#' mlxtran switch distributions
#' @param curEval Current evaluation
#' @return Monolix distribution type
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxTranCurEvalToDistribution <- function(curEval) {
.ret <- switch(ifelse(curEval %in% c("", "*", "**", "/", "^", "+", "-"),
"add", curEval),
if (is.na(.ret))
stop(paste0("monolix translation of '", curEval, "' is unknown"),
paste0("distribution=", .ret)
#' Determine if the estimate is a Population estimate only
#' @param est Estimated value
#' @param muRefTable Mu ref table
#' @return `TRUE` for population only estimates
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxTranIsPopOnly <- function(est, muRefTable) {
!(est %in% muRefTable$theta)
.mlxTranInputForIndividual <- NULL
#' Get the omega variability component name
#' @param var monolix variable name
#' @param est typical value estimation variable name
#' @param muRefTable Mu reference table
#' @return monolix sd=expression or no-variability
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxTranGetVaraibility <- function(var, est, muRefTable) {
if (.mlxTranIsPopOnly(est, muRefTable)) {
} else {
c(.mlxTranInputForIndividual, paste0("omega_", var)))
paste0("sd=omega_", var)
.mlxTranGetLimits <- function(curEval, .low, .hi) {
if (curEval == "expit") {
c(paste0("min=", ifelse(is.na(.low), "0", .low)),
paste0("max=", ifelse(is.na(.hi), "1", .hi)))
} else {
#' Get mlxtran mu reference covariate definitions
#' @param var Monolix modeled variable
#' @param est Monolix estimated variable
#' @param muRefCovariateDataFrame Mu referenced covariate data frame
#' @return covariate and coefficient expressions for mu-referenced
#' covariates. NULL otherwise
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxTranGetMuRefCovariate <- function(var, est, muRefCovariateDataFrame) {
if (is.null(muRefCovariateDataFrame)) return(NULL)
.covs <- muRefCovariateDataFrame[muRefCovariateDataFrame == est, ]
if (length(.covs$covariate) == 0) return(NULL)
.cov <- paste0("covariate = {", paste(.covs$covariate, collapse=", "), "}")
.coef <- paste0("beta_", var, "_", .covs$covariate)
c(.mlxTranInputForIndividual, .coef))
.coef <- paste0("coefficient = {", paste(.coef, collapse=", "), "}")
c(.cov, .coef)
#' Get the mlxtran individual estimate for the mu-referenced variables
#' @param var Monolix modeled variable
#' @param est Theta estimated variable
#' @param muRefCurEval This is the mu reference current evaluation
#' function
#' @param muRefTable This is the mu-reference table
#' @param muRefCovariateDataFrame mu-ref covariate data frame
#' @return A single line that gives the individual definition
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxtranIndividualDef <- function(var, est, muRefCurEval, muRefTable, muRefCovariateDataFrame) {
.w <- which(muRefCurEval$parameter == est)
if (length(.w) == 0) {
.curEval <- ""
.low <- 0
.hi <- 1
} else if (length(.w) == 1) {
.curEval <- muRefCurEval$curEval[.w]
.low <- muRefCurEval$low[.w]
.hi <- muRefCurEval$hi[.w]
} else {
stop("duplicate/missing parameter in `muRefCurEval`",
if (is.na(.low) && !is.na(.hi)) .low <- 0
c(.mlxTranInputForIndividual, paste0(var, "_pop")))
paste0(var, " = {", paste(c(.mlxTranCurEvalToDistribution(.curEval),
.mlxTranGetLimits(.curEval, .low, .hi),
paste0("typical=", var, "_pop"),
.mlxTranGetMuRefCovariate(var, est, muRefCovariateDataFrame),
.mlxTranGetVaraibility(var, est, muRefTable)),
collapse=", "), "}")
#' Get individual mu ref eta monolix names
#' @param ui roxde2 ui
#' @param num eta number
#' @param muRef mu-reference theta to monolix variables
#' @return monolix variable for eta
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName <- function(ui, num, muRef) {
.iniDf <- ui$iniDf
.etaName <- .iniDf[which(.iniDf$neta1 == num & .iniDf$neta2 == num), "name"]
.w <- which(ui$muRefTable$eta == .etaName)
if (length(.w) == 1) {
return(setNames(muRef[ui$muRefTable$theta[.w]], NULL))
stop("only should get eta names where the mu referencing is known",
#' Get individual correlation definition for var1 and var2
#' @param ui rxode2 ui
#' @param num1 eta number 1
#' @param num2 eta number 2
#' @param muRef Mu reference number
#' @return Gives the correlation definition, ie r(p1, p2)=corr_p1_p2
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxtranGetIndividualCorDefinition <- function(ui, num1, num2, muRef) {
.par1 <- .mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(ui, num1, muRef)
.par2 <- .mlxtranGetIndividualMuRefEtaMonolixName(ui, num2, muRef)
.cor <- paste0("corr_", .par1, "_", .par2)
assignInMyNamespace(".mlxTranInputForIndividual", c(.mlxTranInputForIndividual, .cor))
paste0("r(", .par1, ", ", .par2, ")=", .cor)
#' Get individual correlation statement (if needed)
#' @param ui rxode2 ui
#' @param muRef Mu reference to monolix variable
#' @return the correlation= statement in monolix
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.mlxtranIndividualCor <- function(ui, muRef) {
.eta <- ui$iniDf[!(is.na(ui$iniDf$neta1)),, drop=FALSE]
if (length(.eta$neta1) == 0L) stop("need eta for monolix model",
.w <- which(.eta$neta1 != .eta$neta2)
if (length(.w) > 0) {
.eta <- .eta[.w, ]
return(paste0("correlation = {",
vapply(seq_along(.eta$neta1), function(i) {
.cur <- .eta[i, ]
.mlxtranGetIndividualCorDefinition(ui, .cur$neta1, .cur$neta2, muRef)
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=TRUE)), collapse=", "), "}"))
#' @export
rxUiGet.mlxtranModelIndividual <- function(x, ...) {
.ui <- x[[1]]
.split <- .ui$getSplitMuModel
.muRef <- c(.split$pureMuRef, .split$taintMuRef)
assignInMyNamespace(".mlxTranInputForIndividual", NULL)
.muRefCov <- .ui$saemMuRefCovariateDataFrame
.def <- vapply(seq_along(.muRef), function(.i){
.est <- names(.muRef)[.i]
.var <- setNames(.muRef[.i], NULL)
.mlxtranIndividualDef(.var, .est, .ui$muRefCurEval, .ui$muRefTable, .muRefCov)
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE)
.def <- paste(.def, collapse="\n")
.cor <- .mlxtranIndividualCor(.ui, .muRef)
if (.cor != "") .def <- paste0(.def, "\n", .cor)
"input={", paste(.mlxTranInputForIndividual, collapse=", "), "}\n\n",
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