))
        combine = union(combine, live[[x]][["entry"]])
      live[[b]][["exit"]] = combine

    if (identical(old_live, live))

  #message(sprintf("Solution found after %i iterations.", i))

# Compute KU for every block in a graph.
compute_ku = function(fn) {
  ku = list(killed = character(0), used = character(0))
  lapply(fn$cfg$blocks, compute_ku_ast, ku)

# Compute KU for a single block.
compute_ku_ast = function(node, ku) {

compute_ku_ast.Brace = function(node, ku) {
  # Kills only happen in LHS of assignment. Also `rm()`
  # Uses can be widespread.
  for (line in node$body) {
    ku = compute_ku_ast(line, ku)


compute_ku_ast.Assign = function(node, ku) {
  ku = compute_ku_ast(node$read, ku)

  # Add LHS to killed.
  ku$killed = union(ku$killed, node$write$name)


compute_ku_ast.If = function(node, ku) {
  compute_ku_ast(node$condition, ku)

compute_ku_ast.Symbol = function(node, ku) {
  used = node$name

  # Check whether this symbol has already been killed in this block.
  if (used %in% ku$killed)
    return (ku)

  ku$used = union(ku$used, used)

compute_ku_ast.Call = function(node, ku) {
  for (arg in node$args) {
    ku = compute_ku_ast(arg, ku)


compute_ku_ast.Literal = function(node, ku) ku
nick-ulle/ast documentation built on Oct. 18, 2019, 4:37 a.m.