
Defines functions pid_permute pid_calc

Documented in pid_calc pid_permute

#' Calculate Probability of Identity (PID) & PIDsibs
#' @param obj a diploid genind object
#' @return a list with four elements reporting
#' PID by locus,
#' PID combinded for all loci,
#' PIDsibs by locus,
#' PIDsibs combined for all loci
#' @export
#' @author Nikolaos Tourvas
#' @description This function calculates PID & PIDsibs by locus, as well as the
#' combined statistic for all loci. The current implementation allows only for
#' diploid data.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(nancycats) # load the "nancycats" genind obj from package adegenet
#' pid <- pid_calc(obj = nancycats)
#' }
#' @import adegenet
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
pid_calc <- function(obj){
  ## Split obj by locus
  obj_by_loc <- seploc(obj)

  ## Calc freqs
  freq_list <- lapply(obj_by_loc, makefreq, quiet=TRUE)
  freq_means_list <- lapply(freq_list, colSums, na.rm=T)
  freq_means_list_perc <- lapply(freq_means_list, function(x){
    x / sum(x) # Values correct - validated via GenAlEx

  # Calculate Probability of Identity by locus
  pid_by_loc <- unlist(lapply(freq_means_list_perc, function(x){
    2 * (sum(x^2)^2) - sum(x^4)

  # Calculate PIDsibs by locus
  pidsibs_by_loc <- unlist(lapply(freq_means_list_perc, function(x){
    0.25 + (0.5 * sum(x^2)) +
      (0.5 * (sum(x^2)^2) ) -
      (0.25 * sum(x^4))

  # Calculate Combined PID & PIDsibs
  pid_comb <- prod(pid_by_loc)
  pidsibs_comb <- prod(pidsibs_by_loc)


# sample without replacement
# the goal is to create a function similar to genotype_curve
# from poppr package but for pid

#' Calculate Probability of Identity (PID) & PIDsibs for different
#' combinations of loci
#' @param obj a diploid genind object
#' @param nrep the number of permutations to perform
#' @return a list with three elements, reporting
#' the raw data.frame from the permutations performed,
#' the median values of PID & PIDsibs from 1 to the total number of loci,
#' a boxplot plot
#' @export
#' @author Nikolaos Tourvas
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(nancycats) # load the "nancycats" genind obj from package adegenet
#' pid_perm <- pid_permute(obj = nancycats)
#' }
#' @import adegenet
#' @import dplyr
#' @import tidyr
#' @import tibble
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
pid_permute <- function(obj, nrep=1000){

  pid_calc <- pid_calc(obj) # function within the function

  maxloc <- nLoc(obj) - 1
  pid <- list()
  pidsibs <- list()
  for(i in 1:maxloc){
    pid[[i]] <- replicate(nrep, prod(sample(pid_calc[[1]], size = i)))
    pidsibs[[i]] <- replicate(nrep, prod(sample(pid_calc[[3]], size = i)))

  # melt to df
  pid_df <- reshape2::melt(pid)
  pid_df$L1 <- factor(pid_df$L1)

  pidsibs_df <- reshape2::melt(pidsibs)
  pidsibs_df$L1 <- factor(pidsibs_df$L1)

  pid_merged <- cbind("PID"=pid_df[, 1], "PIDsibs"=pidsibs_df)
  pid_merged <- pid_merged %>%

  # make the df tidy!
  pid_merged <- pid_merged %>%
    gather(key = statistic, value = value, -loci)

  # calculate some basic statistics
  stats <- pid_merged %>%
    group_by(loci, statistic) %>%
    summarise(median = median(value))
  # spread the data.frame
  stats <- stats %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = statistic,
                values_from = median)
  # add a line for the the values using all loci
  levels(stats$loci) <- c(levels(stats$loci),
  stats <- add_row(ungroup(stats),
                   loci = as.character(nLoc(obj)),
                   PID = pid_calc[["pid_comb"]],
                   PIDsibs = pid_calc[["pidsibs_comb"]]

  # boxplot ggplot2
  plot <- ggplot(pid_merged, aes(y=value, x=loci, color=statistic)) +
    geom_boxplot() +
    theme_bw() +
    xlab("Number of loci") +
    ylab("Probability of Identity")

nikostourvas/PopGenUtils documentation built on April 23, 2022, 1:14 p.m.