Man pages for nwfsc-assess/nwfscDeltaGLM
Bayesian delta-GLM package for constructing indices of CPUE data

AFSCforeign_haulsAFSC Haul join characteristics for 409 hauls.
cMxConvert object to matrix
ComputeIndicesCompute index of abundance
ComputeMleIndicesCompute MLE index of abundance
ConvergencePlotCompute MLE index of abundance
corFunctionFunction to calculate the correlations from the precision...
defaultLimitsHaul characteristics for 1756 hauls.
doMCMCDiagsThis function is a high level function to be called by the...
Example_SpeciesHaul characteristics for 4475 hauls.
fitDeltaGLMThis function writes, and optionally runs the model in the...
logDensityThis function is in development stage, but used to generate...
MapDataPlot tows on a map. This function produces a plot (originally...
MCMCDiagnosticsPlotGelman-Rubin diagnostics. This function does MCMC...
nwfscDeltaGLM-packagePackage for conducting Bayesian estimation of CPUE index...
PlotDataPlot data
PlotOffsetPlotOffset plots the positive and presence absence offset by...
PosteriorPredictiveExperimental function for calculating log-scores
processDataProcess raw haul data
readInScan data
SA3Haul characteristics for 1756 hauls.
SimSimpleSimulate data
strata.fnAssign latitude and longitude to strata
nwfsc-assess/nwfscDeltaGLM documentation built on July 8, 2023, 4:49 a.m.