
#' @title split.scores
#' @description Split a set of scores into null and non-null sets
#' @details Split a set of scores into null (non-match) and non-null (match) sets. NOTE: One non-null score is assumed per row in \code{score.mat}
#' @param score.mat A matrix of null (non-match) and non-null (match) scores. 
#' @param lbls      Correct ID labels.
#' @return a list of null and non-null scores
#' @examples
  #extract vector of known match (non-null) scores:
  print(paste("Number of non-null scores: ", length(nonnull.vec)))
  #build up vector of known non-match (null) scores:
  for(j in 1:nrow(score.mat))
    tmp.prob.vec<-tmp.prob.vec[-as.numeric(lbls[j])]  #here, there are k-1 knm scores per observation. Take mean/median/max, something else  here??
  print(paste("Number of null scores: ", length(null.vec)))

#' @title scores.histograms
#' @description Make a nice plot of overlapped histograms for each set of scores.
#' @details Make a nice plot of overlapped histograms for each set of scores. NOTE: the y-axis is density not frequency.
#' @param null.vec    Non-matching scores
#' @param nonnull.vec Matching scores
#' @param ylim.max    Max on the y-axis. Helps beautify the overlayed histograms of null/non-null scores
#' @param xlab        Optional x-axis label
#' @param main        Optional plot title
#' @examples
scores.histograms<-function(null.vec, nonnull.vec, xlim.min=NULL, xlim.max=NULL, ylim.max=NULL, xlab=NULL, main=NULL) {
  #A little sloppy, but good enough for now. This is not going to slow things down too much.
  if(is.null(ylim.max)) {
    ylim.max.loc <- max( c(hist(null.vec, plot = F)$density, hist(nonnull.vec, plot = F)$density) )
  } else {
    ylim.max.loc <- ylim.max
  if(is.null(xlim.min)) {
    xlim.min.loc <- min(c(null.vec, nonnull.vec))
  } else {
    xlim.min.loc <- xlim.min
  if(is.null(xlim.max)) {
    xlim.max.loc <- max(c(null.vec, nonnull.vec))
  } else {
    xlim.max.loc <- xlim.max
  if(is.null(main)) {
    main.txt <- "Null(red) and Non-null(green)"
  } else {
    main.txt <- main

  if(is.null(xlab)) {
    xlab.txt <- "Score"
  } else {
    xlab.txt <- xlab
  hist(null.vec, probability=TRUE, xlim=c(xlim.min.loc, xlim.max.loc), ylim=c(0,ylim.max.loc), col=rgb(1,0,0,1/4), main="",xlab="")
  hist(nonnull.vec, probability=TRUE, xlim=c(xlim.min.loc, xlim.max.loc), ylim=c(0,ylim.max.loc), col=rgb(0,1,0,1/4), main=main.txt, xlab=xlab.txt)

#' @title hist.mode
#' @description Handy mode function.
#' @details A handy mode function for a vector of data. Useful for poking around a troublesome non-null distribution 
#' of scores
#' @param x data 
#' @examples
hist.mode <- function(scores, bre, plotQ=FALSE) {
  #Taken from locfdr:
  lo <- min(scores)
  up <- max(scores)
  zzz <- pmax(pmin(scores, up), lo)
  breaks <- seq(lo, up, length = bre)
  hist.info <- hist(zzz, breaks = breaks, plot = F)
  bin.cts <- hist.info$counts
  bin.mids <- hist.info$mids
  #Mode of the histogram
  mde <- bin.mids[which(bin.cts==max(bin.cts))]
  if(plotQ==T) {
    hist(zzz, breaks=breaks)
  freqs <- cbind(hist.info$mids, hist.info$counts)
  colnames(freqs) <- c("bin.mids", "counts")
  return(list(freqs, mde)) 
npetraco/fdrID documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:33 p.m.