#' @importFrom partykit nodeapply as.simpleparty nodeids info_node
#' @importFrom stats getCall terms xtabs
#' @importFrom utils combn
#' @export
TreeStab <- function(ct, B = 20) {
call <- stats::getCall(ct)
tr <- stats::terms(ct)
env <- try(environment(tr))
if (inherits(env, "try-error")) env <- NULL
data <- eval(call$data, envir = env, enclos = parent.frame())
get_var_freq <- function(object) {
id_term <- names(partykit::nodeapply(partykit::as.simpleparty(object), ids = partykit::nodeids(object, terminal = TRUE), partykit::info_node))
vars <- unlist(partykit::nodeapply(partykit::as.simpleparty(object), ids = partykit::nodeids(object, terminal = FALSE), function(x) {names(partykit::info_node(x)$p.value)}))
vars <- vars[!(names(vars) %in% id_term)]
res <- as.data.frame(table(vars))
jaccard <- function(p,q) {
combi <- utils::combn(1:length(p),2)
i <- combi[1,]
j <- combi[2,]
p1 <- p[i]==p[j]
q1 <- q[i]==q[j]
n11 <- sum(p1 & q1)
n00 <- sum(!p1 & !q1)
n10 <- sum(p1 & !q1)
n01 <- sum(!p1 & q1)
return(n11 / (n11+n10+n01))
jacc <- numeric()
varfreq <- list()
for(i in 1:B) {
# bootstrap tree
call$data <- data[sample(1:nrow(data), replace = TRUE),]
ct_b <- eval(call)
# cramer V for table partition x bootstrap partition
nodes <- predict(ct, type = "node")
nodes_b <- predict(ct_b, type = "node")
jacc[i] <- jaccard(nodes, nodes_b)
# variables used in bootstrap tree
temp <- get_var_freq(ct_b)
temp$id <- rep(i, nrow(temp))
varfreq[[i]] <- temp
varfreq <- do.call("rbind.data.frame", varfreq)
df <- stats::xtabs(Freq ~ id + vars, data = varfreq)
class(df) <- NULL
df <- as.data.frame(df)
temp <- colMeans(df)
df2 <- data.frame(vars = names(temp), Freq_boot = temp)
temp <- colMeans(df>0)
df3 <- data.frame(vars = names(temp), Prob_boot = temp)
df1 <- get_var_freq(ct)
df1$Prob <- as.numeric(df1$Freq>0)
res <- data.frame(vars = colnames(ct[[1]]$node$info$criterion))
res <- merge(res, df1)
res <- merge(res, df2)
res <- merge(res, df3)
res <- res[,c("vars","Freq","Freq_boot","Prob","Prob_boot")]
return(list(partition = mean(jacc),
variables = res))
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