#' Creating an evaluation dataset for fitting
#' Processes the case data to generate a list of metrics required for different aspects of evaluating model fit
#' @param fitdat Casedata, see ?sgdat for format
#' @param weekdates Two element vector of the start and end weeks of the simulation over which the mdoel will be evaluated over
#' @param unipix Universal pixel lookup table, see ?make.unipix
#' @details returns a list with three elements: i) weekly detialed number of cases per patch,
#' ii) Moran's weights for each pixel (for calculating Morans I)
#' iii) Weekly cumulative total cases
#' @keywords evaluation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sgdat)
#' data(sgpop)
#' sgpop <- pop.process(sgpop, agg = 10)
#' unipix <- make.unipix(sgpop)
#' sgdat <- data.frame(sgdat, patchID = apply(cbind(sgdat[, 3:2]), 1, pix.id.find, unipix))
#' EvalSet <- make.eval.set(sgdat, weekdates = c(40, 92), unipix)
#' summary(EvalSet)
make.eval.set <- function(fitdat, weekdates, unipix){
# 01 Weekly_pixel_detail
eval_list = list()
weekpoints <- (weekdates[1] + 1):weekdates[2]
counter = 1
for(i in weekpoints){
# current week- for spatial autocorrelation eval
sgweek = fitdat[fitdat$Week == i, ]
if(nrow(sgweek) > 0){
cases_patch <- aggregate(sgweek$Number_of_cases, by = list(sgweek$patchID), sum)
cases_patch2 = rep(0, nrow(unipix))
for(k in 1:nrow(cases_patch)){
cases_patch2[cases_patch[k, 1]] = cases_patch[k, 2]
# corresponding week with readjusted start time
cor_week = (i - (weekdates[1])) * 7 +1
# reference evaluation table
eval_tab = data.frame(cases = cases_patch2, day = cor_week, unipix[, c("x", "y")])
} else{eval_tab = NA}
eval_list[[counter]] = eval_tab
counter = counter + 1
# 02 Moran's weighting per pixel
coords = eval_list[[which.max(!is.na(eval_list))]][, c("x", "y")]
radius = 0.04504505 # only interested in spatial correlation out to 5km
pixdists <- as.matrix(dist(coords))
pixdists.inv <- 1 / pixdists
diag(pixdists.inv) <- 0
pixdists.bin <- (pixdists > 0 & pixdists <= radius)
pixdists.inv = pixdists.inv * pixdists.bin
# 03 Cumulative case count by week
casesWeek = rep(NA, length(weekdates[1]:weekdates[2]))
wdvec = weekdates[1]:weekdates[2]
for(i in 1:length(weekdates[1]:weekdates[2])){
casesWeek[i] = sum(fitdat[fitdat$Week == wdvec[i], "Number_of_cases"])
casesWeek = cumsum(casesWeek)
# geenrate return object
rtnlist <- list(eval_list, pixdists.inv, casesWeek)
names(rtnlist) <- c("Weekly_pixel_detail", "Morans_weights", "Week_Cum_cases")
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