
Defines functions tcherry_step

Documented in tcherry_step

#' Determines a third order t-cherry tree from data
#' @description Determines the structure of a third order t-cherry tree
#' from data based on a greedy stepwise approach.
#' @param data The data the tree structure should be based on.
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to \code{MI2} and
#' \code{MI3}.
#' @details
#' This function i mainly kept for historical purposes, and it is
#' recommended to use \code{\link{k_tcherry_step}} with \eqn{k=3},
#' because this function runs faster.
#' The algorithm for constructing the third order t-cherry tree from
#' data is based on an atempt to minimize the Kullback-Leibler
#' divergence. The first cherry is chosen as the triplet with
#' highest mutual information. This is the preliminary third order t-cherry
#' tree. Then all possible new cherries are added stepwise to this
#' tree and the weight \deqn{\sum MI3(clique) - \sum MI2(separator)}
#' is calculated.
#' The first sum is over the cliques and the second over the
#' separators of the junction tree of the preliminary third order t-cherry tree.
#' The one with the highest weight is chosen as the new preliminary
#' third order t-cherry tree, and the procedure is repeated untill all variables
#' has been added.
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{adj_matrix} The adjacency matrix for the third order t-cherry
#' tree.
#' \item \code{weight} The weight of the final third order t-cherry tree.
#' \item \code{cliques} A list containing the cliques (cherries) of
#'  the third order t-cherry tree.
#' \item \code{separators} A list containing the separators of a
#' junction tree for the third order t-cherry tree.
#' }
#' @author
#' Katrine Kirkeby, \email{enir_tak@@hotmail.com}
#' Maria Knudsen, \email{mariaknudsen@@hotmail.dk}
#' Ninna Vihrs, \email{ninnavihrs@@hotmail.dk}
#' @seealso \code{\link{k_tcherry_step}} for a better implementation,
#' \code{\link{MI2}} and \code{\link{MI3}} for mutual
#' information of two and three variables respectively.
#' @examples
#' set.seed(43)
#' var1 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var2 <- var1 + c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var3 <- var1 + c(sample(c(0, 1), 100, replace = TRUE,
#'                         prob = c(0.9, 0.1)))
#' var4 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var5 <- var2 + var3
#' var6 <- var1 - var4 + c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' var7 <- c(sample(c(1, 2), 100, replace = TRUE))
#' data <- data.frame("var1" = as.character(var1),
#'                    "var2" = as.character(var2),
#'                    "var3" = as.character(var3),
#'                    "var4" = as.character(var4),
#'                    "var5" = as.character(var5),
#'                    "var6" = as.character(var6),
#'                    "var7" = as.character(var7))
#' # smooth used in both MI2 and MI3
#' (tch <- tcherry_step(data, smooth = 0.1))
#' @export

tcherry_step <- function(data, ...){

  if (any(is.na(data))){
    warning(paste("The data contains NA values.",
                  "Theese will be excluded from tables,",
                  "which may be problematic.",
                  "It is highly recommended to manually take",
                  "care of NA values before using the data as input.",
                  sep = " "))

  if (! (is.data.frame(data) | is.matrix(data))) {
    stop("data must be a data frame or a matrix.")

  if (! all(sapply(data, function(x){
    is.character(x) | is.factor(x)
    stop("Some columns are not characters or factors.")

  nodes <- colnames(data)
  n_var <- length(nodes)
  adj_matrix <- matrix(0, nrow = n_var, ncol = n_var,
                       dimnames = list(nodes, nodes))
  cliques <- as.list(rep(NA, n_var - 2))
  separators <- as.list(rep(NA, n_var - 3))

  # For use in for-loop.
  MI2_fun <- function(var1, var2){
    MI2(data[, var1], data[, var2], ...)

  # Adding first cherry.
  triples <- t(utils::combn(nodes, 3))

  MI3_fun <- function(var1, var2, var3){
    MI3(data[, var1], data[, var2], data[, var3], ...)

  MI3 <- mapply(MI3_fun, triples[, 1], triples[, 2], triples[, 3])
  MI3_tab <- data.frame(triples, MI3, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  idx.max <- which.max(MI3_tab$MI3)

  tcherry_nodes <- unlist(MI3_tab[idx.max, 1:3])
  names(tcherry_nodes) <- NULL
  cliques[[1]] <- tcherry_nodes
  nodes_remaining <- nodes[! nodes %in% tcherry_nodes]
  edge_1 <- MI3_tab[idx.max, 1]
  edge_2 <- MI3_tab[idx.max, 2]
  edge_3 <- MI3_tab[idx.max, 3]
  e1 <- c(edge_1, edge_1, edge_2)
  e2 <- c(edge_2, edge_3, edge_3)
  tcherry_edges <- data.frame(e1, e2, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  adj_matrix[edge_1, edge_2] <-
    adj_matrix[edge_2, edge_1] <-
    adj_matrix[edge_1, edge_3] <-
    adj_matrix[edge_3, edge_1] <-
    adj_matrix[edge_2, edge_3] <-
    adj_matrix[edge_3, edge_2] <- 1

  weight <- MI3_tab$MI3[idx.max]

  # Adding remaining cherries.
  idx_list <- 1

  while (length(tcherry_nodes) != n_var) {
    weight_next_step <- rep(NA, nrow(tcherry_edges) *
    new_cliques_list <- new_seps_list <- new_var_list <-
    idx <- 1
    for (i in 1:nrow(tcherry_edges)){
      for (var in nodes_remaining){
        new_sep <- unlist(tcherry_edges[i, ])
        names(new_sep) <- NULL
        new_clique <- unlist(c(new_sep, var))
        MI2_sep <- MI2_fun(new_sep[1], new_sep[2])
        MI3_clique <- MI3_fun(new_clique[1], new_clique[2],
        weight_next_step[idx] <- weight + MI3_clique - MI2_sep
        new_cliques_list[[idx]] <- new_clique
        new_seps_list[[idx]] <- new_sep
        new_var_list[[idx]] <- var
        idx <- idx + 1

    idx_max_weight <- which.max(weight_next_step)

    weight <- weight_next_step[idx_max_weight]

    tcherry_nodes <- unlist(c(tcherry_nodes,
    nodes_remaining <- nodes[! nodes %in% tcherry_nodes]

    cliques[[idx_list + 1]] <- new_cliques_list[[idx_max_weight]]
    separators[[idx_list]] <- new_seps_list[[idx_max_weight]]
    idx_list <- idx_list + 1

    tcherry_edges[nrow(tcherry_edges) + 1, ] <-
    tcherry_edges[nrow(tcherry_edges) + 1, ] <-

    edge_1 <- tcherry_edges[nrow(tcherry_edges) - 1, 1]
    edge_2 <- tcherry_edges[nrow(tcherry_edges) - 1, 2]
    edge_3 <- tcherry_edges[nrow(tcherry_edges), 2]
    adj_matrix[edge_1, edge_2] <-
      adj_matrix[edge_2, edge_1] <-
      adj_matrix[edge_1, edge_3] <-
      adj_matrix[edge_3, edge_1] <- 1
  return(list("adj_matrix" = adj_matrix,
              "weight" = weight,
              "cliques" = cliques,
              "separators" = separators))
nvihrs14/tcherry documentation built on Aug. 1, 2020, 6:25 p.m.