
Defines functions is_fieldbook get_factor get_year get_subregion get_trialtype get_country country_to_iso2 get_trial_metadata get_valid_ids read_onto get_formula get_decimals get_fieldbook fb_xl_hd fb_rd_sb to_name fd_sb_summary

# base_path = "D:\\data\\SASHA"
# all_excel <- file.path(base_path, list.files(base_path, pattern = ".xls" ,recursive = TRUE))

is_fieldbook <- function(file_name){
  ok = FALSE
    ok = all(c("Fieldbook", "General", "Master") %in% readxl::excel_sheets(file_name))  

# smpl <- "D:\\data\\SASHA\\ssp-wa\\2011 data archiving\\Raw data, some analysis\\2011 varietal trials\\VTGHH11AAPokuase.xls"
# n = length(all_excel)
# is_fb = logical(n)
# is_fb <- unlist(lapply(all_excel, is_fieldbook))
# fieldbook_names = all_excel[is_fb]

# is data dictionary the same?

# tbl <- readxl::read_excel(fieldbook_names[1], "Fieldbook")
# library(magrittr)
# dd_ok = logical(length(fieldbook_names))
# nms <- readxl::read_excel(fieldbook_names[1], "Fieldbook") %>% names
# cols <- c(1:8, 15, 22:24, 26:32, 36:48, 52:60, 63:72, 75:86)
# nms = nms[cols]
# for(i in 2:length(fieldbook_names)){
#   nms2 = readxl::read_excel(fieldbook_names[i], "Fieldbook") %>% names
#   nms2 = nms2[cols]
#   dd_ok[i] = all(nms2 %in% nms)
# }
# work_set <- fieldbook_names[dd_ok]
# # exclude those without data
# no_data <- function(file_path){
#   fb <- readxl::read_excel(file_path, "Fieldbook")
#   fb <- fb[, cols]
#   fbv <- fb[24:nrow(fb), 13:ncol(fb)]
#   for(i in 1:ncol(fbv)) fbv[, i] <- as.numeric(fbv[, i])
#   all(is.na(fbv))  
# }
# nd <- lapply(work_set, no_data) %>% unlist
# work_set <- work_set[!nd]
# # exclude those without germplasm names
# no_gpnames <- function(file_path){
#   fb <- readxl::read_excel(file_path, "Fieldbook")
#   fb <- fb[, cols]
#   fbv <- fb[25:nrow(fb), 7]
#   all(is.na(fbv))
# }
# nn <- lapply(work_set, no_gpnames) %>% unlist
# work_set <- work_set[!nn]
# # exclude those with additional variables for the moment
#  x = stringr::str_replace(work_set, "D:\\\\data\\\\", '')
# writeLines(x, con = "work_list.txt")
# # clean list of var-names
# writeLines(nms, con = "work_list_variables.txt")
# # exclude for BTI those that don't have full identifiers
# no_ids <- function(file_path){
#   fb <- readxl::read_excel(file_path, "Fieldbook")
#   fb <- fb[, cols]
#   fbv <- fb[24:nrow(fb), 7]
#   is_letter <- function(s){
#     x <- stringr::str_sub(s, 1, 1) %>% toupper
#     x %in% LETTERS[1:25]
#   }
#   no_ids <- lapply(fbv, is_letter) %>% unlist
#   #print(fbv)
#   #print(no_ids)
#   any(!no_ids)
# }
# ni <- lapply(work_set, no_ids) %>% unlist
# writeLines(work_set[ni], con = "todo_fieldbooks.txt")
# work_set <- work_set[!ni]

# extract list of germplasm 

# check if year and location is present
get_factor <-function(sheet, fac){
  idx <- which(stringr::str_detect(sheet[, 1], fac))
  sheet[idx, 2]

get_year <- function(file_path, sheet){
  m_year = NA
  m_year_c <- get_factor(sheet, "Year") # use as final candidate?
  m_year = m_year_c
  m_year <- stringr::str_replace(m_year, ".000000","")
  # is_sasha_ssa <- function(file_path){
  #   stringr::str_detect(file_path, "ssp-sa")
  # }
  # if ((!is_sasha_ssa(file_path)) ){
  #   bn <- basename(file_path)
  #   m_year <- stringr::str_extract(bn, "[0-9]{2,4}[AB]{0,1}")
  # }
    # try to get it from full path
    dn <- dirname(file_path)
    m_year <- stringr::str_extract(dn, "[0-9]{2,4}[\\sAB]{0,1}")
  if(is.na(m_year)) {
    m_year <- stringr::str_extract(dn, "_[0-9]{2,4}")
    m_year = stringr::str_sub(m_year, 2, 5)
  # if(is.na(m_year)){
  #   m_year = m_year_c # if all else fails
  #   if(is.na(m_year)) m_year = "0000"
  # }
  if(nchar(m_year) == 5){
    m_year = stringr::str_sub(m_year, 1, 4)
  if(nchar(m_year) == 3){
    m_year = paste0("20", stringr::str_sub(m_year, 1, 2))
  m_year <- stringr::str_replace(m_year, ".000000","")

get_subregion <- function(file_path){
  stringr::str_extract(file_path, "ssp-[a-z]{2}")

get_trialtype <- function(file_path, sheet=NULL){
  if(is.null(sheet)) {
    tt = basename(file_path)
  } else {
    tt = get_factor(sheet, "Type of Trial")[1]  
    if(length(tt) == 0) tt = NA
   tt = basename(file_path)
 if(is.na(tt)) return("NN")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "P[Y]{0,1}T")) return("PT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "PYGT")) return("PT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "A[Y]{0,1}T")) return("AT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "[O0]{1}[Y]{0,1}T")) return("OT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "M[Y]{0,1}[L]{0,1}T{0,1}")) return("MT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "[0-9]locations")) return("MT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "LM")) return("MT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "V[Y]{0,1}T")) return("VT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "VAR")) return("VT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "Var")) return("VT")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "UN")) return("UN")
 if(stringr::str_detect(tt, "OFT")) return("OF")  

get_country <- function(file_path, sheet){
  m_country <- get_factor(sheet, "Country") %>% toupper
    if(stringr::str_detect(file_path, "UG")){
      m_country = "UGANDA"
    if(stringr::str_detect(file_path, "MZ")){
      m_country = "MOZAMBIQUE"
    m_country = "NN"

country_to_iso2 <- function(country){
 if(toupper(country) == "UGANDA")  return("UG")
 if(toupper(country) == "MOZAMBIQUE")  return("MZ")  
 if(toupper(country) == "GHANA")  return("GH")    

get_trial_metadata <- function(file_path, write = TRUE){
  sheet <- readxl::read_excel(file_path, "General")
  m_title <- get_factor(sheet, "Title")
  m_country <- get_country(file_path, sheet)
  m_year <- get_year(file_path, sheet)
  m_subregion <- get_subregion(file_path)
  m_trialtype <- get_trialtype(file_path, sheet)
  m_site <- get_factor(sheet, "Site Name")
  if(length(m_site)== 0 | is.na(m_site)  ) {
    m_site = "NN"
  m_contact <- get_factor(sheet, "Scientist")
  if(length(m_contact)== 0 | is.na(m_contact)  ) {
    m_contact = "NN"
  m_iso2 <- country_to_iso2(m_country)
  m_title <- paste0("SPYL", m_trialtype, m_year, "_", m_iso2, "-", m_site)
  out <- paste(basename(file_path), m_title, m_year, m_trialtype, 
        m_country,  m_site, 
        m_contact, sep = ",")
  #nok <- stringr::str_detect(out, "NN")
  if (write) write(out, file = "meta.csv")
  # Derive standard trial ID following "SPYL[TT][YYYY]_[CN]-[SITENAME]
  # Derive standard trial title
  # [Tt] of a [crop] breeding program for yield at [Site] in [Country] in [Year].
  list(old_name = basename(file_path), trial_type = m_trialtype, 
       title = m_title, year = m_year, 
       country = m_country,
       iso2 = m_iso2,
       #subregion = m_subregion, 
       site = m_site, 
       contact = m_contact )
# m_data = lapply(work_set, get_trial_metadata) %>% unlist
# writeLines(work_set[m_data], con="todo2.txt")
# work_set = work_set[!m_data]

get_valid_ids <- function(file_path){
  fb <- readxl::read_excel(file_path, "Fieldbook")
  fb <- fb[, cols]
  fbv <- fb[24:nrow(fb), 7]
  is_cip_number <- function(s){
    ss = stringr::str_extract(s, "CIP[ ]{0,1}[0-9]{6}[\\.]{0,1}[0-9]{0,3}")
    nchar(s) == nchar(ss)
  is_name <- function(s){
    ss = stringr::str_extract(s, "[a-zA-Z ]{3,30}")
    nchar(s) == nchar(ss)
  is_valid_id <- function(id){
    any(is_name(id), is_cip_number(id))
  out = lapply(fbv, is_valid_id) %>% unlist
  x <- unique(fbv[out])
  paste(x, collapse = ", ")

# accs <- lapply(work_set, get_valid_ids) %>% unlist
# accs <- paste(accs, collapse = ", ")
# accs <- stringr::str_split(accs, ", ") %>% unlist %>% sort %>% unique
# accs <- accs[!(accs %in% c("", "LOCAL"))]
# writeLines(accs, con = "valid_accs.txt")

read_onto <- function(file_path){
  readxl::read_excel(file_path, 2)

get_formula <- function(onto){
  onto[!is.na(onto$Formula),"Formula" ]

get_decimals <- function(onto, syn = "Synonym Grueneberg2010"){
  onto[, c(syn, "Decimal places")]

get_fieldbook <- function(file_path, cols = cols, onto = onto){
  fb <- readxl::read_excel(file_path, "Fieldbook", na = c(""))
  fb <- fb[, cols]
  fb <- fb[, -c(1, 9:12)]
  names(fb) <- stringr::str_trim(fb[1, ], "both")
  fbv <- fb[24:nrow(fb), ]
  for(i in 1:ncol(fbv)){
    for(j in 1:nrow(fbv)){
      if(i != 5){
        vv = fbv[j, i] %>% stringr::str_trim("both")
        if(vv %in% c(".", "?", "-", "*")) fbv[j, i] = NA  
  # filter out variables without data:
  all_na <- function(var){
  nas <- lapply(fbv, all_na) %>% unlist %>% as.logical
  fbv <- fbv[, which(!nas)]
  # format all as numerical if possible
    for(i in 1:ncol(fbv)){
      if(i != 5)      fbv[, i] <- as.numeric(fbv[, i])
  # apply formula
  fbv <- apply_formula(fbv, get_formula(onto))
  # apply rounding level according to ontology table
  dp = get_decimals(onto )
  ix = which(names(fbv) %in% dp[,1])
  for(i in 1:length(ix)){
    pl <- dp[dp[, 1] == names(fbv)[ix[i]], 2]
    fbv[, ix[i]] <- round(fbv[, ix[i]], pl )
  # add meta data
# vars <- names(fbv)
# n <- length(work_set)
# vna <- as.data.frame(matrix(FALSE, nrow = n, ncol = length(vars)))
# names(vna) = vars
# for(i in 1:n){
#   vna[i, ] <- get_var_na(work_set[i], vars)
# }

# subregion, year, country, place, file_src, file_new, trial type, contact, ## name, pedigree
# path_onto <- "D:\\projects\\ibp-sweetpotato-traits\\ontology_cip_2015_10_26_short.xlsx"
# onto <- read_onto(path_onto)

#for(i in 1:length(lns)) file.copy(lns[i], file.path("D:","data","SASHA", "wd", basename(lns[i])))
fb_xl_hd <- function(file_path){
  # get fieldbook
  fb <- get_fieldbook(file_path, cols, onto)
  # get_metadata
  md <- get_trial_metadata(file_path, FALSE)
  md$materials = fb$CODE %>% unique %>% sort
  md$variables = names(fb)[7:ncol(fb)]
  # attach meta
  attr(fb, "meta") = md
  # save to rda file
  f_out = file.path(dirname(file_path), paste0(md$title, ".rda"))
  saveRDS(fb, file = f_out)
# lapply(wrk, fb_xl_hd)
# #wrk_rda = wrk
# #wrk_rda = lapply(wrk_rda, stringr::str_replace, ".xls[x]{0,1}", ".rda") %>% unlist
# wrk_rda = list.files("D:/data/SASHA/wd/", ".rda", full.names = TRUE)

# conversion routine to bti 
fb_rd_sb <- function(file_path){
  fb <- readRDS(file_path)
  # header with onotology info
  #fb <- fb[, -("PED1")]
  nms <- names(fb)
  nms <- nms[nms != "PED1"]
  fb = fb[, nms]
  nmv <- which(nms == "CODE") + 1
  nms <- names(fb)[nmv:ncol(fb)]
  names(fb)[nmv:ncol(fb)] <- lapply(nms, get_col_label_by, "Synonym Grueneberg2010", onto) %>% unlist
  # file to csv
  f_out = stringr::str_replace(file_path, ".rda", ".csv")
  write.csv(fb, file = f_out)  
# lapply(wrk_rda, fb_rd_sb)
# trial_labels = list(AT = "Advanced Trial",
#                     OT = "Observation Trial",
#                     PT = "Preliminary Trial",
#                     UN = "Uniformity Trial")

to_name <- function(aname){
  frst <- stringr::str_sub(aname, 1,1)
  trst <- stringr::str_sub(aname, 2, nchar(aname))
  paste0(toupper(frst), tolower(trst))

fd_sb_summary <- function(file_list, f_out){
  line = paste("name", "description", "year", "country", "location", sep=", ")
  write(line, file = f_out, append = FALSE)
  for(i in 1:length(file_list)){
    fb <- readRDS(file_list[i])
    meta <- attr(fb, "meta")
    lbls <- lapply(meta$variables, get_col_label_by, "Grueneberg", onto) %>% unlist
    ttype <- trial_labels[[meta$trial_type]]
    descr = paste0(
      " sweetpotato clones were assayed in this '",ttype,"' of a yield breeding program for ",
      length(meta$variables), " traits at ",meta$site,", ",to_name(meta$country),", ",meta$year, ".") %>% 
    line = paste(meta$title %>% add_quotes_to_text, descr , 
                 meta$year %>% add_quotes_to_text, meta$country %>% add_quotes_to_text, 
                 meta$site %>% add_quotes_to_text, sep=", ")
    write(line, file = f_out, append = TRUE)

#f_out = "D:/data/SASHA/wd/bti_spb_list.csv"

#fd_sb_summary(wrk_rda, f_out)
omarbenites/cropont documentation built on May 24, 2019, 12:54 p.m.