
#' Parameter Stability Index
#' @description A function used to calculate fungible parameter estimates.
#' @keywords FPE, fungible parameter estimates
#' @author Jordan Yee Prendez, \email{jordanyeeprendez@@gmail.com}
#' @param model user-specified SEM that using \pkg{lavaan} syntax.
#' @param data_set data frame of measured variables.
#' @param RMSEA_pert numeric. Defines the maximum size of the perturbation in data-model fit (in the scale of RMSEA). For example, a RMSEA_pert = .01 indicates that all estimates will be stored that have a RMSEA value within .01 RMSEA of the MLE RMSEA value.
#' @param genanneal_max_iters integer. The maximum number of iterations of the simulated annealing algorithm.
#' @param plot_fpe a logical value indicating whether FPEs should be graphed alongside the maximum likelihood estimates. Defaults to \code{FALSE}.
#' @param output_long a logical value that indicates whether the FPEs and the MLE should be output in long data format. Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param frac_plot the fraction of FPEs that are graphed. Defaults to 1.
#' @param iterations_bin numeric. Represents the maximum number of fungible estimates that can be stored. Defaults to 40,000
#' @param control_genSA list. used to control the simulated annealing algorithm (see \link[GenSA]{GenSA} documentation)
#' @param index_method Character. Specify the index used to calculate FPEs. Either RMSEA or AIC. Defaults to RMSEA
#' @param lower Numeric. Lower bound of the parameter search space to be optimized over. Defaults to \code{-10}
#' @param upper Numeric. Upper bound of the parameter search space to be optimized over. Defaults to \code{10}
#' @param starting_val_MLE a logical value indicating whether the MLEs should be used as starting values for the SA algorithm. Defaults to \code{FALSE}
#' @param dev_options list. used to control special functions. not for regular usage.
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' model <- '
#' measurement model
#' ind60 =~ x1 + x2 + x3
#' dem60 =~ y1 + y2 + y3 + y4
#' dem65 =~ y5 + y6 + y7 + y8
#' # regressions
#' dem60 ~ ind60
#' dem65 ~ ind60 + dem60
#' # residual correlations
#' y1 ~~ y5
#' y2 ~~ y4 + y6
#' y3 ~~ y7
#' y4 ~~ y8
#' y6 ~~ y8
#' '
#'ps_index(model = model, data_set = PoliticalDemocracy,
#'         RMSEA_pert = .01,
#'         plot_fpe   = TRUE,
#'         index_method = "rmsea",
#'        frac_plot = .3, iterations_bin = 100000,
#'         control_genSA = list(maxit = 500))

#' @export
ps_index <- function(model               =  NULL,
                     data_set            =  NULL,
                     # control_args      =  NULL,
                     group               =  NULL,
                     RMSEA_pert          =  0,
                     meanstructure       =  NULL,
                     genanneal_max_iters =  100,
                     plot_fpe            =  FALSE,
                     output_long         =  FALSE,
                     frac_plot           =  1,
                     iterations_bin      =  40000,
                     suppress_message    = FALSE,
                     control_genSA       = NULL,
                     index_method        = "rmsea",
                     lower               = -10,
                     upper               = 10,
                     starting_val_MLE    = FALSE,
                     dev_options         = NULL,
                     standardize         = FALSE

  assign(x = "first_iteration_indicator", value = as.integer(1), envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "secondary_optimization_iterations", value = 1, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "control_genSA", value = control_genSA, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "index_method", value = index_method, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "lower", value = lower, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "upper", value = upper, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "starting_val_MLE", value = starting_val_MLE, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "suppress_message", value = suppress_message, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "RMSEA_pert", value = RMSEA_pert, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "dev_options", value = dev_options, envir = cacheEnv)
  assign(x = "standardize", value = standardize, envir = cacheEnv)


  iters.env <- new.env()

  iters.env$RMSEA_pert2 <- RMSEA_pert
  study <-list(NA)
  iters <- iterations_bin
  reps <- replications
  fit.mle <- psindex::sem(model=model, data=data_set, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE,  estimator="ML", control=list(optim.method = "nlminb"), group=group)
  assign(x = "fit.mle", value = fit.mle, envir = cacheEnv)
  conv_ind <- ifelse(fit.mle@optim$converged == 1, 1, 0)
  dev_options    <- get("dev_options", envir = cacheEnv)
  mle_convergence_ind_output <- dev_options[["mle_convergence_ind_output"]]
  if(is.null(mle_convergence_ind_output)) mle_convergence_ind_output <- FALSE
 if (mle_convergence_ind_output == TRUE){
   if (conv_ind==0) {
     print("ML convergence fail")
     assign("conv_ind", value=conv_ind, envir=globalenv())
   } else if(conv_ind == 1){
     assign("conv_ind", value=conv_ind, envir=globalenv())

  variables  <- length(fit.mle@ParTable$est)
  M = matrix(0, nrow = length(fit.mle@ParTable$est) + 1, ncol = iterations_bin) 
  iters_assign <- 1
  dt_speed = as.data.table(M) ###data.table for speed.
  assign('fpe_wide', value=dt_speed, envir = cacheEnv)
  iters2.env <- new.env()
  iters2.env$iters_assign <- 1

  vars <- (variables+1)
 secondary_optimization_iterations <- genanneal_max_iters  ###GENANNEAL steps.
  # for(ii in 1:reps){ test
  # for(ii in 1:1){

    fit <- psindex::sem(model=model, data=data_set, verbose = FALSE, debug = FALSE,  estimator="ML", control=list(optim.method = "GENSA"), group=group)

    results <- get('fpe_wide', envir = cacheEnv)
    results <- as.data.frame(t(results))

    fixed_params <- which(fit@ParTable$free == 0)
    estim_params <- which(fit@ParTable$free !=0) 
    fixed2<- length(fixed_params)
    iters_emp <- dim(results)[1]
    fx_vals <- results[,1]

    results_main <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = iters_emp, ncol=(vars)))
    # for(i in 1:(vars-length(fixed_params)-1)){ #changed to 2.  # to one...test
    #   results_main[,(estim_params[i])] <- results[,i+1] #2 extra columns 1. Counter, 2 Function value
    #   # results_main <- results[,i+1] #2 extra columns 1. Counter, 2 Function value
    # }
    # results_main[,2:dim(results)[2]+1] <- results
    results_main[,1:(dim(results)[2]-1)] <- results[,2:(dim(results)[2])]
  # browser()
    results_main[,dim(results_main)[2]] <- fx_vals
    # browser()
    if(standardize == "standardize.fpe.lv"){
      results_mle <- as.data.frame(standardize.est.lv(fit.mle))
      # x <- standardize.est.lv(lavobject = fit.mle, est=est)        
    } else if (standardize == "standardize.fpe.all"){
      results_mle <- as.data.frame(standardize.est.all(fit.mle))
      # x <- standardize.est.lv(lavobject = fit.mle, est=est) 
      # x <- standardize.est.all(lavobject = fit.mle, est=est, est.std = x)
    } else if (standardize == FALSE){
      results_mle <- as.data.frame(fit.mle@ParTable$est)
      # x <- est
    # fixed_params_mle <- which(fit@ParTable$free == 0)
    # estim_params_mle <- which(fit@ParTable$free !=0)
    # fixed2_mle<- length(fixed_params)

    results_main_mle <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol=(vars-1)))
    results_main_mle[1,] <- results_mle[,1]  #2 extra columns 1. Counter, 2 Function value
    results_main$counter <- as.numeric(iters_emp:1)
    # results_main[is.na(results_main)] <- 1
    results_main <- results_main %>%

    answer.array <- results_main
  # }

  names1 <- as.data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow=variables, ncol=2))
  names1[,1] <- fit@ParTable$lhs
  names1[,2] <- fit@ParTable$rhs
  names2 <- names1 %>%
    unite(new, V1, V2, sep = "_", remove = TRUE)

  ##Prepare for graphing::

  results_array_subset <- answer.array

  data_iterations <- as.data.frame(as.matrix(results_array_subset[,]))

  data_iterations <- data_iterations %>%
  names2 <- rbind(names2, "discrepancy fx", "count")
# browser()
  names(data_iterations) <- names2$new
  data_iterations_temp <- subset(data_iterations, `discrepancy fx`!=0) ##removes unused rows.
  data_iterations_temp <- data_iterations_temp %>% ###removes any estimate that is equal to another
    distinct(.keep_all = TRUE)

  # data_iterations_temp1 <- data_iterations_temp %>%
  #   dplyr::select(-count) %>%
  #   dplyr::select(-`discrepancy fx`)  
  assign("fpe_wide", value=data_iterations_temp, envir=globalenv()) ###Need to address this. -- should not use global variables.
  data_iterations <- sample_frac(data_iterations_temp, size = frac_plot, replace = FALSE)

  results_main_long <- data_iterations %>%
    gather(key=variable, value=estimate, -count, -`discrepancy fx`, (1:(dim(data_iterations)[2]-2))) %>%
  names(results_main_mle)<- names2$new[1:(dim(results_main_mle)[2])]

  results_array_mle_long <- results_main_mle %>%
    gather(key=variable, value=estimate) %>%

  if (output_long==TRUE) {
  results_main_long1 <- data_iterations_temp %>%
    gather(key=variable, value=estimate, -count, -`discrepancy fx`, (1:(dim(data_iterations)[2]-2))) %>%
  names(results_main_long1)<- names2$new[1:(dim(results_main_long1)[2])]

  assign("fpe_long", value=results_main_long1, envir=globalenv())
  assign("mle_long", value=results_array_mle_long, envir=globalenv())
  rm(data_iterations_temp, results_main_long1)

  fpe_long <- results_main_long
  mle_est_long <- results_array_mle_long

  if (plot_fpe==TRUE) {

    ggplot() +
      geom_point(data=fpe_long, aes(x=variable, y=estimate), stat="identity") +
      geom_point(data = mle_est_long, aes(x=variable, y=estimate, fill="#FF3300", colour = "#FF3300")) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1), legend.position="none")



cacheEnv <- new.env()
nietsnel/psindex documentation built on June 22, 2019, 10:56 p.m.