
# classic score test (= Lagrange Multiplier test)
# this function can run in two modes:
# MODE 1: 'add'
#   add new parameters that are currently not included in de model
#   (aka fixed to zero), but should be released
# MODE 2: 'release' (the default)
#   release existing "==" constraints
lavTestScore <- function(object, add = NULL, release = NULL,
                         univariate = TRUE, cumulative = FALSE,
                         epc = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, warn = TRUE) {

    # check object
    stopifnot(inherits(object, "psindex"))
    lavoptions <- object@Options

    if(object@optim$npar > 0L && !object@optim$converged) {
        stop("psindex ERROR: model did not converge")

    # check for inequality constraints
    PT <- object@ParTable
    if(any(PT$op == ">" | PT$op == "<")) {
        stop("psindex ERROR: lavTestScore() does not handle inequality constraints (yet)")

    # check arguments
    if(cumulative) {
        univariate <- TRUE

    # Mode 1: ADDING new parameters
    if(!is.null(add) && nchar(add) > 0L) {
        # check release argument
        if(!is.null(release)) {
            stop("psindex ERROR: `add' and `release' arguments cannot be used together.")

        # extend model with extra set of parameters
        FIT <- lav_object_extended(object, add = add)
        score <- lavTech(FIT, "gradient")
        information <- lavTech(FIT, "information.expected")

        npar <- object@Model@nx.free
        nadd <- FIT@Model@nx.free - npar

        # R
        R.model <- object@Model@con.jac[,,drop = FALSE]
        if(nrow(R.model) > 0L) {
            R.model <- cbind(R.model, matrix(0, nrow(R.model), ncol = nadd))
            R.add   <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nadd, ncol = npar), diag(nadd))
            R       <- rbind(R.model, R.add)

            Z <- cbind(rbind(information, R.model),
            Z.plus <- MASS::ginv(Z)
            J.inv  <- Z.plus[ 1:nrow(information), 1:nrow(information) ]

            r.idx <- seq_len(nadd) + nrow(R.model)
        } else {
            R <- cbind(matrix(0, nrow = nadd, ncol = npar), diag(nadd))
            J.inv <- MASS::ginv(information)

            r.idx <- seq_len(nadd)

        # lhs/rhs
        lhs <- lav_partable_labels(FIT@ParTable)[ FIT@ParTable$user == 10L ]
         op <- rep("==", nadd)
        rhs <- rep("0", nadd)
        Table <- data.frame(lhs = lhs, op = op, rhs = rhs)
        class(Table) <- c("psindex.data.frame", "data.frame")
    } else {
    # MODE 2: releasing constraints

        R <- object@Model@con.jac[,,drop = FALSE]
        if(nrow(R) == 0L) {
            stop("psindex ERROR: no equality constraints found in model.")

        score <- lavTech(object, "gradient")
        information <- lavTech(object, "information.expected")
        J.inv <- MASS::ginv(information) #FIXME: move into if(is.null(release))? 
        #                 else written over with Z1.plus if(is.numeric(release))
        #R <- object@Model@con.jac[,]

        if(is.null(release)) {
            # ALL constraints
            r.idx <- seq_len( nrow(R) )
        } else if(is.numeric(release)) {
            r.idx <- release
            if(max(r.idx) > nrow(R)) {
                stop("psindex ERROR: maximum constraint number (", max(r.idx),
                     ") is larger than number of constraints (", nrow(R), ")")

            # neutralize the non-needed constraints
            R1 <- R[-r.idx,,drop = FALSE]
            Z1 <- cbind( rbind(information, R1),
                         rbind(t(R1), matrix(0,nrow(R1),nrow(R1))) )
            Z1.plus <- MASS::ginv(Z1)
            J.inv <- Z1.plus[ 1:nrow(information), 1:nrow(information) ]
        } else if(is.character(release)) {
            stop("not implemented yet")

        # lhs/rhs
        eq.idx <- which(object@ParTable$op == "==")
        if(length(eq.idx) > 0L) {
            lhs <- object@ParTable$lhs[eq.idx][r.idx]
             op <- rep("==", length(r.idx))
            rhs <- object@ParTable$rhs[eq.idx][r.idx]
        Table <- data.frame(lhs = lhs, op = op, rhs = rhs)
        class(Table) <- c("psindex.data.frame", "data.frame")

    N <- nobs(object)
    if(lavoptions$mimic == "EQS") {
        N <- N - 1
    if(lavoptions$se == "standard") {
        stat <- as.numeric(N * score %*% J.inv %*% score)
    } else {
        # generalized score test
        if(warn) {
            warning("psindex WARNING: se is not `standard'; not implemented yet; falling back to ordinary score test")
        # NOTE!!!
        # we can NOT use VCOV here, because it reflects the constraints,
        # and the whole point is to test for these constraints...
        stat <- as.numeric(N * score %*% J.inv %*% score)

    # compute df, taking into account that some of the constraints may
    # be needed to identify the model (and hence information is singular)
    # information.plus <- information + crossprod(R)
    #df <- qr(R[r.idx,,drop = FALSE])$rank + 
    #          ( qr(information)$rank - qr(information.plus)$rank )
    df <- nrow( R[r.idx,,drop = FALSE] )
    pvalue <- 1 - pchisq(stat, df=df)

    # total score test
    TEST <- data.frame(test = "score", X2 = stat, df = df, p.value = pvalue)
    class(TEST) <- c("psindex.data.frame", "data.frame")
    attr(TEST, "header") <- "total score test:"

    OUT <- list(test = TEST) 

    if(univariate) {
        TS <- numeric( nrow(R) )
        for(r in r.idx) {
            R1 <- R[-r,,drop = FALSE]
            Z1 <- cbind( rbind(information, R1),
                         rbind(t(R1), matrix(0,nrow(R1),nrow(R1))) )
            Z1.plus <- MASS::ginv(Z1)
            Z1.plus1 <- Z1.plus[ 1:nrow(information), 1:nrow(information) ]
            TS[r] <- as.numeric(N * t(score) %*%  Z1.plus1 %*% score)

        Table2 <- Table
        Table2$X2 <- TS[r.idx]
        Table2$df <- rep(1, length(r.idx))
        Table2$p.value <- 1 - pchisq(Table2$X2, df = Table2$df)
        attr(Table2, "header") <- "univariate score tests:"
        OUT$uni <- Table2

    if(cumulative) {
        TS.order <- sort.int(TS, index.return = TRUE, decreasing = TRUE)$ix
        TS <- numeric( length(r.idx) )
        for(r in 1:length(r.idx)) {
            rcumul.idx <- TS.order[1:r]

            R1 <- R[-rcumul.idx,,drop = FALSE]
            Z1 <- cbind( rbind(information, R1),
                         rbind(t(R1), matrix(0,nrow(R1),nrow(R1))) )
            Z1.plus <- MASS::ginv(Z1)
            Z1.plus1 <- Z1.plus[ 1:nrow(information), 1:nrow(information) ]
            TS[r] <- as.numeric(N * t(score) %*%  Z1.plus1 %*% score)

        Table3 <- Table
        Table3$X2 <- TS
        Table3$df <- seq_len( length(TS) )
        Table3$p.value <- 1 - pchisq(Table3$X2, df = Table3$df)
        attr(Table3, "header") <- "cumulative score tests:"
        OUT$cumulative <- Table3

    if(epc) {
        #EPC <- vector("list", length = length(r.idx))
        #for(i in 1:length(r.idx)) {
        #    r <- r.idx[i]
        #    R1 <- R[-r,,drop = FALSE]
        #    Z1 <- cbind( rbind(information, R1),
        #                 rbind(t(R1), matrix(0,nrow(R1),nrow(R1))) )
        #    Z1.plus <- MASS::ginv(Z1)
        #    Z1.plus1 <- Z1.plus[ 1:nrow(information), 1:nrow(information) ]
        #    EPC[[i]] <- -1 * as.numeric(score %*%  Z1.plus1)
        #OUT$EPC <- EPC

        # alltogether
        R1 <- R[-r.idx,,drop = FALSE]
        Z1 <- cbind( rbind(information, R1),
                     rbind(t(R1), matrix(0,nrow(R1),nrow(R1))) )
        Z1.plus <- MASS::ginv(Z1)
        Z1.plus1 <- Z1.plus[ 1:nrow(information), 1:nrow(information) ]
        EPC.all <- -1 * as.numeric(score %*%  Z1.plus1)

        # create epc table for the 'free' parameters
        if (!is.null(add) && nchar(add) > 0L) {
          LIST <- parTable(FIT)[,c("lhs","op","rhs","group",
        } else {
          ## release mode
          LIST <- parTable(object)[,c("lhs","op","rhs","group",
        if(lav_partable_ngroups(LIST) == 1L) {
            LIST$group <- NULL
        nonpar.idx <- which(LIST$op %in% c("==", ":=", "<", ">"))
        if(length(nonpar.idx) > 0L) {
            LIST <- LIST[-nonpar.idx,]

        LIST$est[ LIST$free > 0 & LIST$user != 10 ] <- lav_object_inspect_coef(object, type = "free")
        LIST$est[ LIST$user == 10L ] <- 0
        LIST$epc <- rep(as.numeric(NA), length(LIST$lhs))
        LIST$epc[ LIST$free > 0 ] <- EPC.all
        LIST$epv <- LIST$est + LIST$epc
        LIST$free[ LIST$user == 10L ] <- 0
        LIST$user <- NULL

        attr(LIST, "header") <- "expected parameter changes (epc) and expected parameter values (epv):"

        OUT$epc <- LIST

nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.