
# borrowing from javascript, will return
`%||%` <- function(a, b) if (is.null(a)) b else a

mimeextra <- c(
  md = "text/markdown",
  markdown = "text/markdown",
  r = "text/plain",
  rd = "text/plain",
  rmd = "text/markdown",
  geojson = "application/vnd.geo+json",

is.date <- function(x) {
  inherits(x, 'Date') | inherits(x, 'POSIXt')

http_date <- function(x) {
  if (!(inherits(x, 'Date') || inherits(x, 'POSIXt'))) {
    stop('argument `x` must be of class Date or POSIXt', call. = FALSE)
  strftime(x, format = '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', usetz = TRUE)

collapse <- function(..., sep = ', ') {
  paste(..., sep = sep, collapse = sep)

frmt_header <- function(s) {
  if (grepl('^HTTP_', s)) {
    s <- sub('^HTTP_', '', s)

  cap <- function(.s) {
    paste0(toupper(substring(.s, 1, 1)), tolower(substring(.s, 2)))

  collapse(lapply(strsplit(s, '_'), cap)[[1]], sep = '-')

is_named <- function(l) {
  length(l) != 0 && all(names(l) != '') && all(!is.null(names(l)))

set_names <- function(x, names) {
  names(x) <- names

# borrowed from expressjs
is_absolute <- function(path) {
  if (!is.character(path)) {
    stop('argument `path` must be of class character', call. = FALSE)
  if (substr(path, 1, 1) == '/') TRUE
  else if (substr(path, 2, 2) == ':' & substr(path, 3, 3) == '\\') TRUE
  else if (substr(path, 1, 2) == '\\\\') TRUE
  else FALSE

is_readable <- function(path) {
  (file.access(path, mode = 4) == 0)[[1]]

conjunction <- function(x, coordinator = 'and') {
  if (length(x) == 1) {
  } else if (length(x) == 2) {
    paste(x[[1]], 'and', x[[2]])
  } else {
    paste0(paste(x[1:(length(x) - 1)], collapse = ', '), ', and ',

#'  Generate a minimal HTML table from a data frame
#'  This internal function is used by as.response()
#'  to encode a data frame into its HTML representation.
#'  The encoding is intentionally very minimal.
#'  Richer encoding would require either a complicated
#'  function or importing a heavy-weight package.
#' @param dfrm a data frame
#' @param class an optional CSS class for the table
#' @param id an optional CSS ID for the table
#' @return an HTML representation of a table (character)
#' @import htmltools
simpleHtmlTable = function(dfrm, class=NULL, id=NULL) {
  dfrm.f = format(dfrm)
  wrapRow = function(i) {
      lapply(dfrm.f[i,], tags$td)
  tags$table(lapply(1:nrow(dfrm.f), wrapRow), class=class, id=id)
nteetor/prairie documentation built on May 24, 2019, 9:56 a.m.