
#' @title smear.extreme.nonnull.pvalues
#' @description XXXX
#' @details deal with infinite z-values
#' @param XXXX
#' @return XXXX
#' @examples
smear.extreme.nonnull.pvalues <- function(non.null.pvalues, upper.set.pvalue=1e-8, lower.set.pvalue=3.5e-16, printQ = FALSE, plotQ=FALSE) {
  #z-value corresponding to upper part of interval to be smeared out
  non.null.zvalues <- qnorm(non.null.pvalues)
  #indices of non-null p-values less than upper.set.pvalue. The p-values at these indices should be smeared out over a narrow negative z-interval:
  pv.not.acceptable.idxs <- which(non.null.pvalues < upper.set.pvalue)
  if(length(pv.not.acceptable.idxs) == 0) {
    stop("No p-values found less than upper.set.pvalue! Stoping.")
  smear.info.mat<-cbind(pv.not.acceptable.idxs, non.null.pvalues[pv.not.acceptable.idxs], non.null.zvalues[pv.not.acceptable.idxs])
  colnames(smear.info.mat)<-c("pval idx", "pval to be replaced", "corresp zval")
  #Look at the p and z values that are "ACCEPTABLE"
  pv.accepable.idxs <- 1:length(non.null.pvalues)
  pv.accepable.idxs <- pv.accepable.idxs[-pv.not.acceptable.idxs]
  no.smear.info.mat <- cbind(pv.accepable.idxs, non.null.pvalues[-pv.not.acceptable.idxs], non.null.zvalues[-pv.not.acceptable.idxs])
  colnames(no.smear.info.mat)<-c("pval idx", "pval to be kept", "corresp zval")
  #This is the upper bound on the smeared distribution:
  if(printQ == TRUE) {
    print(paste("Smallest acceptable actual p-value:", minimal.accepable.actual.pval))    
  #This better be TRUE:
    stop("Whoa there! The minimal accetable actual p-value is LARGER than the upper set p-value for the interval to be smeared.")
  #uniform spread (smear) the very small pvalues over this interval:
  smear.interval.p <- c(minimal.accepable.actual.pval,lower.set.pvalue)
  smear.interval.z <- qnorm(smear.interval.p)
  if(printQ == TRUE) {
    print(paste("The unacceptable p-values will be uniformly spread across this interval: [", smear.interval.p[2], ",", smear.interval.p[1], "]", sep=""))
    print(paste("This corresponds to the z interval:                                      [", smear.interval.z[2], ",", smear.interval.z[1], "]", sep=""))    
  #Candidate replacement "small" pvalues:
  replacement.small.non.null.pvals<-runif(length(pv.not.acceptable.idxs),max=minimal.accepable.actual.pval, min=lower.set.pvalue)
  #So this is what the z-values for the km would look like:
  candidate.non.null.zvals<-c(candidate.replacement.non.null.zvals, non.null.zvalues[-pv.not.acceptable.idxs])
  if(plotQ==TRUE) {
    split.screen( figs = c( 1, 3 ) )
    hist(replacement.small.non.null.pvals, xlab="p", main="Replacement non-null p-values")
    hist(candidate.replacement.non.null.zvals, xlab="z", main="Replacement non-null z-values")
    hist(candidate.non.null.zvals, xlab="z", main="All non-null z-values")
    close.screen( all = TRUE )    
  #Do the replacement:
  non.null.pvalues.mod <- non.null.pvalues
  non.null.pvalues.mod[pv.not.acceptable.idxs] <- replacement.small.non.null.pvals
  non.null.pvalue.replacement.info <- list(smear.info.mat, no.smear.info.mat, non.null.pvalues.mod)
  names(non.null.pvalue.replacement.info) <- c("Replacement p-value info", "Non-replacement p-value info", "Modified p-values")

#' @title smear.extreme.nonnull.zvalues
#' @description XXXX
#' @details deal with infinite z-values
#' @param XXXX
#' @return XXXX
#' @examples
smear.extreme.nonnull.zvalues <- function(non.null.pvalues, upper.set.zvalue=(-12), mu.factor=(-0.5), p.factor=0.95, printQ = FALSE, plotQ=FALSE) {
  non.null.zvalues <- qnorm(non.null.pvalues)
  #indices of non-null p-values less than upper.set.pvalue. The p-values at these indices should be smeared out over a narrow negative z-interval:
  pv.not.acceptable.idxs <- which(non.null.zvalues < upper.set.zvalue)
  if(length(pv.not.acceptable.idxs) == 0) {
    stop("No z-values found less than upper.set.zvalue.")
  smear.info.mat<-cbind(pv.not.acceptable.idxs, non.null.pvalues[pv.not.acceptable.idxs], non.null.zvalues[pv.not.acceptable.idxs])
  colnames(smear.info.mat)<-c("pval idx", "pval to be replaced", "corresp zval")
  if(printQ == TRUE) {
  #Look at the p and z values that are "ACCEPTABLE"
  pv.accepable.idxs <- 1:length(non.null.pvalues)
  pv.accepable.idxs <- pv.accepable.idxs[-pv.not.acceptable.idxs]
  no.smear.info.mat <- cbind(pv.accepable.idxs, non.null.pvalues[-pv.not.acceptable.idxs], non.null.zvalues[-pv.not.acceptable.idxs])
  colnames(no.smear.info.mat)<-c("pval idx", "pval to be kept", "corresp zval")
  if(printQ == TRUE) {
  #sig <- abs(min(no.smear.info.mat[,3])/sigma.factor)
  #mmu <- 6*min(no.smear.info.mat[,3])/sigma.factor
  minz <- min(no.smear.info.mat[,3])
  mmu <- minz + mu.factor
  sig <- (-1*minz+mmu)/(sqrt(2) * erf.inv(1-2*p.factor))
  #Smear out -Inf z values (0 p-values) with a gaussian random sample centerd mu.factor to the left of the smallest 
  #actual non -Inf z-value (minz, i.e. most negative, but > upper.set.zvalue) and with an sd that corresponds to a p-value for
  #minz of p.factor.
  z.zeros <- rnorm(length(pv.not.acceptable.idxs), mean = mmu, sd= sig)
  #Do the replacement:
  non.null.zvalues.mod <- non.null.zvalues
  non.null.zvalues.mod[pv.not.acceptable.idxs] <- z.zeros
  non.null.zvalue.replacement.info <- list(smear.info.mat, no.smear.info.mat, non.null.zvalues.mod)
  names(non.null.zvalue.replacement.info) <- c("Replacement z-value info", "Non-replacement z-value info", "Modified z-values")
  if(plotQ==TRUE) {
    split.screen( figs = c( 1, 2 ) )
    hist(z.zeros, xlab="z", main="Replacement non-null z-values")
    hist(non.null.zvalues.mod, xlab="z", main="All non-null z-values")
    close.screen( all = TRUE )
    print(paste("Most neg. actual z-value computed:", min(no.smear.info.mat[,3])))
    print(paste("mu:                               ", mmu))
    print(paste("Sample mean:                      ", mean(z.zeros)))
    print(paste("sigma:                            ", sig))
    print(paste("Sample sd:                        ", sd(z.zeros)))

#Internal. Inverse error function
erf.inv <- function(x) qnorm((x + 1)/2)/sqrt(2)
npetraco/fdrID documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:33 p.m.