
Defines functions prepUserImportData_validateAllFormsPresent prepUserImportData_extractFormName prepUserImportData_consolidateAccess prepUserImportData_castFormAccess prepUserImportData_castExportAccess prepUserImportData_castAccessVariable prepUserImportData

Documented in prepUserImportData

#' @name prepUserImportData
#' @title Prepare User Data for Import
#' @description Prepares a data frame for import via the API. Allows for 
#'   data to be passed in either the raw format or the labeled data 
#'   received from `exportUsers`.
#' @inheritParams common-rcon-arg
#' @param data `data.frame` with the structure of 
#'   `redcapAPI:::REDCAP_USER_STRUCTURE`. It may also have additional 
#'   columns for the form and export access of each of the instruments.
#' @param consolidate `logical(1)` If `TRUE`, the form and data 
#'   export access values will be read from the expanded columns. Otherwise, 
#'   the consolidated values (as provided by the API export) are utilized.
#' @param user_role `logical(1)` If `TRUE`, the code will 
#'   treat the data as if it is being prepared for importing User Roles.
#' @return
#' Returns a `data.frame` with user settings that will be accepted by the
#' API for import. 
#' @seealso 
#' [importUsers()], \cr
#' [importUserRoles()]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' unlockREDCap(connections = c(rcon = "project_alias"), 
#'              url = "your_redcap_url", 
#'              keyring = "API_KEYs", 
#'              envir = globalenv())
#' # Prep user data
#' NewData <- data.frame(username = "target_user", 
#'                       design = 1, 
#'                       api_export = "Access", 
#'                       api_import = "No Access", 
#'                       surveys_enabled = 0)
#' prepUserImportData(data = NewData, 
#'                    rcon = rcon)
#' # Prep user role data
#' NewData <- data.frame(unique_role_name = "target_user", 
#'                       design = 1, 
#'                       api_export = "Access", 
#'                       api_import = "No Access", 
#'                       surveys_enabled = 0)
#' prepUserImportData(data = NewData, 
#'                    rcon = rcon)
#' }
#' @export

prepUserImportData <- function(data, 
                               consolidate = TRUE, 
                               user_role = FALSE){
  # Argument Validation                                          ####
  coll <- checkmate::makeAssertCollection()
  checkmate::assert_data_frame(x = data, 
                               col.names = "named", 
                               add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_class(x = rcon, 
                          classes = "redcapConnection", 
                          add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = consolidate, 
                            len = 1,
                            add = coll)
  checkmate::assert_logical(x = user_role, 
                            len = 1, 
                            add = coll)
  primary_fields <- names(data)
  primary_fields <- primary_fields[!grepl("(_export_access|_form_access)$", 
  checkmate::assert_subset(x = primary_fields, 
                           choices = c(if (user_role) names(redcapUserRoleStructure(rcon$version())) else names(redcapUserStructure(rcon$version())), 
                           add = coll)
  form_access_field <- names(data)[grepl("_form_access$", names(data))]
  export_access_field <- names(data)[grepl("_export_access$", names(data))]
  instrument <- rcon$instruments()$instrument_name
  prepUserImportData_validateAllFormsPresent(data = data, 
                                             form_access_field = form_access_field, 
                                             export_access_field = export_access_field, 
                                             instrument = instrument,
                                             consolidate = consolidate, 
                                             coll = coll)

  # Functional Code                                              ####
  # Convert Expiration to text string, if necessary
  if (inherits(data$expiration, "Date") || inherits(data$expiration, "POSIXct")){
    data$expiration <- format(data$expiration, 
                              format = "%Y-%m-%d")
  # Remove fields that cannot be updated
  fields_to_remove <- c("email", "lastname", "firstname", 
  data <- data[!names(data) %in% fields_to_remove]
  # Convert values to numeric
  for (nm in names(data)){
    data[[nm]] <- 
      } else if (nm %in% form_access_field){
      } else if (nm %in% export_access_field){
      } else {
  # Make Form Access Field
  if (consolidate){
    data$forms <- 
    data$forms_export <- 
  data <- data[!names(data) %in% c(form_access_field, 

# Unexported                                                     ####

prepUserImportData_castAccessVariable <- function(x){
  as.numeric(x %in% c(1, "Access"))

prepUserImportData_castExportAccess <- function(x){
  x <- as.character(x)
  to_zero  <- which(x %in% c(0, "No Access"))
  to_one   <- which(x %in% c(1, "Full Data Set"))
  to_two   <- which(x %in% c(2, "De-Identified"))
  to_three <- which(x %in% c(3, "Remove Identifier Fields"))
  x[to_zero]  <- rep(0, length(to_zero))
  x[to_one]   <- rep(1, length(to_one))
  x[to_two]   <- rep(2, length(to_two))
  x[to_three] <- rep(3, length(to_three))


prepUserImportData_castFormAccess <- function(x){
  x <- as.character(x) 
  to_zero  <- which(x %in% c(0, "No Access"))
  to_one   <- which(x %in% c(1, "View records/responses and edit records (survey responses are read-only)"))
  to_two   <- which(x %in% c(2, "Read Only"))
  to_three <- which(x %in% c(3, "Edit survey responses"))
  x[to_zero]  <- rep(0, length(to_zero))
  x[to_one]   <- rep(1, length(to_one))
  x[to_two]   <- rep(2, length(to_two))
  x[to_three] <- rep(3, length(to_three))

prepUserImportData_consolidateAccess <- function(d, suffix){
  for (i in seq_along(d)){
    this_name <- sub(suffix, "", names(d)[i])
    d[[i]] <- sprintf("%s:%s", this_name, d[[i]])
  apply(d, MARGIN = 1, FUN = paste0, collapse = ",")

prepUserImportData_extractFormName <- function(x, instrument){
  forms <- strsplit(x, ",")
  forms <- lapply(forms, 
                  function(f) sub("[:].+$", "", f))
  instrument_present <- logical(length(instrument))
  for (i in seq_along(instrument_present)){
    instrument_present[i] <- 
      all(vapply(forms, function(f) instrument[i] %in% forms[[i]], logical(1)))

prepUserImportData_validateAllFormsPresent <- function(data, 
  # If consolidating, we need to make sure that all of the forms are present
  # in both form access and data export access.
  if (consolidate){
    form_access_forms <- sub("_form_access$", "", form_access_field)
    export_access_forms <- sub("_export_access$", "", export_access_field)
  # if not consolidating forms, we need to make sure all of the forms are 
  # represented in the standard format
  if (!consolidate){
    form_access_forms <- prepUserImportData_extractFormName(data$forms, instrument)
    export_access_forms <- prepUserImportData_extractFormName(data$forms_export, instrument)
  all_form_access <- all(form_access_forms %in% instrument)
  all_export_access <- all(export_access_forms %in% instrument)
  if (!all_form_access){
    msg <- sprintf("At least one user is missing an entry for the form(s): %s", 
                   paste0(setdiff(instrument, all_form_access), collapse = ", "))
  if (!all_export_access){
    msg <- sprintf("At least one user is missing an export entry for the form(s): %s", 
                   paste0(setdiff(instrument, all_export_access), collapse = ", "))
nutterb/redcapAPI documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 4:37 a.m.