
Defines functions plot.CHAR pretreatment

Documented in plot.CHAR pretreatment

#' Calculate particules accumulation rates for sediment records
#' This is the R version of the CharAnalysis CharPretreatment.m function
#' originally develloped by P. Higuera and available at
#' https://sites.google.com/site/charanalysis
#' @param serie A proxy record to be transformed in accumulation rates, could
#' be particule counts, surfaces, volumes, etc.
#' @param params A matrix with the following colums: CmTop, CmBot, AgeTop,
#' AgeBot, Volume, in the same order.
#' @param Int Logical specifying whether the function interpolates missing values,
#' default TRUE (missing values specified could be specified as -999 or NA)
#' @param first,last Date of the first, last sample for accumulation rate
#' calculation, if NULL first, last are automatically specified as the the
#' minimum and maximum ages of the record respectively
#' @param yrInterp Temporal resolution of the interpolated accumulation rates,
#' if NULL, yrInterp is automatically specified as the median resolution of the
#' record
#' @return Return an output structure with the following:
#' \item{cmI}{interpolated depths} \item{ybpI}{interpolated ages}
#' \item{accI}{accumulation rates}
#' @author O. Blarquez translated from P. Higuera CharPretreatment.m function
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # In this example we will use the charcoal record of the Lac du Loup from Blarquez et al. (2010).
#' # Blarquez, O., C. Carcaillet, B. Mourier, L. Bremond, and O. Radakovitch. 2010. Trees in the
#' # subalpine belt since 11 700 cal. BP: origin, expansion and alteration of the modern forest.
#' # The Holocene 20:139-146.
#' # Load raw charcoal data in mm^2
#' A=read.csv("http://blarquez.com/public/code/loupchar.csv")
#' C_=A[,6] # charcoal areas
#' P_=A[,1:5] # CmTop, CmBot, AgeTop, AgeBot, Volume
#' # Calculates charcoal accumulation rate (CHAR, mm2.cm-2.yr-1)
#' CHAR=pretreatment(params=P_,serie=C_,Int=TRUE)
#' plot(CHAR)
#' }
pretreatment <- function(params, serie, Int=TRUE, first=NULL, last=NULL, yrInterp=NULL) {

  ## This is the R version of the CharAnalysis Matlab CharPretreatment.m function
  ## originally implemented by P. Higuera and available at https://sites.google.com/site/charanalysis,
  ## The Matlab code was translated to R language here by Olivier Blarquez,
  ## then modified by Walter Finsinger to get the full output.
  ## Requires a matrix as input with the following columns
  ## CmTop CmBot AgeTop AgeBot Volume
  ## And a serie from which to calculate accumulation rates

  A <- cbind(params, serie)

  if (is.null(first)) first <- min(A[, 3])
  if (is.null(last)) last <- max(A[, 4])

  ## Redefine the matrix and values
  cm <- A[, 1]
  cmB <- A[, 2]
  count <- A[, 6]
  vol <- A[, 5]
  con <- count / vol
  ybp <- A[, 3]

  ## Interpolate or not zero counts
  if (Int == TRUE) {
    missingValuesIndex <- which(count < 0 | is.na(count) | vol == 0)
    nMissingValues <- length(missingValuesIndex)
    if (nMissingValues > 0) { # if some levels were not sampled...
      startIn <- missingValuesIndex[which(c(99, diff(missingValuesIndex)) > 1)] # Index start of gaps
      # created by missing values.
      endIn <- missingValuesIndex[which(diff(missingValuesIndex) > 1)] # Index end of gaps
      # created by missing values.
      endIn <- c(endIn, missingValuesIndex[length(missingValuesIndex)]) # Add on last sample as last
      # end point for gaps.
      gapIn <- cbind(startIn, endIn) # Index values for start (j = 1) and end
      # (j = 2) of each gap.

      nGaps <- length(startIn) # Number of gaps in the record
      cmGaps <- sum(na.omit(cm[gapIn[, 2]] - cm[gapIn[, 1]])) # Sum
      # of all cm of gap(s).
      yrGaps <- sum(na.omit(ybp[gapIn[, 2]] - ybp[gapIn[, 1]], 1)) # Sum
      # of all cm of gap(s).
      # disp(['NOTE: ' num2str(nMissingValues) ' missing value(s) '...
      #       num2str(length(gapIn)) ' gap(s) totaling '...
      #       num2str(cmGaps) ' cm and ' num2str(round(yrGaps)) ' years.'])
      # disp('      Values created via interpolation.')

      for (i in 1:nGaps) { # Fill in gaps via interpolation.
        # Last level is missing
        if (is.na(cm[gapIn[i, 2] + 1])) lag2 <- 0 else lag2 <- 1
        x <- cbind(cm[gapIn[i, 1] - 1], cm[gapIn[i, 2] + 1]) # [cm] End
        # First level is missing
        if (length(x) == 1) lag1 <- 0 else lag1 <- 1
        x <- cbind(cm[gapIn[i, 1] - lag1], cm[gapIn[i, 2] + lag2]) # [cm] End
        # depths for interpolation.
        cmInterp <- diff(as.numeric(A[gapIn[i, 2], 1:2]))
        xi <- seq(A[gapIn[i, 1] - lag1, 1], A[gapIn[i, 2] + lag2, 1], cmInterp)
        # [cm] Desired interpolated depths.
        y <- c(A[gapIn[i, 1] - lag1, 5], A[gapIn[i, 2] + lag2, 5]) # [cm^3]
        # End volume for interpolation.
        y2 <- c(A[gapIn[i, 1] - lag1, 6], A[gapIn[i, 2] + lag2, 6]) # [cm^3]
        # [pieces]
        # End charcoal cound for interpolation.
        yi <- approx(x, y, xi)$y
        y2i <- approx(x, y2, xi)$y
        if (length(yi[2:length(yi) - 1]) != length(gapIn[i, 1]:gapIn[i, 2])) {
          yi <- yi[-2] # Trim inerpolated values if there are more
          y2i <- y2i[-2] # interpolated values than needed, given
          # variable sampling intervals around gap.
        A[gapIn[i, 1]:gapIn[i, 2], 5] <- yi[2:length(yi) - 1] # Fill in
        # interpolated sample volumes.
        A[gapIn[i, 1]:gapIn[i, 2], 6] <- y2i[2:length(y2i) - 1] # Fill in
        # interpolated sample counts.
    } else {
      gapIn <- NA
    }  # If no missing values, create empty
    # variable to pass to CharPeakAnalysisResults.

  cm <- A[, 1] # [cm] sample depths.
  count <- A[, 6] # [#] charcoal counts
  vol <- A[, 5] # [cm^3] sample volumes.
  con <- count / vol # [# cm-3] charcoal con.
  ybp <- A[, 3] # [cal ybp] age at top of sample

  ## Calculate sediment accumulation rate
  sedacc <- c()
  for (i in 1:length(ybp) - 1) {
    sedacc[i] <- c((cm[i + 1] - cm[i]) / (ybp[i + 1] - ybp[i]))
  sedacc <- c(sedacc, 0)

  ## Calculate yrInterp
  if (is.null(yrInterp)) {
    yrInterp <- round(median(diff(ybp)))

  cmTop <- A[, 1] # [cm] Depth at top of sample.
  cmBot <- A[, 2] # [cm] Depth at bottom of sample.
  ageTop <- A[, 3] # [yr BP] Age at top of sample.
  ageBot <- A[, 4] # [yr BP] Age at bottom of sample.

  ybpI <- seq(first, last, yrInterp) # [yr BP] Years to
  # resample record to.

  propMatrix <- matrix(nrow = length(ybpI), ncol = length(ybp))

  for (i in 1:length(ybpI)) { # For each resampled sample.
    rsAgeTop <- ybpI[i]
    rsAgeBot <- rsAgeTop + yrInterp

    for (j in 1:length(ybp)) { # For each raw sample.
      # If raw sample straddles rsAgeBot
      if (ageTop[j] >= rsAgeTop && ageTop[j] < rsAgeBot && ageBot[j] > rsAgeBot) {
        propMatrix[i, j] <- c(rsAgeBot - ageTop[j])
      # If raw sample straddles rsAgeTop
      if (ageTop[j] < rsAgeTop && ageBot[j] <= rsAgeBot && ageBot[j] > rsAgeTop) {
        propMatrix[i, j] <- c(ageBot[j] - rsAgeTop)
      # If raw sample is entirely within resampled sample.
      if (ageTop[j] >= rsAgeTop && ageBot[j] <= rsAgeBot) {
        propMatrix[i, j] <- c(ageBot[j] - ageTop[j])
      # If raw sample is entirely outside of resamples sample (i.e.
      # resampling finer than actual sample).
      if (ageTop[j] < rsAgeTop && ageBot[j] > rsAgeBot) {
        propMatrix[i, j] <- c(rsAgeBot - rsAgeTop)
  } # End making porportion matrix
  propMatrix <- propMatrix / yrInterp

  # Determine values for each resampled interval.
  cmI <- c()
  countI <- c()
  volI <- c()
  conI <- c()
  sedAccI <- c()

  for (i in 1:length(ybpI)) { # For each resampled sample
    inc <- which(propMatrix[i, ] > 0) # Index for raw samples contributing to
    # resampled sample.

    # Charcoal.cmI(i) = sum(Charcoal.cm(in) .* propMatrix(i,in)')
    countI[i] <- sum(count[inc] * t(propMatrix[i, inc]))
    volI[i] <- sum(vol[inc] * t(propMatrix[i, inc]))
    conI[i] <- sum(con[inc] * t(propMatrix[i, inc]))
    sedAccI[i] <- sum(sedacc[inc] * t(propMatrix[i, inc]))
  cmI <- approx(ybp, cm, ybpI)$y # [cm]
  # interpolated depths.

  acc <- c()
  acc <- (con * sedacc) # [#/cm2/yr] take sedAcc and
  # multiply by Charcoal.con to get  Charcoal.acc
  accI <- (conI * sedAccI) # [#/cm2/yr] take sedAccI and
  # multiply by Charcoal.conI to get Charcoal.accI

  ## Return values
  output <- structure(list(
    cmI = cmI, ybpI = ybpI, countI = countI, volI = volI, conI = conI,
    accI = accI, ageTop = ageTop, ageBot = ageBot, yrInterp = yrInterp, acc = acc
  class(output) <- "CHAR"
  ## Et Hop

#' Plot CHAR
#' Plot an object of the class "CHAR" returned by the pretreatment function.
#' Original accumulation rates are presented using grey bars, accumulation
#' rates interpolated at equal time steps are presented by a black curve.
#' @method plot CHAR
#' @export
#' @param x An object of the class "CHAR".
#' @param xlim xlim...
#' @param ylim ylim...
#' @param xlab x axis label.
#' @param ylab y axis label.
#' @param main main plot title
#' @param frame TRUE by default
#' @param \dots \dots{}
#' @author O. Blarquez
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## In this example we will use the charcoal record of the Lac du Loup (Blarquez et al. 2010)
#' ## Load raw charcoal data in mm^2
#' A=read.csv("http://blarquez.com/public/code/loupchar.csv")
#' C_=A[,6] # charcoal areas
#' P_=A[,1:5] # CmTop, CmBot, AgeTop, AgeBot, Volume
#' ## Calculates charcoal accumulation rate (CHAR, mm2.cm-2.yr-1)
#' CHAR=pretreatment(params=P_,serie=C_,Int=TRUE)
#' plot(CHAR)
#' }
plot.CHAR <- function(x, xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL, frame=TRUE, main=NULL, ...) {

  ## PLOT
  # Values for plotting
  age <- c(matrix(c(x$ageTop, x$ageBot), 2, byrow = TRUE))
  accInit <- rep(x$acc, each = 2)
  ageInt <- c(matrix(c(x$ybpI, x$ybpI + x$yrInterp), 2, byrow = TRUE))
  accInt <- rep(x$accI, each = 2)
  if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(min(na.omit(accInit)), max(na.omit(accInit)))
  if (is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(max(age), min(age))

  # plot
  plot(age, accInit,
    type = "l", col = "grey", ylim = ylim, xlim = xlim, yaxs = "i",
    xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, frame = frame, main=main
  polygon(c(age, age[length(age)]), c(accInit, -1e6), col = "grey")
  lines(age, accInit, type = "l", col = "grey")
  lines(ageInt, accInt, type = "l")
oblarquez/paleofire documentation built on Dec. 29, 2021, 11 a.m.