
#' A Cat Function
#' This function allows you to express your love of cats.
#' @param love Do you love cats? Defaults to TRUE.
#' @keywords cats
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cat_function()

rm(list = ls(all = TRUE))

LtoW <- function(db, size = 10000)
    count = 1
    while (count < nrow(db)) {
        if (any(colnames(db) %in% input[i, "Zsample"])) {
            idvar = c(LtoC(input[i, "stationID"]), LtoC(input[i, "dateID"]),
                LtoC(input[i, "Zsample"]))
        } else {
            idvar = c(LtoC(input[i, "stationID"]), LtoC(input[i, "dateID"]))
        timevar = LtoC(input[i, "wideVar"])
        if (count == 1)
            dbtemp = plyr::reshape(db[count:(count + size - 1), ], timevar = timevar,
                idvar = idvar, direction = "wide")
        if (count > 1)
            dbtemp = rbind.fill(dbtemp, plyr::reshape(db[count:(count + size -
                1), ], timevar = timevar, idvar = idvar, direction = "wide"))
        print(paste(count, ":", nrow(dbtemp)))
        count = count + size

firstAsRowNames <- function(mat)
  rownames(mat) = mat[, 1]
    mat[, 1] = NULL

# function to convert levels to numeric or characters
LtoN <- function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x))
LtoC <- function(x) as.character(x)

# when read empty cells are coded as NAs

dbSurvey <- function(inputPath = "dbInput.xlsx", startAt = 97,append = F) {

    # input a excel, but should eventually be a csv
    input = readxl::read_excel(inputPath, sheet = "dbInput")

    #input categories to identified should also be a csv
    categories = readxl::read_excel("dbInput.xlsx", sheet = "categories")

    exclu = readxl::read_excel("dbInput.xlsx", sheet = "exclu", col_names = F)

    # decide if you append to an existing input csv or you create a new one

    if (append) {
        outp = read.csv("output.csv", row.names = 1)
        nskip = length(unique(outp[, 2]))
    } else {
        nskip = 0

    # create the final output table
    output <- data.frame(path = character(), state = character(), category = character(),
        varNames = character(), varDepth = character(), nbObs = numeric(),
        nbLakes = numeric(), nbDepths = numeric(), nbYears = numeric(),
        startYear = numeric(), endYear = numeric())

    output$category = LtoC(output$category)
    output$path = LtoC(output$path)
    output$varNames = LtoC(output$varNames)
    output$varDepth = LtoC(output$varDepth)
    output$state = LtoC(output$state)

    i = 1
    # j=1
    count = 1
    # if you want to run the loop for a limited number of db starting at x
    if (append) startAt = nskip + 1
    # if(!append)startAt=93

    for (i in startAt:nrow(input)) {

        sheetTemp = do.call(rbind, strsplit(LtoC(input[i, "sheet"]), ";"))

        # For xlsx if multiple sheets need to be rbind, sep = ';' and the
        # columns of the first sheet are used in the rbind
        if (input[i, "type"] == "xls") {
            first = T
            for (w in sheetTemp) {
                if (!is.na(w)) {
                  sheet = w
                } else {
                  sheet = 1
                if (first)
                  db = readxl::read_excel(paste("..\\", LtoC(input[i, "path"]),
                    sep = ""), sheet = sheet)
                if (!first)
                  db = rbind(db, readxl::read_excel(paste("..\\", LtoC(input[i,
                    "path"]), sep = ""), sheet = sheet)[, colnames(db)])
                first = F

        if (input[i, "type"] == "csv")
            db = read.csv(paste("..\\", LtoC(input[i, "path"]), sep = ""),
                1, na.strings = c("", "NA"))

        # long db are trandformed to wide db
        if (!is.na(input[i, "wideVar"])) {
            if (!is.na(input[i, "Zsample"])) {
                db = db[, c(LtoC(input[i, "stationID"]), LtoC(input[i,
                  "dateID"]), LtoC(input[i, "wideVar"]), LtoC(input[i,
                  "Zsample"]), LtoC(input[i, "wideResults"]))]
            } else {
                db = db[, c(LtoC(input[i, "stationID"]), LtoC(input[i,
                  "dateID"]), LtoC(input[i, "wideVar"]), LtoC(input[i,
            db = LtoW(db)

        # if(!is.na(input[i,'wideVar'])){
        # db=db[,c(LtoC(input[i,'stationID']),LtoC(input[i,'dateID']),LtoC(input[i,'wideVar']),LtoC(input[i,'wideResults']))]
        # db <- reshape(db, timevar = LtoC(input[i,'wideVar']), idvar =
        # c(LtoC(input[i,'stationID']),LtoC(input[i,'dateID'])),direction =
        # 'wide') }

        if (!is.na(input[i, "NA"]))
            db[db == input[i, "NA"]] = NA

        Zsample = LtoC(input[i, "Zsample"])
        if (is.na(Zsample)) {
            Zsample = colnames(db)[grep("^(?=.*depth)(?!.*secchi)(?!.*max)(?!.*min)",
                colnames(db), ignore.case = TRUE, perl = T)][1]
        } else {
            Zsample = NA

        # this is for db with only one
        if (is.na(input[i, "stationID"]) | input[i, "stationID"] == "NA") {
            db$stationId = "A"
            stationId = "stationId"
        } else {
            stationId = LtoC(input[i, "stationID"])

        dateId = LtoC(input[i, "dateID"])

        db = db[rowSums(is.na(db)) != ncol(db), ]  #remove columns with only NAs
        db = db[, colSums(is.na(db)) != nrow(db)]  #remove rows with only NAs
        db = db[!is.na(db[, dateId]), ]  #remove rows with only NAs

        if (input[i, "dateFormat"] == "B")
            db[, dateId] = LtoC(lubridate::ymd(lubridate::parse_date_time(LtoC(db[, dateId]),
                orders = "mdy")))

        if (input[i, "dateFormat"] == "C") {
            db$date2 = NA
            db$date2[grep("/", db[, dateId])] = LtoC(lubridate::ymd(lubridate::parse_date_time(LtoC(db[,
                dateId][grep("/", db[, dateId])]), orders = "mdy H:M")))
            db$date2[grep("-", db[, dateId])] = LtoC(lubridate::ymd(lubridate::parse_date_time(LtoC(db[,
                dateId][grep("-", db[, dateId])]), orders = "ymd H:M")))
            db[, dateId] = db$date2
            db$date2 = NULL

        if (input[i, "dateFormat"] == "D") {
            db$date2 = NA
            db$date2[grep("/", db[, dateId])] = LtoC(lubridate::ymd(lubridate::parse_date_time(LtoC(db[,
                dateId][grep("/", db[, dateId])]), orders = "mdy")))
            db$date2[grep("-", db[, dateId])] = LtoC(lubridate::ymd(lubridate::parse_date_time(LtoC(db[,
                dateId][grep("-", db[, dateId])]), orders = "ymd")))
            db[, dateId] = db$date2
            db$date2 = NULL
        if (input[i, "dateFormat"] == "E")
            db[, dateId] = LtoC(lubridate::ymd(LtoC(db[, dateId])))

        if (input[i, "dateFormat"] == "F") {
            y = "YEAR"
            d = "DAY"
            m = "MONTH"
            db[, dateId] = lubridate::ymd((paste(db[, c(y)], db[, c(m)], db[, c(d)],
                sep = "-")))

        if (input[i, "dateFormat"] == "G") {
            db[, dateId] = lubridate::ymd(lubridate::parse_date_time(LtoC(db[, dateId]), orders = "y"))

        j = 2
        for (j in 1:nrow(categories)) {

            # for each category and the associated patterns to look for
            categTemp = rownames(categories)[j]
            pattTemp = categories[j, !is.na(categories[j, ])]
            pattTemp = paste(unlist(pattTemp), collapse = "|")
            pattRem = paste(unlist(exclu), collapse = "|")
            rem = grep(pattern = pattRem, colnames(db), ignore.case = TRUE)
            if (length(rem) > 0)
                colsTemp = grep(pattern = pattTemp, colnames(db)[-rem],
                  ignore.case = TRUE) else {
                colsTemp = grep(pattern = pattTemp, colnames(db), ignore.case = TRUE)
            if (length(colsTemp) == 0)

            output[count, "path"] = LtoC(input[i, "path"])
            output[count, "category"] = categTemp
            varOut = c("nbObs", "nbLakes", "nbYears", "startYear", "endYear")
            mat = matrix(NA, length(colsTemp), 5, dimnames = list(colnames(db)[colsTemp],

            tempZ = NA
            c = 1
            for (k in colnames(db)[colsTemp]) {

                # LtoC(db[!is.na(db[,k]),input[i,'Zsample']])

                db[!is.na(db[, k]), ]

                mat[k, "nbObs"] = nrow(db[!is.na(db[, k]), ])
                mat[k, "nbLakes"] = length(unique(LtoC(db[!is.na(db[, k]),
                mat[k, "nbYears"] = length(unique(lubridate::year(LtoC(db[!is.na(db[,
                  k]), dateId]))))
                mat[k, "startYear"] = min(lubridate::year(LtoC(db[!is.na(db[, k]),
                  dateId])), na.rm = T)
                mat[k, "endYear"] = max(lubridate::year(LtoC(db[!is.na(db[, k]), dateId])),
                  na.rm = T)
                if (mat[k, "nbLakes"] == 0)
                  mat[k, "nbLakes"] = 1

                tempMat = db[!is.na(db[, k]), ]
                tempMat$uniM = paste(tempMat[, stationId], tempMat[, dateId],
                  sep = ":")

                # calcule the number of unique depth for one lake at one depth then
                # average for the database limit the estimate of depths if not will
                # take forever
                if (!is.na(Zsample)) {
                  for (h in tempMat$uniM) {
                    tempZ[c] = length(unique(tempMat[tempMat$uniM == h,
                    c = c + 1
                    if (c > 100)

            if (nrow(mat) > 1)
                mat = mat[order(mat[, "nbObs"], decreasing = T), ]
            output[count, "nbObs"] = mat[1, "nbObs"]
            output[count, "nbLakes"] = mat[1, "nbLakes"]
            output[count, "nbYears"] = mat[1, "nbYears"]
            output[count, "startYear"] = mat[1, "startYear"]
            output[count, "endYear"] = mat[1, "endYear"]
            output[count, "endYear"] = mat[1, "endYear"]
            output[count, "state"] = input[i, "state"]
            if (!is.na(Zsample)) {
                output[count, "nbDepths"] = mean(tempZ)
            } else {
                output[count, "nbDepths"] = 1

            output[count, "varNames"] = paste(unlist(rownames(mat)), collapse = "; ")
            output[count, "varDepth"] = Zsample

            count = count + 1


    if (append) output = rbind(outp, output)
    #write.csv(output, "output.csv")
nicolasfstgelais/EnviroDbdSummary documentation built on May 5, 2019, 5:56 p.m.