
Defines functions lotriSep lotriMat as.matrix.lotri `$.lotri` .DollarNames.lotri lotri .lotriGetMatrixFromEnv .amplifyRetWithDfEst .lotriList .getMatrix .mergeProp .amplifyFinal .amplifyDefault .parseCondition .f .fCall .fCallTilde .fcallTildeLhsSum .lotri1 .lotriParseMat .evalAsNumericCheckForFixed .repFixedWithC .lotriMatrixVec .lotriMatrix .pasteLotri

Documented in lotri lotriMat lotriSep

##' @importFrom utils assignInMyNamespace
##' @useDynLib lotri, .registration = TRUE
##' Paste inputNum in lower triangular format to input char
##' @param inputChar Input character expression; ie 'a + b ~ '
##' @param inputParse  Parsed expression to format, should be `c()`
##' @return Formated string with lotri offeset
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @examples
##' .pasteLotri("matt+ruth~",quote(c(1,2,3)))
##' .pasteLotri("matt+ruth+kids~",quote(c(1,2,3,4,5,6)))
##' @noRd
.pasteLotri <- function(inputChar, inputParse) {
  .ret <- paste0(inputChar, as.character(inputParse[[1]]), "(")
  .nchar0 <- nchar(.ret)
  .line <- paste0("\n", strrep(" ", .nchar0))
  .i <- 0
  .j <- 1
  for (.k in seq_len(length(inputParse) - 1)) {
    .ret <- paste0(.ret, .deparse1(inputParse[[.k + 1]]), ifelse(.k == length(inputParse) - 1, ")", ", "))
    .i <- .i + 1
    if (.i == .j && .k != length(inputParse) - 1) {
      .ret <- paste0(.ret, .line)
      .j <- .j + 1
      .i <- 0

##' lotriMatrix convert numeric vector to matrix
##' @param nv Numeric Vector
##' @param chol boolean indicating if this matrix is a chol matrix
##' @param sd boolean indicating if this is a standard deviation
##' @param cor boolean indicting if this is a correlation matrix
##' @return covariance matrix
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.lotriMatrix <- function(nv, chol=FALSE, sd=FALSE, cor=FALSE, lhs=NULL) {
  .num <- length(nv)
  .num <- sqrt(1 + .num * 8) / 2 - 1 / 2
  if (round(.num) != .num) {
    .dim <- ceiling(.num)
    .newNum <- ((2 * .dim + 1)^2 - 1)/8
    .extra <- paste(paste0("r", seq_len(.newNum - length(nv))), collapse=",")
    .nv <- .deparse1(nv)
    .nv <- paste0(substr(.nv, 1, nchar(.nv) - 1), ",", .extra, ")")
    .lhs <- strsplit(.deparse1(lhs), "[+]")[[1]]
    if (length(.lhs) < .dim) {
      .lhs <- c(.lhs, paste0("v", seq_len(.dim - length(.lhs))))
    .lhs <- paste0("  ", paste(.lhs, collapse="+"), "~")
    .expr <- .pasteLotri(.lhs, eval(parse(text=paste0("quote(", .nv, ")"))))
    stop("lower triangular matrix not correct size\n  did you mean something like:\n", .expr, call. = FALSE)
  .ret <- matrix(nrow=.num, ncol=.num)
  .i <- 0
  .j <- 1
  for (.k in seq_along(nv)) {
    .v <- nv[.k]
    .i <- .i + 1
    if (.i == .j) {
      .ret[.i, .i] <- .v
      .j <- .j + 1
      .i <- 0
    } else {
      .ret[.i, .j] <- .ret[.j, .i] <- .v
      if (chol) .ret[.i, .j] <- 0
  if (chol){
    .ret <- .ret %*% t(.ret)
  if (cor) {
    .d <- diag(.ret)
    if (!sd) {
      ## cor + var
      .d <- sqrt(.d)
    diag(.ret) <- 1
    if (any(abs(.ret) > 1))
      stop("correlations must be between -1 and 1",
    .D <- diag(.d)
    return(.D %*% .ret %*% .D)
  if (sd) {
    diag(.ret) <- diag(.ret) ^ 2
##' Convert to Matrix to lotri vector (internal)
##' @param mat matrix to convert to lotri mat
##' @return lotri numeric vector
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.lotriMatrixVec <- function(mat) {
  .d <- dim(mat)[1]
  .num <- ((2 * .d + 1)^2 - 1)/8
  .ret <- numeric(.num)
  .i <- 0
  .j <- 1
  for (.k in seq_along(.ret)) {
    .i <- .i + 1
    if (.i == .j) {
      .ret[.k] <- mat[.i, .i]
      .j <- .j + 1
      .i <- 0
    } else {
      .ret[.k] <- mat[.i, .j]

.repFixedWithC <- function(x, env=new.env(parent=emptyenv())) {
  if (is.call(x)) {
    if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`fix`)) ||
          identical(x[[1]], quote(`fixed`)) ||
          identical(x[[1]], quote(`Fixed`)) ||
          identical(x[[1]], quote(`FIXED`)) ||
          identical(x[[1]], quote(`Fix`)) ||
          identical(x[[1]], quote(`FIX`))) {
      env$fix <- TRUE
      x[[1]] <- quote(`c`)
    } else {
      return(as.call(lapply(x, .repFixedWithC, env=env)))
  } else {

.evalAsNumericCheckForFixed <- function(x) {
  .env <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
  .env$fix <- NA
  .num <- as.numeric(eval(.repFixedWithC(x, .env), envir=.lotriParentEnv))
  return(list(.num, .env$fix))

.lotriParseMat <- function(x, env=NULL) {
  if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`sd`))) {
    if (exists("var", envir=env)) {
      stop("cannot use both 'var' and 'sd' in a block", call.=FALSE)
    env$sd <- TRUE
  if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`var`))) {
    if (exists("sd", envir=env)) {
      stop("cannot use both 'var' and 'sd' in a block", call.=FALSE)
    env$var <- TRUE
  if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`cor`))) {
    if (exists("cov", envir=env)) {
      stop("cannot use both 'cov' and 'cor' in a block", call.=FALSE)
    env$cor <- TRUE
  if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`cov`))) {
    if (exists("cor", envir=env)) {
      stop("cannot use both 'cov' and 'cor' in a block", call.=FALSE)
    env$cov <- TRUE
  if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`chol`))) {
    if (exists("cor", envir=env)   ||
          exists("cov", envir=env) ||
          exists("sd", envir=env)  ||
          exists("var", envir=env)) {
      stop("'chol' has to only be with a single block", call.=FALSE)
    env$chol <- TRUE
  if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`fix`)) ||
        identical(x[[1]], quote(`fixed`)) ||
        identical(x[[1]], quote(`FIX`)) ||
        identical(x[[1]], quote(`FIX`))) {
    env$globalFix <- TRUE
  if (length(x) == 2) {
    return(.lotriParseMat(x[[2]], env=env))
  } else if (length(x) == 1) {
    .r <- x
  } else {
    .r <- x[-1]
  ## chol=FALSE, sd=FALSE, cor=FALSE
  if (!exists("chol", env)) env$chol <- FALSE
  if (!exists("sd", env)) env$sd <- FALSE
  if (!exists("cor", env)) env$cor <- FALSE
  .tmp <- vapply(.r, .evalAsNumericCheckForFixed,
                 list(numeric(1), logical(1)))
  env$val <- unlist(.tmp[1, ])
  env$fix <- unlist(.tmp[2, ])
  env$nv <- .lotriMatrixVec(.lotriMatrix(env$val, chol=env$chol, sd=env$sd, cor=env$cor, lhs=env$lhs))
  if (!exists("globalFix", env)) {
    env$globalFix <- FALSE
  .fix <- vapply(env$fix, function(x){ifelse(is.na(x), env$globalFix, x)},
  return(list(env$nv, .fix))

##' Parse lower triangular matrix list
##' This is for x~c(1..) or x1+x2~c(...)
##' @title
##' @param x2 Second element of parsing list ie  `x` or `x1+x2`
##' @param x3 Third element of list; ie c(...)
##' @param env  environment to update
##' @return Nothing; updates environment
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.lotri1 <- function(x2, x3, env) {
  .envParse <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  .envParse$lhs <- x2
  .rl <- .lotriParseMat(x3, env=.envParse)
  .r <- .rl[[1]]
  .rf <- .rl[[2]]
  env$netas <- length(.r)
  .num <- sqrt(1 + env$netas * 8) / 2 - 1 / 2
  if (round(.num) == .num) {
    .n <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(x2), " +[+] +"))
    .n <- .n[.n != "+"]
    if (length(.n) == .num) {
      env$names <- c(env$names, .n)
      .i <- 0
      .j <- 1
      for (.k in seq_along(.r)) {
        .v <- .r[.k]
        .f <- .rf[.k]
        .i <- .i + 1
        if (.i == .j) {
          env$df <- rbind(
            data.frame(i = env$eta1 + .i, j = env$eta1 + .i, x = .v, fix=.f)
          .j <- .j + 1
          .i <- 0
        } else {
          env$df <- rbind(
              i = c(env$eta1 + .i, env$eta1 + .j),
              j = c(env$eta1 + .j, env$eta1 + .i), x = .v,
      env$eta1 <- env$eta1 + .num
    } else {
      ## in this case
      .expr <- .deparse1(eval(parse(text=paste0("quote(", paste(c(.n, paste0("varName", length(.n) + seq_len(.num - length(.n)))), collapse="+"), "~ 0)"))))
      .expr <- paste0("  '", substr(.expr, 1, nchar(.expr) - 1))
      .expr <- .pasteLotri(.expr, x3)
      stop("number named variables and lower triangular matrix size do not match\n  did you mean something like:\n", .expr, call. = FALSE)
  } else {
    stop("matrix expression should be 'name ~ c(lower-tri)'", call. = FALSE)

.fcallTildeLhsSum <- function(x, env) {
  ## et1+et2+et3~NULL lower triangular matrix
  if (any(tolower(as.character(x[[3]][[1]])) ==
            c("c", "fix", "fixed", "var", "sd", "cor", "cov", "chol"))) {
    .lotri1(x[[2]], x[[3]], env)
  } else {
    .val <- try(eval(x[[3]], envir=.lotriParentEnv), silent = TRUE)
    if (is.numeric(.val) || is.integer(.val)) {
      env$netas <- 1
      env$eta1 <- env$eta1 + 1
      env$names <- c(env$names, as.character(x[[2]]))
      env$df <- rbind(
        data.frame(i = env$eta1, j = env$eta1, x = .val, fix=FALSE)
    } else {
      .cnd <- try(as.character(x[[3]][[1]]), silent = TRUE)
      .didCnd <- FALSE
      if (inherits(.cnd, "character")) {
        if (.cnd == "|") {
          .cnd <- x[[3]][[3]]
          .cndFull <- .parseCondition(.cnd, envir = env)
          .cnd <- .cndFull[[1]]
          ## Each condition is parsed so this new environment
          ## should not be elsewhere
          .env2 <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
          .env2$df <- NULL
          .env2$eta1 <- 0L
          env$cnd <- unique(c(env$cnd, .cnd))
          env[[.cnd]] <- .env2
          env[[paste0(.cnd, ".extra")]] <- .cndFull[[2]]
          .val <- try(eval(x[[3]][[2]], envir=.lotriParentEnv), silent = TRUE)
          if ((length(.val) == 1) &&
                (is.numeric(.val) || is.integer(.val))) {
            .env2$netas <- 1
            .env2$eta1 <- .env2$eta1 + 1
            .env2$names <- c(.env2$names, as.character(x[[2]]))
            .env2$df <- rbind(
                i = .env2$eta1, j = .env2$eta1,
                x = .val,
          } else {
            .lotri1(x[[2]], x[[3]][[2]], .env2)
          .didCnd <- TRUE
      if (!.didCnd) {
        stop("bad matrix expression: '", .deparse1(x), "'\n  matrix expression should be 'name ~ c(lower-tri)'", call. = FALSE)

.fCallTilde <- function(x, env) {
  if (length(x) != 3) {
    .possible <- try(.deparse1(eval(parse(text=paste("quote(variableName", .deparse1(x), ")")))), silent=TRUE)
    .err <- "matrix expression should be 'name ~ c(lower-tri)'"
    if (!inherits(.possible, "try-error")) {
      .err <- paste0(.err, "\n  did you mean '", .possible, "'")
    stop(.err, call. = FALSE)
  if (length(x[[3]]) == 1) {
    ## et1 ~ 0.2
    env$netas <- 1
    env$eta1 <- env$eta1 + 1
    env$names <- c(env$names, as.character(x[[2]]))
    env$df <- rbind(
        i = env$eta1,
        j = env$eta1,
        x = as.numeric(eval(x[[3]], envir=.lotriParentEnv)),
  } else {
    .fcallTildeLhsSum(x, env)

.fCall <- function(x, env) {
  if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`~`))) {
    .fCallTilde(x, env)
  } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`{`))) {
    .x <- x[-1]
    for (.i in seq_along(.x)) {
      .curLine <- try(.f(.x[[.i]], env=env), silent=TRUE)
      if (inherits(.curLine, "try-error")) {
        env$.hasErr <- TRUE
        env$.err[[.i]] <- paste(c(env$.err[[.i]], attr(.curLine, "condition")$message), collapse="\n")
  } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`quote`))) {
    lapply(x[[2]], .f, env = env)
  } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`matrix`))) {
    if (!is.null(env$matrix)) {
      stop("only one matrix can be in an expression")
    env$matrix <- eval(x, envir=.lotriParentEnv)
  } else if (identical(x[[1]], quote(`=`)) ||
               identical(x[[1]], quote(`<-`)) ||
               identical(x[[1]], quote(`label`)) ||
               identical(x[[1]], quote(`backTransform`))) {
    ## these are handled in .parseThetaEst()
  } else {
    stop("matrix expression should be 'name ~ c(lower-tri)'", call. = FALSE)

##' DSL parsing function
##' @param x Parsing tree
##' @param env environment to update
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.f <- function(x, env) {
  if (is.name(x)) {
  } else if (is.call(x)) {
    .fCall(x, env)
  } else {
    ## is.pairlist OR is.atomic OR unknown...
    stop("bad matrix specification", call. = FALSE)
##' Parses condition
##' @param cond Condition parsing tree
##' @param envir Environment to parse condition in.
##' @return list with 2 elements: - First element is the name of the condition - Second element is extra information
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.parseCondition <- function(cond, envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (length(cond) == 1) {
    .fullCnd <- as.character(cond)
    return(list(.fullCnd, NULL))
  .fullCnd <- as.character(cond[[1]])
  if (regexpr("^[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_.]*$", .fullCnd) == -1) {
    .cnd <- .deparse1(cond)
    stop("unsupported conditional statement: '", .deparse1(cond), "'",
         call. = FALSE)
  .env <- list2env(as.list(envir), parent = globalenv())
  .env[[.fullCnd]] <- function(...) {
  .prop <- eval(cond, envir = .env)
  return(list(.fullCnd, .prop))

.defaultProperties <- c(lower = -Inf, upper = Inf)

##' Amplify Default properties
##' @param prop proprety list where `.defaultProperties` will be amplified
##' @param names names of matrix components to check against
##' @return Amplified property list
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.amplifyDefault <- function(prop, names) {
  .nD <- names(.defaultProperties)
  .newProp <- prop
  for (.n in .nD) {
    if (any(.n == names(prop))) {
      .cur <- prop[[.n]]
      if (is.null(names(.cur))) {
        if (length(.cur) != 1) {
            gettext("name multiple limits for '%s': '%s=c(%s=%s,...)'"),
            .n, .n, names[1], .cur[1]
          ), call. = FALSE)
        } else {
          .newProp[[.n]] <- setNames(rep(.cur, length(names)), names)
      .new <- setNames(rep(.defaultProperties[.n], length(names)), names)
      .bad <- NULL
      for (.n2 in names(.cur)) {
        if (is.na(.new[.n2])) {
          .bad <- c(.bad, .n2)
        } else {
          .new[.n2] <- .cur[.n2]
      if (length(.bad) > 0) {
          gettext("in '%s' argument/dimension mismatch: %s"),
          .n, paste(.bad, collapse = ", ")
        ), call. = FALSE)
      .newProp[[.n]] <- .new
##' Amplifies final lotri list with defaults in .defaultProperties
##' @param finalList Final List before return
##' @param prop current properties
##' @return lotri amplified with defaults for all parameters
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.amplifyFinal <- function(finalList, prop) {
  for (.p in names(prop)) {
    .cur <- prop[[.p]]
    .dim <- dimnames(finalList[[.p]])[[1]]
    for (.d in names(.defaultProperties)) {
      if (any(names(.cur) == .d)) {
        .final <- setNames(rep(.defaultProperties[.d], length(.dim)), .dim)
        .curD <- .cur[[.d]]
        for (.c in names(.curD)) {
          .final[.c] <- .curD[.c]
        .cur[[.d]] <- .final
    prop[[.p]] <- .cur
##' Merge properties between two matrices
##' @param prop Initial property list or character vector of names to
##'   apply default properties on...
##' @param id ID of the matrix with more properites
##' @param new new properites of the matrix
##' @return A merged property that will be used for lotri composite
##'   matrices
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.mergeProp <- function(prop, id, new) {
  if (is.null(prop)) {
    .ret <- list()
    .ret[[id]] <- new
  if (!inherits(prop, "list")) {
    for (.n in names(new)) {
      if (any(.n == names(.defaultProperties))) {
        new[[.n]] <- c(
          ), prop)
    .ret <- list()
    .ret[[id]] <- new
  .old <- prop[[id]]
  for (.n in names(.old)) {
    if (any(.n == names(.defaultProperties))) {
      ## These are fully completed before reaching the merging point
      .old[[.n]] <- c(new[[.n]], .old[[.n]])
      new <- new[names(new) != .n]
    } else if (any(.n == names(new))) {
      stop(sprintf(gettext("conflicting '%s' properties"), .n), call. = FALSE)
  for (.n in names(new)) {
    .old[[.n]] <- new[[.n]]
  .ret <- prop
  .ret[[id]] <- .old

##' Extract a matrix saved in the environment
##' @param env Environment where matrix is saved
##' @param val value where the matrix is saved in
##' @return named matrix
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @noRd
.getMatrix <- function(env, val) {
  return(.Call(`_lotriLstToMat`, env[[val]], NULL, 1L, class(matrix(0)), PACKAGE = "lotri"))

.lotriList <- function(x, ..., envir = parent.frame()) {
  omega <- lapply(x, lotri, envir = envir)
  if (inherits(omega, "list")) {
    .env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    .env[["...cnd"]] <- NULL
    .env[["...empty"]] <- list()
    lapply(seq_along(omega), function(x) {
      .cur <- omega[[x]]
      .curName <- names(omega)[x]
      if (is.null(.curName)) {
        .curName <- ""
      if (inherits(.cur, "matrix")) {
        if (.curName == "") {
          assign("...empty", c(.env[["...empty"]], list(.cur)), .env)
        } else {
          assign(.curName, c(.env[[.curName]], list(.cur)), .env)
          assign("...cnd", unique(c(.env[["...cnd"]], .curName)), .env)
      } else if (inherits(.cur, "list") || inherits(.cur, "lotri")) {
          function(y) {
            .cury <- .cur[[y]]
            .curName <- names(.cur)[y]
            if (.curName == "") {
              assign("...empty", c(
              ), .env)
            } else {
              assign(.curName, list(.cury), .env)
              assign("...cnd", unique(c(
              )), .env)
    if (length(.env$...empty) > 0) {
      .omega <- .getMatrix(.env, "...empty")
    } else {
      .omega <- NULL
    if (length(.env$...cnd) > 0) {
      .lst <- setNames(lapply(.env$...cnd, function(cnd) {
        .getMatrix(.env, cnd)
      }), .env$...cnd)
      if (!is.null(.omega)) {
        .lst <- c(list(.omega), .lst)
      omega <- .lst
    } else {
      omega <- .omega

.lotriParentEnv <- NULL

.amplifyRetWithDfEst <- function(ret, df) {
  if (is.null(df)) return(ret)
  attr(ret, "lotriEst") <- df
  .allNames <- c(dimnames(ret)[[1]], df$name)
  .dup <- unique(.allNames[duplicated(.allNames)])
  if (length(.dup) > 0) {
    stop("duplicated parameter(s): '",paste(.dup, collapse="', '"), "'", sep="",
  if ((inherits(ret, "matrix") | inherits(ret, "list") | inherits(ret, "lotri")) &
        !inherits(ret, "lotriFix")) {
    class(ret) <- c("lotriFix", class(ret))

.lotriGetMatrixFromEnv <- function(env) {
  .ret <- diag(env$eta1)
  .retF <- matrix(FALSE, dim(.ret)[1], dim(.ret)[1])
  for (.i in seq_along(env$df$i)) {
    .ret[env$df$i[.i], env$df$j[.i]] <- env$df$x[.i]
    .retF[env$df$i[.i], env$df$j[.i]] <- env$df$fix[.i]
  dimnames(.ret) <- list(env$names, env$names)
  dimnames(.retF) <- list(env$names, env$names)
  if (any(.retF)) {
    class(.ret) <- c("lotriFix", class(.ret))
    attr(.ret, "lotriFix") <- .retF

##' Easily Specify block-diagonal matrices with lower triangular info
##' @param x list, matrix or expression, see details
##' @param ... Other arguments treated as a list that will be
##'     concatenated then reapplied to this function.
##' @inheritParams base::eval
##' @inheritParams as.lotri
##' @return named symmetric matrix useful in RxODE simulations (and
##'     perhaps elsewhere)
##' @details
##'  This can take an R matrix, a list including matrices or
##'  expressions, or expressions
##'  Expressions can take the form
##'  name ~ estimate
##'  Or the lower triangular matrix when "adding" the names
##'  name1 + name2 ~ c(est1,
##'                    est2, est3)
##'  The matricies are concatenated into a block diagonal matrix, like
##'  \code{\link[Matrix]{bdiag}}, but allows expressions to specify
##'  matrices easier.
##' @examples
##' ## A few ways to specify the same matrix
##' lotri({et2 + et3 + et4 ~ c(40,
##'                            0.1, 20,
##'                            0.1, 0.1, 30)})
##' ## You  do not need to enclose in {}
##' lotri(et2 + et3 + et4 ~ c(40,
##'                           0.1, 20,
##'                           0.1, 0.1, 30),
##'           et5 ~ 6)
##' ## But if you do enclose in {}, you can use
##' ## multi-line matrix specifications:
##' lotri({et2 + et3 + et4 ~ c(40,
##'                            0.1, 20,
##'                            0.1, 0.1, 30)
##'           et5 ~ 6
##'           })
##' ## You can also add lists or actual R matrices as in this example:
##' lotri(list(et2 + et3 + et4 ~ c(40,
##'                                0.1, 20,
##'                                0.1, 0.1, 30),
##'               matrix(1,dimnames=list("et5","et5"))))
##' ## Overall this is a flexible way to specify symmetric block
##' ## diagonal matrices.
##' ## For RxODE, you may also condition based on different levels of
##' ## nesting with lotri;  Here is an example:
##' mat <- lotri(lotri(iov.Ka ~ 0.5,
##'                     iov.Cl ~ 0.6),
##'               lotri(occ.Ka ~ 0.5,
##'                     occ.Cl ~ 0.6) | occ(lower=4,nu=3))
##' mat
##' ## you may access features of the matrix simply by `$` that is
##' mat$lower # Shows the lower bound for each condition
##' mat$lower$occ # shows the lower bound for the occasion variable
##' ## Note that `lower` fills in defaults for parameters.  This is true
##' ## for `upper` true;  In fact when accessing this the defaults
##' ## are put into the list
##' mat$upper
##' ## However all other values return NULL if they are not present like
##' mat$lotri
##' ## And values that are specified once are only returned on one list:
##' mat$nu
##' mat$nu$occ
##' mat$nu$id
##' ## You can also change the default condition with `as.lotri`
##' mat <- as.lotri(mat, default="id")
##' mat
##' @author Matthew L Fidler
##' @importFrom methods is
##' @importFrom stats setNames
##' @importFrom utils str
##' @export
lotri <- function(x, ..., envir = parent.frame(),
                  default = "id") {
  if (is.null(.lotriParentEnv)) {
    assignInMyNamespace(".lotriParentEnv", envir)
    on.exit(assignInMyNamespace(".lotriParentEnv", NULL))
  .call <- as.list(match.call())[-1]
  if (inherits(substitute(x), "{")) {
    x <- eval(parse(text=paste0("quote(", paste(deparse(substitute(x)), collapse="\n"), ")")))
    .call[[1]] <- x
  .ncall <- names(.call)
  if (any(.ncall == "envir")) {
    .w <- which(.ncall == "envir")
    .call <- .call[-.w]
  .fullCnd <- NULL
  .fullCndLst <- list()
  if (length(.call[[1]]) > 1) {
    if (identical(.call[[1]][[1]], quote(`|`))) {
      .cnd <- .call[[1]][[3]]
      .fullCndLst <- .parseCondition(.cnd, envir = envir)
      .fullCnd <- .fullCndLst[[1]]
      x <- eval(.call[[1]][[2]], envir = envir)
  .est <- NULL
  if (is.null(x)) {
    .ret <- NULL
  } else if (is.list(x)) {
    .ret <- .lotriList(x, ..., envir = envir)
  } else if (is.matrix(x)) {
    .ret <- x
  } else {
    .env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
    .env$df <- NULL
    .env$matrix <- NULL
    .env$eta1 <- 0L
    .env$cnd <- character()
    .sX <- substitute(x)
    if (is.call(.sX)) {
      if (identical(.sX[[1]], quote(`[[`))) {
        .sX <- x
    .envT <- .parseThetaEst(.sX, .lotriParentEnv)
    .est <- .envT$df
    .env$.hasErr <- .envT$.hasErr
    .env$.err <- .envT$.err
    .env$.lines <- .envT$.lines
    .f(.sX, .env)
    if (!is.null(.env$matrix)) {
      return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.env$matrix, .est))
    if (length(.env$cnd) == 0L) {
      .ret <- .lotriGetMatrixFromEnv(.env)
    } else {
      .lstC <- list()
      .other <- NULL
      .prop <- NULL
      if (length(.call) > 1) {
        .call <- .call[-1]
        .other <- do.call("lotri", .call, envir = envir)
        if (inherits(.other, "lotri")) {
          .prop <- attr(.other, "lotri")
          class(.other) <- NULL
      if (any(.env$cnd == default)) {
        ## amplify with default
        .env2 <- .env[[default]]
        .env2$df <- rbind(.env2$df, .env$df)
        .env2$names <- c(.env2$names, .env$names)
        .env2$eta1 <- .env$eta1 + .env2$eta1
      } else if (!is.null(.env$df)) {
        .env[[default]] <- new.env(parent=emptyenv())
        .env2 <- .env[[default]]
        .env2$df <- .env$df
        .env2$eta1 <- .env$eta1
        .env2$names <- .env$names
        .env$cnd <- c(default, .env$cnd)
      for (.j in .env$cnd) {
        .env2 <- .env[[.j]]
        .ret0 <- .lotriGetMatrixFromEnv(.env2)
        .extra <- .env[[paste0(.j, ".extra")]]
        if (!is.null(.extra)) {
          if (is.null(.prop)) {
            if (any(names(.other) == .j)) {
              .prop <- dimnames(.other[[.j]])[[1]]
          .prop <- .mergeProp(
            .prop, .j,
            .amplifyDefault(.extra, .env2$names)
        if (inherits(.other, "list")) {
          if (any(names(.other) == .j)) {
            .ret0 <- do.call("lotri", list(.ret0, .other[[.j]],
              envir = envir
            envir = envir
            .other <- .other[names(.other) != .j]
        .lstC[[.j]] <- .ret0
      if (inherits(.other, "list")) {
        .lstC <- c(.lstC, .other)
      } else if (!is.null(.other)) {
        .lstC <- c(.lstC, list(.other))
      if (!is.null(.prop)) {
        .prop <- .amplifyFinal(.lstC, .prop)
        attr(.lstC, "lotri") <- .prop
        class(.lstC) <- "lotri"
      return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.lstC, .est))
  if (!is.null(.fullCnd)) {
    .lst <- list()
    .lst[[.fullCnd]] <- .ret
    .prop <- NULL
    if (!is.null(.fullCndLst[[2]])) {
      .prop <- list()
      .prop[[.fullCnd]] <- .amplifyDefault(
    if (!is.null(.prop)) {
      attr(.lst, "lotri") <- .amplifyFinal(.lst, .prop)
      class(.lst) <- "lotri"
    if (length(.call) == 1L) {
      return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.lst, .est))
    .call <- .call[-1]
    .tmp <- do.call("lotri", .call, envir = envir)
    if (any(names(.tmp) == .fullCnd)) {
      if (!is.null(.prop)) {
        .tmpL <- attr(.tmp, "lotri")
        .tmp0 <- .tmpL[[.fullCnd]]
        .tmp1 <- .tmpL[names(.tmpL) != .fullCnd]
        .prop <- .mergeProp(
          .prop, .fullCnd,
        .prop <- c(.prop, .tmp1)
      .ret <- lotri(list(.ret, .tmp[[.fullCnd]]), envir = envir)
      .w <- which(names(.tmp) != .fullCnd)
      if (length(.w) > 0L) {
        .tmp <- .tmp[.w]
        .tmp2 <- list()
        .tmp2[[.fullCnd]] <- .ret
        .ret <- c(.tmp2, .tmp)
        return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.ret, .est))
      } else {
        .tmp <- list()
        .tmp[[.fullCnd]] <- .ret
        if (!is.null(.prop)) {
          attr(.tmp, "lotri") <- .amplifyFinal(.tmp, .prop)
          class(.tmp) <- "lotri"
        return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.tmp, .est))
    } else {
      .lst <- list()
      .lst[[.fullCnd]] <- .ret
      .tmpCnd <- c(.prop, attr(.tmp, "lotri"))
      .ret <- c(.lst, .tmp)
      if (!is.null(.tmpCnd)) {
        attr(.ret, "lotri") <- .amplifyFinal(.ret, .tmpCnd)
        class(.ret) <- "lotri"
      return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.ret, .est))
  } else {
    if (length(.call) == 1L) {
      return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.ret, .est))
    .call <- .call[-1]
    .tmp <- do.call("lotri", .call, envir = envir)
    if (inherits(.tmp, "list")) {
      if (any(names(.tmp) == "")) {
        .w <- which(names(.tmp) == "")
        .lst <- list(.ret, .tmp[[.w]], envir = envir)
        .tmp[[.w]] <- do.call("lotri", .lst, envir = envir)
        return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.tmp, .est))
      } else {
        .ret <- c(list(.ret), .tmp)
        return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.ret, .est))
    } else {
      .ret <- lotri(c(list(.ret), list(.tmp)), envir = envir)
      if (inherits(.tmp, "lotri")) {
        attr(.ret, "lotri") <- .amplifyFinal(.ret, attr(.tmp, "lotri"))
        class(.ret) <- "lotri"
      return(.amplifyRetWithDfEst(.ret, .est))

##' @importFrom utils .DollarNames
##' @export
.DollarNames.lotri <- function(x, pattern) {
  grep(pattern, unique(c(
    names(x), ".allNames", ".bounds",
    ".names", ".list", ".maxNu", x$.names
  value = TRUE

##' @export
`$.lotri` <- function(obj, arg, exact = FALSE) {
  .lotri <- attr(obj, "lotri")
  if (arg == ".maxNu") {
    return(.Call(`_lotriMaxNu`, obj, PACKAGE = "lotri"))
  if (any(names(obj) == arg)) {
    .tmp <- obj
    class(.tmp) <- NULL
  if (arg == ".names") {
      function(x) {
  if (arg == ".allNames") {
    return(.Call(`_lotriAllNames`, obj, PACKAGE = "lotri"))
  if (arg == ".bounds") {
    return(.Call(`_lotriGetBounds`, obj, NULL, 1L, PACKAGE = "lotri"))
  if (arg == ".list") {
    .tmp <- obj
    class(.tmp) <- NULL
    attr(.tmp, "lotri") <- NULL
    .names <- obj$.names
    for (.n in .names) {
      if (!any(.n == names(.tmp))) {
        .tmp[[.n]] <- `$.lotri`(obj, .n)

  .env <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())
  .env$empty <- TRUE
  .ret <- setNames(lapply(names(obj), function(x) {
    if (any(names(.lotri) == x)) {
      .ret <- .lotri[[x]][[arg]]
      if (is.null(.ret)) {
      assign("empty", FALSE, .env)
    } else {
      .def <- .defaultProperties[arg]
      if (!is.na(.def)) {
        .w <- which(names(obj) == x)
        if (length(.w) == 1) {
          .dim <- dimnames(obj[[.w]])[[1]]
          .ret <- setNames(rep(.def, length(.dim)), .dim)
  }), names(obj))
  .w <- which(unlist(lapply(.ret, is.null)))
  if (length(.w) > 0) {
    .ret <- .ret[-.w]
  if (.env$empty) {
    .def <- .defaultProperties[arg]
    if (!is.na(.def)) {
      .ret <- setNames(lapply(names(obj), function(x) {
        .dim <- dimnames(obj[[x]])[[1]]
        setNames(rep(.def, length(.dim)), .dim)
      }), names(obj))

##' @export
as.matrix.lotri <- function(x, ...) {
  .ret <- x
  class(.ret) <- NULL
  if (length(.ret) == 1) {
  } else {
    stop("cannot convert multiple level lotri matrix to simple matrix", call. = FALSE)
##' Create a matrix from a list of matrices
##' This creates a named banded symmetric matrix from a list of named
##' symmetric matrices.
##' @param matList list of symmetric named matrices
##' @param format The format of dimension names when a sub-matrix is
##'   repeated. The format will be called with the dimension number,
##'   so "ETA[\%d]" would represent "ETA[1]", "ETA[2]", etc
##' @param start The number the counter of each repeated dimension
##'   should start.
##' @return Named symmetric block diagonal matrix based on
##'   concatenating the list of matrices together
##' @examples
##' testList <- list(lotri({et2 + et3 + et4 ~ c(40,
##'                            0.1, 20,
##'                            0.1, 0.1, 30)}),
##'                  lotri(et5 ~ 6))
##' testList
##' lotriMat(testList)
##' # Another option is to repeat a matrix a number of times.  This
##' # can be done with list(matrix, # times to repeat).
##' # In the example below, the first matrix is repeated 3 times
##' testList <- list(list(lotri({et2 + et3 + et4 ~ c(40,
##'                            0.1, 20,
##'                            0.1, 0.1, 30)}), 3),
##'                  lotri(et5 ~ 6))
##' lotriMat(testList)
##' # Notice that the dimension names `et2`, `et3` and `et4` are
##' # repeated.
##' # Another option is to name the dimensions.  For example it could
##' # be `ETA[1]`, `ETA[2]`, etc by using the 'format' option:
##' lotriMat(testList, "ETA[%d]")
##' # Or could start with ETA[2]:
##' lotriMat(testList, "ETA[%d]", 2)
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @export
lotriMat <- function(matList, format = NULL, start = 1L) {
  .Call(`_lotriLstToMat`, matList, format, start, class(matrix(0)), PACKAGE = "lotri")

##' Separate a lotri matrix into above and below lotri matrices
##' This is used for creating nesting simulations in `RxODE` and may
##' not be useful for external function calls.
##' @param x lotri matrix
##' @param above Named integer vector listing variability above the id
##'   level.  Each element lists the number of population differences
##'   in the whole data-set (as integer)
##' @param below Named integer vector listing variability below the id
##'   level.  Each element lists the number of items below the
##'   individual level.  For example with 3 occasions per indivdiual
##'   you could use 'c(occ=3L)'
##' @param aboveStart Add the attribute of where THETA[#] will be added
##' @param belowStart Add the attribute of where ETA[#] will be added
##' @return List of two lotri matrices
##' @author Matthew Fidler
##' @export
##' @examples
##' omega <- lotri(lotri(eta.Cl ~ 0.1,
##'                         eta.Ka ~ 0.1) | id(nu=100),
##'                   lotri(eye.Cl ~ 0.05,
##'                         eye.Ka ~ 0.05) | eye(nu=50),
##'                   lotri(iov.Cl ~ 0.01,
##'                         iov.Ka ~ 0.01) | occ(nu=200),
##'                   lotri(inv.Cl ~ 0.02,
##'                         inv.Ka ~ 0.02) | inv(nu=10))
##' lotriSep(omega, above=c(inv=10L), below=c(eye=2L, occ=4L))
lotriSep <- function(x, above, below,
                     aboveStart = 1L, belowStart = 1L) {
  .Call(`_lotriSep`, x, above, below,
    aboveStart = as.integer(aboveStart), belowStart = as.integer(belowStart),
    PACKAGE = "lotri"
nlmixrdevelopment/lotri documentation built on April 22, 2021, 2:21 a.m.