.udfEnv <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.udfEnv$fun <- list()
.udfEnv$udf <- integer(0)
.udfEnv$envir <- NULL
.udfEnv$envList <- list()
.udfEnv$searchList <- list()
.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr <- NULL
.udfEnv$rxCcode <- NULL
.udfEnv$symengineFs <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
.udfEnv$extraCnow <- ""
.udfEnv$bestFun <- NULL
.udfEnv$bestFunEnv <- NULL
.udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- FALSE
.udfEnv$bestNargs <- NA_integer_
.udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- FALSE
#' Get the udf strings for creating model md5
#' @return string vector
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfMd5Info <- function() {
.tmp <- ls(.udfEnv$symengineFs, all.names=TRUE)
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$found <- FALSE
.ret <- vapply(.tmp, function(x) {
.cur <- .udfEnv$fun[[x]]
if (!is.null(.cur)) {
.env$found <- TRUE
}, character(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE)
if (.env$found) {
.ret <- c(.ret, data.table::address(.udfEnv$envir),
# don't cache md5 changes every run:
#' Generate extraC information for rxode2 models
#' @param extraC Additional extraC from rxode2 compile optioioins
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.extraC <- function(extraC = NULL) {
if (!is.null(extraC)) {
if (file.exists(extraC)) {
.ret <- sprintf("#include \"%s\"\n", extraC)
} else {
.ret <- paste(extraC, collapse = "\n")
} else {
.ret <- ""
if (length(.udfEnv$rxCcode) > 0L) {
.ret <- sprintf("%s\n%s\n", .ret, paste(.udfEnv$rxCcode, collapse = "\n"))
.udfEnv$extraCnow <- .ret
#' Get the extraCnow for compiling
#' @return string of extraC information
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.extraCnow <- function() {
#' Add user function to rxode2
#' This adds a user function to rxode2 that can be called. If needed,
#' these functions can be differentiated by numerical differences or
#' by adding the derivatives to rxode2's internal derivative table
#' with rxode2's `rxD` function
#' @param name This gives the name of the user function
#' @param args This gives the arguments of the user function
#' @param cCode This is the C-code for the new function
#' @return nothing
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
rxFunParse <- function(name, args, cCode) {
if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1L) {
stop("name argument must be a length-one character vector", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(cCode)) stop("a new function requires a C function so it can be used in rxode2", call. = FALSE)
if (any(name == names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr))) {
stop("already defined user function '", name, "', remove it fist ('rxRmFun')",
call. = FALSE
.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr <- c(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr, setNames(length(args), name))
.udfEnv$rxCcode <- c(.udfEnv$rxCcode, setNames(cCode, name))
assign(name, symengine::Function(name), envir = .udfEnv$symengineFs)
#' Return the equivalents symengine user functions from C
#' @return equivalent symengine user functions
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.rxSEeqUsr <- function() {
#' Return symengineFs from user functions
#' @return symengineFs from user functions
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.symengineFs <- function() {
#' Return the C code of an internal function
#' @param fun is the string of a function that you wish to get the C
#' code for
#' @return C code if found (as a string) or NULL if not found
#' @export
#' @author Matthew Fider
#' @keywords internal
.rxC <- function(fun) {
.w <- which(names(.udfEnv$rxCcode) == fun)
if (length(.w) == 1) return(setNames(.udfEnv$rxCcode[fun], NULL))
#' @rdname rxFunParse
#' @export
rxRmFunParse <- function(name) {
if (!is.character(name) || length(name) != 1L) {
stop("name argument must be a length-one character vector",
call. = FALSE)
if (!any(name == names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr))) {
warning("no user function '", name, "' to remove", call. = FALSE)
.w <- which(name == names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr))
if (length(.w) == 1L) {
.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr <- .udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr[-.w]
.w <- which(name == names(.udfEnv$rxCcode))
if (length(.w) == 1L) {
.udfEnv$rxCcode <- .udfEnv$rxCcode[-.w]
.rxD <- rxode2parseD()
if (exists(name, envir = .rxD)) {
if (!grepl("^rx_", name)) {
.d <- get(name, envir=.rxD)
lapply(names(formals(.d[[1]])), function(v) {
suppressWarnings(rxRmFunParse(paste0("rx_", name, "_d_", v)))
rm(list = name, envir = .rxD)
if (exists(name, envir = .udfEnv$symengineFs)) {
rm(list = name, envir = .udfEnv$symengineFs)
.udfAddToSearch <- function(envir) {
if (is.list(envir)) {
function(i) {
if (length(.udfEnv$searchList) == 0L) {
.udfEnv$searchList <- list(envir)
if (!any(vapply(seq_along(.udfEnv$searchList),
function(i) {
identical(.udfEnv$searchList[[i]], envir)
}, logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
.udfEnv$searchList <- c(.udfEnv$searchList, list(envir))
#' Setup the UDF environment (for querying user defined funtions)
#' @param env environment where user defined functions are queried. If NULL return current environment
#' @return environment
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfEnvSet <- function(env) {
if (is.null(.udfEnv$envir)) {
if (is.list(env)) {
.udfEnv$envir <- env[[1]]
} else {
.udfEnv$envir <- env
#' Lock/Unlock environment for getting R user functions
#' @param lock logical to see if environment to look for user defined
#' functions is locked. If it is locked then environments are not
#' assigned. When NULL returns lock status
#' @return lock status
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfEnvReset <- function(lock=TRUE) {
.udfEnv$fun <- list()
.udfEnv$searchList <- list()
#' See if the UI function exists in given environment.
#' If other functions have been declared, make sure they exist too.
#' @param fun Function to check
#' @param nargs Number of args to check
#' @param envir Environment to check
#' @param doList A boolean to see if the functions in .udfEnv$fun
#' should be checked too. By default TRUE, but this is called
#' recursively for each function (and set to FALSE)
#' @return logical declaring if the udf function exists in this environment
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfExists <- function(fun, nargs, envir, doList=TRUE) {
if (is.null(envir)) return(FALSE)
.e <- exists(fun, mode="function", envir=envir)
if (!.e) return(FALSE)
# ok now see if it makes sense
.fun <- get(fun, mode="function", envir=envir)
.f <- formals(.fun)
.bestHasDots <- any(names(.f) == "...")
.nargs <- length(.f)
.bestEqArgs <- .nargs == nargs
if (.bestEqArgs) { # We want the function to match the declared number of arguments
if (!.bestHasDots) { # We don't want ... arguments
if (doList) {
# In the case of multiple user functions, make sure the other
# user functions also exist in this environment
if (!all(vapply(seq_along(.udfEnv$fun), function(i) {
.info <- .udfEnv$fun[[i]]
return(.udfExists(.info[[1]], .info[[2]], envir=envir, doList=FALSE))
}, logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
if (is.null(.udfEnv$bestFun)) {
.udfEnv$bestFun <- .fun
# Success, save function and environment
.udfEnv$bestFun <- .fun
.udfEnv$bestFunEnv <- envir
.udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- FALSE
.udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- TRUE
.udfEnv$bestNargs <- nargs
if (doList && is.null(.udfEnv$bestFun)) {
.udfEnv$bestFun <- .fun
.udfEnv$bestFunEnv <- envir
.udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- .bestHasDots
.udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- .bestEqArgs
.udfEnv$bestNargs <- .nargs
#' While parsing or setting up the solving, get information about the
#' user defined function
#' @param fun function (character) to get information about
#' @param nargs Preferred number of arguments
#' @return A list with two elements
#' - nargs = `NA` if the user function isn't supported, or the number of arguments suported
#' - string = Error message when `NA` or function string
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.getUdfInfo <- function(fun, nargs) {
.nargs <- .rxUdfUiNarg(fun)
if (is.integer(.nargs) && !is.na(.nargs)) {
if (.nargs > 0L && nargs != .nargs) {
sprintf("rxode2 ui user defined R function has %d arguments, but supplied %d",
.nargs, nargs)))
} else if (.nargs <= 0L) {
"rxode2 ui user defined R needs to be setup with a positive number of arguments"))
} else {
if (is.null(.udfEnv$envir)) {
"rxode2 cannot determine which environment the user defined functions are located"))
.udfEnv$bestFun <- NULL
.udfEnv$bestFunHasDots <- FALSE
.udfEnv$bestEqArgs <- TRUE
.found <- FALSE
if (!.udfExists(fun, nargs, .udfEnv$envir)) {
# search prior environments with UDFs, assign the first one in the environments that match
if (length(.udfEnv$searchList) > 0L) {
if (any(vapply(seq_along(.udfEnv$searchList), function(i) {
.udfExists(fun, nargs, .udfEnv$searchList[[i]])
}, logical(1), USE.NAMES = FALSE))) {
.found <- TRUE
} else {
.found <- TRUE
if (.udfEnv$bestFunHasDots) {
"rxode2 user defined R cannot have '...' arguments"))
if (!.udfEnv$bestEqArgs) {
sprintf("rxode2 user defined R function has %d arguments, but supplied %d",
.udfEnv$bestNargs, nargs)))
if (!.found) {
.msg <- sprintf("function '%s' is not supported; user function not found",
return(list(nargs=NA_integer_, .msg))
.fun <- .udfEnv$bestFun
.udfEnv$envir <- .udfEnv$bestFunEnv
.udfEnv$fun[[fun]] <- list(fun, nargs)
.w <- which(names(.udfEnv$udf) == fun)
if (length(.w) == 0L) {
.udfEnv$udf <- c(.udfEnv$udf, setNames(nargs, fun))
#' This function is run before starting a rxode2 solve to make sure
#' the R-based user functions are setup correctly.
#' This function also resets the udf-based run-time errors
#' @param iv Named Integer Vector with the names representing the
#' functions and the integers representing the number of arguments
#' that were present when the model was compiled
#' @return nothing, called for side effect
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.setupUdf <- function(iv) {
if (!is.environment(.udfEnv$envir)) return(FALSE)
.w <- which(is.na(iv))
iv <- iv[-.w]
.n <- names(iv)
.env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
.env$needRecompile <- FALSE
function(n) {
.oldArg <- iv[n]
.new <- .getUdfInfo(n, .oldArg)
if (any(names(.udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr) == n)) {
.c <- .udfEnv$rxSEeqUsr[n]
if (.c == .new[[1]]) {
message("compiled with R user function '", n, "'; now there is a clashing C user function")
.env$needRecompile <- TRUE
message("triggered a recompile to use the C user function (they are always preferred)")
} else {
stop("there is both C and R user functions '", n, "' with a different number of arguments\n since rxode2 prefers C, you will need to rename your R user function to use it")
if (is.na(.new[[1]])) {
stop(.new[[2]], call.=FALSE)
} else if (.new[[1]] != .oldArg) {
stop("'", n,
"' had ", .oldArg, " arguments when model was compiled, now it has ",
.new[[1]], " arguments",
#' Reset the tracking of user defined functions
#' This is called during parsing reset
#' @return Nothing, called for side effects
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.udfReset <- function() {
.udfEnv$udf <- integer(0)
#' This gets the user defined functions information for incorporation
#' in the model variables
#' @return A integer vector; The values are the number of arguments;
#' the names are the function names
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @noRd
.udfInfo <- function() {
if (length(.udfEnv$udf) == 0) return(integer(0))
if (!is.environment(.udfEnv$envir)) return(integer(0))
.addr <- data.table::address(.udfEnv$envir)
.udfEnv$envList[[.addr]] <- .udfEnv$envir
c(.udfEnv$udf, setNames(NA_integer_, .addr))
#' Use the udf model variable information to get the environment where
#' the functions exists
#' @param udf modelVars$udf, integer vector with NA_integer_ for the
#' address of the environment where the functions exist
#' @return nothing called for side effects
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfEnvSetUdf <- function(udf) {
if (length(udf) == 0L) return(invisible())
.w <- which(is.na(udf))
.addr <- names(udf)[.w]
.env <- .udfEnv$envList[[.addr]]
if (is.environment(.env)) {
## .udfEnv$envir <- .env
} else {
stop("environment were user functions were defined is no longer present")
#' Get the function name with the current arguments as a string
#' @param fun function name
#' @param args arguments
#' @return string of the form 'fun(arg1, arg2)':
#' @export
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
#' @keywords internal
.udfCallFunArg <- function(fun, args) {
paste0("'", fun, "(",
function(i) {
}, character(1), USE.NAMES=FALSE), collapse=", "),
")': ")
#' This is the function that is always called for every user function in rxode2
#' @param fun A character vector representing the function
#' @param args A list of double numbers that will be used as the
#' function arguments
#' @return A double numeric value, including `NA_real` when the
#' function isn't working as expected
#' @noRd
#' @author Matthew L. Fidler
.udfCall <- function(fun, args) {
.ret <- try(do.call(fun, args, envir=.udfEnv$envir), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.ret, "try-error")) {
.msg <- try(attr(.ret, "condition")$message, silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(.msg, "try-error")) .msg <- "Unknown Error"
# This can error since it isn't threaded
stop(paste0(.udfCallFunArg(fun, args), .msg), call.=FALSE)
if (checkmate::testNumeric(.ret, len=1)) {
stop(paste0(.udfCallFunArg(fun, args), "needs to return a length 1 numeric"),
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