
computeSigmaHat <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, extra = FALSE, 
                            delta = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    nvar           <- lavmodel@nvar
    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    Sigma.hat <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    for(g in 1:nblocks) {

        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[mm.in.group]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            Sigma.hat[[g]] <- computeSigmaHat.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST, 
                                                     delta = delta)
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")
        if(debug) print(Sigma.hat[[g]])

        if(extra) {
            # check if matrix is positive definite
            ev <- eigen(Sigma.hat[[g]], symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
            if(any(ev < .Machine$double.eps) || sum(ev) == 0) {
                Sigma.hat.inv <-  MASS::ginv(Sigma.hat[[g]])
                Sigma.hat.log.det <- log(.Machine$double.eps)
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "po") <- FALSE
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "inv") <- Sigma.hat.inv
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "log.det") <- Sigma.hat.log.det
            } else {
                ## FIXME
                ## since we already do an 'eigen' decomposition, we should
                ## 'reuse' that information, instead of doing a new cholesky
                Sigma.hat.inv <-  inv.chol(Sigma.hat[[g]], logdet=TRUE)
                Sigma.hat.log.det <- attr(Sigma.hat.inv, "logdet")
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "po") <- TRUE
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "inv") <- Sigma.hat.inv
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "log.det") <- Sigma.hat.log.det
    } # nblocks


## only if conditional.x = TRUE
## compute the (larger) unconditional 'joint' covariance matrix (y,x)
## Sigma (Joint ) = [ (S11, S12), 
##                    (S21, S22) ] where
##     S11 = Sigma.res + PI %*% cov.x %*% t(PI) 
##     S12 = PI %*% cov.x
##     S21 = cov.x %*% t(PI)
##     S22 = cov.x
computeSigmaHatJoint <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, extra = FALSE,
                                 delta = TRUE, debug = FALSE) {


    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    nvar           <- lavmodel@nvar
    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    Sigma.hat <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    for(g in 1:nblocks) {

        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[mm.in.group]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            res.Sigma  <- computeSigmaHat.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST, delta = delta)
            res.int    <- computeMuHat.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)
            res.slopes <- computePI.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)
            S.xx       <- MLIST$cov.x

            S.yy <- res.Sigma + res.slopes %*% S.xx %*% t(res.slopes)
            S.yx <- res.slopes %*% S.xx
            S.xy <- S.xx %*% t(res.slopes)

            Sigma.hat[[g]] <- rbind( cbind(S.yy, S.yx), cbind(S.xy, S.xx) )
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")
        if(debug) print(Sigma.hat[[g]])

        if(extra) {
            # check if matrix is positive definite
            ev <- eigen(Sigma.hat[[g]], symmetric=TRUE, only.values=TRUE)$values
            if(any(ev < .Machine$double.eps) || sum(ev) == 0) {
                Sigma.hat.inv <-  MASS::ginv(Sigma.hat[[g]])
                Sigma.hat.log.det <- log(.Machine$double.eps)
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "po") <- FALSE
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "inv") <- Sigma.hat.inv
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "log.det") <- Sigma.hat.log.det
            } else {
                ## FIXME
                ## since we already do an 'eigen' decomposition, we should
                ## 'reuse' that information, instead of doing a new cholesky
                Sigma.hat.inv <-  inv.chol(Sigma.hat[[g]], logdet=TRUE)
                Sigma.hat.log.det <- attr(Sigma.hat.inv, "logdet")
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "po") <- TRUE
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "inv") <- Sigma.hat.inv
                attr(Sigma.hat[[g]], "log.det") <- Sigma.hat.log.det
    } # nblocks


computeMuHat <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    representation <- lavmodel@representation
    meanstructure  <- lavmodel@meanstructure

    # return a list
    Mu.hat <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    for(g in 1:nblocks) {

        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]

        if(!meanstructure) {
            Mu.hat[[g]] <- numeric( lavmodel@nvar[g] )
        } else
        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            Mu.hat[[g]] <- computeMuHat.LISREL(MLIST = GLIST[ mm.in.group ])
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")
    } # nblocks


## only if conditional.x = TRUE
## compute the (larger) unconditional 'joint' mean vector (y,x)
## Mu (Joint ) = [ Mu.y, Mu.x ] where
##     Mu.y = res.int + PI %*% M.x
##     Mu.x = M.x
computeMuHatJoint <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    representation <- lavmodel@representation
    meanstructure  <- lavmodel@meanstructure

    # return a list
    Mu.hat <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    for(g in 1:nblocks) {

        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]

        if(!meanstructure) {
            Mu.hat[[g]] <- numeric( lavmodel@nvar[g] )
        } else if(representation == "LISREL") {
            MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]
            res.int    <- computeMuHat.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)
            res.slopes <- computePI.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)
            M.x        <- MLIST$mean.x

            Mu.y <- res.int + res.slopes %*% M.x
            Mu.x <- M.x
            Mu.hat[[g]] <- c(Mu.y, Mu.x)
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")
    } # nblocks


# TH.star = DELTA.star * (th.star - pi0.star)
# see Muthen 1984 eq 11
computeTH <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat    <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation
    th.idx  <- lavmodel@th.idx

    # return a list
    TH <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute TH for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {

        if(length(th.idx[[g]]) == 0) {
            TH[[g]] <- numeric(0L)
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            TH[[g]] <- computeTH.LISREL(MLIST = GLIST[ mm.in.group ],
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")


# PI = slope structure
# see Muthen 1984 eq 12
computePI <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation
    conditional.x  <- lavmodel@conditional.x

    # return a list
    PI <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute TH for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(!conditional.x) {
            PI.g <- numeric( lavmodel@nvar[g] )
        } else
        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            PI.g <- computePI.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        PI[[g]] <- PI.g


# GW = group weight
computeGW <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST=NULL) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation
    group.w.free   <- lavmodel@group.w.free

    # return a list
    GW <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute GW for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(!group.w.free) {
            GW.g <- 0.0 # FIXME
        } else
        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            GW.g <- as.numeric(MLIST$gw[1,1])
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        GW[[g]] <- GW.g

    # transform to proportions
    #gw <- unlist(GW)
    #gw <- exp(gw) / sum(exp(gw))
    #for(g in 1:nblocks) {
    #    GW[[g]] <- gw[g]


# *unconditional* variance/covariance matrix of Y
#  - same as Sigma.hat if all Y are continuous)
#  - if also Gamma, cov.x is used (only if categorical)
computeVY <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, diagonal.only = FALSE) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    VY <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute TH for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            VY.g <- computeVY.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        if(diagonal.only) {
            VY[[g]] <- diag(VY.g)
        } else {
            VY[[g]] <- VY.g


# V(ETA): latent variances variances/covariances
computeVETA <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, 
                        remove.dummy.lv = FALSE) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    ETA <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute ETA for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            ETA.g <- computeVETA.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)

            if(remove.dummy.lv) {
                # remove all dummy latent variables
                lv.idx <- c(lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                if(!is.null(lv.idx)) {
                    ETA.g <- ETA.g[-lv.idx, -lv.idx, drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        ETA[[g]] <- ETA.g


# V(ETA|x_i): latent variances variances/covariances, conditional on x_
# - this is always (I-B)^-1 PSI (I-B)^-T, after REMOVING lv dummies
computeVETAx <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    ETA <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute ETA for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            lv.idx <- c(lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
            ETA.g <- computeVETAx.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST, 
                                         lv.dummy.idx = lv.idx)
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        ETA[[g]] <- ETA.g


# COV: observed+latent variances variances/covariances
computeCOV <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, 
                       remove.dummy.lv = FALSE) {

    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    COV <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute COV for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            COV.g <- computeCOV.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST)

            if(remove.dummy.lv) {
                # remove all dummy latent variables
                lv.idx <- c(lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                if(!is.null(lv.idx)) {
                    # offset for ov
                    lambda.names <- 
                        lavmodel@dimNames[[which(names(GLIST) == "lambda")[g]]][[1L]]
                    lv.idx <- lv.idx + length(lambda.names)
                    COV.g <- COV.g[-lv.idx, -lv.idx, drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        COV[[g]] <- COV.g


# E(ETA): expectation (means) of latent variables (return vector)
computeEETA <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, lavsamplestats = NULL, 
                        remove.dummy.lv = FALSE) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    EETA <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute E(ETA) for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            EETA.g <- computeEETA.LISREL(MLIST, 
            if(remove.dummy.lv) {
                # remove dummy
                lv.dummy.idx <- c(lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                if(length(lv.dummy.idx) > 0L) {
                    EETA.g <- EETA.g[-lv.dummy.idx]
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        EETA[[g]] <- EETA.g


# E(ETA|x_i): conditional expectation (means) of latent variables
# for a given value of x_i (instead of E(x_i))
computeEETAx <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, lavsamplestats = NULL, 
                         eXo = NULL, nobs = NULL, remove.dummy.lv = FALSE) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    EETAx <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute E(ETA) for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        EXO <- eXo[[g]]
        if(is.null(EXO)) {
            # create empty matrix
            EXO <- matrix(0, nobs[[g]], 0L)

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            EETAx.g <- computeEETAx.LISREL(MLIST, 
                eXo=EXO, N=nobs[[g]],

            if(remove.dummy.lv) {
                # remove dummy
                lv.dummy.idx <- c(lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                if(length(lv.dummy.idx) > 0L) {
                    EETAx.g <- EETAx.g[ ,-lv.dummy.idx, drop=FALSE]
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        EETAx[[g]] <- EETAx.g


# return 'regular' LAMBDA
computeLAMBDA <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, 
                          remove.dummy.lv = FALSE) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    LAMBDA <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute LAMBDA for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            LAMBDA.g <- computeLAMBDA.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST,
                          ov.y.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.y.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                          remove.dummy.lv = remove.dummy.lv)
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        LAMBDA[[g]] <- LAMBDA.g


# THETA: observed (residual) variances
computeTHETA <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    THETA <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute THETA for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            THETA.g <- computeTHETA.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST,
                          ov.y.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.y.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.lv.idx[[g]])
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        THETA[[g]] <- THETA.g


# E(Y): expectation (mean) of observed variables
# returns vector 1 x nvar
computeEY <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, lavsamplestats = NULL) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    nblocks        <- lavmodel@nblocks
    nmat           <- lavmodel@nmat
    representation <- lavmodel@representation

    # return a list
    EY <- vector("list", length=nblocks)

    # compute E(Y) for each group
    for(g in 1:nblocks) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        mm.in.group <- 1:nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0,nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(representation == "LISREL") {
            EY.g <- computeEY.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST, 
        } else {
            stop("only representation LISREL has been implemented for now")

        EY[[g]] <- EY.g


# E(Y | ETA, x_i): conditional expectation (means) of observed variables
# for a given value of x_i AND eta_i
computeYHAT <- function(lavmodel = NULL, GLIST = NULL, lavsamplestats = NULL, 
                        eXo = NULL, nobs = NULL, ETA = NULL, duplicate = FALSE) {
    # state or final?
    if(is.null(GLIST)) GLIST <- lavmodel@GLIST

    # ngroups, not nblocks!
    ngroups <- lavsamplestats@ngroups

    # return a list
    YHAT <- vector("list", length=ngroups)

    # compute YHAT for each group
    for(g in seq_len(ngroups)) {
        # which mm belong to group g?
        # FIXME: what if more than g blocks???
        mm.in.group <- 1:lavmodel@nmat[g] + cumsum(c(0L,lavmodel@nmat))[g]
        MLIST <- GLIST[ mm.in.group ]

        if(is.null(eXo[[g]]) && duplicate) {
            Nobs <- nobs[[g]]
        } else {
            Nobs <- 1L

        if(lavmodel@representation == "LISREL") {
            if(lavmodel@conditional.x) {
                YHAT[[g]] <- computeEYetax.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST,
                          eXo = eXo[[g]], ETA = ETA[[g]], N = Nobs,
                          sample.mean = lavsamplestats@mean[[g]],
                          ov.y.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.y.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.lv.idx[[g]])
            } else {
                # unconditional case
                YHAT[[g]] <- computeEYetax3.LISREL(MLIST = MLIST,
                          ETA = ETA[[g]],
                          sample.mean = lavsamplestats@mean[[g]],
                          mean.x = lavsamplestats@mean.x[[g]],
                          ov.y.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.ov.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.ov.idx[[g]],
                          ov.y.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.y.dummy.lv.idx[[g]],
                          ov.x.dummy.lv.idx = lavmodel@ov.x.dummy.lv.idx[[g]])
                # impute back ov.y values that are NOT indicators
        } else {
            stop("psindex ERROR: representation ", lavmodel@representation,
                 " not supported yet.")

nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.