#!!!!! See below for version that replaces this
processSchemaTypes =
# This is a different version than in processSchemaTypes.R and is currently experimental (Fri Aug 19 12:43:27 2011)
# The idea is to look at the nodes and split them into schema and just types and the process the
# schema to get SchemaTypes objects and
# XXX Have to handle the case where introduce 2 types for one node. Doesn't happen for <schema> nodes
# so can still do the loop over the other elements
function(node, doc = xmlDoc(node), namespaceDefs = gatherNamespaceDefs(node), createConverters = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
types = NULL, elementFormDefault = TRUE, targetNamespace = findTargetNamespace(node),
substitutionGroups = getSubstitutionGroups(doc), checkCircularTypes = TRUE)
if(xmlName(node) == "schema") {
# what about if nested schema. Shall we flatten the hierarchy?
def = processSchemaNodes(xmlChildren(node), namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
createConverters = createConverters, verbose = verbose,
types = types, elementFormDefault = xmlGetAttr(node, "elementFormDefault", TRUE, function(x) x == "qualified"),
targetNamespace = xmlGetAttr(node, "targetNamespace"))
} else {
ids = names(node)
isSchema = ids %in% c("schema", "import")
tns = sapply(node[isSchema], xmlGetAttr, "targetNamespace")
schema = mapply(function(node, tns)
processSchemaTypes(node, targetNamespace = tns, checkCircularTypes = checkCircularTypes),
node[ names(node) == "schema"], tns)
schema = new("SchemaCollection", schema)
other = processSchemaNodes(node[!isSchema], namespaceDefs, createConverters, verbose, NULL, elementFormDefault,
targetNamespace, substitutionGroups = substitutionGroups)
if(length(other)) {
ns = findTargetNamespace(node)
el = new("SchemaTypes", other, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = ns)
schema[[ ns ]] = el
def = schema
if(FALSE && is(def, "SchemaTypes") && any(w <- sapply(def, is, "SchemaTypes"))) {
co = new("SchemaCollection", def[w])
co[[ findTargetNamespace(node) ]] = new("SchemaTypes", def[ !w ], namespaceDefs = def@namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = def@targetNamespace)
def = co
processSchemaNodes =
function(node, namespaceDefs = gatherNamespaceDefs(node), createConverters = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
types = NULL, elementFormDefault = xmlGetAttr(node, "elementFormDefault", "qualified") == "qualified",
targetNamespace = xmlGetAttr(node, "targetNamespace", as.character(NA)),
substitutionGroups = getSubstitutionGroups(xmlDoc(nodes[[1]])),
nodes = xmlChildren(node), checkCircularTypes = checkCircularTypes)
if(length(nodes) == 0)
ans = vector("list", length(nodes))
names = character(length(ans))
doc = xmlDoc(nodes[[1]])
for(i in seq(along = ans)) {
el = nodes[[i]]
if(inherits(el, c("XMLCommentNode", "XMLInternalCommentNode"))
|| xmlName(el) %in% c("import", "include"))
if(xmlName(el) %in% c("annotation", "schema"))
if(xmlName(el) == "schema") {
# pubmed from NCBI has a <schema><schema targetNamespace="">...
if(xmlSize(el) == 1 && names(el) == "schema")
el = el[[1]]
ns = xmlGetAttr(el, "targetNamespace")
cat("processing (sub) schema", ns, "\n")
qualified = xmlGetAttr(el, "elementFormDefault", NA, function(x) x == "qualified")
#XXX removed the namespaceDefs in the call so we compute them for this schema.
o = processSchemaTypes(el, doc, createConverters = FALSE, verbose = verbose, types = ans,
targetNamespace = ns, elementFormDefault = qualified, checkCircularTypes = checkCircularTypes)
if(!is(o, "SchemaTypes") && !is(o, "SchemaColection"))
o = new("SchemaTypes", o, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs) #, targetNamespace = targetNamespace)
o@elementFormQualified = qualified
if(length(o)) {
ans[[i]] <- o
if(length(ns) || length(ns <- xmlGetAttr(el, "namespace"))) { #??? targetNamespace or namespace?
names[i] <- ns
names(ans) <- names
} else {
n = xmlGetAttr(el, "name", as.character(NA))
cat(i,")", n, " (", xmlName(el), ")\n")
o = processSchemaType(el, substitutionGroups = substitutionGroups,
namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
types = ans, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
if(is(o, "GenericSchemaType")) {
if(is(el, "XMLInternalElementNode"))
o@srcNode = el
} else
cat("not a generic schema type")
if(FALSE && createConverters && is(o, "BasicSchemaType"))
o@fromConverter = createFromXMLConverter(o, ans)
ans[[i]] <- o
names[i] <- n # o@name By using n and not o@name, we avoid the case where we are
# working on a complexType that is returned in o as an Element/LocalElement.
# o@name would then be the name of that element. This happens in pugi_soap_cgi from NIH
# for AnyKeyType which is a <complexType><sequence><element/></sequence></complexType>
names(ans) <- names
if(FALSE && is(o, "Element") && xmlName(el) == "complexType") {
ans[[ length(ans) + 1]] <- o
names[length(names)+1] = n
names(ans) <- names
names(ans) = names
ans = ans[ ! sapply(ans, is.null) ]
s = new("SchemaTypes", ans, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, elementFormQualified = elementFormDefault)
if(!is.null(targetNamespace)) s@targetNamespace = targetNamespace
processSchemaTypes =
function(node, doc = xmlDoc(node), namespaceDefs = gatherNamespaceDefs(node), createConverters = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
types = NULL, elementFormDefault = TRUE, targetNamespace = findTargetNamespace(node),
substitutionGroups = getSubstitutionGroups(doc), checkCircularTypes = TRUE, ...)
schemaNodes = getNodeSet(node, ".//xsd:schema[@targetNamespace]", c(xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"))
els = lapply(schemaNodes, processSchemaNodes, createConverters = createConverters, verbose = verbose, substitutionGroups = substitutionGroups, checkCircularTypes = checkCircularTypes)
names(els) = ids = sapply(schemaNodes, xmlGetAttr, "targetNamespace")
if(is(node, "XMLInternalElementNode") && xmlName(node) == "types" && any(w <- !(names(node) %in% c("text", "schema")))) {
tns = findTargetNamespace(node)
loose = processSchemaNodes(node, nodes = node[w], namespaceDefs = gatherNamespaceDefs(node), targetNamespace = tns,
createConverters = createConverters, verbose = verbose,
substitutionGroups = substitutionGroups, checkCircularTypes = checkCircularTypes)
if(tns %in% names(els))
els[[tns]][names(loose)] = loose
els[[tns]] = loose
if(xmlName(node) == "schema") {
local = processSchemaNodes(node, createConverters = createConverters, verbose = verbose, substitutionGroups = substitutionGroups, checkCircularTypes = checkCircularTypes)
els[[ xmlGetAttr(node, "targetNamespace", length(els) + 1L) ]] = local
if(length(els) > 1)
els = els[c(length(els), 1:(length(els)-1))]
#??? Should we return a SchemaTypes if there is just one. Will fixTypeNames handle just one. (Typically) No need to do it?
ans = new("SchemaCollection", els)
if(checkCircularTypes && length(els) > 0) {
ans@circularDefs = computeCircularDefs(ans, node)
ans = fixTypeNames(ans, ...)
computeCircularDefs =
function(ans, node)
nsDefs = unlist(lapply(ans, function(x) x@namespaceDefs), recursive = FALSE)
names(nsDefs) = sapply(nsDefs, function(x) x$id)
makeCrossRefTypes(findTypeLoops(node, namespaceDefs = nsDefs))
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