SchemaType = SOAPType =
# Map a name such as xsd:string or xsd:date to a SchemaType object
function(name, ns = "", nsuri = "", namespaceDefs = list(), counts = numeric(),
obj = new("SchemaTypeReference"), targetNamespace = "") # was SchemaType
# If the name is in the form of namespace:type, split it
# and assign to name and ns separately.
# e.g. xsd:int will become name = "int", ns = "xsd"
name = strsplit(name, ":")[[1]]
if(length(name) == 2) {
ns = name[1]
name = name[2]
} #else if(missing(nsuri))
# nsuri = targetNamespace
# resolve namespace. Check if the nsuri we are passed
# corresponds to that in the name.
# Possibly not as the nsuri comes from the defn of the element
# and the the name comes from the type="name" of the element.
# if we have a non-trivial ns and no nsuri, then resolve the nsuri.
if(missing(nsuri) && length(namespaceDefs)) { #XXX do we want ns != "" && ns != ""
idx = match(ns, names(namespaceDefs))
if( && any(names(namespaceDefs) == ""))
idx = which(names(namespaceDefs) == "")[1]
nsuri = namespaceDefs[[idx]]$uri
####### Should be removed if(!is.character(nsuri))
nsuri = as(nsuri, "character")
#XXXX if we don't know the mapping of xsd (and xsi?) at run time
# let them pass through here!
if(length(nsuri) && ! &&
nsuri %in% c(getXSDSchemaURIs(all = TRUE), "xsd", "")) {
# tmp = paste(ns, name, sep=":")
which = sapply(XMLSchemaTypes, function(x) name == x[["type"]])
if(any(which)) {
i = which(which)[1]
k = XMLSchemaTypes[[ i ]][["soapClass"]]
obj = new(if(!is.null(k)) k else "PrimitiveSchemaType")
# Look for converter. These will convert the value, not the XML node
typeName = names(XMLSchemaTypes)[ i ]
#XXXX generalize this so it is extensible. e.g. add a coerce element to entries in XMLSchemaTypes
if(typeName == "string") typeName = "character"
funName = paste("as", typeName, sep=".")
funName = names(XMLSchemaTypes)[ i ]
obj@toConverter = get(funName)
tmp = XMLSchemaTypes[[ i ]]
obj@Rname = names(XMLSchemaTypes)[ i ]
if(obj@Rname == "string") #XXXX
obj@Rname = "character"
if("from" %in% names(tmp)) {
if(is.character(tmp$from)) {
if(length(tmp$from) > 1) {
tmp$from = get(tmp$from[1], paste("package", tmp$from[2], sep = ":"))
} else
tmp$from = get(tmp$from)
obj@fromConverter = tmp$from
} else {
# Should check that this is referring to the target namespace of the
# document, e.g. targetNamespace and xmlns:[targetNamespace] in the root node
# obj = new("SchemaTypeReference")
obj@name = name
obj@ns = ns
obj@nsuri = nsuri
obj@count = counts
if(length(obj@Rname) == 0) # XXX Do we definitely know this.
obj@Rname = name
if(length(obj@Rname) && obj@Rname == "string")
obj@Rname = name
discardNamespace <-
# utility function that removes the namespace prefix from a string.
# e.g. foo:tagName returns tagName.
# Or gsub("^.*:", "", type)
x = strsplit(str,":")[[1]]
if(length(x) > 1)
ArrayType =
function(elementType, ns = character(), namespaceDefs = list(), obj = new("ArrayType"),
targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
return(parseArrayType(elementType, ns = ns, namespaces = namespaceDefs, obj = obj, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault))
ReservedSlotNames = c("names", "class")
ClassDef =
# Fill in obj with the details of a ClassDefinition or a UnionDefinition
function(name, slotTypes, uris = as.character(rep(NA, length(slotTypes))),
obj = new("ClassDefinition"), targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA, documentation = character())
obj@name = name
if(length(obj@Rname) == 0)
obj@Rname = name
ids = names(slotTypes)
if(length(slotTypes) && any(
# Potentially need a ListOf rather than the element types here.
names(slotTypes)[] = sapply(slotTypes[], getName, compute = TRUE)
obj@slotTypes = slotTypes
# if there is a slot that has no name ("") and it is a sequence
if(any(i <- names(slotTypes) == "")) {
# browser()
i = which(i)
if(length(i) == 1 && is(slotTypes[[i]], "SimpleSequenceType")) {
# def = as(obj, "ExtendedClassDefinition")
def = new("ExtendedClassDefinition")
def@name = obj@name; def@Rname = obj@Rname; def@nsuri = obj@nsuri ; def@ns = obj@ns
def@count = obj@count; def@default = obj@default
def@base = "list"
def@baseType = obj@slotTypes[[i]]
def@slotTypes = obj@slotTypes[-i]
obj = def
if(length(obj@slotTypes)) {
obj@isAttribute = sapply(obj@slotTypes, is, "GenericAttributeType")
names(obj@slotTypes)[obj@isAttribute] = sapply(obj@slotTypes[obj@isAttribute], slot, "name")
obj@documentation = documentation
if(! && (elementFormDefault || elementFormDefault == "qualified"))
obj@uris = rep(as.character(targetNamespace), length(slotTypes))
obj@uris = as(uris, "character")
obj@nsuri = as.character(targetNamespace)
# fix up reserved S4 slot identifiers, e.g. names()
i = match(names(obj@slotTypes), ReservedSlotNames)
names(obj@slotTypes)[!] = toupper(names(obj@slotTypes)[!])
UnionDef =
function(name, slotTypes, uris = as.character(rep(NA, length(slotTypes))), obj = new("UnionDefinition"),
targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
ClassDef(name, slotTypes, uris, obj = obj, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
# For raising typed conditions (errors and warnings)
if(FALSE) {
stop =
function(..., class = character())
e = simpleError(paste(..., collapse = ""))
# class(e) = c(class, class(e))
warning =
function(..., class = character())
e = simpleWarning(paste(..., collapse = ""))
# class(e) = c(class, class(e))
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