Man pages for ococrook/bandle
An R package for the Bayesian analysis of differential subcellular localisation experiments

bandleDifferential localisation experiments using the bandle method
bandle-cppbessel function of the second kind from boost library
bandle-differentiallocalisationCompute differential localisation probabilities from ms-based...
bandle-EFDRCompute the expected False Discovery Rate
bandle-gpCompute GP gradient
bandle-gpfitFit a Gaussian process to spatial proteomics data
bandle-internalsample allocations, probabilities and compute loglikilihoods
bandle-meanOrganelleComputes Organelle means and variances using markers
bandle-packageAn R package for the Bayesian analysis of differential...
bandleParamsInfrastructure to to store and process MCMC results
bandle-plotsinherits StatSratum
bandle-plots-convergenceGenerates a histogram of ranks (a rank plot) for convergence
bandle-plots-probGenerate a violin plot showing the probabilitiy of protein...
bandle-plots-spatialGenerate a PCA plot with smoothed probability contours
bandle-plots-translocationsGenerates a chord diagram or alluvial plot for visualising...
bandle-plots-translocations-tableGenerates a table for visualising changes in localisation...
bandle-predictMake predictions from a bandle analysis
bandle-priorComputes the Kullback-Leibler divergence between Polya-Gamma...
bandle-processprocess bandle results
bandle-simGenerate a dynamic spatial proteomics experiment
gpParamsContainer for GP results
method-mrrobust Mahalanobis distance
ococrook/bandle documentation built on July 13, 2022, 5:54 a.m.