
Defines functions .udfCall .udfCallFunArg .udfEnvSetUdf .udfInfo .udfReset .setupUdf .getUdfInfo .udfExists .udfEnvReset .udfEnvSet .udfAddToSearch rxRmFunParse .rxC .symengineFs .rxSEeqUsr rxFunParse .extraCnow .extraC .udfMd5Info

Documented in .extraC .extraCnow .rxC rxFunParse rxRmFunParse .rxSEeqUsr .symengineFs .udfCallFunArg .udfEnvReset .udfEnvSet .udfEnvSetUdf .udfExists .udfMd5Info

.udfEnv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.udfEnv$fun <- list()
.udfEnv$udf <- integer(0)
.udfEnv$envir <- NULL
.udfEnv$envList <- list()
.udfEnv$searchList <- list()
.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr <- NULL
.udfEnv$rxCcode <- NULL
.udfEnv$symengineFs <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.udfEnv$extraCnow <- ""
.udfEnv$bestFun <- NULL
.udfEnv$bestFunEnv <- NULL
.udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- FALSE
.udfEnv$bestNargs <- NA_integer_
.udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- FALSE
#' Get the udf strings for creating model md5
#' @return string vector
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfMd5Info <- function() {
  .tmp <- ls(.udfEnv$symengineFs, all.names=TRUE)
  .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  .env$found <- FALSE
  .ret <- vapply(.tmp, function(x) {
    .cur <- .udfEnv$fun[[x]]
    if (!is.null(.cur)) {
      .env$found <- TRUE
  }, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  if (.env$found) {
    .ret <- c(.ret, data.table::address(.udfEnv$envir),
              # don't cache md5 changes every run:
#' Generate extraC information for rxode2 models
#' @param extraC Additional extraC from rxode2 compile optioioins
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.extraC <- function(extraC = NULL) {
  if (!is.null(extraC)) {
    if (file.exists(extraC)) {
      .ret <- sprintf("#include \"%s\"\n", extraC)
    } else {
      .ret <- paste(extraC, collapse = "\n")
  } else {
    .ret <- ""
  if (length(.udfEnv$rxCcode) > 0L) {
    .ret <- sprintf("%s\n%s\n", .ret, paste(.udfEnv$rxCcode, collapse = "\n"))
  .udfEnv$extraCnow <- .ret
#' Get the extraCnow for compiling
#' @return string of extraC information
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.extraCnow <- function() {

#' Add user function to rxode2
#' This adds a user function to rxode2 that can be called.  If needed,
#' these functions can be differentiated by numerical differences or
#' by adding the derivatives to rxode2's internal derivative table
#' with rxode2's `rxD` function
#' @param name This gives the name of the user function
#' @param args This gives the arguments of the user function
#' @param cCode This is the C-code for the new function
#' @return nothing
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
rxFunParse <- function(name, args, cCode) {
  if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1L) {
    stop("name argument must be a length-one character vector", call. = FALSE)
  if (missing(cCode)) stop("a new function requires a C function so it can be used in rxode2", call. = FALSE)
  if (any(name == names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr))) {
    stop("already defined user function '", name, "', remove it fist ('rxRmFun')",
         call. = FALSE
  .udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr <- c(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr, setNames(length(args), name))
  .udfEnv$rxCcode <- c(.udfEnv$rxCcode, setNames(cCode, name))
  assign(name, symengine::Function(name), envir = .udfEnv$symengineFs)
#' Return the equivalents symengine user functions from C
#' @return equivalent symengine user functions
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.rxSEeqUsr <- function() {

#' Return symengineFs from user functions
#' @return symengineFs from user functions
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.symengineFs <- function() {

#' Return the C code of an internal function
#' @param fun is the string of a function that you wish to get the C
#'   code for
#' @return C code if found (as a string) or NULL if not found
#' @export
#' @author Matthew Fider
#' @keywords internal
.rxC <- function(fun) {
  .w <- which(names(.udfEnv$rxCcode) == fun)
  if (length(.w) == 1) return(setNames(.udfEnv$rxCcode[fun], NULL))

#' @rdname rxFunParse
#' @export
rxRmFunParse <- function(name) {
  if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1L) {
    stop("name argument must be a length-one character vector",
         call. = FALSE)
  if (!any(name == names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr))) {
    warning("no user function '", name, "' to remove", call. = FALSE)
  .w <- which(name == names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr))
  if (length(.w) == 1L) {
    .udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr <- .udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr[-.w]
  .w <- which(name == names(.udfEnv$rxCcode))
  if (length(.w) == 1L) {
    .udfEnv$rxCcode <- .udfEnv$rxCcode[-.w]
  .rxD <- rxode2parseD()
  if (exists(name, envir = .rxD)) {
    if (!grepl("^rx_", name)) {
      .d <- get(name, envir=.rxD)
      lapply(names(formals(.d[[1]])), function(v) {
        suppressWarnings(rxRmFunParse(paste0("rx_", name, "_d_", v)))
    rm(list = name, envir = .rxD)
  if (exists(name, envir = .udfEnv$symengineFs)) {
    rm(list = name, envir = .udfEnv$symengineFs)

.udfAddToSearch <- function(envir) {
  if (is.list(envir)) {
           function(i) {
  if (length(.udfEnv$searchList) == 0L) {
    .udfEnv$searchList <- list(envir)
  if (!any(vapply(seq_along(.udfEnv$searchList),
                  function(i) {
                    identical(.udfEnv$searchList[[i]], envir)
                  }, logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
    .udfEnv$searchList <- c(.udfEnv$searchList, list(envir))

#' Setup the UDF environment (for querying user defined funtions)
#' @param env environment where user defined functions are queried. If NULL return current environment
#' @return environment
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfEnvSet <- function(env) {
  if (is.null(.udfEnv$envir)) {
    if (is.list(env)) {
      .udfEnv$envir <- env[[1]]
    } else {
      .udfEnv$envir <- env
#' Lock/Unlock environment for getting R user functions
#' @param lock logical to see if environment to look for user defined
#'   functions is locked.  If it is locked then environments are not
#'   assigned.  When NULL returns lock status
#' @return lock status
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfEnvReset <- function(lock=TRUE) {
  .udfEnv$fun <- list()
  .udfEnv$searchList <- list()
#' See if the UI function exists in given environment.
#' If other functions have been declared, make sure they exist too.
#' @param fun Function to check
#' @param nargs Number of args to check
#' @param envir Environment to check
#' @param doList A boolean to see if the functions in .udfEnv$fun
#'   should be checked too.  By default TRUE, but this is called
#'   recursively for each function (and set to FALSE)
#' @return logical declaring if the udf function exists in this environment
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfExists <- function(fun, nargs, envir, doList=TRUE) {
  if (is.null(envir)) return(FALSE)
  .e <- exists(fun, mode="function", envir=envir)
  if (!.e) return(FALSE)
  # ok now see if it makes sense
  .fun <- get(fun, mode="function", envir=envir)
  .f <- formals(.fun)
  .bestHasDots <- any(names(.f) == "...")
  .nargs <- length(.f)
  .bestEqArgs <- .nargs == nargs
  if (.bestEqArgs) { # We want the function to match the declared number of arguments
    if (!.bestHasDots) { # We don't want ... arguments
      if (doList) {
        # In the case of multiple user functions, make sure the other
        # user functions also exist in this environment
        if (!all(vapply(seq_along(.udfEnv$fun), function(i) {
          .info <- .udfEnv$fun[[i]]
          return(.udfExists(.info[[1]], .info[[2]], envir=envir, doList=FALSE))
        }, logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
          if (is.null(.udfEnv$bestFun)) {
            .udfEnv$bestFun <- .fun
        # Success, save function and environment
        .udfEnv$bestFun <- .fun
        .udfEnv$bestFunEnv <- envir
        .udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- FALSE
        .udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- TRUE
        .udfEnv$bestNargs <- nargs
  if (doList && is.null(.udfEnv$bestFun)) {
    .udfEnv$bestFun <- .fun
    .udfEnv$bestFunEnv <- envir
    .udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- .bestHasDots
    .udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- .bestEqArgs
    .udfEnv$bestNargs <- .nargs
#' While parsing or setting up the solving, get information about the
#' user defined function
#' @param fun function (character) to get information about
#' @param nargs Preferred number of arguments
#' @return A list with two elements
#'   - nargs = `NA` if the user function isn't supported, or the number of arguments suported
#'   - string = Error message when `NA` or function string
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.getUdfInfo <- function(fun, nargs) {
  .nargs <- .rxUdfUiNarg(fun)
  if (is.integer(.nargs) && !is.na(.nargs)) {
    if (.nargs > 0L && nargs != .nargs) {
                  sprintf("rxode2 ui user defined R function has %d arguments, but supplied %d",
                          .nargs, nargs)))
    } else if (.nargs <= 0L) {
                  "rxode2 ui user defined R needs to be setup with a positive number of arguments"))
    } else {
  if (is.null(.udfEnv$envir)) {
                "rxode2 cannot determine which environment the user defined functions are located"))
  .udfEnv$bestFun <- NULL
  .udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- FALSE
  .udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- TRUE
  .found <- FALSE
  if (!.udfExists(fun, nargs, .udfEnv$envir)) {
    # search prior environments with UDFs, assign the first one in the environments that match
    if (length(.udfEnv$searchList) > 0L) {
      if (any(vapply(seq_along(.udfEnv$searchList), function(i) {
        .udfExists(fun, nargs, .udfEnv$searchList[[i]])
      },  logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
        .found <- TRUE
  } else {
    .found <- TRUE
  if (.udfEnv$bestFunHasDots) {
                "rxode2 user defined R cannot have '...' arguments"))
  if (!.udfEnv$bestEqArgs) {
                sprintf("rxode2 user defined R function has %d arguments, but supplied %d",
                        .udfEnv$bestNargs, nargs)))
  if (!.found) {
    .msg <- sprintf("function '%s' is not supported; user function not found",
    return(list(nargs=NA_integer_, .msg))

  .fun <- .udfEnv$bestFun
  .udfEnv$envir <- .udfEnv$bestFunEnv
  .udfEnv$fun[[fun]] <- list(fun, nargs)
  .w <- which(names(.udfEnv$udf) == fun)
  if (length(.w) == 0L) {
    .udfEnv$udf <- c(.udfEnv$udf, setNames(nargs, fun))

#' This function is run before starting a rxode2 solve to make sure
#' the R-based user functions are setup correctly.
#' This function also resets the udf-based run-time errors
#' @param iv Named Integer Vector with the names representing the
#'   functions and the integers representing the number of arguments
#'   that were present when the model was compiled
#' @return nothing, called for side effect
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.setupUdf <- function(iv) {
  if (!is.environment(.udfEnv$envir)) return(FALSE)
  .w <- which(is.na(iv))
  iv <- iv[-.w]
  .n <- names(iv)
  .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  .env$needRecompile <- FALSE
         function(n) {
           .oldArg <- iv[n]
           .new <- .getUdfInfo(n, .oldArg)
           if (any(names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr) == n)) {
             .c <- .udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr[n]
             if (.c == .new[[1]]) {
               message("compiled with R user function '", n, "'; now there is a clashing C user function")
               .env$needRecompile <- TRUE
               message("triggered a recompile to use the C user function (they are always preferred)")
             } else {
               stop("there is both C and R user functions '", n, "' with a different number of arguments\n  since rxode2 prefers C, you will need to rename your R user function to use it")

           if (is.na(.new[[1]])) {
             stop(.new[[2]], call.=FALSE)
           } else if (.new[[1]] != .oldArg) {
             stop("'", n,
                  "' had ", .oldArg, " arguments when model was compiled, now it has ",
                  .new[[1]], " arguments",
#' Reset the tracking of user defined functions
#' This is called during parsing reset
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.udfReset <- function() {
  .udfEnv$udf <- integer(0)

#' This gets the user defined functions information for incorporation
#' in the model variables
#' @return A integer vector; The values are the number of arguments;
#'   the names are the function names
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.udfInfo <- function() {
  if (length(.udfEnv$udf) == 0) return(integer(0))
  if (!is.environment(.udfEnv$envir)) return(integer(0))
  .addr <- data.table::address(.udfEnv$envir)
  .udfEnv$envList[[.addr]] <- .udfEnv$envir
  c(.udfEnv$udf, setNames(NA_integer_, .addr))

#' Use the udf model variable information to get the environment where
#' the functions exists
#' @param udf modelVars$udf, integer vector with NA_integer_ for the
#'   address of the environment where the functions exist
#' @return nothing called for side effects
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfEnvSetUdf <- function(udf) {
  if (length(udf) == 0L) return(invisible())
  .w <- which(is.na(udf))
  .addr <- names(udf)[.w]
  .env <- .udfEnv$envList[[.addr]]
  if (is.environment(.env)) {
    ## .udfEnv$envir <- .env
  } else {
    stop("environment were user functions were defined is no longer present")
#' Get the function name with the current arguments as a string
#' @param fun function name
#' @param args  arguments
#' @return string of the form 'fun(arg1, arg2)':
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfCallFunArg <- function(fun, args) {
  paste0("'", fun, "(",
                function(i) {
                }, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE), collapse=", "),
         ")': ")
#' This is the function that is always called for every user function in rxode2
#' @param fun A character vector representing the function
#' @param args A list of double numbers that will be used as the
#'   function arguments
#' @return A double numeric value, including `NA_real` when the
#'   function isn't working as expected
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.udfCall <- function(fun, args) {
  .ret <- try(do.call(fun, args, envir=.udfEnv$envir), silent=TRUE)
  if (inherits(.ret, "try-error")) {
    .msg <- try(attr(.ret, "condition")$message, silent=TRUE)
    if (inherits(.msg, "try-error")) .msg <- "Unknown Error"
    # This can error since it isn't threaded
    stop(paste0(.udfCallFunArg(fun, args), .msg), call.=FALSE)
  if (checkmate::testNumeric(.ret, len=1)) {
  stop(paste0(.udfCallFunArg(fun, args), "needs to return a length 1 numeric"),
nlmixr2/rxode2 documentation built on Jan. 11, 2025, 8:48 a.m.