
Defines functions create_headtohead_data

Documented in create_headtohead_data

#' @title Create Head to Head Data
#' @details Need to port forward redis connection to local to
#'  get all the commentary information.
#' @export

create_headtohead_data <- function(KEYS, saveData = TRUE) { # nocov start

  # headtohead list
  headtohead <- list()

  # Look at a single competitionID
  data.set <- footballstats::data.2017 %>%
    subset(footballstats::data.2017$comp_id == "1204")

  # Take a random index from at least 6 games into the season, data.set is 379 rows, so say 300
  single <- data.set[300, ]
  headtohead$single <- single

  # Chop data set to only consider all these rows
  data.set <- data.set[1:299, ]

  # Get all matches involving these two teams
  bothTeams <- c(single$localteam_id, single$visitorteam_id)

  # Create a logical vector of rows to keep
  data.set %<>% subset(data.set$localteam_id %in% bothTeams | data.set$visitorteam_id %in% bothTeams)
  headtohead$matches <- data.set

  # Make sure connected to main database, and retrieve all the commentary keys
  commKeys <- paste0("csmt_commentary:", KEYS$COMP, ":2017:",  data.set$id, ":")
  allCommentaries <- c(paste0(commKeys, data.set$localteam_id),  paste0(commKeys, data.set$visitorteam_id))

  # Set up the portforward DB
  MYDB <- redux::hiredis(db = 1)

  # field Names for commentaries
  fNames <- c("shots_total", "shots_ongoal", "fouls", "corners", "possesiontime", "yellowcards")

  # Retrieve all the commentaries from redis
  comm <- MYDB$pipeline(
    .commands = lapply(
      X = allCommentaries,
      FUN = function(x) {
        x %>% KEYS$PIPE$HMGET(
          field = fNames

  # Create a data frame here??
  commentaryData <- lapply(
    X = 1:(comm %>% length),
    FUN = function(x) {
      res <- comm[[x]] %>% data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      names(res) <- fNames
  ) %>%

  headtohead$commentaryData <- commentaryData
  headtohead$commentaryKeys <- allCommentaries

  # Now just grab ALL positions
  posKeys <- paste0("cw_pl:1204:2017:*") %>%
    MYDB$KEYS() %>%

  positions <- MYDB$pipeline(
    .commands = lapply(
      X = posKeys,
      FUN = function(x) x %>% KEYS$PIPE$HGETALL()
  ) %>%

  names(positions) <- posKeys

  headtohead$positions <- positions

  # Make sure everything is formatted correctly
  headtohead$matches$formatted_date %<>% format('%d.%m.%Y')
  headtohead$matches %<>% lapply(as.character)
  headtohead$commentaryData %<>% lapply(as.character)

  if (saveData) {
    save(headtohead, file = getwd() %>% paste0("/data/headtohead.rda"))
  } else {
} # nocov end
ntyndall/footballstats documentation built on Aug. 13, 2019, 1:36 p.m.