test_that("mixing omega and sigma with parameter data frame; RxODE#375", {
lognCv <- function(x) {
log((x / 100)^2 + 1)
mod2 <- rxode2({
## the order of variables do not matter, the type of compartmental
## model is determined by the parameters specified.
CL ~ TCL * exp(eta.Cl) * (WT / 70)^0.75
C2 ~ linCmt(KA, CL, V2, Q, V3)
eff(0) <- 1 ## This specifies that the effect compartment starts at 1.
d / dt(eff) ~ Kin - Kout * (1 - C2 / (EC50 + C2)) * eff
resp <- eff + err1
pk <- C2 * exp(err2)
ev <- eventTable(amount.units = "mg", time.units = "hours") %>%
add.dosing(dose = 10000, nbr.doses = 10, dosing.interval = 12, dosing.to = 2) %>%
add.dosing(dose = 20000, nbr.doses = 5, start.time = 120, dosing.interval = 24, dosing.to = 2) %>%
## Add Residual differences
sigma <- diag(2) * 0.05
dimnames(sigma) <- list(c("err1", "err2"), c("err1", "err2"))
omega <- matrix(0.2, dimnames = list("eta.Cl", "eta.Cl"))
theta <- c(
KA = 2.94E-01, TCL = 1.86E+01, V2 = 4.02E+01, Q = 1.05E+01, V3 = 2.97E+02,
Kin = 1, Kout = 1, EC50 = 200
thetaMat <- diag(length(theta)) * lognCv(5)
dimnames(thetaMat) <- list(names(theta), names(theta))
nStud <- 3
nSub <- 12
par <- rxRmvn(nStud, theta, thetaMat)
par <- rxCbindStudyIndividual(par, data.frame(WT = rnorm(nStud * nSub, 70, 10)))
expect_error(rxSolve(mod2, ev, par,
omega = omega, sigma = sigma, dfSub = 100, dfObs = 400,
nStud = nStud, nSub = nSub), NA)
# Nesting:
## mod <- rxode2({
## ## Clearance with individuals
## eff(0) = 1
## C2 = centr/V2*(1+prop.sd);
## C3 = peri/V3;
## CL = TCl*exp(eta.Cl + eye.Cl + iov.Cl + inv.Cl) * (WT / 70)^0.75
## KA = TKA * exp(eta.Ka + eye.Ka + iov.Cl + inv.Ka)
## d/dt(depot) =-KA*depot;
## d/dt(centr) = KA*depot - CL*C2 - Q*C2 + Q*C3;
## d/dt(peri) = Q*C2 - Q*C3;
## d/dt(eff) = Kin - Kout*(1-C2/(EC50+C2))*eff;
## ef0 = eff + add.sd
## })
## et(amountUnits="mg", timeUnits="hours") %>%
## et(amt=10000, addl=9,ii=12,cmt="depot") %>%
## et(time=120, amt=2000, addl=4, ii=14, cmt="depot") %>%
## et(seq(0, 240, by=4)) %>% # Assumes sampling when there is no dosing information
## et(seq(0, 240, by=4) + 0.1) %>% ## adds 0.1 for separate eye
## et(id=1:20) %>%
## ## Add an occasion per dose
## dplyr::mutate(occ=cumsum(!is.na(amt))) %>%
## dplyr::mutate(occ=ifelse(occ == 0, 1, occ)) %>%
## dplyr::mutate(occ=2- occ %% 2) %>%
## dplyr::mutate(eye=ifelse(round(time) == time, 1, 2)) %>%
## dplyr::mutate(inv=ifelse(id < 10, 1, 2)) %>%
## dplyr::as_tibble() ->
## ev
## theta <- c("TKA"=0.294, "TCl"=18.6, "V2"=40.2,
## "Q"=10.5, "V3"=297, "Kin"=1, "Kout"=1, "EC50"=200)
## ## Creating covariance matrix
## tmp <- matrix(rnorm(8^2), 8, 8)
## tMat <- tcrossprod(tmp, tmp) / (8 ^ 2)
## dimnames(tMat) <- list(names(theta), names(theta))
## tMat
## nStud <- 4
## nSub <- 20
## par <- rxCbindStudyIndividual(rxRmvn(nStud, theta, tMat),
## data.frame(WT=rnorm(nStud * nSub, 70, 10)))
## omega <- lotri(lotri(eta.Cl ~ 0.1,
## eta.Ka ~ 0.1) | id(nu=100),
## lotri(eye.Cl ~ 0.05,
## eye.Ka ~ 0.05) | eye(nu=200),
## lotri(iov.Cl ~ 0.01,
## iov.Ka ~ 0.01) | occ(nu=200),
## lotri(inv.Cl ~ 0.02,
## inv.Ka ~ 0.02) | inv(nu=10))
## sigma <- lotri(prop.sd ~ .25,
## add.sd~ 0.125)
## s <- rxSolve(mod, par, ev, omega=omega,
## sigma=sigma, sigmaDf=400,
## nStud=nStud)
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