if(FALSE) {
processSchemaTypes =
# Process all the elements in types (hopefully <schema> elements)
# and merge. We may want to keep these as a list indexed by namespace/schema identifier.
# Is this still true?
# Originally, we just processed the first one.
# types = processSchemaTypes(doc[["types"]][[1]], doc)
# We are called with the doc[["types"]] argument
# That should contain a schema. The schema
# can have elements within it (e.g. interop.wsdl) or
# import statements which give other schema, e.g. eutils.wsdl
# or both import statements and new type defintions (e.g. KEGG.wsdl).
# This can be called recursively for sub-schema, i.e. schema defined within the
# <types><schema>...</schema></types>
# This is (initially) called with the top-level <types> which should contain one
# <schema> node and potentially have <import> and <include> nodes within this.
# We will process these recursively.
function(node, doc, namespaceDefs = gatherNamespaceDefs(node), createConverters = FALSE, verbose = FALSE,
types = NULL, elementFormDefault = NA, targetNamespace = NA)
substGroups = getSubstitutionGroups(doc)
# Loop over the children of this node and process each element.
ans = vector("list", xmlSize(node))
names = character(length(ans))
for(i in seq(length = xmlSize(node))) {
el = node[[i]]
if(inherits(el, c("XMLCommentNode", "XMLInternalCommentNode"))
|| xmlName(el) %in% c("import", "include"))
if(xmlName(el) == "annotation")
if(xmlName(el) == "schema") {
# pubmed from NCBI has a <schema><schema targetNamespace="">...
if(xmlSize(el) == 1 && names(el) == "schema")
el = el[[1]]
ns = xmlGetAttr(el, "targetNamespace")
cat("processing (sub) schema", ns, "\n")
qualified = xmlGetAttr(el, "elementFormDefault", NA, function(x) x == "qualified")
#XXX removed the namespaceDefs in the call so we compute them for this schema.
o = processSchemaTypes(el, doc, createConverters = FALSE, verbose = verbose, types = ans,
targetNamespace = ns, elementFormDefault = qualified)
if(!is(o, "SchemaTypes"))
o = new("SchemaTypes", o, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
o@elementFormQualified = qualified
if(length(o)) {
ans[[i]] <- o
if(length(ns) || length(ns <- xmlGetAttr(el, "namespace"))) {
names[i] <- ns
names(ans) <- names
} else {
n = xmlGetAttr(el, "name", as.character(NA))
cat(i,")", n, " (", xmlName(el), ")\n")
o = processSchemaType(el, substitutionGroups = substGroups,
namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
types = ans, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
if(FALSE && createConverters && is(o, "BasicSchemaType"))
o@fromConverter = createFromXMLConverter(o, ans)
ans[[i]] <- o
names[i] <- n # o@name By using n and not o@name, we avoid the case where we are
# working on a complexType that is returned in o as an Element/LocalElement.
# o@name would then be the name of that element. This happens in pugi_soap_cgi from NIH
# for AnyKeyType which is a <complexType><sequence><element/></sequence></complexType>
names(ans) <- names
if(FALSE && is(o, "Element") && xmlName(el) == "complexType") {
ans[[ length(ans) + 1]] <- o
names[length(names)+1] = n
names(ans) <- names
# Fix the names on these types to avoid the schema.
# types = unlist(types, recursive = FALSE)
#names(types) = sapply(types, function(x) x$name)
# types
# if we have a collection of SchemaTypes, turn them into a SchemaTypes object
# and if we have a collection of exclusively SchemaTypes (i.e. separate Schema)
# make a SchemaCollection. In between where we have separate types and
# one or more schemas (containing types), we leave as is for now, i.e. just a list.
if(!any(sapply(ans, inherits, "SchemaTypes")))
ans = new("SchemaTypes", ans, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
else if(all(sapply(ans, inherits, "SchemaTypes"))) {
ans = new("SchemaCollection", ans)
ans = addConverters(ans, ans)
} # end if(FALSE)
function(x, types, ...)
function(x, types, ...) {
lapply(x, addConverters, x)
function(x, types = x, ...) {
lapply(x, createFromXMLConverter, types = types)
function(x, types = x, ...) {
lapply(x, addConverters, types = types)
sQuote =
sprintf("'%s'", x)
# This material relates to XML schema and processing of types defined within
# schema. Ideally, we will separate this into a separate package and use the
# results in different ways, not just for SOAP. And we will provide a more
# extensive framework for dealing with all of the schema details rather than
# the rather limited but common ones supported here.
# See the O'Reilly book XML Schemas by Eric van der Vlist for more information
# on schemas, or look on the Web (e.g. www.xml.com/schemas)
# Priscilla Walmsley's Definitive XML Schema Prentice Hall
# is much better.
# Failed complexType & attribute.
# Assay_molTypeType
# Assembly_currentType
processSchemaType =
# This is intended to create an R description for
# XML Schema nodes that actually define a type.
# This currently deals with a very small subset of XML schema
# specifications. These are the common ones, but more work
# simpleType
# complexType
# complexContent
# sequence
# Fix for
# simpleType with "attribute" child.
# simpleType with restriction.
# Handle <group>
function(type, types, substitutionGroups = NULL, namespaceDefs = list(),
targetNamespace = character(), elementFormDefault = NA, localElements = FALSE)
tmp = NULL
if(inherits(type, c("XMLInternalCommentNode", "XMLComment", "XMLInternalTextNode")) || xmlName(type) == "annotation")
name = xmlGetAttr(type, "name", "")
nsDefs = xmlNamespaceDefinitions(type, simplify = FALSE)
namespaceDefs[ names(nsDefs) ] = nsDefs
if(xmlName(type) == "complexType" && xmlSize(type) == 0)
if(xmlName(type) == "attribute")
return(processAttribute(type, name, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE, types = types))
if(xmlName(type) == "anyAttribute")
if(xmlName(type) == "attributeGroup" && !is.na(xmlGetAttr(type, "ref", NA)))
return(getAttributeGroup(type, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, elementFormDefault))
if(xmlName(type) == "attributeGroup" && is.na(xmlGetAttr(type, "ref", NA)))
return(makeAttributeGroup(type, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace,
substitutionGroups = substitutionGroups,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = localElements))
if(xmlName(type) == "any") #XXX check the namespace
if(xmlName(type) == "group") #XXX check the namespace
return(processGroup(type,types, namespaceDefs, name, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault))
if(xmlName(type) == "sequence")
return(processSequence(type, types, namespaceDefs, name, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault))
if(xmlName(type) == "choice")
return(processChoice(type, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault))
docString = character()
if(xmlSize(type) > 0 && "annotation" == xmlName(type[[1]])) {
# drop the annotation sub-node.
docString = XML:::trim(xmlValue(type[[1]]))
# if dealing with internal nodes.
# xmlChildren(type) = xmlChildren(type)[-1]
# simpleType only and return.
if(xmlName(type) == "element" && !is.na(xmlGetAttr(type, "type", NA)) && xmlSize(type) == 0) {
#XXXX can we just call processSchemaElement and ignore the remainder of this if() body
return(processSchemaElement(type, name, namespaceDefs, types, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = localElements))
} else if(name == "simpleType" || xmlName(type) == "simpleType") {
done = TRUE
if(xmlSize(type) > 0 && xmlName(type[[1]]) == "restriction") { # need to account for the annotation. Removed above.
if(xmlSize(type[[1]]) > 0) {
# check if the base type is a primitive (e.g. a double, ...)
# and take care of the namespace, e.g. xs:double
base = asQName(xmlGetAttr(type[[1]], "base"))
if(!is.na(getRTypeFromSOAP(base[2], asIndex = TRUE))) { #XXX what if no prefix? Make asQName() return a vector of length 2?
#XXXX is this the right thing to do here at all?
if(base[2] == "string") {
def = createRestrictedStringDefinition(type, name)
} else {
# if(xmlGetAttr(type, "name", "") == "NUMBER") browser()
tp = SchemaType(base[2], base[1], counts = getElementCount(type), namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
def = if(length(getNodeSet(type[[1]], "./*"))) { # xmlSize(type[[1]])) {
if(base[2] == "integer") {
vals = xmlSApply(type[[1]], xmlGetAttr, "value", converter = as.integer)
from = function(val) asIntegerSetValue(val, vals, name)
body(from)[[3]] = vals; body(from)[[4]] = name
new("RestrictedSetInteger", name = name, values = vals,
toConverter = function(val) val,
fromConverter = from)
} else
new("EnumValuesDef", name = name, values = xmlSApply(type[[1]], xmlGetAttr, "value"))
} else
new("ExtendedClassDefinition", name = xmlGetAttr(type, "name", as.character(NA)), base = base[2], baseType = tp)
} else
def = createRestrictionType(name, type[[1]], namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, base)
} else {
# e.g. from eBaySvc.wsdl
# <xs:simpleType name="DisputeIDType">
# <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
# </xs:simpleType>
def = new("ExtendedClassDefinition", name = name, base = xmlGetAttr(type[[1]], "base"),
baseType = SchemaType(xmlGetAttr(type[[1]], "base"), namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs))
} else if(xmlSize(type) > 0 && xmlName(type[[1]]) == "list") {
if(xmlSize(type[[1]]) > 0) {
el = processSchemaType(type[[1]][[1]], types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
def = SchemaType(name, counts = getElementCount(type), obj = new("RestrictedListType"), namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
def@elType = el
if(is(el, "EnumValuesDef")) # And is a string
def@elements = el@values
} else if(xmlName(type) == "simpleType" && xmlName(type[[1]]) == "list"){
def = processSimpleList(type[[1]], xmlGetAttr(type, "name", as.character(NA)), namespaceDefs, targetNamespace)
} else
stop("Not sure what to do here with ", xmlName(type))
} else if(xmlName(type[[1]]) == "union") { # kml21.xsd - dateTimeType.
u = type[[1]]
tp = xmlGetAttr(u, "memberTypes", "")
tp = strsplit(tp, "[[:space:]]+")[[1]]
els = lapply(tp, SchemaType, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace)
types = lapply(xmlChildren(u), processSchemaType, types = types, localElements = TRUE,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
# if there is no name, we'll borrow it from the context in which this type is defined.
if(is.null(name) || is.na(name) || name == "" )
name = findNameXML(type[[1]])
stypes = c(types, els)
# now see if we can collapse these down to a common type, e.g. if they are all
# String extensions
if(all(sapply(stypes, function(x) is(x, "SchemaStringType") ||
(is(x, "ExtendedClassDefinition") && is(x@baseType, "SchemaStringType")
&& length(x@slotTypes) == 0))))
def = new("StringTypeUnionDefinition", name = name, slotTypes = stypes, srcNode = type[[1]])
def = new("SimpleTypeUnionDefinition", name = name, slotTypes = stypes, srcNode = type[[1]])
} else
def <- "xsd:string"
if(done) {
if(is(def, "GenericSchemaType"))
def@documentation = docString
if("complexType" %in% names(type) && xmlSize(type[["complexType"]]) == 0) {
return(new("Element", name = name, attributes = lapply(xmlChildren(type)[names(type) == "attribute"],
types = types,
namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault,
localElements = TRUE, nsuri = as.character(targetNamespace)),
type = new("SchemaVoidType"),
nsuri = targetNamespace,
srcNode = type))
} else if(names(type)[1] == "complexType" && names(type[[1]]) == "simpleContent") {
ext = type[[1]][[1]][[1]]
kids = xmlChildren(ext)
attrs = list()
#!!! can use lapply now that we have general call to processSchemaTypes() rather than to different specific functions.
for(i in kids[names(ext) %in% c("attribute", "attributeGroup")])
attrs = c(attrs, processSchemaType(i, types, substitutionGroups, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE))
names(attrs) = sapply(attrs, slot, "name")
#XXX Constant.
ttype = xmlGetAttr(ext, "base", character())
ttype = structure(gsub(".*:", "", ttype), names = lookupNamespace(ttype, ext))
return(new("SimpleElement", name = xmlGetAttr(type, "name", as.character(NA)),
attributes = attrs,
xmlAttrs = as(xmlAttrs(type), "character"),
type = ttype #XXX type should be the extension type
# count = getElementCount(type)
} else if(xmlName(type) %in% c("complexContent", "element")) {
tmp = type
} else if(xmlName(type) == "complexType" && xmlSize(type) == 0) {
#??? What do we do here. See "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ebisearch/service.ebi?wsdl" for example.
return(new("AnySchemaType", name = if(name != "") name else "AnySchemaType"))
} else if(xmlName(type) == "complexType" && xmlName(type[[1]]) == "all") {
tmp = type
} else if(xmlName(type) == "complexType" &&
( (xmlSize(type) == 1 && names(type) == "sequence")
|| ("sequence" %in% names(type) && (all(names(type) %in% c("attribute", "anyAttribute", "annotation", "sequence")))))) {
# compare with condition at #377
# we can just use xmlApply(, processSchemaType) then merge the slotTypes, etc.
if(xmlSize(type) > 1) { # when seq is a SimpleSequenceType, need to do some surgery to add the extra elements.
els = xmlApply(type, processSchemaType, types, substitutionGroups, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, elementFormDefault, localElements)
seq = els[[1]]
if(length(els) == 1) {
seq@documentation = docString
if(!is(seq, "ClassDefinition") && (is(seq, "Element") || is(seq, "SchemaGroupRefType") || is(seq, "SimpleSequenceType")))
seq = new("ClassDefinition", name = name, slotTypes = structure(list(seq), names = computeName(seq))) #XXX fill in the rest.
seq@slotTypes = structure(append(seq@slotTypes, els[-1]),
names = c(names(seq@slotTypes), as.character(sapply(els[-1], function(x) x@name))))
# important we don't do this before putting the seq into the first element of the slot type.
seq@name = name
} else {
# the original version. Doesn't necessarily return a SimpleSequenceType. This can be collapsed, e.g. <sequence><element/></sequence>
seq = processSequence(type[["sequence"]], types, namespaceDefs, name, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
} else if(xmlName(type) == "complexType" && (all(names(type) %in% c("attribute", "anyAttribute", "annotation", "sequence")))) {
# so all attributes
# could merge this with the case below, but for now just get it working.
#browser() # xAL is defined here, PostalServiceElements
kids = xmlChildren(type)[ !xmlSApply(type, function(x) xmlName(x) == "annotation") ]
stypes = lapply(kids, processSchemaType, types, substitutionGroups, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
if(length(name) == 0 || is.na(name))
name = xmlGetAttr(xmlParent(type), "name")
ClassDef(name, stypes, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, documentation = docString)
# new("ClassDefinition", name = name, Rname = name, slotTypes = stypes, documentation = docString,
# isAttribute = rep(TRUE, length(stypes)), nsuri = targetNamespace)
} else if(FALSE && xmlName(type) == 'complexType' && all(names(type) %in% c("attribute", "attributeGroup"))) {
#XXX what about any attributes on the complexType such as mixed="true".
# Just an attribute group within the complexType.
# Make a separate function.
attrs = list()
for(i in xmlChildren(type))
attrs = c(attrs, processSchemaType(i, types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE))
names(attrs) = sapply(attrs, slot, "name")
name = xmlGetAttr(type, "name"),
attributes = attrs,
xmlAttrs = as(xmlAttrs(type), "character")))
} else if(xmlName(type) == "attribute") {
# Case where xmlSize() > 0. But this must be (?)
# a simpleType with a restriction on the type and so would be
# handled in processAttribute(). So this could be simplified.
# XXX is this right ? Think this must be handled by processAttribute() correctly.
# We may have a restriction on the value. e.g. from the pmml schema
# <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
# <xs:simpleType>
# <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
# <xs:enumeration value="int"/>
# <xs:enumeration value="real"/>
# <xs:enumeration value="string"/>
# </xs:restriction>
# </xs:simpleType>
# </xs:attribute>
return(processAttribute(type, name, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE), types = types)
} else
tmp <- type[["complexContent"]]
if(xmlName(type) == "attributeGroup") {
# We'll deal with these when they are referenced.
# We could compute them just once and access that but where do we put them so that we can access them.
# An environment like RGCCTranslationUnit.
} else if(xmlName(type) == "element") {
ans = processSchemaElement(tmp, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, types = types, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
if(is(ans, "Element") && (length(ans@type@name) == 0 || is.na(ans@type@name) || ans@type@name == ""))
ans@type@name = name
ans@documentation = docString
} else if(!is.null(tmp) && !is.null(tmp[["all"]])) {
# Connect this with the other case !is.null(tmp <- type[["all"]]) below.
# a struct-like definition with slots.
a = tmp[["all"]]
# Should we use processSchemaType()
slotTypes = xmlApply(a, function(x) {
# just return the SOAP type. We'll resolve it later.
tt = xmlGetAttr(x, "type")
if(length(tt) == 0) {
tt = xmlGetAttr(x, "ref")
SchemaType(tt, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, counts = getElementCount(a))
names(slotTypes) = xmlSApply(a, getElementName)
def = ClassDef(name, slotTypes, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
} else if(!is.null(tmp) && !is.null(tmp[["extension"]])) {
def = processExtension(tmp, name, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
} else if(!is.null(tmp) && !is.null(tmp[["restriction"]])) {
def = processRestriction(tmp, name, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
} else if(!is.null(tmp <- type[["all"]])) {
# a struct-like definition with slots.
slotTypes = xmlApply(tmp, xmlGetAttr, "type")
names(slotTypes) = xmlSApply(tmp, getElementName) #??? xmlGetAttr, "name")
def = ClassDef(name, slotTypes, new("ArrayClassDefinition"), targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
} else if(!is.null(tmp <- type[["sequence"]])) {
# <complexType><sequence>
# Connect this with the code for the "all" case.
# Need to resolve the type if it is not a primitive.
# XXX also want the minOccurs and maxOccurs
def = SchemaType(name, counts = getElementCount(type), obj = new("SchemaComplexType"), namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
def@xmlAttrs = as(xmlAttrs(type), "character")
def@content = processSequence(tmp, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
# Now process the attributes and attributes group
def@attributes = lapply(xmlChildren(type)[names(type) == "attribute"], processAttribute,
namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE, types = types)
ags = xmlChildren(type)[names(type) == "attributeGroup"]
doc = as(type, "XMLInternalDocument")
for(i in ags) {
attrs = getAttributeGroup(i, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, elementFormDefault, doc = doc)
def@attributes[names(attrs)] = attrs
def = postprocessComplexType(def)
#XXX deal with attribute group.
# Also xs:choice for an element with the <xs:all>
# def = new("SimpleSequenceType", name = name, elType = slotTypes, elementType = slotTypes@name)
# def = ClassDef(name, slotTypes)
# def@count = getElementCount(type)
} else if (xmlName(type) == "choice") {
def = processChoice(type, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
} else if(!is.null(tmp <- type[["choice"]])) {
#XXX type or ref?
# Handle local definitions
# We can either get the names of the references to elemense
# or get the actual types, assuming they have already been
# processed.
# "references-citedType" in ops.wsdl
#XXX the name here comes from the containing element. We can end up with duplicates here.
cname = xmlGetAttr(tmp, "name", "")
if(cname == "") {
cname = sprintf("%s.anon", name)
#XXX was name, not cname. this name doesn't look right. COnflicts with that for type
def = processChoice(tmp, types, namespaceDefs, cname, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
if(xmlSize(type) > 1) {
kids = xmlChildren(type)[-1]
w = sapply(kids, xmlName) != "annotation"
if(any(w)) {
kids = kids[w]
defs = lapply(kids, processSchemaType, types, substitutionGroups, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
defs = do.call(c, defs)
names(defs) = sapply(defs, computeName)
#XXX mege the defs into def, changing the class as necessary.
if(!is(def, "ClassDefinition")) {
def = new("ExtendedClassDefinition", name = name, baseType = def)
def@slotTypes[names(defs)] = defs
} else if(!is.null(tmp <- type[["simpleContent"]])) {
if(xmlName(tmp[[1]]) == "extension") {
# We can call processExtension
def = processExtension(tmp, name, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, elementFormDefault)
} else {
warning("Unhandled code for simpleContent in ", xmlName(type))
def <- NULL
} else if(xmlName(type) == "complexType" &&
xmlSize(type) > 0 && all(xmlSApply(type, xmlName) %in% c("attribute", "anyAttribute", "attributeGroup", "annotation"))) {
#XXX See line 377. This is almost an identical condition. This has no sequence in it.
# ???Can't this be merged with another mechanism to process the children???
w = xmlSApply(type, xmlName) == "attribute"
els = lapply(type[w], processAttribute, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault,
localElements = TRUE, types = types)
w = which(xmlSApply(type, xmlName) == "attributeGroup")
for(k in w) {
tmp = processAttribute(type[[k]], namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE, types = types)
els[names(tmp)] = tmp
name = xmlGetAttr(type, "name")
if(length(name) == 0 || is.na(name))
name = xmlGetAttr(xmlParent(type), "name")
# we used to define the class here directly with new("ClassDefinition")
def = ClassDef(name, slotTypes = structure(els, names = sapply(els, slot, "name")), # names = xmlSApply(type, xmlGetAttr, "name")),
documentation = docString, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault,
uris = targetNamespace)
# def = new("SchemaComplexType", name = name, attributes = els)
# def@xmlAttrs = as(xmlAttrs(type), "character")
#<xs:complexType name="ArrayType" mixed="true">
# <xs:attribute name="n" type="INT-NUMBER" use="optional"/>
# <xs:attribute name="type" use="required">
# <xs:simpleType>
# <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
# <xs:enumeration value="int"/>
# <xs:enumeration value="real"/>
# <xs:enumeration value="string"/>
# </xs:restriction>
# </xs:simpleType>
# </xs:attribute>
# <xs:complexType>
# <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
# <xs:attribute name="optype" type="OPTYPE"/>
# <xs:attribute name="dataType" type="DATATYPE"/>
# </xs:complexType>
} else if(xmlName(type) == "complexType" && (xmlSize(type) == 0 || trim(xmlValue(type)) == "")) {
def = ClassDef(name, list(), targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
# now handle the childen.
kids = dropAnnotationNodes(type)
els = lapply(kids, processSchemaType, types = types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
# if some of these came back as a list, e.g. <attributegroup ref>, then unravel these
w = sapply(els, is.list)
if(all(w) && length(els) == 1)
els = els[[1]]
else if(any(w))
els = do.call(c, els)
def@slotTypes = els
#XXX names?
} else if(xmlName(type) == "all") {
return(xmlSApply(type, processSchemaType, types = types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE))
} else {
warning("Failed to handle node ", name, " of type ", xmlName(type),
if(xmlSize(type) > 0) c(" & ", xmlName(type[[1]])), " in processSchemaType. ",
as(type, "character"),
class = "ProcessSchemaTypeError")
if(is(def, "GenericSchemaType")) {
def@documentation = docString
if(length(def@nsuri) == 0 || is.na(def@nsuri))
def@nsuri = as.character(targetNamespace)
processGroup =
function(node, types, namespaceDefs, name = "", targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
ref = xmlGetAttr(node, "ref")
if(!is.null(ref)) {
els = strsplit(ref, ":")[[1]]
ans = new("SchemaGroupRefType")
} else {
name = xmlGetAttr(node, "name")
els = strsplit(name, ":")[[1]]
ans = new("SchemaGroupType") #, name = els[length(els)], ns = if(length(els) > 1) els[1]) # nsuri
ans@slotTypes = xmlApply(node, processSchemaType, types = types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
ans@count = getElementCount(node)
ans@name = els[length(els)]
if(length(els) > 1) {
i = match(els[1], names(namespaceDefs))
ans@nsuri = namespaceDefs[[i]]$uri
} else {
# if(any(i <- names(namespaceDefs) == ""))
# ans@nsuri = namespaceDefs[[ which(i)[1] ]]$uri
# else
ans@nsuri = targetNamespace
elementToType =
#XXX should we leave this to later processing to make more comprehensive reductions.
function(x) {
if(is(x, "LocalElement")) {
tmp = x@type
tmp@count = x@count
# If there is a non-trivial count, we make this Element into a SimpleSequenceType.
tt = if(length(tmp@count) > 0 && !all(tmp@count == 1) && max(tmp@count) > 1) {
new("SimpleSequenceType", elType = tmp, count = tmp@count, name = as.character("<Anon>"))
} else
x@type = tt
} else
dropAnnotationNodes =
xmlChildren(node)[ !(names(node) %in% c("documentation", "annotation")) & !xmlSApply(node, is, "XMLInternalTextNode") & !xmlSApply(node, is, "XMLInternalCommentNode")]
processChoice =
# process a <choice> element, typically turning it into a UnionDefinition
# but sometimes a SimpleSequenceType.
function(node, types, namespaceDefs, name = "", targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
#??? Can we call processSchemaType instead of getType - Yes
kids = dropAnnotationNodes(node)
slotTypes = lapply(kids, processSchemaType, types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
names(slotTypes) = sapply(kids, getElementName)
# Any Element objects here should be mapped to their type.
# We could keep the element if we had the type adequately resolved at that point.
slotTypes = sapply(slotTypes, elementToType)
# Want to find the namespaces to identify the origin of the definition
# in case of ambiguities and also built-in types.
# If getType resolves the SchemaType, then we
# uris = getTypeNamespace(slotTypes, tmp)
# uris = sapply(slotTypes, function(x) x@nsuri)
uris = as.character(rep(NA, length(slotTypes)))
count = getElementCount(node)
if(length(name) == 0 || is.na(name) || name == "") {
ids = names(slotTypes)
ids[is.na(ids)] = sapply(slotTypes[is.na(ids)], computeName)
name = paste(ids, collapse = "Or")
ans = if(xmlSize(node) == 1)
ClassDef(name, slotTypes[1], uris, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
UnionDef(name, slotTypes, uris)
ans@srcNode = node
if(length(count) > 1 && max(count) > 1)
new("SimpleSequenceType", name = name, count = count, elType = ans, elementType = "<choice>") #XXX
getType =
function(node, types, namespaceDefs = list(), targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
if(xmlName(node) == "sequence") {
processSequence(node, types, namespaceDefs)
} else if(xmlName(node) == "choice") {
processChoice(node, types, namespaceDefs, "", targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault)
} else if(xmlName(node) == "element") {
id = xmlGetAttr(node, "type", xmlGetAttr(node, "ref", as.character(NA)))
lookupType(id, types, namespaceDefs, node = node)
} else
stop("Handle this case in getType for ", xmlName(node))
# Handles an <element name="..."> and <element ref="...">
function(node, keepNS = FALSE, ...)
if(FALSE) {
ans = xmlGetAttr(x, "name")
ref = xmlGetAttr(x, "ref")
if(length(ref)) {
doc = as(node, "XMLInternalDocument")
node = getNodeSet(doc, "//x:*[@name =", sQuote(ref), " or @name =", sQuote(discardNamespace(ref)), "]", "x")
setMethod("getElementName", "ANY",
# And defined differently again!!!
function(node, keepNS = FALSE, ...)
ans = xmlGetAttr(node, "name", xmlGetAttr(node, "ref", if(xmlName(node) == "any") "any" else as.character(NA)))
if(is.na(ans)) {
if(xmlName(node) %in% c("choice", "sequence") ) {
kids = !(xmlSApply(node, xmlName) %in% c("annotation", "documentation"))
ans = paste(sapply(xmlChildren(node)[kids], getElementName, FALSE),
collapse = switch(xmlName(node), sequence = "_", choice = "Or", "_"))
} else
warning("NA from getElementName() for ", saveXML(node))
gsub(".*:", "", ans)
setMethod("getElementName", "AnySchemaType",
# And defined differently again!!!
function(node, keepNS = FALSE, ...)
asCount =
if(x == "unbounded")
getElementCount =
c(min = xmlGetAttr(node, "minOccurs", 1L, as.integer),
max = xmlGetAttr(node, "maxOccurs", 1L, asCount))
processSequence =
# There are two basic kinds of sequences:
# 1) an ordered collection of 1 or more different elements, some optional
# 2) zero or more instances of the same element
# 2) maps to a list in R, but we might need to impose a constraint on the number of entries in the list.
# 1) maps to a class definition. It is a structure, perhaps with missing/NULL/default values for elements.
# There are also choice groups !!!! See SDMX
function(node, types, namespaceDefs = list(), name = getElementName(node), targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
#if(name == "" && xmlGetAttr(xmlParent(node), "name", "") == "i18nNonEmptyStringType") browser()
if(name == "")
name = sprintf("ListOf%s", getElementName(node))
if(xmlSize(node) == 1 && !is.na(xmlGetAttr(node[[1]], "maxOccurs", NA))) {
elType = processSchemaType(node[[1]], types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
count = getElementCount(node[[1]])
#??? We have changed SimpleSequenceType to allow an element or a SchemaType in elType.
if(any(count > 1) ) {
if(is(elType, "Element"))
elType = elType@type
ans = new("SimpleSequenceType", name = name, elType = elType, count = count, srcNode = node)
ans@nsuri = as.character(targetNamespace)
# ??? where should it be - on the sequence or the element(s)
if(is(ans@elType, "SchemaType"))
ans@elType@count = ans@count
if(is(ans@elType, "SchemaType") && all(!is.na(ans@elType@count)) && all(ans@elType@count %in% c(0, 1))) {
# if the sequence has a single element and the minOccurs and maxOccurs are both 1,
# then return just the element.
#XXX have to be careful that we recognize that the content is within the outer node given by name
tmp = ans@elType
} else
ans = elType
# Build a SchemaType for each of the slots.
# ??? Should we use processSchemaType
if(FALSE) {
slotTypes = xmlApply(node, function(x) {
typeName = xmlGetAttr(x, "type", xmlGetAttr(x, "ref"))
nsuri = lookupNamespace(typeName, x),
namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
count = getElementCount(x))
} else {
kids = dropAnnotationNodes(node)
slotTypes = lapply(kids, processSchemaType, types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
names(slotTypes) = ids = as.character(sapply(kids, getElementName))
slotTypes = slotTypes[ ! sapply(slotTypes, is.null) ]
if(length(name) == 0 || is.na(name) || name == "") {
if(any(is.na(ids))) browser() #XXX
name = paste(ids, collapse = ".")
if(TRUE || !is.na(name))
ClassDef(name, slotTypes, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, targetNamespace = targetNamespace)
lookupNamespace =
function(id, node)
els = strsplit(id, ":")[[1]]
if(length(els) > 1)
xmlSearchNs(node, els[1], asPrefix = TRUE)
# Children
# no children - simple element esearch.xsd Count.
# complexType with a sequence egquery.xsd Result
# simpletype
processSchemaElement =
# process a <element> into a SOAP type.
function(element, name = xmlGetAttr(element, "name"), namespaceDefs = list(), types = NULL,
targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA, localElements = FALSE)
#if(length(name) && !is.na(name) && name == "altitude") browser()
#if(length(name) && name == "LookAt") browser()
defaultValue = xmlGetAttr(element, "default", NA_character_) #XXX Immediate character()
attrs = xmlAttrs(element)
count = getElementCount(element)
#if(length(name) && !is.na(name) && name == "row") browser()
if(all(c("name", "type") %in% names(attrs))) {
#XXX test this instead of the remainder of the if() body
#XXX need to process additional attributes such as nillable="true"
ans = getElementRef(xmlGetAttr(element, "type"), element, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, localElements)
ans@default = optionalDefaultValue(ans, defaultValue)
ans@count = count
if(FALSE) {
#??? Why should this always be a SimpleElement.
# e.g. <element name="foo" type="xsd:string"/>
# should map to <foo>
#XXX deal with nillable="true"
els = strsplit(attrs["type"], ":")[[1]]
if(length(els) > 1) {
uri = findNamespaceDefnByPrefix(els[1], element)
ty = els[2]
} else {
uri = getTargetNamespace(element)
ty = els
ans = new("SimpleElement", name = attrs["name"], type = ty, nsuri = uri)
ans@default = optionalDefaultValue(ans, defaultValue)
if(!is.null(ref <- xmlGetAttr(element, "ref"))) {
ans = getElementRef(ref, element, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, localElements)
ans@default = optionalDefaultValue(ans, defaultValue)
ans@count = count
if(xmlSize(element) == 0) {
obj = new("SchemaVoidType") # new("SimpleElement", name = name)
} else if(names(element)[1] == "complexType" && all(names(element[[1]]) == "attribute")) {
#XXXXX See line 362. Very similar code.
# e.g. ParameterField, ArrayType in PMML.
#XXXX what about attributeGroups giving rise to multiple attributes? Is this in resolve()
attrs = xmlApply(element[[1]], processAttribute, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault,
localElements = TRUE, types = types)
names(attrs) = sapply(attrs, slot, "name")
obj = new("SimpleElement", name = xmlGetAttr(element, "name", as.character(NA)),
attributes = attrs,
type = character(), #, count = getElementCount(element)
default = defaultValue)
} else {
# complexType
if(xmlName(element[[1]]) == "complexType") {
#XXX what about if there are additional children and complexType is not the first one!!!!
# should run all the children through processSchemaType.
if(xmlSize(element) > 1)
warning("currently skipping additional children within <element> definition for ", name)
el = element[[1]]
#XXX Forcing the name here. But it doesn't seem to be used so can back this out.
# if(is.null(xmlGetAttr(el, "name")))
# xmlAttrs(el) = c(name = name)
type = processSchemaType(el, types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
type@name = setNameIf(type@name, name)
type@Rname = setNameIf(type@Rname, name)
#XXX Forcing this here. Should be done in processSchemaType()
if(is(type, "ClassDefinition") && any(names(type@slotTypes) == "")) {
names(type@slotTypes) = name # sapply(type@slotTypes, slot, "name")
# type@slotTypes[[1]]@name = type@slotTypes[[1]]@Rname = name
obj = new("Element", name = name, type = type, Rname = name, srcNode = el)
i = xmlSApply(element[[1]], xmlName) == "attribute"
if(any(i)) {
obj@attributes = sapply(xmlChildren(element[[1]])[i], processAttribute, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, types = types)
names(obj@attributes) = sapply(obj@attributes, slot, "name")
# obj@elements = xmlApply(element[[1]], processSchemaType, types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, localElements = TRUE)
} else if(xmlSize(element) == 1) {
#??? for "priority-active-indicator", we end up with EnumValuesDef. Should this be a RestrictedStringDefinition
tp = processSchemaType(element[[1]], types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, localElements = TRUE)
# if(length(tp@name) == 0 || is.na(tp@name))
# tp@name = xmlGetAttr(element, "name", as.character(NA))
obj = new(if(localElements) "LocalElement" else "Element", name = name, type = tp)
} else {
stop("Unhandled case for processSchemaElement!")
obj = NULL
# if(length(targetNamespace) < 1 || is.na(targetNamespace)) stop("hey")
obj@nsuri = as.character(targetNamespace)
obj@default = defaultValue
obj@default = optionalDefaultValue(obj)
obj@Rname = name
obj@count = count
optionalDefaultValue =
function(obj, default = obj@default)
# ensure that if the caller specifies a default, that it is of the expected class for obj.
default = as(default, class(obj@default))
if(is(obj, "SchemaTypeReference"))
if(length(default) && !is.na(default))
if(is(obj, "ClassDefinition") && typeof(default) %in% c("integer", "logical", "character", "numeric"))
if(is(obj, "Element"))
return(optionalDefaultValue(obj@type, default))
if(is(obj, "SchemaType") && length(obj@count) > 0 && 0 %in% obj@count) {
if(is(obj, "SimpleSequenceType"))
else if(is.null(default))
vector(class(default), 0)
} else
getElementRef =
function(id, node, types = NULL, namespaceDefs = list(), targetNamespace = NA, localElements = FALSE)
if(is.na(id) || id == "")
id = xmlGetAttr(node, "name", xmlGetAttr(node, "ref", NA))
els = strsplit(id, ":")[[1]]
if(length(els) == 1)
els = c("", els)
# uri = findNamespaceDefnByPrefix(els[1], node)
uri = NULL
if(is.null(uri) || is.na(uri)) {
i = match(els[1], names(namespaceDefs))
uri = namespaceDefs[[ i ]][["uri"]]
if(is.null(uri) || is.na(uri))
uri = as.character(targetNamespace)
#XXX should be an element reference.
#XXX get the nsuri as the targetNamespace
className = if(localElements) "LocalElement" else "Element"
# if there is no name, but just a ref, don't we want to control how we generate this.
tp = SchemaType(name = els[2], els[1],
nsuri = uri, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs) # new("SchemaTypeReference", name = els[2], nsuri = uri, ns = els[1])
if(FALSE && length(types))
tp = resolve(tp, types)
count = getElementCount(node)
tp@count = count
ans = new(className, name = xmlGetAttr(node, "name", as.character(NA)),
type = tp,
nsuri = as.character(targetNamespace))
ans@default = xmlGetAttr(node, "default", character())
ans@count = getElementCount(node)
# elementToType(ans)
getAttributeGroup =
function(refNode, namespaceDefs = list(), targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA, localElements = FALSE, types = list(),
doc = as(refNode, "XMLInternalDocument"))
#XXX We take off any names space. We should be more careful here if there is more than one namespace.
groupName = discardNamespace( xmlGetAttr(refNode, "ref") )
agroup = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//xs:attributeGroup[@name=", sQuote(groupName), "]"), c(xs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"))
if(length(agroup) == 0) {
# look for the explicit name in case it has a ns:name
agroup = getNodeSet(doc, paste("//xs:attributeGroup[@name=", sQuote(xmlGetAttr(refNode, "ref")), "]"), c(xs = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"))
if(length(agroup) == 0) {
return(new("AttributeGroupReference", name = groupName, optional = isOptional(refNode)))
# stop("Cannot find attribute group named ", sQuote(groupName))
processAttributeGroup(agroup[[1]], namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, elementFormDefault, localElements, types)
processAttributeGroup =
function(node, namespaceDefs = list(), targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA, localElements = FALSE, types = list(), ...)
tmp = sapply(xmlChildren(node)[names(node) == "attribute"], processAttribute, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, ...)
names(tmp) = sapply(tmp, slot, "name")
processAttribute =
function(node, name = xmlGetAttr(node, "name"), type = xmlGetAttr(node, "type", as.character(NA)),
namespaceDefs = character(), targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA, localElements = FALSE, types = list())
if(xmlName(node) == "attributeGroup")
# whoever calls processAttribute has to be able to handle
return(getAttributeGroup(node, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace, elementFormDefault, localElements, types))
ns = character()
if(xmlName(node) == "anyAttribute")
return(new("AnyAttributeDef")) #XXX Namespace
if(!is.null(ref <- xmlGetAttr(node, "ref"))) {
#XXX merge with getAttributeGroup
tmp = getNodeSet(as(node, "XMLInternalDocument"), sprintf("//xsd:schema/xsd:attribute[@name='%s']",
gsub("[a-z0-9]+:", "", ref)),
c(xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"))
if(length(tmp) == 0 && grep(":", ref)) {
els = strsplit(ref, ":")[[1]]
ns = els[1]
ref = els[2]
tmp = getNodeSet(as(node, "XMLInternalDocument"), sprintf("//xsd:schema/xsd:attribute[@name='%s']",
gsub("[a-z0-9]+:", "", ref)),
c(xsd = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"))
if(length(tmp) == 0) {
nsuri = if(length(ns) && !is.na(i <- match(ns, names(namespaceDefs))))
else if(ns == "xml")
return(new("AttributeGroupReference", name = ref, ns = ns, nsuri = nsuri,
optional = isOptional(node))) #, namespace = as(targetNamespace, "character")))
stop("Cannot find attribute reference for ", ref)
node = tmp[[1]]
if(is.na(type) && xmlSize(node)) {
if(xmlName(node[[1]]) == "simpleType" &&
xmlName(node[[1]][[1]]) == "restriction") {
# handle non-string types too in the restriction.
type = processSchemaType(node[[1]], types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
if(is.na(type@name) || type@name == "")
type@name = type@Rname = sprintf("%s.Enum", name)
} else
if(xmlSize(node) > 1 || xmlName(node[[1]]) != "annotation") {
nodeNames = xmlSApply(node, xmlName)
if(setdiff(nodeNames, "annotation") == "simpleType") {
type = processSchemaType(node[["simpleType"]], types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs,
targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault,
localElements = TRUE)
} else
warning("<fixme> Skipping children ", paste(nodeNames, collapse = ", "),
" in <attribute> definition ", xmlGetAttr(node, "name"))
if(is.character(type)) {
type = SchemaType(type, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
type = new("SchemaStringType") # should this be a simple string or a SchemaAnyType.
new("AttributeDef", name = name,
type = type,
use = xmlGetAttr(node, "use", "optional"),
default = xmlGetAttr(node, "default", as.character(NA)),
fixed = xmlGetAttr(node, "fixed", as.character(NA)),
optional = isOptional(node), srcNode = node)
isOptional =
# Determine if the use attribute is set for this XML element
# to optional and not "required".
xmlGetAttr(node, "use", "") == "optional"
getSubstitutionGroups =
# doc = xmlParse("../inst/samples/kml21.xsd")
# g = getSubstitutionGroups(doc)
# by(g, g$group, function(x) x)
# Need to include this information in the class definitions.
# e.g. kml:Geometry is a kml:Geometry and there are
# the following in the substitutionGroup
# name type group
#MultiGeometry kml:MultiGeometryType kml:Geometry
# Point kml:PointType kml:Geometry
# LineString kml:LineStringType kml:Geometry
# LinearRing kml:LinearRingType kml:Geometry
# Polygon kml:PolygonType kml:Geometry
# Model kml:ModelType kml:Geometry
# XXX Check for nesting in groups
groups = getNodeSet(doc, "//*[@substitutionGroup]")
type = sapply(groups, xmlGetAttr, "type", as.character(NA))
data.frame(name = sapply(groups, xmlGetAttr, "name"),
type = type,
group = sapply(groups, xmlGetAttr, "substitutionGroup"))
processExtension =
function(type, name, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
base = xmlGetAttr(type[["extension"]], "base")
# Now get the extensions.
#??? do we need to fix the namespace prefix, e.g. kml:ObjectType
#if(name == "ContainerType") browser()
# baseType = lookupType(base, types, namespaceDefs, node = type)
baseType = NULL
baseType = SchemaType(base, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs) # resolve(base, types, namespaceDefs)
# start with no slot types.
def = ClassDef(name, list(), obj = new("ExtendedClassDefinition"))
def@base = baseType@name
def@baseType = baseType
type = type[[1]]
kids = dropAnnotationNodes(type)
def@slotTypes = lapply(kids, processSchemaType, types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
# if(length(def@slotTypes)
# names(def@slotTypes) = sapply(kids, computeName)
if(length(def@slotTypes) == 1 && is(def@slotTypes[[1]], "ClassDefinition"))
def@slotTypes = def@slotTypes[[1]]@slotTypes
else if(length(def@slotTypes) == 1 && is(def@slotTypes[[1]], "list")) { # corresponds to an <extensions><all></extension>
def@slotTypes = def@slotTypes[[1]]
names(def@slotTypes) = sapply(def@slotTypes, computeName)
} else
names(def@slotTypes) = sapply(kids, getElementName)
lookupType =
# getType is to avoid getting an Element
function(name, types, namespaceDefs = list(), getType = TRUE, node = NULL)
#XXX Deal with distinguishing between elements/references and actual types.
# getType is intended to control whether this happens or not.
id = strsplit(name, ":")[[1]]
if(length(id) == 2) {
i = match(id[1], names(namespaceDefs))
if(is.na(i)) {
if(length(node)) {
u = getTargetNamespace(node)
if(length(u) == 0)
stop("Need to determine URI")
} else
stop("Need to determine URI")
} else
u = namespaceDefs[[i]]$uri
if(u %in% names(types))
igetSchemaType(id[2], types[[u]])
else if(!is.null(node) && id[2] %in% names(types) && length(xmlSearchNs(node, u, asPrefix = FALSE))) {
# See if this is in the current target namespace
igetSchemaType(id[2], types)
} else {
# why do we do this if we already have u
u = xmlSearchNs(node, u, asPrefix = FALSE)
new("SchemaTypeReference", nsuri = u, ns = id[1], name = name)
} else {
igetSchemaType(id, types)
igetSchemaType =
# internal function.
function(name, schema, getType = TRUE)
if(is(schema, "SchemaCollection") && length(schema) == 1)
schema = schema[[1]]
i = match(name, names(schema))
if(sum(!is.na(i)) == 1)
return(schema[[ i[!is.na(i)] ]])
types = schema[!is.na(i)]
w = ! sapply(types, inherits, c("Element", "SchemaTypeReference"))
processRestriction =
# Is this still used. See 462, but perhaps createRestrictionType is more appropriate.
function(type, name, types, namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = NA, elementFormDefault = NA)
# Currently we interpret this as an Array.
# So get the <restriction><attribute> element
# and take the arrayType and ref attribution from that.
# In interop.wsdl, we also have a <sequence> <element> ... node within this restriction.
#cat("dealing with restriction\n");browser()
restriction = type[["restriction"]]
a = restriction[["attribute"]]
if(is.null(a)) {
# See pmml-3-2.xsd and the "row" element.
base = xmlGetAttr(restriction, "base")
if(xmlSize(restriction) > 0) {
def = processSchemaType(restriction, types, namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace,
elementFormDefault = elementFormDefault, localElements = TRUE)
if(is(def, "SchemaComplexType") && is(def@content, "SimpleSequenceType")) #??? perhaps add base is and Array - grepl("(^|:)Array", base)
def = def@content
def@name = name
} else if(xmlName(type) == "complexContent" && !is.null(restriction)) {
def = new("ExtendedClassDefinition", name = name, base = xmlGetAttr(restriction, "base"),
baseType = types[[xmlGetAttr(restriction, "base")]]) # add uris.
} else {
warning("case not handled for ", name, " ", class(type))
#nexml.xsd: DNAMapping
def = NULL
} else {
def = ArrayType(xmlGetAttr(a, "arrayType", addNamespace = FALSE), namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs)
def@name = name
postprocessComplexType =
if(!( is(def@content, "ClassDefinition") || is(def@content, "SimpleSequenceType")))
if(is(def@content, "ClassDefinition")) {
ans = def@content
} else if(is(def@content, "SimpleSequenceType"))
if(FALSE) {
ans = new("ClassDefinition", slotTypes = list(def@content))
ans@documentation = def@documentation
ans@name = def@name
ans@Rname = def@Rname
nslot = length(ans@slotTypes)
ans@isAttribute = c(rep(FALSE, nslot), rep(TRUE, length(def@attributes)))
ans@slotTypes = c(ans@slotTypes, def@attributes)
ans = ClassDef(def@name, c(def@content, def@attributes), targetNamespace = def@nsuri, documentation = def@documentation)
setNameIf =
function(name, other)
if(length(name) == 0 || is.na(name) || name == "")
makeAttributeGroup =
function(node, context, namespaceDefs = list(), targetNamespace = NA, ...)
ans = new("AttributeGroup", name = xmlGetAttr(node, "name"), nsuri = as(targetNamespace, "character"))
nodes = xmlChildren(node)
nodes = nodes[sapply(nodes, xmlName) != "annotation"]
ans@attributes = lapply(nodes, processSchemaType, types = context,
namespaceDefs = namespaceDefs, targetNamespace = targetNamespace, ...)
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