
Defines functions exportReports.redcapApiConnection exportReports

Documented in exportReports exportReports.redcapApiConnection

#' @describeIn recordsMethods Export data via a report.
#' @order 3
#' @export

exportReports <- function(rcon, 
                          factors        = TRUE, 
                          labels         = TRUE, 
                          dates          = TRUE, 
                          drop           = NULL,
                          checkboxLabels = FALSE, 

#' @rdname recordsMethods
#' @order 5
#' @export

exportReports.redcapApiConnection <- function(rcon, 
                                              factors        = TRUE, 
                                              labels         = TRUE, 
                                              dates          = TRUE, 
                                              drop           = NULL, 
                                              checkboxLabels = FALSE, 
  if (!is.numeric(report_id)) report_id <- as.numeric(report_id)
  # Argument Validation
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_class(x = rcon, 
                          classes = "redcapApiConnection", 
                          add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_integerish(x = report_id,
                               len = 1,
                               add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = factors, 
                            len = 1, 
                            any.missing = FALSE, 
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = labels, 
                            len = 1, 
                            any.missing = FALSE, 
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = dates, 
                            len = 1, 
                            any.missing = FALSE, 
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = checkboxLabels, 
                            len = 1, 
                            any.missing = FALSE, 
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_character(x = drop, 
                              any.missing = FALSE,
                              null.ok = TRUE, 
                              add = coll)

  # Get required information
  MetaData <- rcon$metadata()

  #* for purposes of the export, we do not need the descriptive fields. 
  #* Including them makes the process more error prone, so we'll ignore them.
  MetaData <- MetaData[!MetaData$field_type %in% "descriptive", ]  
  version <- rcon$version()

  # Make API Body List
  body <- list(content = 'report',
               format = 'csv', 
               returnFormat = 'csv',
               report_id = report_id)

  # Call the API
  Report <- as.data.frame(makeApiCall(rcon, body, ...))
  # Process the data

  #* synchronize underscore codings between records and meta data
  #* Only affects calls in REDCap versions earlier than 5.5.21
  if (utils::compareVersion(version, "6.0.0") == -1) 
    MetaData <- syncUnderscoreCodings(Report, MetaData)
  Report <- fieldToVar(records = Report, 
                       meta_data = MetaData, 
                       factors = factors, 
                       dates = dates, 
                       checkboxLabels = checkboxLabels,
  if (labels) 
    field_names <- names(Report)
    field_names <- unique(sub(REGEX_CHECKBOX_FIELD_NAME, #defined in constants.R 
                              "\\1", field_names, perl = TRUE))
    # For reports, there is not check on the field names, since 
    # the user may only select fields using the interface.
    # However, [form]_complete fields do not appear in the 
    # meta data and need to be removed to avoid an error.
    # See #108
    field_names <- field_names[field_names %in% MetaData$field_name]

    suffixed <- checkbox_suffixes(fields = field_names,
                                  meta_data = MetaData)

    Report[suffixed$name_suffix] <-
      mapply(nm = suffixed$name_suffix,
             lab = suffixed$label_suffix,
             FUN = function(nm, lab){
                 warning("Missing field for suffix ", nm)
               } else {
                 labelVector::set_label(Report[[nm]], lab)
             SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  # Drop fields from Report
  if(length(drop)) {
    Report <- Report[!names(Report) %in% drop]
  } # end drop
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.