
# These are the Matlab engine API functions.

.MatlabInit =
# Can use /Automation to connect to existing Matlab process. 
function(args = "matlab -nodisplay -nojvm -nosplash")
  e = .Call("RMatlab_init",  paste(args, collapse = " "), PACKAGE = "RMatlab")

  class(e) = c("MatlabEngine", "MatlabInterface")


.MatlabClose =
  if(!inherits(engine, "MatlabEngine"))
    stop(".MatlabClose must be called with a MatlabEngine object")

  .Call("RMatlab_close", engine, PACKAGE = "RMatlab")

.MatlabEval =
function(command, engine = getMatlabInterface())
  .Call("RMatlab_evalString", as.character(command), engine, PACKAGE = "RMatlab")

.MatlabGet =
function(what, engine = getMatlabInterface(), multi = FALSE, .convert = TRUE, where = "base")
  .convert = rep(as.logical(.convert), length = length(what))
  els = .Call("RMatlab_getVariable", as.character(what), as.character(where), 
                .convert, engine, PACKAGE = "RMatlab")

  if(!multi && length(els) == 1)
     els = els[[1]]
     names(els) <- what


.MatlabPut =
function(..., engine = getMatlabInterface(), .values = list(...), where = "base")
  if(length(names(.values)) == 0 || any(names(.values) == ""))
     stop("All elements must have names")

  .Call("RMatlab_setVariable", names(.values), .values, as.character(where), engine, PACKAGE = "RMatlab")

.Matlab =
  # This is the engine form of the .Matlab function call.
  # It uses the workspace to temporarily hold the arguments
  # and the results as named Matlab variables. This is not
  # ideal!
function(funcName, ..., .values = list(...), engine = getMatlabInterface(), 
          .convert = TRUE, .resultNames = 1)

  if(inherits(engine, "MexInterface")) {
    return(.MatlabMexCall(funcName, ..., .values = .values, .resultNames))
   # Use the names in the ... if they are provided
   # as variable names in Matlab workspace. 
   # Those that are provided  are not removed after the call.
   # This allows them to be reused.
   # This is not terrifically  useful in that 
   # we would need to access these in a command
   # .MatlabEval().
  tempVars <- character(0)

  if(length(names(.values)) == 0) 
    w = rep(TRUE, length(.values))
    w = names(.values) == ""

   # Set the names of the arguments that don't have a name
  if(length(w) || any(w)) {
     tempVars <- names(.values)[w] <- paste("r_arg", 1:sum(w), sep = "_")

    # Put these arguments into the Matlab workspace and we
    # will meet them on the other side!
  .MatlabPut(.values = .values, engine = engine)

    # But arrange to remove them when this call is complete.   
    on.exit(.MatlabRemove(tempVars, engine = engine))

    # Now create the Matlab command to evaluate
    # referencing the arguments now in the workspace.

   .resultNames = paste("r_result", 1:.resultNames, sep = "_")

  resultAssign = paste(paste(.resultNames, sep = ", " ), "=")

  cmd = paste(resultAssign, funcName, "(", 
                  paste(names(.values), collapse=", "),
  .MatlabEval(cmd, engine = engine)

   # And now fetch the result.
  if(length(.resultNames)) {
     ans = .MatlabGet(.resultNames, engine = engine, .convert = .convert, multi = length(.resultNames) != 1)

     .MatlabRemove(.resultNames, engine = engine)
  } else

# Methods for accessing the Matlab interpreter via a reference to it.
# e.g. e$foo(), e[["a"]], e["a", "b", "c"] and e["ab"] <- 1:3

"$.MatlabInterface" <-
function(x, name)
     .Matlab(name, ..., engine = x)


"[[.MatlabInterface" <-
function(x, i)
  .MatlabGet(as.character(i), engine = x, multi = FALSE)

"[.MatlabInterface" <-
function(x, i, j, ...)
  els <- sapply(list(...), as.character)
     els <- c(as.character(i), els)
     els <- c(as.character(j), els)  
  .MatlabGet(as.character(els), engine = x, multi = TRUE)

"[<-.MatlabInterface" <-
function(x, i, j, ..., value)
  els <- sapply(list(...), as.character)
     els <- c(as.character(i), els)
     els <- c(as.character(j), els)

  if(length(els) > 1 && !is.list(value) && length(value) != length(els))
    stop("There must be as many variable names as values")

  if(length(els) == 1)
    value = list(value)

  names(value) <- els

  .MatlabPut(engine = x, .values = value,  multi = TRUE)


getMatlabInterface =
 if(exists(".MexInterface", env = globalenv()))
   return(get(".MexInterface", env = globalenv()))



.MatlabRemove =
function(varNames, engine = getMatlabInterface())
  cmd <- paste("clear", paste(varNames, collapse = " "))
  .MatlabEval(cmd, engine = engine)

.REvalString =
function(cmd, .convert = TRUE, env = globalenv())
   eval(parse(text = cmd), env = env)


# Mex interface, i.e. when calling Matlab from R but only when R was started from 
# withhin the Matlab process. In other words, this requires that Matlab was started
# first and the only way we got to call an R function was via a MEX function in Matlab.   

.MatlabMexCall =
# This can only be called if R was called from a MEX file,
# and not if we embed Matlab in R by starting the Matlab engine.
function(funcName, ..., .values = list(...), .nout = 1)

 ans = .Call("RMatlab_invoke", as.character(funcName), .values, as.integer(.nout), PACKAGE = "RMatlab")
 if(missing(.nout) && length(ans) == 1)
   ans = ans[[1]]


# Graphics handles.

getMatlabGraphicsProperty <-
function(property, handle)

  if(!inherits(handle, "MatlabGraphicsHandle"))
    stop("Need a MatlabGraphicsHandle object")
  ans = .Call("RMatlab_mexGetProperty", as.numeric(handle), as.character(property))

  names(ans) <- as.character(property)

setMatlabGraphicsProperty <-
function(value, property, handle)

    stop("value must be a list")

  if(missing(property)) {
    if(length(names(value)) && all(names(value) != ""))
      property = names(value)
      stop("You must supply names for the properties being set")
  if(!inherits(handle, "MatlabGraphicsHandle"))
    stop("Need a MatlabGraphicsHandle object")
  .Call("RMatlab_mexSetProperty", as.numeric(handle), as.character(property), value)

checkMex <-
  # internal
  if(!exists(".MexInterface", env = globalenv()))
    stop("Matlab is not being accessed via the MEX interface")
omegahat/RMatlab documentation built on May 24, 2019, 1:54 p.m.