.regIdentifier1 <- rex::rex(
one_of("a":"z", "A":"Z"),
any_of("_", "a":"z", "A":"Z", "0":"9", ".")
.regIdentifier2 <- rex::rex(
at_least(".", 1),
one_of("_", "a":"z", "A":"Z"),
any_of("_", "a":"z", "A":"Z", "0":"9", ".")
.regIdentifier <- rex::rex(or(.regIdentifier1, .regIdentifier2))
regSens <- rex::rex(
"rx__sens_", capture(.regIdentifier), "_BY_",
capture(.regIdentifier), "__"
regSensEtaTheta <- rex::rex(
"rx__sens_", capture(.regIdentifier),
"_BY_", capture(.regIdentifier),
"_BY_", capture(.regIdentifier), "__"
regToSens1 <- rex::rex(
capture(.regIdentifier), or("_", ".", ":"),
regToSens2 <- rex::rex(
"d/dt(d(", capture(.regIdentifier), ")/d(",
capture(.regIdentifier), "))"
regFloat1 <- rex::rex(
group(some_of("0":"9"), ".", any_of("0":"9")),
group(any_of("0":"9"), ".", some_of("0":"9"))
one_of("E", "e"),
maybe(one_of("+", "-")),
regFloat2 <- rex::rex(
some_of("0":"9"), one_of("E", "e"),
maybe(one_of("-", "+")), some_of("0":"9")
regDecimalint <- rex::rex(or("0", group("1":"9", any_of("0":"9"))))
regNum <- rex::rex(maybe("-"), or(
regDecimalint, regFloat1,
regDDt <- rex::rex(
start, "rx__d_dt_",
capture(anything), "__", end
regDfDy <- rex::rex(
start, "rx__df_", capture(anything),
"_dy_", capture(anything), "__", end
regThEt <- rex::rex(
capture(or("TH", ""), "ETA"), "_",
capture("1":"9", any_of("0":"9")), "_"
regDfDyTh <- rex::rex(
start, "rx__df_", capture(anything),
"_dy_", regThEt, "__", end
regEta <- rex::rex(
start, "ETA[",
capture("1":"9", any_of("0":"9")),
regTheta <- rex::rex(
start, "THETA[",
capture("1":"9", any_of("0":"9")),
regJac <- rex::rex(
"df(", capture(.regIdentifier), ")/dy(",
or("THETA[", "ETA["), "1":"9",
any_of("0":"9"), "]"
.regRate <- rex::rex(start, "rx_rate_", capture(anything), "_")
.regDur <- rex::rex(start, "rx_dur_", capture(anything), "_")
.regLag <- rex::rex(start, "rx_lag_", capture(anything), "_")
.regF <- rex::rex(start, "rx_f_", capture(anything), "_")
.knownPrint <- c(
"printf", "Rprintf", "print",
"jac_printf", "jac_Rprintf", "jac_print",
"ode_printf", "ode_Rprintf", "ode_print",
"jac0_printf", "jac0_Rprintf", "jac0_print",
"ode_printf", "ode_Rprintf", "ode_print",
"ode0_printf", "ode0_Rprintf", "ode0_print",
"lhs_printf", "lhs_Rprintf", "lhs_print"
regPrint <- rex::rex(
start, or(.knownPrint),
"(", anything, ")",
any_spaces, at_most(";", 1), any_spaces
group(any_spaces, at_most(";", 1), any_spaces)
regIni0 <- rex::rex(
start, "rx_", capture(anything),
"_ini_0__", end
regIni <- rex::rex(or(
group(one_of("_."), "0"),
"0", "(0)", "[0]", "{0}"
), end)
#' Expand if/else clauses into multiple different types of lines.
#' @param model Model can be a character, or a rxode2 model. It needs
#' to have normalized syntax, that is `if (...){}` has to be
#' on the same line. The `else` statement must be on its
#' own line with the closing bracket of the `if` statement
#' on the previous line. This `else` statment must also
#' contain the opening bracket, like the code `else {}`
#' @param removeInis A boolean indicating if parameter
#' initializations should be removed from the model.
#' @param removePrint A boolean indicating if printing statements
#' should be removed from the model.
#' @return A named character vector. The names of the vector are the
#' logical conditions, the values are the lines that satisfy the
#' logical conditions.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
rxExpandIfElse <- function(model, removeInis = TRUE, removePrint = TRUE) {
## expand if/else blocks into a list with lines for conditions that are true
x <- strsplit(rxNorm(model, FALSE), "\n")[[1]]
if (removeInis) {
x <- .rxRmIni(x)
if (removePrint) {
x <- .rxRmPrint(x)
model <- x
w1 <- which(regexpr(regIfOrElse, model) != -1)
w2 <- which(regexpr(regEnd, model) != -1)
if (length(w1) > 0) {
currExpr <- ""
lst <- list()
last <- ""
known <- list()
for (i in seq_along(model)) {
if (any(i == w1)) {
if (regexpr(regElse, model[i]) != -1) {
currExpr[length(currExpr) + 1] <- sprintf("!(%s)", last)
} else {
currExpr[length(currExpr) + 1] <- gsub(regIf, "!(\\1)", model[i])
known[[length(known) + 1]] <- c(
paste(paste0("(", currExpr[-1], ")"),
collapse = " && "
currExpr[length(currExpr)] <- gsub(regIf, "\\1", model[i])
known[[length(known) + 1]] <- c(
paste(paste0("(", currExpr[-1], ")"),
collapse = " && "
lst[[i]] <- "control"
} else if (any(i == w2)) {
last <- currExpr[length(currExpr)]
currExpr <- currExpr[seq(1, length(currExpr) - 1)]
lst[[i]] <- "control"
} else {
lst[[i]] <- currExpr
ret <- list()
rm <- NULL
for (i in seq_along(known)) {
mod <- NULL
for (j in seq_along(model)) {
if (identical(lst[[j]], "")) {
mod[length(mod) + 1] <- model[j]
} else {
i1 <- lst[[j]][-1]
i2 <- known[[i]][-1]
i3 <- i2[seq(1, min(length(i1), length(i2)))]
if (!identical(i2, i3)) {
## Find the expression to remove
for (k in seq_along(known)) {
i4 <- known[[k]][-1]
if (identical(i4, i3)) {
rm <- c(rm, known[[k]][1])
if (identical(i1, i3)) {
mod[length(mod) + 1] <- model[j]
ret[[known[[i]][1]]] <- paste(mod, collapse = "\n")
ret <- unlist(ret)
ret <- ret[!(names(ret) %in% rm)]
} else {
return(paste(model, collapse = "\n"))
#' Remove INIs
#' @param x rxode2 list of lines to remove
#' @return rxode2 lines with inis removed.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
.rxRmIni <- function(x) {
x <- x[regexpr(rex::rex(
start, any_spaces,
or(names(rxInits(x))), any_spaces,
or("=", "~")
), x) == -1]
x <- x[regexpr(rex::rex(
start, any_spaces,
or(names(rxInits(x))), "(0)",
any_spaces, or("=", "~")
), x) == -1]
#' Remove print statements
#' @param x rxode2 lines to remove
#' @return rxode2 with print lines removed.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.rxRmPrint <- function(x) {
return(x[regexpr(getFromNamespace("regPrint", "rxode2"), x) == -1])
#' Add a return statment to a function.
#' @param fn Function to deparse
#' @param ret boolean stating if a return statement will be added.
#' @return Function with parens removed and add a return statment.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
rxAddReturn <- function(fn, ret = TRUE) {
txt <- deparse(body(fn))
if (txt[1] == "{") {
txt <- txt[-c(1, length(txt))]
.v <- try(parse(text = txt[length(txt)]), silent = TRUE)
while (inherits(.v, "try-error")) {
.v0 <- txt[length(txt)]
txt <- txt[-length(txt)]
txt[length(txt)] <- paste(txt[length(txt)], .v0)
.v <- try(parse(text = txt[length(txt)]), silent = TRUE)
## FIXME, naieve assumption about functions.
if (ret) {
if (regexpr(rex::rex(
or(boundary, start),
"return(", anything, ")"
perl = TRUE
) == -1) {
## Add return statement
if (regexpr(
rex::rex(or("=", "~", "<-", "}")),
) == -1) {
txt[length(txt)] <- gsub(
start, any_spaces, capture(anything),
or(";", ""), any_spaces, end
"return(\\1);", txt[length(txt)]
return(paste(txt, collapse = "\n"))
## Start DSL based on http://adv-r.had.co.nz/dsl.html
## These operators are called to create the language and are
## not called in tests.
unaryOp <- function(left, right) {
function(e1) {
paste0(left, e1, right)
binaryOp <- function(sep) {
function(e1, e2) {
if (missing(e2)) {
paste0(gsub(" ", "", sep), .rxRepRxQ(e1))
} else {
paste0(.rxRepRxQ(e1), sep, .rxRepRxQ(e2))
binaryOp2 <- function(sep) {
function(e1, e2) {
paste0("(", .rxRepRxQ(e1), ")", sep, "(", .rxRepRxQ(e2), ")")
divOp <- function() {
function(e1, e2) {
if (e1 == "d" && grepl(rex::rex(start, "__dt__"), e2)) {
paste0("rx__d_dt_", gsub(rex::rex(start, "__dt__"), "", e2))
} else if (grepl(rex::rex(start, "__df_", anything, "_", end), e1) &&
grepl(rex::rex(start, "_dy_", anything, "__", end), e2)) {
paste0("rx", substring(e1, 0, nchar(e1) - 1), e2)
} else if (is(e1, "numeric")) {
paste0("S(", e1, ")/", e2)
} else {
paste0(e1, "/", e2)
functionOp <- function(fn) {
function(...) {
paste0(fn, "(", paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse = ", "), ")")
functionOp2 <- function(fn, end) {
function(...) {
paste0(fn, paste(unlist(list(...)), collapse = ", "), end)
.dslStripParen <- function(x) {
.stripIt <- function(x) {
if (is.call(x)) {
if (length(x) == 1) {
} else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`(`))) {
} else {
} else {
ret <- eval(parse(text = sprintf(".stripIt(quote(%s))", x)))
ret <- paste(deparse1(ret), collapse = " ")
.dslToPow <- function(a, b) {
a <- .dslStripParen(a)
b <- .dslStripParen(b)
num <- suppressWarnings({
if (is.na(num)) {
return(sprintf("Rx_pow(%s, %s)", a, b))
} else if (abs(num - round(num)) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
return(sprintf("Rx_pow_di(%s, %s)", a, b))
} else if (abs(num - 0.5) < .Machine$double.eps^0.5) {
return(sprintf("sqrt(%s)", a))
} else {
return(sprintf("Rx_pow(%s, %s)", a, b))
## Add sympy->C mini DSL for omega parsing
symengineC <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
symengineC[["**"]] <- .dslToPow
symengineC[["^"]] <- .dslToPow
symengineC[["S"]] <- function(x) {
sprintf("%s", x)
for (f in c(
"acos", "acosh", "asin", "atan", "atan2", "atanh", "beta",
"cos", "cosh", "digamma", "erf", "erfc", "exp", "factorial",
"gamma", "sin", "sinh", "sqrt", "tan",
"tanh", "trigamma", "rxTBS", "rxTBSd"
)) {
symengineC[[f]] <- functionOp(f)
symengineC[["("]] <- unaryOp("(", ")")
for (op in c("+", "-", "*")) {
symengineC[[op]] <- binaryOp(paste0(" ", op, " "))
symengineC[["/"]] <- function(e1, e2) {
sprintf("%s /( (%s == 0) ? %s : %s)", e1, e2, .Machine$double.eps, e2)
unknownCsymengine <- function(op) {
function(...) {
stop(sprintf(gettext("rxode2 doesn't support '%s' translation for 'omega' translation"), op), call. = FALSE)
symengineCEnv <- function(expr) {
## Known functions
calls <- allCalls(expr)
callList <- setNames(lapply(calls, unknownCsymengine), calls)
callEnv <- list2env(callList)
rxSymPyFEnv <- cloneEnv(symengineC, callEnv)
names <- allNames(expr)
## Replace time with t.
n1 <- names
n2 <- names
n2 <- gsub(rex::rex("t", capture(numbers)), "REAL(theta)[\\1]", n2)
n2 <- gsub(rex::rex("pi"), "M_PI", n2)
n2 <- gsub(rex::rex("rx_SymPy_Res_"), "", n2)
n2 <- gsub("None", "NA_REAL", n2)
w <- n2[n2 == "t"]
symbolList <- setNames(as.list(n2), n1)
symbolEnv <- list2env(symbolList, parent = symengineC)
seC <- function(x) {
expr <- str2lang(x)
.ret <- eval(expr, symengineCEnv(expr))
sympyTransit4 <- function(t, n, mtt, bio, podo = "podo", tlast = "tlast") {
ktr <- paste0("((", n, " + 1)/(", mtt, "))")
lktr <- paste0("(log((", n, ") + 1) - log(", mtt, "))")
tc <- paste0("((", t, ")-(", tlast, "))")
"exp(log((", bio, ") * (", podo, ")) + ", lktr, " + (",
n, ") * ", "(", lktr, " + log(", t, ")) - ",
ktr, " * (", t, ") - log(gamma(1 + (", n, "))))"
allStrs <- function(x) {
if (is.atomic(x)) {
if (is.character(x)) {
} else if (is.name(x)) {
} else if (is.call(x) || is.pairlist(x)) {
children <- lapply(x[-1], allStrs)
} else {
stop(sprintf(gettext("do not know how to handle type '%s'"), typeof(x)),
call. = FALSE
allNames <- function(x) {
if (is.atomic(x)) {
} else if (is.name(x)) {
} else if (is.call(x) || is.pairlist(x)) {
children <- lapply(x[-1], allNames)
} else {
stop(sprintf(gettext("do not know how to handle type '%s'"), typeof(x)),
call. = FALSE
allCalls <- function(x) {
if (is.atomic(x) || is.name(x)) {
} else if (is.call(x)) {
fname <- as.character(x[[1]])
children <- lapply(x[-1], allCalls)
unique(c(fname, unlist(children)))
} else if (is.pairlist(x)) {
unique(unlist(lapply(x[-1], allCalls), use.names = FALSE))
} else {
stop(sprintf(gettext("do not know how to handle type '%s'"), typeof(x)),
call. = FALSE
cloneEnv <- function(env, parent = parent.env(env)) {
list2env(as.list(env), parent = parent)
.exists2 <- function(x, where) {
.nc <- try(nchar(x) < 1000, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(.nc, "try-error")) .nc <- FALSE
if (rxIs(.nc, "logical")) .nc <- FALSE
if (.nc) {
return(exists(x, where))
} else {
## Start error function DSL
sumProdEnv <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
rxSumProdSum <- FALSE
rxSumProdProd <- FALSE
sumProdEnv[["^"]] <- binaryOp("^")
sumProdEnv[["**"]] <- binaryOp("^")
sumProdEnv[["*"]] <- function(a, b) {
if (rxSumProdProd) {
a <- .dslStripParen(a)
b <- .dslStripParen(b)
## log transformed
sprintf("prod(%s, %s)", sub(rex::rex(start, "prod(", capture(anything), ")", end), "\\1", a), b)
} else {
sprintf("%s * %s", a, b)
sumProdEnv[["/"]] <- function(a, b) {
if (rxSumProdProd) {
a <- .dslStripParen(a)
b <- .dslStripParen(b)
sprintf("prod(%s, 1/%s)", sub(rex::rex(start, "prod(", capture(anything), ")", end), "\\1", a), b)
} else {
sprintf("%s / %s", a, b)
sumProdEnv[["+"]] <- function(a, b) {
if (rxSumProdSum) {
a <- .dslStripParen(a)
if (!missing(b)) {
b <- .dslStripParen(b)
return(sprintf("sum(%s, %s)", sub(rex::rex(start, "sum(", capture(anything), ")", end), "\\1", a), b))
} else {
} else {
if (!missing(b)) {
b <- .dslStripParen(b)
return(sprintf("%s + %s", a, b))
} else {
sumProdEnv[["-"]] <- function(a, b) {
if (rxSumProdSum) {
a <- .dslStripParen(a)
if (!missing(b)) {
b <- .dslStripParen(b)
"sum(%s, -(%s))",
rex::rex(start, "sum(", capture(anything), ")", end),
"\\1", a
), b
} else {
paste0("-", a)
} else {
if (!missing(b)) {
b <- .dslStripParen(b)
return(sprintf("%s - %s", a, b))
} else {
return(paste0("-", a))
sumProdEnv[["=="]] <- function(a, b) {
return(sprintf("(%s == %s)", a, b))
sumProdEnv[["!="]] <- function(a, b) {
return(sprintf("(%s != %s)", a, b))
sumProdEnv[[">"]] <- function(a, b) {
return(sprintf("(%s > %s)", a, b))
sumProdEnv[["<"]] <- function(a, b) {
return(sprintf("(%s < %s)", a, b))
sumProdEnv[["<="]] <- function(a, b) {
return(sprintf("(%s <= %s)", a, b))
sumProdEnv[[">="]] <- function(a, b) {
return(sprintf("(%s >= %s)", a, b))
sumProdEnv[["("]] <- function(a) {
return(sprintf("(%s)", a))
sumProdEnv[["["]] <- function(name, val) {
n <- toupper(name)
err <- gettext("rxode2 only supports THETA[#] and ETA[#] numbers")
if (any(n == c("THETA", "ETA")) && is.numeric(val)) {
if (round(val) == val && val > 0) {
return(sprintf("%s[%s]", n, val))
} else {
stop(err, call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop(err, call. = FALSE)
sumProdRxEnv <- function(expr) {
## Known functions
calls <- allCalls(expr)
callList <- setNames(lapply(calls, functionOp), calls)
callEnv <- list2env(callList)
currEnv <- cloneEnv(sumProdEnv, callEnv)
names <- allNames(expr)
## Replace time with t.
n1 <- names
n2 <- names
symbolList <- setNames(as.list(n2), n1)
symbolEnv <- list2env(symbolList, parent = currEnv)
rxSumProd <- function(x) {
return(eval(x, sumProdRxEnv(x)))
#' Recast model in terms of sum/prod
#' @param model rxode2 model
#' @param expand Boolean indicating if the expression is expanded.
#' @param sum Use sum(...)
#' @param prod Use prod(...)
#' @return model string with prod(.) and sum(.) for all these
#' operations.
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
rxSumProdModel <- function(model, expand = FALSE, sum = TRUE, prod = TRUE) {
## Sum for pairwise is equivalent to regular sum under 8 elements.
assignInMyNamespace("rxSumProdSum", sum)
assignInMyNamespace("rxSumProdProd", prod)
assignInMyNamespace("rxSumProdSum", FALSE)
assignInMyNamespace("rxSumProdProd", FALSE)
.lines <- str2lang(paste0("{",rxNorm(model), "}"))
.ret <- character(length(.lines) - 1)
for (i in seq_along(.lines)[-1]) {
.cur <- .lines[[i]]
if (identical(.cur[[1]], quote(`=`)) ||
identical(.cur[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
if (expand) {
.l2 <- deparse1(.cur[[3]])
.l2 <- rxToSE(.l2)
.l2 <- symengine::S(.l2)
.l2 <- rxFromSE(.l2)
.l2 <- str2lang(.l2)
} else {
.l2 <- .cur[[3]]
.l3 <- eval(bquote(rxSumProd(quote(.(.l2)))))
if (inherits(.l3, "character")) {
.cur[[3]] <- str2lang(.l3)
.ret[i-1] <- deparse1(.cur)
paste(.ret, collapse = "\n")
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.