## HCV example from software comparison in:
## Nyberg et al., "Methods and software tools for design evaluation
## for population pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics studies",
## Br. J. Clin. Pharm., 2014.
f <- function() {
tp <- fix(100)
td <- fix(0.001)
te <- fix(1e-7)
ts <- fix(20000)
tKA <- log(0.8)
tKE <- log(0.15)
tVD <- log(100) #VD=log(100000),
tEC50 <- log(0.12) #EC50=log(0.00012),
tn <- log(2)
tdelta <- log(0.2)
tc <- log(7)
eta.KA ~ 0.25
eta.KE ~ 0.25
eta.VD ~ 0.25
eta.EC50 ~0.25
eta.n ~ 0.25
eta.delta ~ 0.25
eta.c ~ 0.25
add.sd.pk <- sqrt(0.04) # nlmixr2 uses sd
add.sd.pd <- sqrt(0.04)
p <- tp
d <- td
e <- te
s <- ts
KA <- exp(tKA + eta.KA)
KE <- exp(tKE + eta.KE)
VD <- exp(tVD + eta.VD)
EC50 <- exp(tEC50 + eta.EC50)
n <- exp(tn + eta.n)
delta <- exp(tdelta + eta.delta)
c <- exp(tc + eta.c)
# # Apply the conditional logic -
# # This does not work right now - could be addressed in the future
# if ( (time - (floor(time / TAU) * TAU)) < TINF) {
# In <- DOSE / TINF # Infusion rate
# } else {
# In <- 0 # No infusion
# }
d/dt(depot) = -KA*depot # + In
d/dt(central) = KA*depot - KE*central
d/dt(TC) = s - TC*(e*VP+d) # target cells (TC)
d/dt(IC) = e*TC*VP-delta*IC # productively infected cells (IC)
d/dt(VP) = p*(1-(pow(central/VD,n)/(pow(central/VD,n)+pow(EC50,n))))*IC-c*VP # viral particles (VP)
# Initial conditions
dur(depot) = 1
# depot(0) <- DOSE
TC(0) =c*delta/(p*e)
IC(0) =(s*e*p-d*c*delta)/(p*delta*e)
VP(0) = (s*e*p-d*c*delta)/(c*delta*e)
# Concentration and effect are calculated
conc = central/VD
eff = log10(VP)
## And both are assumed to follow additive error
conc ~ add(add.sd.pk)
eff ~ add(add.sd.pd)
f <- f()
TAU = 7
TINF = 1
e1 <- et(c( 0,0.25,0.5,1,2,3,4,7,10,14,21,28)) %>%
add.dosing(dose=180, nbr.doses=4, dosing.interval=TAU, rate = 180/TINF) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
e2 <- et(c( 0,0.25,0.5,1,2,3,4,7,10,14,21,28)) %>%
add.dosing(dose=0, nbr.doses=4, dosing.interval=TAU, rate = 180/TINF) %>%
as.data.frame() %>%
dplyr::mutate(dvid=2) %>%
e <- rbind(e1, e2)
babel.db <- nlmixr2(f, e, "poped",
# ,a=list(c(DOSE=180,TINF=1,TAU=7))
## create plot of model without variability
plot_model_prediction(babel.db, facet_scales = "free", model_num_points = 1000)
#' #####################################
#' The reduced FIM
#' ####################################
# computation time
tic(); FIM_babel <- evaluate.fim(babel.db); toc()
#' design evaluation
crit <- det(FIM_babel)^(1/length(get_unfixed_params(babel.db)[["all"]]))
rse <- get_rse(FIM_babel,babel.db) # this is for the log of the fixed effect parameters
rse_norm <- sqrt(diag(inv(FIM_babel)))*100 # this is approximately the RSE for the normal scale of the fixed effects
rse[1:7] <- rse_norm[1:7] # replace the log scale for the normal scale RSE values
#' Evaluation comparison to
#' Nyberg et al., "Methods and software tools for design evaluation
#' for population pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics studies",
#' Br. J. Clin. Pharm., 2014.
crit_reference_reduced <- 248.8
rse_reference_reduced <- c(12.1,10.5,10.0,15.8,10.4,9.4,11.0,40.0,30.8,28.8,60.4,28.8,27.2,32.8,8.5,9.0)
# the relative differences in percent
(rse - rse_reference_reduced)/rse_reference_reduced * 100
(crit - crit_reference_reduced)/crit_reference_reduced * 100
#' #####################################
#' The full FIM.
#' #####################################
FIM_babel_full <- evaluate.fim(babel.db,fim.calc.type = 0)
#' design evaluation
crit_full <- det(FIM_babel_full)^(1/length(get_unfixed_params(babel.db)[["all"]]))
rse_full <- get_rse(FIM_babel_full,babel.db) # this is for the log of the fixed effect parameters
rse_norm_full <- sqrt(diag(inv(FIM_babel_full)))*100 # this is approximately the RSE for the normal scale of the fixed effects
rse_full[1:7] <- rse_norm_full[1:7] # replace the log scale for the normal scale RSE values
#' Evaluation compared to
#' Nyberg et al., "Methods and software tools for design evaluation
#' for population pharmacokinetics-pharmacodynamics studies",
#' Br. J. Clin. Pharm., 2014.
crit_reference_full <- 318.2
rse_reference_full <- c(8.6,6.9,8.4,13.5,7.5,8.5,8.7,43.2,37.2,33.2,66.4,32.8,31.6,33.6,8.5,9.3)
# the relative differences in percent
(rse_full - rse_reference_full)/rse_reference_full * 100
(crit_full - crit_reference_full)/crit_reference_full * 100
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