findTypeLoops =
# Find circularities in the definitions of the types, e.g.
# when A is defined as having an element of type B
# and B is defined as having an element of type A.
# What about A referring to A?
# This only finds direct cross-references, not via intermediate
# classes. We might implement this in the future.
function(doc, deps = directDependencies(doc, namespaceDefs, ...), namespaceDefs = NULL, ...)
doc = parseSchemaDoc(doc)
# Get the names in the form uri:name for both the names of the types being defined
# and then of their dependencies.
ids = deps$nameURIs
ids = sprintf("%s:%s", names(ids), ids)
dep = lapply(deps[[1]], function(x) sprintf("%s:%s", names(x), x))
names(dep) = ids
# Now loop over each type and return the names of the sub-elements
# which are also names of types being defined at the top-level
elOf = mapply(function(id, dep) intersect(dep, ids), ids, dep)
if(FALSE) {
# make an incidence matrix
g = matrix(0, length(ids), length(ids), dimnames = list(ids, ids))
mapply(function(id, d) g[id, d] <<- g[id, d] + 1, names(elOf), elOf)
# Now let's find the loops by seeing if any of the sub-elements
# are defined so that they also have a sub element which is this one being defined.
loops = mapply(function(id, els) {
if(length(els) > 0)
els[sapply(dep[els], function(x) id %in% x)]
}, names(elOf), elOf)
xloops = loops [ sapply(loops, length) > 0 ]
SchemaNSDefs = c("xs" = "", wsdl = "" )
directDependencies =
# For all the top-level elements in any of the <schema> nodes,
# find which types are used within those types, i.e. the classes/types we will need
# to define these.
# For each of these types, put the URI of the namespace in/for which they are defined
# so we can uniquely identify them if there are two types with the same name.
function(doc, namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(its[[1]]),
targetNamespace = xmlGetAttr(xmlRoot(doc), "targetNamespace")) # have to worry about nested schema
q = "//xs:schema/*[not(local-name() = 'schema') and not(local-name() = 'annotation')] | //wsdl:types/*[not(local-name() = 'schema') and not(local-name() = 'annotation')]"
its = getNodeSet(doc, q, SchemaNSDefs)
# if(is(doc, "XMLInternalElementNode") && xmlName(doc) == "types") {
# # handle the case there are type definitions in <types> ...</types> in a
# }
namespaces = gatherNamespaceDefs(its[[1]])
names(its) = sapply(its, xmlGetAttr, "name")
# end up with a list with each element being a character string containing the names of the elements
# and the names of these elements the URI of the namespace in which they are defined.
deps = lapply(its, function(x) xpathSApply(x, ".//xs:*[@type or @ref]", getSchemaNodeType,
namespaces = SchemaNSDefs["xs"]))
nameURIs = mapply(function(node, id) mapName(id, namespaces, findTargetNamespace(node)),
its, names(its))
names(nameURIs) = sub("^[^.]*\\.", "", names(nameURIs))
# nameURIs is just a character vector of the names of the data type and the names
# on the vector are the namespace URIs.
# Now loop over each data type and look at its dependencies and map these
# deps = lapply(deps, function(x) {
# v = mapply(function(x, ns) {
# mapName(x, namespaces, ,ns)
# }, x, names(x))
# i = !duplicated(unlist(v))
# structure(unlist(v[i]), names = sapply(v[i], names))
# })
deps = lapply(deps, getUniqueTypes)
# nameURIs
list(dependencies = deps, nameURIs = nameURIs)
getUniqueTypes =
i = !duplicated(sprintf("%s:%s", names(x), x))
getSchemaRefNodeType =
ref = xmlGetAttr(node, "ref")
els = getNodeSet(node, sprintf("//xs:*[name = %s]", ref), namespaces = SchemaNSDefs)
getSchemaNodeType =
type = xmlGetAttr(node, "type", xmlGetAttr(node, "ref"))
# if(is.null(type))
# return(getSchemaRefNodeType(node))
el = strsplit(type, ":")[[1]]
if(length(el) == 1)
el = c("", el)
ns = gatherNamespaceDefs(node)
i = match(el[1], names(ns))
if(FALSE && {
stop("NA computed")
structure(el[2], names = if( "" else ns[[i]]$uri)
mapName =
function(id, namespaces, localNs = NA, defaultNS = "")
els = strsplit(id, ":")[[1]]
if(length(els) == 1) {
return(structure(id, names = localNs)) # was defaultNS
els = c(defaultNS, els)
i = match(els[1], names(namespaces))
if( {
stop("Problems matching namespace ", sQuote(els[1]))
ns = localNs
} else
ns = namespaces[[i[1]]]$uri
structure(els[2], names = ns)
makeCrossRefType =
function(els, namespaceDefs = NULL)
els = structure(gsub(".*:(.*)", "\\1", els), names = gsub("(.*):.*", "\\1", els))
ns = names(els)
id = paste(els, collapse = ".")
new("CrossRefType", name = id, subclasses = els, nsuri = ns)
makeCrossRefTypes =
ans = groupCrossRefTypes(deps)
ans = lapply(ans, makeCrossRefType)
names(ans) = sapply(ans, slot, "name")
list(types = ans, crossRefNames = names(deps))
groupCrossRefTypes =
ans = list()
for(i in names(deps)) {
if(i %in% unlist(ans))
ans[[i]] = i
for(j in names(deps)) {
if(!all(j %in% unlist(ans))) {
if(i %in% deps[[j]])
ans[[i]] = c(ans[[i]], j)
lapply(ans, unique)
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